Dinner & Lunch - DC
Shared visions - this page links to many views of Magna Charta with the hope that they will resonate and inspire.
Video and Text To Be Added - Initially we embraced a product Microsoft Silverlight as a program which offered excellent quality with high compression, used at the 2008 Olympics in China and by Netflix. We are in the process of recoding for platforms which can be viewed on smartphones. LLN -
Our history. The Society had a tradition of printing and circulating booklets with meetings. This is a Link to the Program Book from the 40th Anniversary in 1949. Earlier publications may be found using this
Link. The list of meetings is from 1929 to 1956 and the publications from 1931 to 1956.[total 495 Pages]
Thomas R. Moore, Esquire
!999 - Lunch - Dr. Ray Raymond, FRSA, Political Officer of the British Consulate General in NY and Political Advisor to the British Consul and Director General of Trade and Investments
"Ties That Bind: the Anglo-American Relationship Past and Present"
2000 - Mr. Oliver St. C. Franklin, OBE, Honorary British Consul in Philadelphia
2001 Lunch - Arabella Churchill
Link To Text - Letter From President of US, Letter From Mayor of Philadelphia Text of Talk
Professor Dr. Henry Conrad Wurts - "Self determination and economic freedom: a Magna Charta perspective"
Link To Video - Intro to Dean Knight, Lincoln Cathedral
Link To Video - Presentation by Dean Knight, Lincoln Cathedral
Link To Video - Greetings From Linda Watkins - President General DAR
Mr. Tim Guy, DiplAD FCSD FRSA - Planning the Tour of the Lincoln Magna Charta to the US in 2007
Chancellor Lewis L. Neilson, Jr. - "Magna Charta and the Other Charters: Why the 1215 Magna Charta is the most significant"
Francis Webb Neate, Esq. - President International Bar Association (2005 & 2006) _ Chair of the Rule of Law Action Group of the IBA -
"Magna Carta Within the Rule of Law (history of the concept of the rule of Law and the place of Magna Carta in its development).
2010 - Preparation for the 800th Anniversary in 2015

Professor Sir Robert Worcester, KBE, DL "Magna Carta: Foundation of Liberty, Protector of Democracy"
2013 - Ambassador G. Philip Hughes - Senior Director at the White House Writers Group & Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
2016 -
Dr. Emm Barnes Johnstone "The Rule of Law in the Digital Age: harnessing Magna Carta to protect freedoms in a connected world"
Leader of the Magna Carta Project at Royal Holloway, University of London, - Executive Officer Queen Mary University -
2018 - Honorable Brock Bierman - Assistant Administrator, Europe and Eurasia, United States Agency of International Developement -
"Magna Charta as it Transforms Democracy through USAID"
2019 - Hon. Oliver St.C. Franklin OBE
Chancellor Lewis L. Neilson Jr. - Link to presentation Text
Chancellor Lewis L. Neilson Jr. - Link to Reflections on 30 years as Chancellor