National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Lost Member Listings 12/31/97
This is a list of some of the members the Society is trying to locate. If you are aware
of the address of any of these members, please call or write the Society at the telephone
number or address listed on the Home Page. Please use a separate note card or sheet of
paper for each person. Since the Society has not listed a member as deceased unless
specific notice has been received, some of the lost members may be deceased. If you are
aware that any of these members are deceased, please write or call the Society. Thank you
for your assistance.
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- Kaiser, Mrs. Joseph E. (Lola Peyton) (NY)
- Kamm, Mrs. Bertha Fletcher (Bertha Louise Fletcher) (IL)
- Kane, Mrs. George William Jr. (Ellen Coxe Merritt) (NC)
- Kautz, Miss Karen Marie (Karen Marie Kautz) (TX)
- Kavanagh, Mrs. Michael E. (Karen Mosher Steward) (TX)
- Kay, Mrs. Gordon Tully (Anne Lilburn Perkins) (CA)
- Kaylor, Mrs. Walter L. (Lillian Amanda Jamison) (WV)
- Keate, Mrs. J. Raybould (Martha Alice Havenor) (CA)
- Keeble, Mrs. Edwin A. (Alice Erle Beasley) (TN)
- Keefe, Miss Mart Maria Miller (Mart Maria Miller Keefe) (CA)
- Keen, Mrs. George Washington (Dorothy Elizabeth Benson) (MD)
- Keig, Mrs. Gordon (Dana Renee Walter) (AZ)
- Keith, Miss Catherine Douglas (Catherine Douglas Keith) (TN)
- Keith, Mrs. Robert E. (Dorothy Jo Smith) (AL)
- Keller, Miss Virginia Alyne (Virginia Alyne Keller) (NC)
- Keller, Mrs. Ira Elmer (Margaret Turner Higgins) (MD)
- Keller, Mrs. Jane Kirley (Jane Kirley) (IL)
- Keller, Mrs. Kirk Lawson (Lucile Stone Pullen) (AZ)
- Keller, Mrs. Selby Alexander (Frances Smith) (NC)
- Kelley, Mrs. H. Spiller (Effie Branch Bowles) (VA)
- Kelling, Mrs. Edna Dean (Edna Dean) (NY)
- Kellogg, Miss Dorothy Elizabeth (Dorothy Elizabeth Kellogg) (GA)
- Kelly, Mrs. Alice Scruggs (Alice Scruggs) (TN)
- Kelly, Mrs. I. Austin III (Alethia Baird Woods) (NY)
- Kelly, Mrs. John Connally (Anna Mae Evans) (TX)
- Kelsey, Mrs. David John (Janet Daniels Cary) (GA)
- Kemp, Mrs. C. J. Jr. (Barbara Bird) (CA)
- Kendall, Miss Donna Lee (Donna Lee Kendall) (FL)
- Kendrick, Mrs. Tobias J. (English Hammet) (KY)
- Kennedy, Mrs. Gwendolyn Norgress (Gwendolyn Norgress) (SC)
- Kennedy, Mrs. James W. (Maxine Jones) (WV)
- Kenny, Mrs. Thomas A. (Rebekah Louise Collins) (NJ)
- Kent, Miss Mary Louise (Mary Louise Kent) (NY)
- Kent, Mrs. John F. (Helen Elizabeth Dill) (CA)
- Kepp, Mrs. Lowell Jennings (Elizabeth Louise Ellis) (TX)
- Kern, Mrs. Julian F. (Evelyn Ruth Sallade) (DC)
- Kern, Mrs. Nina Dorrance (Nina Dorrance) (CA)
- Kerney, Mrs. Gary R. (Mary Elizabeth Clark) (LA)
- Kerns, Mrs. Bryan A. (Thelma Tomlinson) (CA)
- Kerr, Miss Avery Elizabeth (Avery Elizabeth Kerr) (NC)
- Kerr, Miss Joan Hicks (Joan Hicks Kerr) (VA)
- Kerr, Mrs. Hugh H. (Mary Bevine Jones) (VA)
- Kerr, Mrs. Robert K. (Francella Elizabeth Craven) (NC)
- Kershner, Miss Ruth Setson (Ruth Setson Kershner) (IA)
- Kessner, Mrs. Downey W. (Amanda Payton) (IN)
- Ketteringham, Mrs. George Vincent (Mildred Lee Taylor) (FL)
- Key, Mrs. Leonard Owen (Anne Lacy) (VA)
- Key, Mrs. Scott Walker Jr. (Lucile Brewer) (CO)
- Key, Mrs. W. F. Jr. (Alma Caroline Geren) (TX)
- Keyser, Mrs. Herman J. (Mary Clemetine Penrose) (PA)
- Kidd, Mrs. Paul Herman (Elizabeth Lin Hill) (AL)
- Kidd, Mrs. William Christopher (Dorothea Gautier Poff) (WV)
- Kidwell, Miss Marguerite Elaine (Marguerite Elaine Kidwell) (TX)
- Killen, Mrs. Rosemary Cook (Rosemary Margaret Cook) (AZ)
- Kimbro, Mrs. Walter T. (Anita Joan Merritt) (FL)
- Kindel, Mrs. Charles J. (Jessie Maclear) (MI)
- Kindig, Miss Susan Elizabeth (Susan Elizabeth Kindig) (CO)
- King, Miss Boyd Garris (Boyd Garris King) (NC)
- King, Miss Cynthia Pride (Cynthia Pride King) (PA)
- King, Miss Mollye Kay (Mollye Kay King) (TX)
- King, Miss Sallie Anna (Sallie Anna King) (VA)
- King, Mrs. Geraldine (Geraldine King) (CA)
- King, Mrs. Henry Hanes (Anna Linville Younger) (VA)
- King, Mrs. Jean Myriel (Ruth Perkins) (LA)
- King, Mrs. Ruth Gans (Ruth Ann Gans) (PA)
- Kingsley, Mrs. George Archibald (Mary Chamberlain) (OR)
- Kingston, Mrs. Robert E. (Claro Talley Drevenstedt) (SC)
- Kinninger, Dr. Alice C. (Alice Corpe) (CA)
- Kiper, Mrs. Richard Lawrence Jr. (Gladys Diane Halley) (CA)
- Kirkbride, Mrs. Earl R. (Beatrice Bidwell Hedley) (PA)
- Kirkhuff, Miss Hazel Mindwell (Hazel Mindwell Kirkhuff) (FL)
- Kirkpatrick, Miss Kathleen Marie (Kathleen Marie Kirkpatrick) (OH)
- Kirkpatrick, Mrs. William Edward (Carole Grace Aiken) (OH)
- Kirley, Mrs. Frank Jr. (Dorothy Helen Weston) (IL)
- Kistler, Miss Margaret Nancy (Margaret Nancy Kistler) (CO)
- Kistler, Mrs. Erle O. (Margaret Blackmer) (CO)
- Kitchin, Mrs. Joseph H. (Mary Agnes Cole) (FL)
- Kittredge, Mrs. George (Esther Wilmer Drayton) (FL)
- Kittredge, Mrs. Mary Teter (Mary Charlene Teter) (MI)
- Kittrell, Mrs. Patricia Scrimshire (Patricia Jeanne Scrimshire) (TX)
- Klein, Miss Anina Dunbar (Anina Dunbar Klein) (MA)
- Klein, Miss Barbara Ingelong (Barbara Ingelong Klein) (NY)
- Klein, Mrs. Joseph Donald (Betty Anne Steider) (CA)
- Klein, Mrs. William Stacy (Helen Alden Smith) (CA)
- Kleykamp, Mrs. Montine Black (Montine Suzanne Black) (CA)
- Kline, Miss Ruth Elizabeth (Ruth Elizabeth Kline) (FL)
- Klingaman, Mrs. C. William (Patricia Ann Panton) (FL)
- Klomen, Mrs. Jane Geissbuhler (Jane Alice Geissbuhler) (OH)
- Klous, Mrs. David Donald (Mary Louise Morgan) (VA)
- Klusmeyer, Mrs. Louis C. (Alice Margaret Musch) (IL)
- Knaphurst, Mrs. Harry (Eleanor Edith Dodge) (IL)
- Knapp, Mrs. Robert A. (Barbara Jean Buchan) (OH)
- Knight, Miss Elizabeth Montague (Elizabeth Montague Knight) (TN)
- Knight, Miss Jennifer Lynn (Jennifer Lynn Knight) (VA)
- Knight, Miss Tracy Westmoreland (Tracy Westmoreland Knight) (GA)
- Knight, Mrs. Louis Aston (Carolyn Ridgeway Brewster) (NY)
- Knight, Mrs. Nellye (Nellye Hawkins) (NC)
- Knight, Mrs. Robert A. (Letitia Joy Smith) (ME)
- Knight, Mrs. Robert Milton (Sarah Edna Thomas) (VA)
- Knorr, Mrs. Martin J. (Pauline Richardson) (NY)
- Knott, Mrs. Charles Lee (Martha Elizabeth Griggs) (MS)
- Knott, Mrs. W. Allen (Louise Faulkner) (NC)
- Knotts, Mrs. Daniel (Dorothy Ann Evans) (KY)
- Knowles, Mrs. Mahlon Bunting (Elizabeth Lansing) (PA)
- Knowles, Mrs. Phillip Hartley (Blanche Gladys Mayers) (CT)
- Knox, Mrs. Harold (Virginia Belle Evans) (KY)
- Knutson, Mrs. Maynard (Audrey McMillen) (TX)
- Kobbe, Mrs. Eric (Mitzi Ann Hanson) (CA)
- Koehler, Mrs. George Ehs (Wilma Munday) (MO)
- Koeppel, Mrs. Harry S. (Eula Jean Griffin) (VA)
- Kolb, Mrs. Kenneth E. (Barbara Elaine McWhorter) (MD)
- Koncel, Mrs. E. James (Anna Diltz Holton) (KY)
- Koonce, Miss Lucy Athalia (Lucy Athalia Koonce) (NC)
- Koppelman, Mrs. Walter Jr. (Barbara Rouse May Tschudi) (MD)
- Kopping, Mrs. Elizabeth Sykes (Elizabeth Marshall Sykes) (CA)
- Kothe, Miss Julia Shubrick (Julia Shubrick Kothe) (IL)
- Kothe, Mrs. Herman William (Julia Nobel Shubrick) (IN)
- Kovacic, Mrs. Joseph (Nancy Gertrude Manley) (KY)
- Kraich, Mrs. William B. (Nellie May Howe) (FL)
- Kranz, Miss Betty Jane Maggianetty (Betty Jane Maggianetty Kranz) (OH)
- Krauss, Miss Sally Louise (Sally Louise Krauss) (IL)
- Krauss, Mrs. Samuel George (Louise Thompson) (PA)
- Kreidler, Mrs. William Hastings (Virginia Livingston) (OH)
- Kremer, Miss Kim Elizabeth (Kim Elizabeth Kremer) (NY)
- Kremer, Mrs. Raymond Howard (Eleanor Ellis Kramer) (FL)
- Kreutzberg, Mrs. Robert C. (Agnes Crause Dungan) (OH)
- Krippel, Mrs. Joseph W. Jr. (Judith L. Thompson) (IL)
- Kroeck, Miss Margaret Louise (Margaret Louise Kroeck) (IL)
- Kroeck, Mrs. Otto H. (Alberta Emma Cornelia Munson) (IL)
- Kroll, Mrs. Don (Carol Ann Wilhelmi) (OH)
- Krombholz, Mrs. Herbert Lee (Mary Gorham Creveling) (OH)
- Krout, Miss Helen Lovina (Helen Lovina Krout) (OH)
- Kruger, Mrs. Charles K. (Alma Bromley) (NJ)
- Krystal, Mrs. Nema (Nema Krystal) (CA)
- Kuhn, Miss Virginia Florence (Virginia Florence Kuhn) (WV)
- Kummer, Mrs. Ernest (June Lombard Richardson) (WA)
- Kurlander, Mrs. Harold (Fannie Evans Snow) (KS)
- Kurtz, Mrs. Alvin Agee (Virginia Dean Beall) (CA)
- Kuttler, Miss Kathleen Joanne (Kathleen Joanne Kuttler) (TX)
- Kuttler, Mrs. Abner Kenneth (Susan Alice Latimer) (TX)
- Kutz, Miss Mabel Levan (Mabel Levan Kutz) (OH)
- LaLonde, Mrs. Harold Julian (Mary Margaret Steck) (MO)
- LaMotte, Miss Irene Fannine (Irene Fannine LaMotte) (GA)
- LaMotte, Mrs. Charles M. (Effie Woods) (GA)
- Ladd, Miss Francis Wood (Francis Wood Ladd) (OR)
- Ladd, Mrs. William Mead (Mary Lyman Andrews) (OR)
- Lafferty, Mrs. Marion (Marion Ellis Kingery) (MO)
- Laine, Mrs. Neil E. (Velda Marie Cochran) (KS)
- Lainson, Mrs. Clarence R. (Dorothy Alice Sherman) (IL)
- Laird, Mrs. Lee (Zelva Compton) (TX)
- Lake, Dr. Mary Louise (Mary Louise Dickenson) (FL)
- Lamb, Miss Emily Anne (Emily Anne Lamb) (IL)
- Lamb, Miss Patricia Ann (Patricia Ann Lamb) (TX)
- Lamb, Miss Rebecca Lynn (Rebecca Lynn Lamb) (TX)
- Lamb, Miss Susan Bunting (Susan Bunting Lamb) (PA)
- Lamb, Mrs. Bronson Edmundson (Mary Nadia Richardson) (FL)
- Lamb, Mrs. Daniel Gaines (Evadine Turner) (NC)
- Lamb, Mrs. Herschel Albert (Annetta Jean Hurt) (IL)
- Lambert, Miss Barbara Elizabeth (Barbara Elizabeth Lambert) (CT)
- Lambert, Mrs. Jerome D. (Leira Lucille Jones) (FL)
- Lambert, Mrs. Lynn Grattan (Lynn Roller Grattan) (VA)
- Lambright, Mrs. W. Henry (Nancy Greeley Turner) (TN)
- Lammers, Miss Gertrude Risdon (Gertrude Risdon Lammers) (IL)
- Lamond, Mrs. John D. (Ethel Hill DeGroot) (NJ)
- Lancrain, Mrs. George Charles (Jeanne Jewell Gruwell) (CA)
- Land, Miss Jeri (Jeri Land) (AR)
- Land, Mrs. Max E. (Gertrude Taylor) (TX)
- Land, Mrs. Wilson (Eleanor Randolph Thomas) (NC)
- Landrum, Mrs. Richard H. (Elizabeth Gardner Huidekoper) (FL)
- Landy, Miss Mildred Bonham (Mildred Bonham Landy) (TX)
- Lane, Miss Eleanor Sanders (Eleanor Sanders Lane) (KY)
- Lane, Miss Frances Caroline (Frances Caroline Lane) (VA)
- Lane, Mrs. Alfred E. (Anna Kathleen Kelley) (WA)
- Lane, Mrs. Benjamin L. (Louise Platt) (FL)
- Lane, Mrs. Harry H. (Imogene Hawks) (VA)
- Lang, Miss Candice DuBignon (Candice DuBignon Lang) (FL)
- Lang, Miss Cheryl Lynn (Cheryl Lynn Lang) (PA)
- Lang, Mrs. Oliver Paul (Margaret Parry) (PA)
- Lang, Mrs. Speed (Cynthia Margaret Speed) (FL)
- Langdale, Mrs. John Wesley (Margaret Jones) (GA)
- Langham, Mrs. Charles Markham (Dorothy Stevens) (FL)
- Langley, Mrs. Thelma Ruth (Thelma Ruth Coleman) (GA)
- Lanham, Mrs. Buford Monroe (Willye Riley Quisenberry) (KS)
- Lankford, Mrs. Floyd Jr. (Corrie Mullikin Clagett) (MD)
- Lanphier, Mrs. Kenneth (Almetta Joy Beashers) (TX)
- Lansdale, Mrs. Louise Mulligan (Louise Ransdell Mulligan) (RI)
- Lanterman, Mrs. William M. (Delinda E. Stoll) (NJ)
- Larkin, Mrs. Robert Francis (Marjorie Deane Boyd) (GA)
- Larsen, Miss Margaret Louise (Margaret Louise Larsen) (OH)
- Larsen, Mrs. W. B. (Louise Naff) (LA)
- Larson, Mrs. Lewis A. (Elouise Baker) (OH)
- Larson, Mrs. Norman C. (Ann Newton Thompsn) (PA)
- Laseter, Mrs. Neilson (Mary Winston) (AL)
- Latimer, Mrs. John B. (Jessie Lee Ramsower) (TX)
- Lauten, Mrs. Steven (Jane Bivian Wright) (AL)
- Lauten, Mrs. William Tatum Sr. (Susie Hunter Johnson) (NC)
- Lavender, Mrs. M. D. (Donna LaFrancis) (NY)
- Laverty, Miss Ann Kathryn (Ann Kathryn Laverty) (NM)
- Lawler, Miss Jill (Jill Lawler) (VA)
- Lawler, Mrs. Leo G. (Hazel Marie Potter) (VA)
- Lawler, Mrs. Marion Russell (Mildred Fielding) (TX)
- Lawrence, Mrs. Bruce Ritchie (Bruce Gordon Ritchie) (VA)
- Lawrence, Mrs. Lee (Dorothy Jones) (LA)
- Lawrence, Mrs. Roland Hall (Margaret Dibble Gear) (IL)
- Lawson, Miss Jeanne (Jeanne Lawson) (PA)
- Lawson, Miss Patricia (Patricia Lawson) (OK)
- Lawson, Mrs. Harold W. Jr. (Clara Eleanor Rex) (PA)
- Lawton, Mrs. Joseph H. (Doris Hillman) (GA)
- Lawton, Mrs. Thomas Kirk (Margaret Jenkins) (SC)
- LeSueur, Mrs. R. Lawton (Bessie Gardiner Johnson) (GA)
- Leadbetter, Miss Ellen (Ellen Leadbetter) (WA)
- Leaper, Mrs. Percy Faraday (Mary Alice Waldorf Cooke) (DE)
- Leath, Mrs. Jimmie Erskine (Turla Ann Bates) (TX)
- Leathers, Miss Karen Elaine (Karen Elaine Leathers) (TN)
- Leathers, Mrs. Ramsey Bartbell (Ardis Maurine) (TN)
- Leddy, Miss Ellen Ann (Ellen Ann Leddy) (TX)
- Leddy, Mrs. Hollis H. (Nancy Drake) (TX)
- Lednum, Miss Mary Gladys (Mary Gladys Lednum) (MD)
- Lee, Miss Barbara (Barbara Lee) (KS)
- Lee, Miss Charlotte Rebecca (Charlotte Rebecca Lee) (GA)
- Lee, Miss Doreen Michele (Doreen Michele Lee) (CT)
- Lee, Miss Karen Anne (Karen Anne Lee) (VA)
- Lee, Miss Mahla Elizabeth (Mahla Elizabeth Lee) (GA)
- Lee, Mrs. Bernard J. (Eleanor Strout) (CT)
- Lee, Mrs. John Emmanuel (Barbara Kay Shreck) (KS)
- Leeke, Miss Sheryl Marie (Sheryl Marie Leeke) (TN)
- Leeke, Mrs. Charles Malcolm Sr. (Mary Margaret Thom) (TN)
- Leffler, Miss May Martin (May Martin Leffler) (NC)
- Lehman, Mrs. Eric M. (Dorothy W. Miller) (PA)
- Lehman, Mrs. William Emerson (Mabel Virginia Lewis) (KY)
- Leigh, Mrs. Charles W. Jr. (Nancy Doom) (TX)
- Lemon, Mrs. George M. (Mildred Elizabeth Hardy) (WA)
- Lent, Mrs. George Freeman (Mary Winn Rentz) (SC)
- Lent, Mrs. John Franklin (Minnie Mae Murphy) (LA)
- Leonard, Miss Susan W. (Susan W. Leonard) (KY)
- Leonard, Mrs. James Burke (Charlotte Irene Peterson) (CA)
- Leonard, Mrs. Robert Patrick Jr. (Virginia Lee Dixon) (DE)
- Lepore, Mrs. John (Marcia Weems) (MS)
- Lescure, Mrs. William J. Jr. (Virginia Irving Spence) (DC)
- Leslie, Mrs. John Woodworth (Elizabeth Orvis Allen) (OH)
- Lester, Miss Grace Elizabeth (Grace Elizabeth Lester) (NY)
- Lester, Mrs. Robert MacDonald (Memory Lee Aldridge) (NC)
- Levis, Mrs. Russell Tyng (Ottilie Morris) (PA)
- Lewis, Miss Joan Avery (Joan Avery Lewis) (CT)
- Lewis, Mrs. Arthur Stuart (Jessymin Thurman) (MO)
- Lewis, Mrs. Charles Francisco (Abbie Laura Hyde) (CA)
- Lewis, Mrs. Charles William (Gladys Whitaker Butts) (NJ)
- Lewis, Mrs. Craig (Karen Elizabeth Kerns) (NY)
- Lewis, Mrs. George F. (Marcia Jean Krehbiel) (CO)
- Lewis, Mrs. George Hill Jr. (Marian Aylett Oliver) (NJ)
- Lewis, Mrs. Leroy Moody (Louise Victoria Warfield Hook) (PA)
- Lewis, Mrs. Thomas H. (Elizabeth Steptoe) (NY)
- Lewis, Mrs. W. L. (Elizabeth Woodson Speight) (NC)
- Lewis, Mrs. W. William (Eva Alene Hull) (OR)
- Lewis, Mrs. Wilbur Barkley (Nora Slade Screven) (AL)
- Leyden, Mrs. Edward A. (Katherine Church Waterman) (CA)
- Libby, Mrs. Hollis W. (Ruth Gurnes) (OR)
- Lichtenwald, Mrs. Irvin Henry (Jean Anne Savage) (MI)
- Lide, Miss Harriet Alexander (Harriet Alexander Lide) (CA)
- Lide, Miss Rebecca Worth (Rebecca Worth Lide) (CA)
- Lightburne, Mrs. Stafford (Tera May Sparkman) (TX)
- Lilly, Mrs. Ralph A. (Hazel Ranson) (MI)
- Lindley, Miss Bettie Gail (Bettie Gail Lindley) (NY)
- Lindner, Mrs. Richard W. (Barbara Ann Wyman) (MI)
- Lindsay, Miss Marian Watson (Marian Watson Lindsay) (KY)
- Lindsay, Miss Susan Spencer (Susan Spencer Lindsay) (VA)
- Lindsay, Mrs. James Reuben (Joicey Edna Haw) (VA)
- Lindsey, Mrs. Rowland G. (Carrie Moles) (VA)
- Link, Mrs. Arthur Langley (Jassica Marie Nisbet) (NH)
- Linson, Mrs. John C. (Kay Gilbert) (IN)
- Linville, Mrs. Clyde Warren (Blanche Mary Rumer) (CA)
- Lipman, Mrs. I. Albert (Mildred Gorham) (CT)
- Lippincott, Mrs. Joseph Wharton Jr. (Josephine Drexel Henry) (NY)
- Lipscomb, Mrs. Thomson (Lesley Mary Logan) (VA)
- Lissack, Mrs. Ormond Mitchell (Caroline Pryor Baker) (CA)
- Lithco, Mrs. W. C. (Amanda Vick Robbins) (TX)
- Lithgow, Miss Margaret (Margaret Lithgow) (IL)
- Little, Mrs. F. Allen (Mittie Sue Nimmons) (SC)
- Little, Mrs. Robert Corwin (Katherine Mabel Perry) (CA)
- Littlewood, Mrs. Douglas B. (Jevene Hope Baker) (NY)
- Lively, Mrs. John Talmadge (Frances Jeanette Burney) (GA)
- Lively, Mrs. Ruth Hunter (Ruth Ann Hunter) (TX)
- Livingston, Mrs. Nell Hawkins (Nell Hawkins) (FL)
- Livingstone, Mrs. Courtenay Robbins (Blanche Maude Harrison) (VA)
- Lloyd, Miss Nancy (Nancy Lloyd) (WA)
- Load, Mrs. Douglas (Pruda Louise Young) (MN)
- Lockett, Mrs. Edna Pearce (Edna Pearce) (FL)
- Lockwood, Miss Emma Habicht (Emma Habicht Lockwood) (MA)
- Loftin, Miss Emily Louise (Emily Louise Loftin) (NC)
- Loftus, Mrs. H. A. (Lorene O'Donohoe) (TX)
- Logan, Mrs. Dulaney (Helen Hamilton Lewis) (KY)
- Logan, Mrs. John Robert (Nancy Jane Smith) (TX)
- Logan, Mrs. Robert Oscar (Viola Lorraine Terzenbach) (CA)
- Lome, Mrs. Courtland Rice (Constance Jones) (FL)
- Long, Miss Kathryn Daniel (Kathryn Daniel Long) (TX)
- Long, Mrs. Catherine Smith (Catherine Smith) (NC)
- Long, Mrs. Donald M. (Mary Gwynne Gunn) (FL)
- Long, Mrs. Salome Gay (Salome Irene Gay) (TX)
- Long, Mrs. William Robert Jr. (Elizabeth Baker) (TX)
- Longcope, Mrs. Edmund McLeod (Louise Basil Sykes) (TX)
- Longstreth, Mrs. Thaddeus (Lucy Washington Norton) (NJ)
- Longstreth, Mrs. William Church (Laura Lloyd Nelson) (PA)
- Looman, Mrs. Donald (Kathleen Driscoll Roche) (CA)
- Loop, Miss Caroline Marie (Caroline Marie Loop) (NC)
- Loop, Mrs. Carlos Arbra (Lucile Huff Harnsberger) (NC)
- Lopkoff, Mrs. Alexander Jr. (Carolyn Whitney White) (PA)
- Losey, Mrs. George (Alix Bettison Colby) (FL)
- Lott, Miss Mary Alexandra (Mary Alexandra Lott) (CA)
- Lott, Miss Stephnie Lynn (Stephanie Lynn Lott) (GA)
- Love, Miss Margaret B. (Margaret B. Love) (NC)
- Love, Mrs. Ann Byrd (Ann Byrd Pafford) (FL)
- Lovejoy, Mrs. Peter Whitcomb (Joyce Estelle Conant) (MA)
- Loveland, Mrs. Horace Becker (Eliza Miller Deane) (TX)
- Lovell, Mrs. Arthur (Gertrude Corwin Anderson) (NJ)
- Lovett, Mrs. Horace Claude (Carrabel Vivian Mobley) (SC)
- Loving, Miss Michelle Rene (Michelle Rene Loving) (OK)
- Loving, Mrs. Harry E. (Margaret Grizzell) (TX)
- Lowery, Mrs. Dan E. (Diana Matthews) (OH)
- Lowman, Mrs. Harmon A. (Elizabeth Mayo Williams) (FL)
- Lowrance, Miss Pearl Edwin (Pearl Edwin Lowrance) (MO)
- Loyd, Mrs. Barbara Anderson (Barbara Anderson) (VA)
- Lucas, Mrs. Anthony Fitzgerald (Ruth Hallett) (MD)
- Lucky, Mrs. Alfred Gordon (Mary Mizzell Arnold) (TX)
- Luke, Miss Helen Elizabeth (Helen Elizabeth Luke) (MA)
- Lund, Mrs. Carl McHenry (Mary Jefferies Caughman) (TX)
- Lundy, Mrs. David Worth (Adrienne Wilkes) (CT)
- Lurton, Miss Sallie Evans (Sallie Evans Lurton) (DC)
- Lusk, Mrs. Robert (Joana Ruth Webb) (IL)
- Lussky, Mrs. William Gaste (June Lawrence Fairleigh) (KY)
- Luther, Miss Ethel May (Ethel May Luther) (CA)
- Lutken, Mrs. P. K. Jr. (Ruth Revere Ray) (TX)
- Lutz, Mrs. Everett Clayton (Thelma Keen) (FL)
- Lyle, Mrs. John (Mary Von Derveer Conover) (NJ)
- Lyman, Mrs. C. R. (Pauline Lavinia Lyles) (IL)
- Lynch, Miss Kristen (Kristen Lynch) (CA)
- Lynch, Mrs. Barry D. (Marion Louise Smith) (TX)
- Lyne, Mrs. Thomas Leland (Elizabeth Robinson) (KY)
- Lynn, Mrs. Richard E. (Eloise Eckhard) (OK)
- Lyon, Miss Mary (Mary Lyon) (CA)
- Lyon, Mrs. K. L. (Kathryn Webster Ingram) (TN)
- Lyons, Mrs. Ernest Fulton (Clarissa Elizabeth Ezelle Gober) (FL)
- Lyons, Mrs. Nikola Knight (Dorothy Madison Willis Mulick) (CA)
- Lyttle, Miss Alison Ann (Alison Ann Lyttle) (CA)
- Lyttle, Miss Gwen Deanna (Gwen Deanna Lyttle) (CA)
- Maas, Mrs. Robert (Shirley Annabelle Barekman) (IL)
- Mac Queen, Miss Nora Campbell (Nora Campbell Mac Queen) (FL)
- MacDougall, Miss Evelyn Parker (Evelyn Parker MacDougall) (NJ)
- MacEachron, Miss Ann Elizabeth (Ann Elizabeth MacEachron) (MA)
- MacGregor, Mrs. Warren E. (Lavaughn Keeling) (KY)
- MacIvor, Miss Catherine Jane (Catherine Jane MacIvor) (FL)
- MacIvor, Mrs. Angus Stewart Jr. (Hazel Arnold) (FL)
- MacLeod, Mrs. Richard Hunter (Lucy Ellen Kraich) (FL)
- MacNally, Mrs. Douglas Charles (Martha Elizabeth Probert) (CA)
- MacNulty, Miss Lee (Mary Lee MacNulty) (TN)
- MacNulty, Mrs. William Kirk (Alice Lee Hall) (CA)
- MacRae, Miss Marion Montague (Marion Montague MacRae) (VA)
- MacRae, Mrs. Cameron F. (Beatrice Crisfield) (VA)
- Macdonald, Mrs. Isabel Janet (Isabel Janet Macdonald) (LA)
- Macdonald, Mrs. James Garfield (Ethel Janet Macdonald) (LA)
- Mack, Mrs. Ralph Bernard (Katherine Eleanor Roberts) (IL)
- Macke, Miss Christine Estella (Christine Estella Macke) (DC)
- Macke, Mrs. Gordon B. (Elizabeth Sites) (DC)
- Mackel, Mrs. A. E.B. (Ann Estelle Brasher) (VA)
- Mackenzie, Miss Ellen Jackson (Ellen Jackson Mackenzie) (NH)
- Mackey, Miss Ann Chandler (Ann Chandler Mackey) (NY)
- Mackey, Miss Beatrice (Beatrice Mackey) (GA)
- Mackey, Mrs. Chandler Alexander (Mabel Linsley) (NY)
- Macklin, Mrs. Joseph David (Patricia Nieman) (CA)
- Maclin, Mrs. E. A. (Lillian Dorothy Meeker) (CA)
- Macneil of Barra, Mrs. Marie Stevens (Marie Stevens) (DC)
- Macpherson, Mrs. Charles Rust (Helen Hill) (MI)
- Maddock, Miss Emeline (Emeline Maddock) (PA)
- Maddox, Mrs. Claude Newton Sr. (Barbara Ruth Bittick) (GA)
- Maddrey, Mrs. Gray Culbreth (Gray Deans Culbreth) (NC)
- Madeley, Mrs. Herbert (Frances Courtney Sanderson) (TX)
- Magiera, Mrs. Thadeus J. (Patricia Smollen) (MI)
- Magnai, Mrs. Jean Graham (Jean Catherine Graham) (IL)
- Magnuson, Mrs. Paul Jr. (Gladys Howland Graham) (NY)
- Maguire, Mrs. Jeremiah D. (Gertrude Logan Orcutt) (NY)
- Mahiew, Mrs. Robert Georges (Lucile Bailey) (KS)
- Mahler, Miss Anne Marie (Anne Marie Mahler) (CA)
- Mahler, Mrs. Charles F. (Diane Parker Howell) (CA)
- Mahoney, Mrs. William Cone Jr. (Dorothy Elizabeth Martin) (GA)
- Mail, Mrs. G. Allen (Constance Davison) (NE)
- Main, Miss Susan Elizabeth (Susan Elizabeth Main) (OH)
- Main, Mrs. Kenneth Carlysle (Nancy Delatour) (CA)
- Main, Mrs. Murray E. (Frances Stevenson) (OH)
- Maison, Miss Saralyn Ruth (Saralyn Ruth Maison) (GA)
- Majeski, Mrs. E. Irene (Ethel Irene Turner) (MI)
- Malaj, Mrs. Walter (Jacklyn Ritersdorf) (NM)
- Malbon, Mrs. Bobby R. (Inge DesGranges) (CA)
- Malek, Mrs. Joseph Lenard (Lu Ann Hazen Kegan) (CA)
- Malin, Mrs. Thaw Jr. (Isabel Kruger) (NJ)
- Mallory, Miss Jane Hoyt (Jane Hoyt Mallory) (NY)
- Malone, Mrs. Elva Fort (Elva Laura Sharp Fort) (CA)
- Malone, Mrs. William P. Jr. (Mary Janis Metcalf) (TX)
- Maltby, Mrs. Charles DeWitt (Jane Fay Merriam) (CT)
- Malton, Mrs. C. T. (Nell Scott Earthman) (GA)
- Maner, Mrs. Donald Earl (Mary Elizabeth Narrow) (MS)
- Manget, Mrs. Daniel T. (Annie Aline Wilson) (GA)
- Manley, Mrs. John C. (Gayle Hudson) (TX)
- Mann, Dr. Holly Latty (Holly Latty Mann) (SC)
- Mann, Miss Teresa Charlotte (Teresa Charlotte Mann) (NC)
- Mann, Mrs. John (Irene Watkins) (IL)
- Manning, Miss Ann (Ann Manning) (NE)
- Manning, Mrs. Bill S. (Eleanor Godwin) (NE)
- Manning, Mrs. J. L. (Wilmah Bertha Channell) (MA)
- Manning, Mrs. John Alexander II (Georgia Burlingame McCoy) (FL)
- Manus, Mrs. James C. (Theora Anne Treadway) (GA)
- Marcher, Miss Kathie Ann (Kathie Ann Marcher) (TX)
- Marcher, Mrs. Alan Charles (Maxine West) (TX)
- Marconi, Mrs. Elizabeth Kay (Elizabeth Kay Springer) (AZ)
- Maricle, Mrs. Kenneth E. (Barbara Hall) (VA)
- Maris, Mrs. John Kurrie (Mary Field Julian) (OH)
- Marker, Miss Virginia Hall (Virginia Hall Marker) (OH)
- Marker, Mrs. Alice West (Alice West) (KY)
- Marker, Mrs. James Reed (Virginia Hall) (OH)
- Markewicz, Mrs. Debra Lichtenwald (Debra Kaye Lichtenwald) (MI)
- Marlar, Mrs. Luther Woodrow (Elizabeth Sue Hooker) (LA)
- Marsh, Miss Alma Paalzow (Alma Paalzow Marsh) (PA)
- Marsh, Miss Deborah Lynn (Deborah Lynn Marsh) (CA)
- Marsh, Mrs. Charles T. (Cora Ellen Van de Mark) (IL)
- Marsh, Mrs. Marshall Stuart (Bertha Smith) (IL)
- Marsh, Mrs. Robert McCurdy (Charlotte Delafield) (NY)
- Marshall, Mrs. James Harold (Caroline Woodward Rust) (OH)
- Marshall, Mrs. James William (Ellen Duncan Lee) (VA)
- Marshall, Mrs. Julian H. (Mary Katherine Taylor) (MD)
- Marshall, Mrs. L. Bruce (Ann Randolph Smith) (TX)
- Marston, Miss Karen Lynn (Karen Lynn Marston) (AZ)
- Marston, Miss Louise Tompkins (Louise Tompkins Marston) (WA)
- Marston, Mrs. Almerin (Maude Longfellow Swett) (NY)
- Martens, Mrs. Charles (Mary Jeanne Fischer) (OK)
- Martin, Miss Hannah Millicent (Hannah Millicent Martin) (CA)
- Martin, Miss Marilyn (Marilyn Martin) (OK)
- Martin, Miss Rosalie C. (Rosalie C. Martin) (VA)
- Martin, Mrs. Donald F. Jr. (Margaret Lee) (GA)
- Martin, Mrs. George Herbert (Margaret Talbott Ridgely) (MD)
- Martin, Mrs. Guy (Lynne Katherine Torbert) (AL)
- Martin, Mrs. James H. (Winnie Hudson) (SC)
- Martin, Mrs. John Charles (Alice Wedgewood Pillsbury) (CA)
- Martin, Mrs. John Harvie (Edith Gertrude Moseley) (NC)
- Martin, Mrs. Steven G. (Jane Catherine Varn) (GA)
- Martin, Mrs. Thomas Emmett (Sarah Hunter Smith) (AL)
- Martin, Mrs. Thomas Jordan (Lillian Caummisar) (AL)
- Martinez, Mrs. David (Lynne Elaine Meckfessel) (CA)
- Marvin, Mrs. Charles Ezra (Julia Combs Halley) (KY)
- Marwick, Mrs. Brewster (Sara Ridgeway Macy Brewster) (NY)
- Mason, Mrs. C. C. Jr. (Diana Lynn Davis) (TN)
- Mason, Mrs. James Gordon (Cora Frances Blanding) (TX)
- Massie, Mrs. Adrian Mitford (Gertrude Elizabeth Dally) (CT)
- Masters, Mrs. John Elmer (Vanessa Case) (OR)
- Matheny, Mrs. Harry R. (Edith Hemenway) (CA)
- Mather, Mrs. Edward Otis (Helen Engleking) (CT)
- Mathes, Mrs. J. C. (Mary Reagan Orr) (TX)
- Mathews, Mrs. Mollie Flanagan (Mollie Horace Flanagan) (TX)
- Mathews, Mrs. Ralph Oakley (Hallie Beatrice Stark) (TX)
- Mathis, Mrs. Ohmar N. (Louise Kennedy) (GA)
- Matteson, Mrs. Brooks (Helen Dickson) (NY)
- Matthews, Miss Claudia Pauline (Claudia Pauline Matthews) (TX)
- Matthews, Miss Katherine (Katherine Matthews) (TN)
- Matthews, Mrs. Charles W. (Thelma Carey) (AZ)
- Matthews, Mrs. Irwin W. Jr. (Marie Carter) (TN)
- Matthews, Mrs. John Paul (Wilma Lucille Evans) (VA)
- Mattlage, Miss Sophie Katharina (Sophie Katharina Mattlage) (CA)
- Mattoon, Miss Rachel Marie (Rachel Marie Mattoon) (KS)
- Mattoon, Mrs. Kenneth (Cheryl Chandler) (KS)
- Mattox, Mrs. Granville Wilton (Evelyn Rush) (MS)
- Mauldin, Mrs. James (Martha Anne Davenport) (GA)
- Maunsell, Mrs. Edward Stewart II (Clara Jane Dart) (LA)
- Maus, Mrs. Marilynn (Marilynn Tate Nolen) (TX)
- Maxted, Mrs. Aubrey Clement (Mary Lanier Munds) (TX)
- Maxwell, Miss Julia Irene (Julia Irene Maxwell) (GA)
- Maxwell, Mrs. Clifford A. (Ruth Leotha Barker) (KY)
- Maxwell, Mrs. Clyde Edwin (Viva Kate Cole) (MS)
- Maxwell, Mrs. Keith James (Marjo Hettick) (OH)
- Maxwell, Mrs. R. E. (Hazel Poff) (WV)
- Mc Ghee, Miss Paula Jean (Paula Jean Mc Ghee) (TN)
- McAndrew, Mrs. Joseph (Pauline Parham) (DE)
- McArthur, Miss Mary Helen (Mary Helen McArthur) (NC)
- McArthur, Mrs. Patrick Henry (Mary Esther Koonce) (NC)
- McAtee, Mrs. Camden Riley (Jeanniet Whitecotton) (DC)
- McBeth, Mrs. James (Marilynn Elizabeth Savage) (MI)
- McCain, Miss Edna Marie (Edna Marie McCain) (TX)
- McCall, Mrs. Albert Christopher (Lucile Florence Whitney) (CA)
- McCarry, Mrs. Madeline Rees (Madeline Rees) (MA)
- McCarthy, Mrs. Joseph Plath (Gretchen Elizabeth Gugel) (AZ)
- McCarthy, Mrs. Patrick F. (Deborah Ann Ludeman) (IN)
- McCarthy, Mrs. William Justin (Beverly Catherine Bridges) (MD)
- McCarty, Mrs. Pat (Mariam Phillips Daniel) (TX)
- McCauley, Mrs. Michael Scott (Mary Elizabeth Mattlage Snodgrass) (WV)
- McCleery, Miss Elizabeth Ainslie (Elizabeth Ainslie McCleery) (CA)
- McClintock, Mrs. Rhea Scott (Paulette Ann Moore) (NC)
- McClure, Miss Mabel Byron (Mabel Byron McClure) (IN)
- McClure, Mrs. Charles King (Mary Chenault Van Winkle) (KY)
- McClure, Mrs. Freeman C. (Ruth Short) (GA)
- McClure, Mrs. R. Bruce (Nancy Williamson) (OH)
- McClure, Mrs. Robert Dugald (Elizabeth Ann Givens) (DC)
- McColgan, Miss Mary Reba (Mary Reba McColgan) (MO)
- McCollum, Mrs. J. B. (Charlotte Curry) (FL)
- McCormick, Miss Doris (Doris McCormick) (CA)
- McCormick, Miss Edna Haynes (Edna Haynes McCormick) (TX)
- McCormick, Miss Helen Byrnside (Helen Byrnside McCormick) (VA)
- McCormick, Mrs. Morrison Ridgway (Katherine Nickerson Brokaw) (VA)
- McCoy, Miss Margaret Ellen (Margaret Ellen McCoy) (MD)
- McCoy, Miss Nancy Ballard (Nancy Ballard McCoy) (WV)
- McCoy, Mrs. Margaret Ballard (Margaret Louise Ballard) (WV)
- McCoy, Mrs. William Reed (Henrietta Windsor Hazard) (OK)
- McCracken, Miss Elizabeth Woodward (Elizabeth Woodward McCracken) (VA)
- McCracken, Mrs. Jack Loraine (Mary Barton Thompson) (KY)
- McCracken, Mrs. Julian Woodburn (Sarah Woodward McRae) (VA)
- McCreery, Mrs. Samuel (Marguerite Colladay) (PA)
- McCullen, Miss Mary Ann (Mary Ann McCullen) (MS)
- McCulley, Mrs. Ernest Edgar Jr. (Nell Catherine Givens) (KY)
- McCumber, Miss Heather Leigh (Heather Leigh McCumber) (TX)
- McCurdy, Miss Hope Trumbull (Hope Trumbull McCurdy) (PA)
- McCurdy, Mrs. Daniel Patrick (Alice Anne Kelly) (TN)
- McCurdy, Mrs. Shelley Shelhamer (Shelley Anne Shelhamer) (VA)
- McCutchen, Miss Edna Willson (Edna Willson McCutchen) (SC)
- McDaniel, Mrs. Sidney L. (Louise Thomas) (GA)
- McDevitt, Mrs. William R. (Inez Demetrie Ireland) (PA)
- McDonald, Miss Anna (Anna McDonald) (TX)
- McDonald, Miss Linda (Linda McDonald) (TX)
- McDonald, Mrs. David William (Nell Cullen Welch) (MO)
- McDonald, Mrs. Herbert B. (Susan Matilda Kauffman) (TX)
- McDonald, Mrs. John C. (Pauline Johnson) (TX)
- McDonald, Mrs. Thomas Ely (Eleanor Brooke Stiefel) (CA)
- McDonald, Mrs. W. R. (Anna Mary Hodges) (AL)
- McDougall, Mrs. John Franklin (Irene Gantt) (NY)
- McFarland, Mrs. John (Nan M. Dorsey) (TX)
- McFarland, Mrs. Samuel Robert (Carolyn Margaret Aldridge) (TX)
- McFerrin, Mrs. James Reed (Nancy Randolph Chandler) (TN)
- McGalliard, Miss Susan Marie (Susan Marie McGalliard) (NC)
- McGee, Mrs. Louis Gladney Jr. (Jeanne Pauline Querens) (TX)
- McGehee, Mrs. William Newton (Jane Graves Judge) (AL)
- McGhee, Miss Tennie Kate (Tennie Kate McGhee) (TN)
- McGhee, Mrs. James Richard (Vrsula Giles) (VA)
- McGinley, Mrs. Charles T. (Margaret Regina Lamb) (AZ)
- McGinty, Mrs. Cyrus Jr. (Ethel Campbell Kelly) (TX)
- McGovern, Mrs. Francis H. (Rebecca Cash Lee) (VA)
- McGovern, Mrs. Merrill J. (Sally May Bonney) (CA)
- McGrath, Miss Mary Eleanor (Mary Eleanor McGrath) (Canada)
- McGuire, Miss Winona Marie (Winona Marie McGuire) (CA)
- McGuire, Mrs. Bernard Renee (Jane McAtee) (DC)
- McGuirk, Mrs. Joe (Julia Bretney Smith) (NY)
- McIntosh, Mrs. Robert Henry (Margaret Rebecca Moore) (NC)
- McKenna, Mrs. A. V. (Mary Prince Fowler) (KY)
- McKenzie, Mrs. Herbert Alonzo (Joan Bates Baggs) (GA)
- McKinney, Mrs. Nellie Stephens (Nellie Stephens) (FL)
- McKinnon, Mrs. Merrie Craft (Merrie Ann Craft) (CA)
- McKissock, Mrs. Bert T. (Ethel Crawford Smith) (CA)
- McKittrick, Miss Lynn Davis (Lynn Davis McKittrick) (IL)
- McKnight, Miss Florien Grey (Florien Grey McKnight) (LA)
- McLachlan, Mrs. Joseph Julian (Margaret Rackerby Flint) (VA)
- McLallen, Miss Margaret Alice (Margaret Alice McLallen) (CA)
- McLallen, Miss Marlyn (Marlyn McLallen) (CA)
- McLarty, Miss Mary Adelaide (Mary Adelaide McLarty) (NC)
- McLaughlin, Miss Kathryn Ann (Kathryn Ann McLaughlin) (TX)
- McLaughlin, Miss Patricia Louise (Patricia Louise McLaughlin) (IN)
- McLaughlin, Mrs. Howard K. (Martha Stone Whitehead) (TX)
- McLaughlin, Mrs. Thomas M. (Katherine Taylor Rodgers) (MD)
- McLaughry, Miss Lynda Joan (Lynda Joan McLaughry) (NH)
- McLean, Mrs. Charles Batchelor (Clara Clementine Chamberlain) (PA)
- McLean, Mrs. James (Violet Dorothea Grubb) (MD)
- McLean, Mrs. Marion Louise (Marion Louise McLean) (OH)
- McLemore, Mrs. William Hickman (Sarah Lee Cronic) (SC)
- McMasters, Mrs. Robert Ross (Martha Whitney Fairbanks) (MA)
- McMillan, Miss Julie Beauvais (Julie Beauvais McMillan) (AZ)
- McMillan, Mrs. Kathryn Brown (Kathryn Swann Brown) (TN)
- McMystry, Mrs. William E. (Ivy Hapgood Julie Anderson) (CA)
- McNabb, Mrs. Clifton F. (Claudia Janan McFarland) (TX)
- McNeely, Miss Patricia Low (Patricia Low McNeely) (LA)
- McNeely, Mrs. Senate William (Pauline Cox) (NC)
- McOwen, Mrs. Robert Cowen (Jeanne Irene Miller) (FL)
- McPherson, Miss Judith Eileen (Judith Eileen McPherson) (VA)
- McPherson, Miss Linda Carol (Linda Carol McPherson) (CT)
- McPherson, Mrs. Albert Ziegler (Eleanor Edwards) (MS)
- McPherson, Mrs. John E. (Eileen Hudson) (VA)
- McPherson, Mrs. Ronald (Carol Ann Dorr) (OH)
- McPherson, Mrs. Von J. (Margaret Horne) (NH)
- McQuillian, Miss Elizabeth Joan (Elizabeth Joan McQuillian) (PA)
- McWatty, Mrs. Luther Lamar (Alma Sturdivant) (VA)
- Mead, Mrs. George Jackson (Evelyn Cary Hoge) (CT)
- Meagher, Miss Dianne Morrow (Dianne Morrow Meagher) (AL)
- Meagher, Mrs. Thomas Clark (Georgia Oleta Morrow) (AL)
- Mealoy, Mrs. Richard (Mamie Crockett Sanders) (CA)
- Mears, Miss Dorothy Warren (Dorothy Warren Mears) (MD)
- Mebus, Miss Lisa Jane Campbell (Lisa Jane Campbell Mebus) (PA)
- Mebus, Mrs. George Brinker (Estelle Claxton Negus) (PA)
- Meckfessel, Mrs. Byron Lynn (Irene Elizabeth Johnston) (CA)
- Meech, Miss Alice Katherine (Alice Katherine Meech) (NY)
- Meeks, Mrs. Ernest Daniel (Miriam Shields) (MS)
- Mefford, Mrs. Michael (Amy Rachael Townes) (TX)
- Megson, Mrs. Harry K. (Frances Blackiston Cummins) (DE)
- Mengel, Miss Nanette Vonegut (Nanette Vonegut Mengel) (TN)
- Mengel, Mrs. Clarence R. (Mary Castleman) (KY)
- Mennell, Miss Michelle Mame (Michelle Mame Mennell) (NY)
- Mercer, Mrs. J. E. (Frances Gay) (GA)
- Merchant, Mrs. Arthur H. Sr. (Margaret Giltner Jones) (TX)
- Meriwether, Miss Margaret Ann (Margaret Ann Meriwether) (KY)
- Merritt, Miss Frances E. (Frances E. Merritt) (CA)
- Merritt, Mrs. Earl E. (Ruth Sherman) (IL)
- Merritt, Mrs. John Bynum (Emma Ross Leslie) (NC)
- Mertens, Mrs. Jules (Gertrude Ware) (CA)
- Merwin, Mrs. Horace Jr. (Virginia Bates Washington Ralph) (CT)
- Messer, Mrs. Clarence H. (Lucille Fonville) (LA)
- Metcalf, Mrs. Edwin Rich (Ruth Rapelje Horton) (ME)
- Metcalf, Mrs. George Ralph (Mary Richards) (PA)
- Metcalf, Mrs. Grady William (Lois LaVerne Nicholson) (TX)
- Metcalfe, Mrs. Earl F. (Lois Redmon) (OH)
- Metts, Mrs. W. A. (Sally Bland Williams) (SC)
- Metz, Mrs. Jack D. (Bettyjean Alberta Brown) (MO)
- Mewborn, Mrs. William Burke (Carlotte Gilmore Satterfield) (NC)
- Meyer, Mrs. Edward Frederick (Margaret Elizabeth Graham) (IL)
- Meyer, Mrs. William (M. Geneva Parham Yarbrough) (VA)
- Michaels, Miss Matilda Osborne (Matilda Osborne Michaels) (NC)
- Michaels, Miss Susannah Gregory (Susannah Gregory Michaels) (NC)
- Michener, Mrs. William Weaver (Adelaide Richards) (NY)
- Mickel, Mrs. A. F. (Norma Podwa) (CA)
- Middlethon, Mrs. William Royall (Bertha Hotchkiss Bates) (FL)
- Mielziner, Mrs. Leo (Ella Friend) (NY)
- Milam, Mrs. Kenneth Ewing (Miriam Susan Goza) (MS)
- Milam, Mrs. Wiley W. (Kathleen Sewell) (GA)
- Miles, Miss Linda Latsch (Linda Latsch Miles) (CA)
- Miles, Mrs. Anthony Warren (Landra Jean Peterson) (CA)
- Miles, Mrs. John H. (Doris Hackett) (GA)
- Miles, Mrs. Richard Samuel (Mary Joe Latsch) (CA)
- Miller, Miss Ann Elizabeth (Ann Elizabeth Miller) (IA)
- Miller, Miss Anne Margaret (Anne Margaret Miller) (DC)
- Miller, Miss Eleanor Almy (Eleanor Almy Miller) (MA)
- Miller, Miss Elizabeth Louise (Elizabeth Louise Miller) (MI)
- Miller, Miss Gene Claire (Gene Claire Miller) (MD)
- Miller, Miss Gertrude Evangeline Dunham (Gertrude Evangeline Dunham Miller) (CA)
- Miller, Miss Margaret Rose (Margaret Rose Miller) (TX)
- Miller, Miss Susan Jane (Susan Jane Miller) (GA)
- Miller, Mrs. Arthur Lyman (Mattie Ella Scarboro) (GA)
- Miller, Mrs. Charles Cyrus (Mary Lewis) (IL)
- Miller, Mrs. Gailord S. (Mildred Beatty) (FL)
- Miller, Mrs. George Warren (Dorothy Buckman) (RI)
- Miller, Mrs. Harold Wayne Jr. (Lynne Diane Washbourne) (OK)
- Miller, Mrs. Homer A. (Sarah Loella Brown) (CA)
- Miller, Mrs. Ida Smith (Ida Smith) (VA)
- Miller, Mrs. Michael J. (Betsy Batson Davidson) (KY)
- Miller, Mrs. Robert P. (Klaire Jones) (GA)
- Miller, Mrs. Robert Paul (Barbara Carol Wigginton) (OH)
- Miller, Mrs. Seymour S. (Harriett Inez Beardslee) (NM)
- Miller, Mrs. Thomas Scott (Elizabeth Louise Thielens) (IL)
- Miller, Mrs. Walter M. (Ruth Jones) (FL)
- Miller, Mrs. Warren C. (Elinor Ware Smith) (SC)
- Miller, Mrs. Will M. (Margaret Hardwick) (TX)
- Miller, Mrs. William R. (Bettie Marie Sparrow) (CA)
- Mills, Mrs. James R. (Marion Jeanne Brock) (FL)
- Milner, Mrs. Frank Moncrieff (Florence Thiot) (FL)
- Milner, Mrs. Jean Shepard (Sue Lyne) (IN)
- Minan, Mrs. John H. (Margo Meredith Edwards) (KY)
- Miner, Mrs. Katherine Green (Katherine Green) (IL)
- Minich, Miss Dana (Dana Minich) (MA)
- Minor, Mrs. Charles Smith (Olive Patterson Cochran) (SC)
- Minter, Miss Elizabeth Ann (Elizabeth Ann Minter) (VA)
- Minter, Miss Emma Grace (Emma Grace Minter) (GA)
- Missildine, Mrs. Dale Seymour (Carmen White) (KS)
- Mitchell, Miss Hollister Leigh (Hollister Leigh Mitchell) (DE)
- Mitchell, Miss Mary Patricia (Mary Patricia Mitchell) (PA)
- Mitchell, Mrs. Donald P. (Barbara Fleshman) (DE)
- Mitchell, Mrs. Jent P. III (Frances Anne Blake) (FL)
- Mitchell, Mrs. John Stephen (Jessaca Inn Beadles) (TX)
- Mitchell, Mrs. Patricia Hagan (Patricia Hagan) (TX)
- Mitchell, Mrs. William Alexander (Mary Elizabetth English) (NJ)
- Mitchell, Mrs. William Heiskell Jr. (Betty Jo Godwin) (NC)
- Mittnacht, Mrs. Arthur E. (Nancy Jane Bracy) (NJ)
- Modrall, Mrs. Robert Raymond (Josephine Brevard) (TX)
- Moellenbeck, Mrs. Frank (Alice Colleen Chriss) (CA)
- Moeller, Mrs. Fred (Miriam E. Croft) (NE)
- Moen, Mrs. Wilma Emerson (Wilma Jeanette Emerson) (WA)
- Moffett, Mrs. W. Edwin (Adelaide Selby) (MD)
- Mohler, Mrs. William (Lola Zilpha Southwick) (OH)
- Moler, Mrs. William Henry (Margaret McCulloch) (TX)
- Molett, Miss Elizabeth Grant (Elizabeth Grant Molett) (LA)
- Molett, Mrs. Grant H. (Maisie Stansbury) (LA)
- Monkmouse, Mrs. Clark Ridout (Ruth Tompkins) (TX)
- Monnette, Miss Helen Hull (Helen Hull Monnette) (CA)
- Monroe, Mrs. Lawrence (Jessee Maree Segrest) (LA)
- Monroe, Mrs. Thomas Bryon Jr. (Mary Jones) (GA)
- Montague, Mrs. Helene Luce (Helene Lamont Luce) (VA)
- Montgomery, Mrs. Cecil Ray (Barbara Ann Smith) (OK)
- Montgomery, Mrs. Gideon Clark (Rose Cecila Poplar) (FL)
- Montgomery, Mrs. S. Phelps (Harriett Whayne Qinn) (TN)
- Montgomery, Mrs. William (Marjorie Strong Allen) (OH)
- Moomaw, Mrs. Benjamin F. (Louisa Mayo Brown) (VA)
- Moon, Mrs. Steven Gary (Frances Spalding Davis) (AR)
- Mooney, Mrs. Howard (Lariece Charles Oliver) (NC)
- Moore, Miss Ithie Evalee (Ithie Evalee Moore) (NC)
- Moore, Mrs. Bernard Allen (Lucy Wilson) (AR)
- Moore, Mrs. Betty Herrington (Betty Herrington) (AL)
- Moore, Mrs. Charles Ernest (Sharlane Keller) (AZ)
- Moore, Mrs. David Hastings (Stella McGarth) (DC)
- Moore, Mrs. Don Lorenzo (Edith Condict) (NJ)
- Moore, Mrs. Dorsey C. (Edwyna Elizabeth Broadbent) (OR)
- Moore, Mrs. Ethel Sivley (Ethel Sara Sivley) (TN)
- Moore, Mrs. Floyd Wayne (Sopie Dunham) (MI)
- Moore, Mrs. Hamilton Frazier (Martha El'Echkler Ussery) (GA)
- Moore, Mrs. James Denis (Rachel Isabel Drake) (CA)
- Moore, Mrs. James Madison (Leila Carter Curtis) (FL)
- Moore, Mrs. James Samuel (Jeanne Telschow) (IN)
- Moore, Mrs. Julian Alison (Imogene Bellamy) (NC)
- Moore, Mrs. Leslie Eanes (Leslie Elizabeth Eanes) (MD)
- Moore, Mrs. Lucelia Miller (Lucelia Miller) (CA)
- Moore, Mrs. Nell Speight (Nell Speight) (NC)
- Moore, Mrs. Robert Bruce (Vardine Russell) (IN)
- Moore, Mrs. Rogers Thomas Jr. (Katherine Ann Hogan) (KY)
- Moore, Mrs. Samuel (Mildred Martin) (PA)
- Moore, Mrs. William Jennings (Elsie Boleyn) (KY)
- Moorehead, Mrs. Frank F. (Lillian Mary Singleton) (NM)
- Moorhead, Miss Kathleen Inez (Kathleen Inez Moorhead) (NY)
- Moorman, Miss Mary Covington (Mary Covington Moorman) (NC)
- Moorman, Mrs. Chapman (Virginia Crittendan Brown) (KY)
- Moorman, Mrs. Lemuel Talbott (Marion Ellerbe Coker) (NC)
- Moran, Mrs. Warren Carl (Sarah Elizabeth Holt) (DE)
- Moran, Mrs. William F. (Maude Canada) (DE)
- Moran, Mrs. William Garic (Jarrett Courtney Feringa) (LA)
- More, Mrs. Carleton (Esther McCullough) (OK)
- Morehead, Mrs. Bruce Winter (Alice Frances MacDonald) (OR)
- Moreland, Mrs. Henry White (Lillian Jane Smith) (NJ)
- Moreland, Mrs. Jane Parker (Jane Ellis Parker) (TX)
- Morgan, Miss Cynthia Wilson (Cynthia Wilson Morgan) (GA)
- Morgan, Miss Leslie Laurette (Leslie Laurette Morgan) (GA)
- Morgan, Miss Margaret Blake (Margaret Blake Morgan) (NJ)
- Morgan, Miss Mary Louise (Mary Louise Morgan) (LA)
- Morgan, Miss Nancy Elizabeth (Nancy Elizabeth Morgan) (TN)
- Morgan, Miss Paige Deniese (Paige Deniese Morgan) (GA)
- Morgan, Mrs. Gustave Philip (Katherine Elizabeth Fox) (GA)
- Morgan, Mrs. Henry Williams Jr. (Theodora Polk Pyle) (DC)
- Morgan, Mrs. James Berry (Margaret Louise Walker) (VA)
- Morgan, Mrs. Marion Kenneth (Mabel Johnson) (AL)
- Morgan, Mrs. Robert Thomas (Lautoria Lee Estes) (GA)
- Morgan, Mrs. Thomas Calvin (Mary Will Cox) (TN)
- Morgan, Mrs. Virginia Scott (Virginia Scott) (OR)
- Morley, Miss Agnes Margaret (Agnes Margaret Morley) (KY)
- Morley, Miss Frances Patricia (Frances Patricia Morley) (CO)
- Morrell, Mrs. William G. (Bertha Whitcomb) (NY)
- Morris, Miss Barbara McInnes (Barbara McInnes Morris) (GA)
- Morris, Miss Lynda Lewis (Lynda Lewis Morris) (SC)
- Morris, Mrs. Brian Hugh (Ruth Elizabeth Braselton) (MD)
- Morris, Mrs. Don Lee (Mary Beatrice Thickens) (NY)
- Morris, Mrs. Earle Elias (Bernice Carey) (SC)
- Morris, Mrs. Hugh (Laura Belle Parker) (GA)
- Morrow, Miss Kellye Lynn (Kellye Lynn Morrow) (TX)
- Morrow, Miss Nannette Michelle (Nannette Michelle Morrow) (TX)
- Morton, Miss Jayne Stokes (Jayne Stokes Morton) (MS)
- Morton, Miss Louise (Louise Morton) (GA)
- Morton, Mrs. James White (Cora Tuck) (GA)
- Moseley, Miss Carol Wells (Carol Wells Moseley) (CT)
- Moseng, Mrs. Lloyd Raymond (Beatrice Charlote Gotham) (WI)
- Moser, Mrs. J. Edgar Jr. (Esther Reynolds Dill) (OH)
- Moses, Miss Lori Leanne (Lori Leanne Moses) (VA)
- Moses, Mrs. Merillat (Grace McLean) (FL)
- Mott, Miss Jeannette Baker (Jeannette Baker Mott) (MD)
- Mott, Mrs. Rosemary Baker (Rosemary Sutherland Baker) (MD)
- Moulton, Mrs. John Knight (Alice Miriam Hoagland) (MA)
- Mountjoy, Miss Roberta Irene (Roberta Irene Mountjoy) (CA)
- Moyer, Miss Mary Beth (Mary Beth Moyer) (MN)
- Moyer, Mrs. Amos F. (Marie Evans) (MN)
- Muldoon, Miss Shevaun E. (Shevaun E. Muldoon) (TX)
- Muldoon, Mrs. William Henry III (Nancy Knight Achning) (TX)
- Mulford, Mrs. James Bentley (Elsie Brooks Saunders) (VA)
- Mulhearn, Mrs. J. E. (Evelyn Richardson) (LA)
- Mullen, Miss Deborah Jane (Deborah Jane Mullen) (DE)
- Mullen, Mrs. Benjamin Phillips (May Hinson Young) (IL)
- Mullen, Mrs. Joseph Daniel (Jane Page Snellenburg) (DE)
- Mullens, Miss Virginia Ruth (Virginia Ruth Mullens) (TX)
- Mullens, Mrs. James E. (Virginia Nell True) (TX)
- Muller, Mrs. Fred George (Sara Jane Cole) (FL)
- Muller, Mrs. James Carroll (Eloise Hunt Crain) (NC)
- Mullins, Mrs. Andrew Poindexter (Elaine Deas) (MS)
- Mulloy, Miss Carol Ann (Carol Ann Mulloy) (FL)
- Mumby, Miss Brenda Sue (Brenda Sue Mumby) (NE)
- Mumby, Mrs. Ernest E. (Marjorie Gertrude Bradford) (NE)
- Munds, Mrs. James Thens (Mary Banister Lanier) (FL)
- Murphy, Mrs. Horne W. (Mary Harvey) (TX)
- Murphy, Mrs. Mary Eagles (Mary Eagles) (MA)
- Murphy, Mrs. Robert Neal (Anne Jacobs Boykin) (VA)
- Murphy, Mrs. Samuel Fulton (Katherine Isbell) (OK)
- Murray, Miss Vikki Suzanna (Vikki Suzanna Murray) (TX)
- Murray, Mrs. Ethel M. (Ethel May Knight) (CA)
- Murray, Mrs. Fulton Jr. (Betty Field Harral Reagor) (TX)
- Murray, Mrs. Henry Hotchkiss (Georgiana Groot) (NJ)
- Murrey, Miss Ann Carol (Ann Carol Murrey) (TX)
- Murrey, Mrs. Joseph Huffmaster (Marie Sue Stalcup) (TX)
- Mussman, Mrs. Frederick E. (Isora Albertina Kullbom) (NH)
- Myers, Miss Carol Lee (Carol Lee Myers) (DE)
- Myers, Miss Shelly Love (Shelly Love Myers) (FL)
- Myers, Mrs. Austin V. (L. Olive True) (DE)
- Myers, Mrs. Charles R. (Mary Josephine Strother) (VA)
- Myers, Mrs. Clark G. (Suzita Cecil) (DC)
- Myers, Mrs. David Jackson (Susan Elizabeth McCoy) (GA)
- Myers, Mrs. Edward H. French (Marion Harwood Curtis) (NY)
- Myers, Mrs. Henry (Marian South Trabue) (NY)
- Myers, Mrs. Howard B. (Una Olive Rice) (VA)
- Myers, Mrs. Lucy Mountjoy (Lucy Simms Mountjoy) (KY)
- Mygatt, Mrs. Otis A. (Elisabeth McClellan Greene) (France)
- Naffziger, Mrs. John Walter (Elizabeth Browning Dunham) (IL)
- Nagle, Miss Nancy Elizabeth (Nancy Elizabeth Nagle) (TX)
- Nagle, Mrs. John Marion (Lucile Ware) (TX)
- Nalls, Mrs. Sara Ruth (Sara Ruth Washington) (OK)
- Naprstek, Miss Nancy Louise (Nancy Louise Naprstek) (IL)
- Naprstek, Mrs. Frank J. (Cora Nichols) (IL)
- Naramore, Mrs. E. F. Jr. (Nancy Louise Kenny) (NJ)
- Nash, Mrs. William Gill (Martha Louise Moseley) (KY)
- Nation, Mrs. Herbert R. (Helen Rembert Herbert) (AL)
- Naugle, Mrs. John Jay (Carolyn Cunningham Wardlaw) (NY)
- Naviaux, Mrs. William (Meredith Ellen Leitschuck) (NE)
- NeSmith, Miss Vivian Elizabeth (Vivian Elizabeth NeSmith) (GA)
- NeSmith, Mrs. Buddy (Mary Wilhelmina Hunt) (GA)
- Neal, Miss Agnes Harriman (Agnes Harriman Neal) (AZ)
- Neal, Miss Beatrice (Beatrice Neal) (CT)
- Neal, Miss Brenda (Brenda Neal) (IL)
- Neal, Mrs. Munroe Alonzo (Sylvia Converse Clisby) (FL)
- Neal, Mrs. William H. III (Dorothy Cook) (FL)
- Neary, Mrs. Clement J. (Edna Risdon) (CA)
- Neate, Mrs. John Robert (Mary Morris Marshall) (VA)
- Neblett, Mrs. Herbert Clarence (Mary Belle Smith) (NC)
- Neel, Mrs. Clara Pringle (Clara Pringle Barret Neel) (KY)
- Neeley, Miss Erin Nicole (Erin Nicole Neely) (LA)
- Neely, Mrs. Richard Stuart (Mary Elizabeth Du Val) (KY)
- Neidlinger, Miss Mary Ann (Mary Ann Neidlinger) (VA)
- Neighbours, Mrs. Doyle Wayne (Susan Weems) (TX)
- Nelson, Miss Carol Ellen (Carol Ellen Nelson) (IL)
- Nelson, Miss Lorene Marie (Lorene Marie Nelson) (AZ)
- Nelson, Miss Rebecca Thornton (Rebecca Thornton Nelson) (AL)
- Nelson, Mrs. Kimloch (Marion Contee Moale) (MD)
- Nelson, Mrs. Robert Allen (Gene Elizabeth Clinger) (WA)
- Nelson, Mrs. William Leonore (Gladys Murl Poindexter) (CA)
- Nemier, Mrs. Douglas Asa (Gail Butterworth) (MD)
- Nero, Mrs. Allie F. (Margaret Covell) (NY)
- Nettleton, Mrs. Gordon Arthur (Elizabeth Bufkin Womack) (TX)
- Neuman, Mrs. William George (Frances Elinor Bounds) (TX)
- Neville, Mrs. Rayburn (Mary Minor Mosely) (FL)
- Nevius, Mrs. John H. (Mary McGehee Rogers) (TX)
- Newberry, Mrs. Daniel Oliver (Susanne Davis) (MD)
- Newberry, Mrs. Leslie R. (Nancy Lee Williams) (KY)
- Newberry, Mrs. William Bohning (Suzanne Gouldy) (TX)
- Newcomb, Mrs. J. Turner (Ann Eusebia Bookhout) (CA)
- Newell, Miss Eva Lee (Eva Lee Newell) (MD)
- Newell, Mrs. Eloise Austin (Jessie Eloise Austin) (OR)
- Newell, Mrs. Frank Harvey (Ada Martha Holden) (MD)
- Newhall, Miss Blanche (Blanche Newhall) (NE)
- Newhall, Miss Louise N. (Louise N. Newhall) (NE)
- Newhall, Mrs. Stafford (Suzanne King) (PA)
- Newman, Col. Peggy Jane (Peggy Jane Farley) (Military)
- Newman, Mrs. Edward Anderson (Mary Ellen Rebecca Irvin) (MD)
- Newton, Miss Charlotte (Charlotte Newton) (GA)
- Newton, Miss Helen K. (Helen K. Newton) (DC)
- Newton, Mrs. Douglas (Donie McMullan) (MD)
- Nicewander, Mrs. Lyman J. (Minnie Lee Eubanks) (NE)
- Nichol, Miss Esther Habersham (Esther Habersham Nichol) (NY)
- Nichol, Miss Sue Anne (Sue Anne Nichol) (MI)
- Nichol, Mrs. Alfred H. Jr. (Bernice Arlene Phelps) (MI)
- Nicholas, Mrs. Charles Parsons (Frances Young Allen) (KY)
- Nichols, Miss Judith Ann (Judith Ann Nichols) (TX)
- Nichols, Miss Pansy (Pansy Nichols) (TX)
- Nichols, Mrs. Frank L. (Lucretia Heitzler) (CO)
- Nichols, Mrs. Franklin Lyle (Mary Hays Wilcoxen) (TX)
- Nichols, Mrs. Jeanette Bentley (Jeanette Ianthe Bentley) (TX)
- Nichols, Mrs. Roberta Murray (Roberta Arline Murray) (CA)
- Nichols, Mrs. William H. Jr. (Rose Tilden) (NY)
- Nicholson, Mrs. Brown Jr. (Alice Tartt Bailey) (GA)
- Nicholson, Mrs. William Moore III (Sarah Landon Simmons) (GA)
- Nicks, Mrs. Robert L. (Loula Katherine Price) (NC)
- Nicolson, Miss Sybella (Sybella Nicolson) (CA)
- Nimmons, Miss Lillian Bryant (Lillian Bryant Nimmons) (SC)
- Nixon, Mrs. Maribeth Harrell (Mary Elizabeth Harrell) (GA)
- Noble, Miss May (May Noble) (CA)
- Nolen, Mrs. Charles W. (LaDanta Drake) (TX)
- Nolen, Mrs. Isaac Russell (Grace Register) (FL)
- Nordstrom, Mrs. John Malcolm (Florence May Bowden) (CA)
- Norris, Miss Frances Hill (Frances Hill Norris) (NC)
- Norris, Miss Sarah Electa (Sarah Electa Norris) (NY)
- Norris, Mrs. Jacquelyne Krell (Jacquelyne Yvonne Krell) (SC)
- Norris, Mrs. Ray (Sarah Anna Towns) (LA)
- Northcross, Mrs. Larry (Norma Louise Austin) (CA)
- Norton, Mrs. Dee Hart Jr. (Jo Ann Holt) (TX)
- Norton, Mrs. Richard Eyre (Wesley Ann Travis) (CA)
- Norton, Mrs. Stephen L. (Sylvia Linda Wulff) (IL)
- Norton, Mrs. William J. (Marion Golson Evans) (CA)
- Nourse, Dr. Dolores van C. (Dolores Van C. Nourse) (NY)
- Nowacek, Mrs. Charles G. (Mary Lucille Thurtle) (NY)
- Noyes, Mrs. George Sterling IV (Ann Cary Nichol) (FL)
- Nunn, Miss Mary Eleanora (Mary Eleanora Nunn) (VA)
- O'Briant, Mrs. Samuel (Mary Elizabeth Brennan) (NC)
- O'Hara, Ms. Jane (Jane Anne O'Hara) (GA)
- O'Keeffe, Miss Ann Killey (Ann Killey O'Keeffe) (NY)
- O'Keeffe, Mrs. James (Annie Killey) (VA)
- O'Leary, Mrs. Mary Bullis (Mary Ileen Bullis) (WA)
- O'Neal, Miss Suzanne Pendleton (Suzanne Pendleton O'Neal) (NC)
- O'Neal, Mrs. Thomas Jay (Stephanie Shuck) (MO)
- O'Neill, Mrs. Edwin G. (Louise Witten) (VA)
- O'Quinn, Miss Laura Elizabeth (Laura Elizabeth O'Quinn) (TX)
- O'Quinn, Mrs. Robert M. (Mary Carolyn Hudson) (TX)
- Oakley, Mrs. L. A. (Sara Blanchard Lee) (GA)
- Ochsner, Mrs. John Charles (Shirley Frances Ritchie) (IL)
- Oder, Mrs. Charles R. L. (Nell Chandler Bramham) (TN)
- Ogden, Mrs. Charles N. (Julia Ann Boddeker) (TX)
- Oglesby, Mrs. Richard Jefferson Jr. (Sarah White) (NJ)
- Oglesby, Mrs. W. Porter (Isabel W. Martin) (CA)
- Oiler, Miss Norma Sue (Norma Sue Oiler) (WV)
- Oleson, Mrs. Alfred C. (Frances Anne Craig) (WA)
- Oliver, Miss Laura Ann (Laura Ann Oliver) (TX)
- Oliver, Miss Nancy Susan (Nancy Susan Oliver) (GA)
- Oliver, Mrs. Jack William (Susan Carol Warren) (IN)
- Oliver, Mrs. James A. (Rebecca Ellen Jones) (TN)
- Oliver, Mrs. Mary C. (Mary Creath Cato) (KY)
- Ollar, Mrs. Carl B. (Betty Ann Latimer) (TX)
- Olson, Miss Ann (Ann Olson) (KY)
- Olson, Mrs. Charles Martin (Regina Laurene Pearson) (GA)
- Olsson, Mrs. John S. (Lorraine Stutsman) (OH)
- Onett, Mrs. George Lewis (Dorothy Margaret Schneider) (FL)
- Opstelten, Mrs. George E. (Sarah Chambers) (CA)
- Orcutt, Mrs. William Warren (Mary Logan) (CA)
- Oredson, Mrs. Marla Chase (Marla Ann Chase) (HI)
- Ormond, Mrs. Allison Lee (Theresa Fenton Covington) (GA)
- Ormsbee, Mrs. R. A. (Sue Yancey Green) (MT)
- Orr, Miss Martha Ann (Martha Ann Orr) (TX)
- Orvis, Mrs. Lester Sage (Gladys Ruth Crouch) (CA)
- Osborn, Miss Kristy (Kristy Osborn) (AR)
- Osborn, Mrs. Arthur Van (Carolyn Ann Bean) (AR)
- Osborn, Mrs. H. McKerall (Mary Fore Stuart) (AL)
- Osser, Mrs. Edward L. (Winifred Waller Eastin) (FL)
- Ostrom, Mrs. Thomas Ross (Marian McLaughlin) (IL)
- Otting, Mrs. Shirley Miller (Shirley Miller) (OR)
- Otto, Miss Sarah Thorpe (Sarah Thorpe Otto) (CA)
- Otto, Mrs. Sarah Thorpe (Sarah Maude Thorpe) (CA)
- Otwell, Mrs. Arthur Julian (Neel Hockenhill) (GA)
- Otwell, Mrs. Mary B. (Caroline Mary Brannen) (GA)
- Overholt, Mrs. David Philip (Betty Jane Youngman) (VA)
- Overstreet, Mrs. Ralph Mitchell (Florence Walker) (FL)
- Owen, Mrs. John Sabine (Mary Bell Frye) (WI)
- Owen, Mrs. William S. (Patricia Ann Atkinson) (FL)
- Owens, Miss Donna Christine (Donna Christine Owens) (NC)
- Owens, Mrs. Juliet Eggleston (Juliet Fleming Eggleston) (FL)
- Owens, Mrs. Thomas Reese (Ora Hall) (DC)
- Owings, Mrs. Addison D. (Elizabeth Lynn Steadman) (NC)
- Packer, Mrs. Helen Godwin (Helen Godwin) (FL)
- Paddon, Mrs. Richard (Lydia Richardson Babbott) (NJ)
- Page, Miss Robin Lea (Robin Lea Page) (PA)
- Pakland, Mrs. Margaret Neate (Margaret May Neate) (CA)
- Palmer, Miss Curtis Hayes (Curtis Hayes Palmer) (MD)
- Palmer, Mrs. B. R. (Lorene Lewis Wright) (TX)
- Palmer, Mrs. Charles Harvey (Grace Hambleton Ober) (MD)
- Palmer, Mrs. David Ross (Patricia May Warren) (MA)
- Palmer, Mrs. Edwin James (Ruth Holloman) (NC)
- Palmer, Mrs. R. C. Jr. (Mary Virginia Nowacek) (NJ)
- Palmer, Mrs. Vird D. (Clara Darden) (AL)
- Palmer, Mrs. William G. (Rosalie Fitz-Hugh Rixey) (VA)
- Palmore, Mrs. William Robert Jr. (Marion Preston Pearson) (AL)
- Palmquist, Mrs. Walter (Josephine Johnston) (IL)
- Pankey, Mrs. Arthur Lee (Ann Marie Stiles) (TX)
- Pappas, Mrs. Christopher C. (Joan Ford) (TX)
- Parda, Mrs. Thomas Frances (Mary Josephine Watson) (FL)
- Pardue, Miss Carol Nelle (Carol Nelle Pardue) (SC)
- Pardue, Miss Dollie Beatrice (Dollie Beatrice Pardue) (SC)
- Pardue, Miss Mary Humphreys (Mary Humphreys Pardue) (KY)
- Pardue, Mrs. Frank Eugene (Elizabeth Hart Woodham) (IN)
- Park, Dr. S. Elizabeth (S. Elizabeth Park) (CA)
- Park, Miss Julia Bennett (Julia Bennett Park) (NC)
- Park, Mrs. Bruce R. (Sudie Summers) (NC)
- Parker, Miss Lisa Lyn (Lisa Lyn Parker) (TX)
- Parker, Miss Mary Louise (Mary Louise Parker) (AZ)
- Parker, Miss Susan (Susan Parker) (TX)
- Parker, Mrs. Carolyn Johnson (Carolyn Jane Johnson) (MA)
- Parker, Mrs. Jack (Patricia Louise Ross) (TX)
- Parker, Mrs. John Morgan (Caroline Louise Morell) (AZ)
- Parkman, Miss Ruth (Ruth Parkman) (LA)
- Parks, Miss Ida Millender (Ida Millender Parks) (MD)
- Parks, Miss Nydia Elizabeth (Nydia Elizabeth Parks) (AL)
- Parks, Mrs. Lucile Snider (Lucile Snider) (NV)
- Parrish, Mrs. Gaston Henry (Clara Maughon Bell) (TX)
- Parrott, Mrs. Arthur F. (Sally Pleasants Johnson Sims) (CT)
- Parsons, Mrs. Frank Waterman (Elizabeth Kathryn Stone) (CA)
- Paschal, Mrs. Lloyd Hubert (Kathryn Ann Gaulden) (GA)
- Paschall, Mrs. Mary Venters (Mary Lou Venters) (GA)
- Passmore, Miss Naomi Lucile (Naomi Lucile Passmore) (PA)
- Pate, Miss Estella Mame (Estella Mame Pate) (IN)
- Patterson, Miss Ellen Daniel (Ellen Daniel Patterson) (VA)
- Patterson, Miss Mildred Florence (Mildred Florence Patterson) (OK)
- Patterson, Mrs. A. R. (Blanche Gary Hassell) (VA)
- Patterson, Mrs. Arthur Edgar (Faye Elizabeth Fletcher) (IN)
- Patterson, Mrs. James Lindley (Mary Ward) (OK)
- Patterson, Mrs. Robert A. (Bettye Jean Wooten) (GA)
- Patterson, Mrs. Samuel Thorne (Frances Kingsland Daniel Vick) (VA)
- Pattison, Miss Jean Lee (Jean Lee Pattison) (OK)
- Pattison, Mrs. Clifford Eugene (Dorothy Lee Serviss) (OK)
- Patton, Miss Elizabeth (Elizabeth Patton) (FL)
- Patton, Miss Melissa Ann (Melissa Ann Patton) (LA)
- Patton, Mrs. Charles Royston III (Joan Rochelle Ramsey) (CO)
- Patton, Mrs. John Lee (Florence Paul) (PA)
- Pauley, Miss Janet Woolford (Janet Woolford Pauley) (PA)
- Pauley, Mrs. Theodore R. (Elizabeth Woolford Davis) (PA)
- Pavey, Miss Elizabeth Ann (Elizabeth Ann Pavey) (TX)
- Pawlak, Mrs. Judith Kutchko (Judith Ann Kutchko) (TX)
- Pawlek, Mrs. Beth Warner (Beth Warner) (TX)
- Payne, Mr. Richard Beverley (Canada)
- Payne, Mrs. Albert S. (Helen Alice Phillips) (DC)
- Payne, Mrs. Dorothy Bliss (Dorothy Bliss Chew) (Canada)
- Payton, Mrs. Leland Radman (Mary Hicks) (VA)
- Pazolt, Mme. Elisa Rhodes (Elisa Beatrix Rhodes) (Italy)
- Peabody, Mrs. Frank III (Susan Avery Barnes) (KY)
- Peabody, Mrs. Millard S. (Frances Charlotte Wilson) (MA)
- Peacock, Mrs. Lester R. (Clayton Walser Oakes) (NC)
- Peake, Mrs. Charles Orlando Jr. (Myrtle Ellen Davis) (IN)
- Peakes, Mrs. Christine Newborg (Christine D. Newborg) (NJ)
- Pearce, Mrs. Clifford Forrest (Julia Hardy Robinson) (KY)
- Pearce, Mrs. William Henry (Edna May McClatchy) (MD)
- Pearson, Miss Levis (Pauline Levis Pearson) (NY)
- Pearson, Mrs. Eric G. (Bernice Winifred Cary) (IL)
- Pearson, Mrs. Lawrence S. (Margaret Marler Parsons) (NY)
- Pearson, Mrs. Michael Charles (Betty Jean Caldwell) (AR)
- Pearson, Mrs. Rose K. (Rose K. Williams) (OK)
- Peet, Mrs. Robert Guthrie (Kay Smith) (IL)
- Peirce, Mrs. George (Lucy Spotswood) (DE)
- Pell, Mrs. Herbert Claiborne (Olive Bigelow) (TX)
- Pelot, Mrs. Charles Edward (Lalla Virginia Jordan) (FL)
- Pelt, Major Joseph Samuel II (Spain)
- Pelt, Mr. Joseph Samuel III (Spain)
- Pelt, Mrs. Otis Samuel (Mary Evans) (CA)
- Pemberton, Mrs. Francis Rawle (Josephine Lyons) (CT)
- Pemberton, Mrs. Henry Jr. (Susan Lovering) (PA)
- Pement, Mrs. Frederick A. (Norma Anthony) (TN)
- Pence, Mrs. William (Adeline Virginia Hartnell) (IL)
- Pendelton, Mrs. George L. (Marion Soule) (NY)
- Penn, Mrs. John R. Jr. (Onah Baruise) (TX)
- Penney, Miss Mary Frances (Mary Frances Penney) (NY)
- Penniman, Miss Edna Gertrude (Edna Gertrude Penniman) (GA)
- Penniston, Miss Sarah Constance (Sarah Constance Penniston) (NC)
- Pepper, Mrs. Thomas (Harriett Ellen Hendley) (TN)
- Perine, Miss Anne Washington (Anne Washington Perine) (MD)
- Perkins, Mrs. Bruce S. Jr. (Mary Pauline Schuster) (FL)
- Perkins, Mrs. Michael (Sheila Ann Gregory) (TX)
- Perrin, Mrs. Louise Carlton (Louise Carlton) (CA)
- Perrow, Mrs. Charles B. (Grace Monro Perrow) (VA)
- Perry, Miss Elizabeth Burke (Elizabeth Burke Perry) (PA)
- Perry, Miss Priscilla (Priscilla Perry) (IL)
- Perry, Mrs. Harold Dean (Alyce Rebecca Pulliam) (MD)
- Perry, Mrs. John Elliott (Carolyn Jane Aubert) (TX)
- Perry, Mrs. John Stewart (Virginia Dee Coombs) (TX)
- Perry, Mrs. Robert Boyd (Helen Holton Evans) (IL)
- Peter, Mrs. Anthony B. (Barbara Marie Campbell) (TX)
- Peters, Mrs. Wirt L. (Gloria Cache Poindexter) (FL)
- Peterseim, Mrs. Paul C. (Martha Merrill Jolliff) (IN)
- Peterson, Miss Jane Ellyn (Jane Ellyn Peterson) (AR)
- Peterson, Mrs. Carl L. (Gladys Marjorie Robinson) (AR)
- Peterson, Mrs. John Edgar Sr. (Mary Elizabeth Dolan) (NC)
- Peterson, Mrs. Robert Elmer (Dorothy Lee Burnett) (VA)
- Peterson, Mrs. Sarah Long (Sarah R. Long) (IN)
- Peterson, Mrs. Z. R. (Ruth Skinner) (MI)
- Petteway, Miss Elizabeth Anne (Elizabeth Anne Petteway) (TX)
- Petteway, Mrs. Nancy Jeffrey (Nancy Jeffrey) (TX)
- Pfifer, Miss Sharon Marie (Sharon Marie Pfifer) (FL)
- Phelps, Mrs. Henry L. (Rebecca Lynn Jack) (DC)
- Phelps, Mrs. Julia Parson (Julia A. Parson) (IN)
- Phelps, Mrs. Thomas W. (Rosalie Greenleaf Bailey) (NC)
- Philbrick, Mrs. James Francis (Jane Virginia Hawkins Andrews) (VA)
- Philips, Miss Leigh Anne (Leigh Anne Philips) (MD)
- Philips, Miss Susan Elizabeth (Susan Elizabeth Phillips) (MD)
- Phillips, Miss Isabella Margaret (Isabella Margaret Phillips) (PA)
- Phillips, Mrs. Lee Eldas (Ann Katherine Innes) (KS)
- Phipps, Mrs. John R. (Pauline M. Prunty) (IL)
- Piatt, Mrs. John Warren (Virge Lyle McCulley) (KY)
- Pickard, Mrs. Carl Glenn (Almead Hampton Jackson) (NC)
- Pickard, Mrs. George Edwin (Katherine Farragut Hall) (DC)
- Pickens, Mrs. Dennis Brandt Jr. (Marion Louise Pollard) (CA)
- Pickens, Mrs. Robert Sylvester (Vinton Liddell) (WA)
- Pickering, Mrs. Bob M. (Luella Welts Kummer) (WA)
- Pickle, Mrs. David Jones (Birdie Mildred Givens) (TX)
- Picklesimer, Mrs. Marion L. (Mary Frances Shearer) (VA)
- Picou, Miss Michelle (Michelle Picou) (PA)
- Picou, Mrs. Milton J. (Esther Burrill) (PA)
- Piebes, Mrs. John Charles (Ouida Dale Waller) (GA)
- Pierce, Miss Jane Elizabeth (Jane Elizabeth Pierce) (MN)
- Pierce, Mrs. Elmer Sampson (Muriel White) (FL)
- Pierson, Mrs. Ohley Ord (Mary Selma Dunn) (DC)
- Pillar, Miss Henritta Charlotta (Henritta Charlotta Pillar) (CA)
- Pillar, Miss Leona Jeanette (Leona Jeanette Pillar) (CA)
- Pillow, Miss Rhonda Ann (Rhonda Ann Pillow) (CA)
- Pilot, Mrs. Grace Robinson (Grace Robinson) (PA)
- Pinkhamm, Miss Pamela E. (Pamela E. Pinkhamm) (MA)
- Pipes, Miss Sarah Randolph (Sarah Randolph Pipes) (LA)
- Pipkin, Miss Staci Paige (Staci Paige Pipkin) (TX)
- Pistorio, Miss Irene M. (Irene M. Pistorio) (DC)
- Pitcher, Miss Mary Lawrence (Mary Lawrence Pitcher) (FL)
- Pitcher, Mrs. William Henry (Virginia Griffith Stein) (FL)
- Pitkin, Mrs. Carlos Eugene (Maude Nones Biewend) (OH)
- Pittman, Miss Lucy Marilyn (Lucy Marilyn Pittman) (MS)
- Pittman, Miss Margaret Brooks (Margaret Brooks Pittman) (GA)
- Pittman, Mrs. Crymes (Jennevieve Lucy George) (MS)
- Plantinga, Miss Priscilla King (Priscilla King Plantinga) (CT)
- Platenburg, Mrs. Herman W. (Winifred Lavera Davie) (CA)
- Plowman, Miss Jeanne Grosvenor (Jeanne Grosvenor Plowman) (PA)
- Plue, Mrs. Freeman E. (Bernice Hulett Spofford) (NY)
- Poe, Mrs. Philip Livingston (Grace Elliott Morris) (MD)
- Poland, Miss Christine Krepps (Christine Krepps Poland) (TX)
- Pollard, Miss Carolyn Routh (Carolyn Routh Pollard) (WI)
- Pollard, Miss Mary Izette (Mary Izette Pollard) (MD)
- Pollard, Mrs. Clarence Owens (Florence Howell) (CA)
- Pollard, Mrs. Elizabeth Gibson (Elizabeth Roycroft Gibson) (NC)
- Pomeroy, Miss Margaret (Margaret Pomeroy) (PA)
- Pool, Miss Debra (Debra Pool) (CA)
- Poorbaugh, Miss Christine Ensor (Christine Ensor Poorbaugh) (NM)
- Pope, Mrs. Daniel Stuart Jr. (Marguerite Jones) (CT)
- Pope, Mrs. Liston (Bennie Howell Purvis) (Norway)
- Porter, Miss Barbara Ann (Barbara Ann Porter) (IN)
- Porter, Miss Jane Allen (Jane Allen Porter) (KY)
- Porter, Miss Marjorie May (Marjorie May Porter) (IL)
- Porter, Mrs. Benjamin Church III (Mary Alice Liddicoatt) (MI)
- Porter, Mrs. E. A. (Lucy Winslow Van Boskerck) (NJ)
- Porter, Mrs. John Hart (Frances Ekin Allison) (MO)
- Porter, Mrs. Nathan Todd Jr. (Caroline Chester Knickerbacker) (NJ)
- Porterfield, Mrs. Nancy Latimer (Nancy Catherine Latimer) (NC)
- Posey, Miss Donna Lynne (Donna Lynne Posey) (VA)
- Pottenger, Mrs. William Albert (Martha Livingstone) (AZ)
- Potter, Miss Helen Elizabeth (Helen Elizabeth Potter) (TX)
- Potter, Miss Hollis Vaughan (Hollis Vaughan Potter) (IL)
- Potter, Miss Maud (Maud Potter) (CA)
- Potter, Miss Ruth Minerva (Ruth Minerva Potter) (WI)
- Potter, Mrs. Albert E. (Helen Elizabeth Witzler) (TX)
- Potter, Mrs. George (Evelyn Arnold) (NY)
- Potter, Mrs. Harmon S. (Anna Louise Goodard) (DC)
- Potter, Mrs. James Robert (Lucile DeVoe Holmes) (CA)
- Potter, Mrs. Lee R. Sr. (Isabella McCoy) (MN)
- Potts, Miss Carol Ann (Carol Ann Potts) (LA)
- Powell, Miss Elizabeth Lucille (Elizabeth Lucille Powell) (AL)
- Powell, Miss Katharine Evelyn Carlyle (Katharine Evelyn Carlyle Powell) (DC)
- Powell, Miss Lindsey James (Lindsey James Powell) (AL)
- Powell, Miss Lissante Jeannette (Lissante Jeannette Powell) (DC)
- Powell, Miss Nancy Gilchrist (Nancy Gilchrist Powell) (AL)
- Powell, Miss Theresa Julienne Frost (Theresa Julienne Frost Powell) (DC)
- Powell, Mrs. Eunice Virginius (Adelaide Banks Eddins) (VA)
- Powell, Mrs. George A. Jr. (Barbara Luce) (HI)
- Powell, Mrs. Lewis William (Jane Elizabeth Pruett) (AL)
- Powell, Mrs. W. R. (Sara Aylett Graham) (KY)
- Powell, Mrs. W. Royce (Louise Hill-Conkey) (DC)
- Powers, Mrs. Neely (Katharine Crane) (OH)
- Prath, Mrs. Genevieve Butler (Genevieve Balch Butler) (MI)
- Pratt, Mrs. Alexander (Helene Stetson) (FL)
- Pratt, Mrs. Dallas Bache (Mary Gordon Landon) (NY)
- Pratt, Mrs. Henry J. (Kathleen Gaines) (AL)
- Pray, Mrs. Erwin Marble (Janet Harriet Sheffer) (IL)
- Preetorius, Mrs. Edward Louis (Florence Cecelia James) (GA)
- Prenshaw, Miss Penelope Joyce (Penelope Joyce Prenshaw) (MS)
- Prescott, Mrs. Edwin Justin (Elizabeth Beveley Polley) (FL)
- Prevas, Miss Elizabeth Ann (Elizabeth Ann Prevas) (MD)
- Prevas, Mrs. James (Anne Elizabeth Cronin) (MD)
- Price, Miss Caroline Butler Atwood (Caroline Butler Atwood Price) (KY)
- Price, Miss Mary Stuart Montague (Mary Stuart Montague Price) (MD)
- Price, Mrs. Geoffrey C. (Dorothy Keren Massengale) (TX)
- Price, Mrs. George Edward (Zada Walker) (IL)
- Price, Mrs. Joseph Freeman (Frances Munger) (NY)
- Price, Mrs. Robert Cleveland (Marjorie Anne Fulstow) (OH)
- Price, Mrs. William Anderson (Miriam Jean Walsh) (MO)
- Prichard, Mrs. James (Eloise Yon) (IA)
- Prince, Mrs. Ellen W. (Ellen Council Williams) (OK)
- Prince, Mrs. Timothy James (Barbara Joan Carr) (ID)
- Pringle, Miss Margaret (Margaret Pringle) (MO)
- Pringle, Mrs. Enoch M. III (Dorothy Ann Lamb) (AK)
- Pritchett, Mrs. J. H. Jr. (Nellie Louise Scott) (GA)
- Proctor, Miss Margaret Claire (Margaret Claire Proctor) (NC)
- Proctor, Mrs. Charles E. (Nina Gregory Jones) (NY)
- Prom, Mrs. Gerald (Patricia Wyman Bozell) (WA)
- Pruitt, Mrs. Frank Oliphant Jr. (Virginia King) (LA)
- Pruitt, Mrs. Rex (Jeanne Johnson) (GA)
- Puckett, Mrs. Ray (Marie Grimm) (KS)
- Pugh, Mrs. Jay Hill (Jay Dene Hill) (CT)
- Pugsley, Mrs. Alva L. (Ellice Heaton Hall) (TX)
- Pulkiner, Mrs. Enio A. (Mabel Button Baker) (MI)
- Pullig, Mrs. Wilson (Virginia Grace Richardson) (LA)
- Purdum, Mrs. Virginia Farley (Virginia Lee Farley) (CA)
- Purple, Mrs. Katherine D. (Katherine Ireys Diehl) (TN)
- Purvis, Mrs. Alton Earl (Shirley Harris) (MS)
- Pyatt, Mrs. R. L. (Mildred Smith) (NC)
- Pye, Miss Lucinda Howard (Lucinda Howard Pye) (VA)
- Pylano, Mrs. David James (Karen Jane Cecil) (DE)
- Quaid, Mrs. John Pier (Hazel Harvey) (AZ)
- Quaranta, Mrs. Francesco (Mary Jane Strang) (CA)
- Quick, Miss Loala (Loala Quick) (IL)
- Quillian, Mrs. Fletcher Brown Jr. (Gertrude Land) (GA)
- Quinn, Mrs. James E. (Susan Beatrice Jones) (FL)
- Quinsey, Mrs. Joseph Wayne (Lynn Lucretia Revell) (FL)
- Quitmeier, Mrs. N. W. (Nancy Eileen Wessling) (KS)
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