National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons

Electronic Newsletter, September, 2008




If this is the first Electronic Newsletter that you have received from our Society, please read the paragraph OUR E-MAIL LIST below. The link to the Newsletter on the Website is: The link to the Website is:

Topics: New Information ***

Members Only Section
Short Term Goals - Long Term Vision
*** Dinner in Washington, DC- April 12, 2008
*** Magna Carta/USA Week - June 2008
***Magna Charta Conference – June 2008
***Rule of Law Project

*** Lunch in Washington, DC- July 2009
***Centennial Dinner in Washington DC - April 18, 2009
*** Magna Carta To Remain in the United States
*** Views From England
***Additional Information on the Magna Charta Web Site
*** Notes Concerning Video
*** The Magna Carta 1215 U.S. Tours – Overview
*** News From Brookfield Publishing
*** Our 100th Anniversary
Membership Initiatives
Reissue of Magna Charta in 2015 - 800th Anniversary
Participation in State Divisions
- Please send new email addresses
*** Thank you
Potential Members
Enhancement of our E-Mail list

I wish all of our Divisions Colonies and Chapters well with your programs and meetings.

We have added a "members only" section of our website. THE MEMBER NAME AND PASSWORD ARE CASE SENSITIVE. We have sent the username and password (which is case sensitive) to all of our members who have been identified as members in our email program. Since that is different from our member database it is necessary to individually identify people as members in the email program so that is in process. If you are a member and did not receive the email with the password, please send us an email with your full name and address with MEMBER and state in the subject line.

Continuing Theme: Short Term Goals - Long Term Vision

We introduced a page on our Website which identifies the short term goals and long term vision for our Society, consistent with our purposes and supporting our mission. This page will be periodically updated and we invite suggestions. Please look at the "What's New" Page on our Web Site for information.

Dinner in Washington DC - Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our Washington DC dinner on Saturday, April 12, 2008 was very successful with recognition to Wayne Valis for his service with the Magna Charta. We were especially pleased that two representatives of the NEA spoke on a current initiative to develop Magna Charta Curriculum in the US and UK as well as the NEA support for exhibit of the Magna Charta in the US. We showed the video with David Rubenstein, Esq.   We have included video of the talks at the dinner on our website.

Magna Carta USA Week June 2008

At Lincoln Cathedral the Magna Carta Lecture presented by Baroness Elizabeth Butler Sloss,  retired Senior Judge and President of the Family Division of the High Court, 1999 - 2005. "Magna Carta and Modern Day Justice -   

Magna Carta Conference June 2008 - University of Lincoln

We have added all of the Video we recorded from the Conference, including the talks and very interesting question and answer sessions. The speakers included (listed in alphabetical order) Tony Benn, Former MP and President of the Stop the War Coalition, Dame Pauline Green, Chief Executive and Secretary, Cooperatives UK, Dr.. Liam Fox, MP and Shadow Defense Secretary, Wayne Valis, Washington Lobbyist who served in the White House during the terms of Presidents Nixon, Reagan and George H. W. Bush, Dr. Reg Weaver, President of the National Education Association of America and Vice President Education International, and The Rev. Canon Professor Mike West, Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral. You are invited to the Page for the Conference, .

The Conference was planned as An International Forum in Lincoln 24 - 28 June 2008 for young people aged 18 - 25. The Forum an objective to examine what a modern day charter of rights might contain and to debate the issues:

To Vote of Not to Vote: Why is there a growing apathy among many groups in society and what might we do about this?
Are the USA and the UK united or divided by a common understanding of democracy?
Are human rights and democracy contented bedfellows?
Is our view of democracy worth exporting to the rest of the world?

Planning is underway for a Conference in June 2009. Last year the Forum itself was free of charge but there was a cost of $500.00 for 5 day's accommodation and food at the University of Lincoln and visitors needed to make their own travel arrangements.

While we do not yet know the details for next year's Conference, we hope that our Divisions Chapters or Colonies will consider sponsoring a student participant from their area.

The Rule of Law Project

On June 23, 2008 I met with Francis Neate, Esquire, Past President of the International Bar Association, to discuss the Rule of Law. is an initiative of the IBA and can be explored at their website on the Rule of Law tab. .

Lunch in Washington DC in July:

Last year we scheduled an information lunch for members in Washington DC during DAR Week. We found a convenient and attractive restaurant and those participating ordered from the menu. Let us know if you might be interested in a lunch next year for planning purposes.

Dinner in Washington DC - Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our Washington DC Centennial Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2009 at the University Club. We encourage you to attend. As in prior years we are planning a reception portion for those who might have additional activities that evening. We especially welcome Patron participation even if you are unable to attend the dinner. We are also welcoming Patron States who wish to recognize the Centennial with an event. We will be adding information concerning the Patron contributions.

Magna Carta To Remain In the United States:

On March 24, 2008 I was pleased to have a conversation with David Rubenstein Esquire concerning his vision for his Magna Carta which he purchased in December and has loaned to the National Archives for display in Washington DC.

Views From England:

On February 24, 2008 I met with Ashley Mote, Member of the European Parliament, Independent MEP for South-east England, who shared some of his views concerning Magna Carta in a short video clip.  His website is

Additional Information in the Magna Charta Web Site:

August 23, 2008 We have added a History Page and the first addition is the Program Book for the 40th Anniversary in 1949. We have also added some pictures of Chancellor Neilson explaining the purposes of our Society to Prince Charles when he visited Philadelphia last year.
Link to History Page /
Link to Pictures Charles Pictures.htm 

Notes Concerning Video:

We are planning to continue and expand this format for sharing individual views on the Magna Charta. We continue to emphasize video from talks presented in a public forum (hopefully with the text), however, we do not wish to wait for a formal talk when there is a message which can be shared using our website.

1215 Magna Carta Tour - Overview

The 1215 Lincoln Magna Carta is continuing on tour with individual exhibits for each venue. I am informed that the schedule includes, the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley California beginning February 2009, the Gerald Ford Museum in Michigan in the fall of 2009, in New York City at the historic Fraunces Tavern in the autumn of 2009 and the George H. W. Bush Library in College Station Texas in 2010. Wayne Valis, former Presidential Aide, has made an outstanding effort for the tour of the 1215 Magna Carta which has successfully included Virginia Beach and Philadelphia. We have included video from these two exhibits on our website. We recognized Wayne Valis for his effort at our dinner in Washington DC on April 12, 2008.

There can be a number of additional Exhibit opportunities leading up the 800th anniversary in 1215 and I would welcome suggestions.

News From Brookfield Publishing

You will observe that the format has been changed for the listing of immigrant ancestors, currently 196. There is a link from each of listed ancestors to a page for that ancestor and that page has the Barons listed with links to each of the Barons pages. As the Barons other than the Surety Barons are researched we will add pages for them with the links for the immigrant ancestors. To clarify these are the Barons who supported the Magna Charta as distinguished from the non qualifying Barons who supported the King.

Also as many of the immigrant ancestors are descended from more than one Baron many of our members are descended from more than one qualifying immigrant ancestor. In some cases two qualifying immigrants are married to each other and this has already been noted on their web page. It turns out that most of our recent Primary Members submit lineage information from one ancestor, however, in the past the office was including more than one qualifying immigrant in the member records. Brookfield is working on listings of grouped ancestors and is planning to gradually include some of them on the web site.

Our 100th Anniversary

We are planning a dinner is Washington DC next Spring 2009 to celebrate our 100th Anniversary. We also invite our Divisions Chapters and Colonies to have celebrations throughout the year and, perhaps, continuing into 2010. For each there are likely to be some excellent and educational programs and perspectives on Magna Charta. This is a good time to plan for recording the events for presentation and sharing.

Membership Initiatives

We are pleased that many of our members have appointed their successors. On the first page of the website there is a tab for Successor Information which will explain succession in our Society.

If you are a member of our Society you may Propose your children for membership using the Proposal Form for our Society. Your signature on the form will be accepted as primary proof of descent and no additional documentation will be necessary. If you propose another relative then descent would need to be established from your common ancestor on your qualifying line.

Reissue of Magna Charta in 2015 - 800th Anniversary - Reminder

We are continuing with planning for the Reissue and welcome interest in a Committee to be established for this purpose.

Our March Newsletter provided information concerning the Reissue Project and I encourage you to review that information.


Participation in State Divisions and New Divisions

We will be sending lists of new members to most of the State Division Regents or local Regents. If you are a member and wish to participate at the State or local level, please let us know. The "members only" section of our website includes contact information for our State Divisions. Please be reminded that it is necessary to first be a member of the National Society in order to participate in State Divisions or Chapters of Colonies.

Several of our members have expressed interest in forming new Divisions. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to assisting with this effort.


On behalf of the Officers and Council of the Society, I bring greetings with this Newsletter. We continue to develop awareness of Magna Charta and its message. We ask each of you to participate with us in continuing the long tradition of friendship and fellowship which has continued over many years. We need to increase the number of members and friends on our email listing. Please ask your relatives or friends to send us their E-mail address. Please also send us the E-mail addresses of friends who are interested either in lineage societies or in memorializing Magna Charta. For the future, please propose new members for our Society. Please also attend your local meetings and include your children and grandchildren. We have a very special organization and I hope that you will help us to maintain its traditions.

Thank You

We continue to be pleased with the response from our members to update addresses and provide new addresses for those who have been lost. Many members who were eligible to do so have appointed successors. Updated address lists will be sent to the State Divisions. I am, however, saddened to learn when our members are deceased. I and the Society are grateful for the time, dedicated effort and financial contributions that many of those members have given to our Society. As I update the deceased role with members who I have worked with and known during the past nineteen years, I am reminded that we need to express appreciation on an ongoing basis to all of those who are helping to make our Society a wonderful organization. Thank You!

Potential Members

If you are not a member of our Society and are eligible, I hope that you will join. If you are not eligible but share our interest in history and genealogy, we encourage you to remain on our Email list. We also welcome your participation in our ongoing genealogical research projects and our Tours. We welcome and encourage new members and remind those submitting lineage information to include copies of referenced material.

As mentioned in prior E-Newsletters, membership continues to be of vital importance to our Society. If you wish to speed up or facilitate the membership process, please include with the Proposal Form a well-documented lineage (including copies of the documentation) to either a known ancestor or to one of the qualifying Barons. If you have sent lineage information without the copies, you may also speed up the process by sending copies of the documentation. Lineage Forms are provided on the Website.


We rely on member contributions for our Society operations and we plan to build our endowment in connection with the 100th Anniversary of the founding our Society in 1909. We hope you will consider contributions, including contributions of appreciated securities. Our Society is a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Enhancement of our E-Mail list

Our email list is a separate list from the roster of the Society. Initially we used Outlook for the list and we did not indicate who was a member or which state they lived in. If you are a member of our Society, please send an email message to and write MEMBER in the Subject field followed by a space and then the abbreviation for your state.


We continue to significantly increase our e-mail list. To those of you who are new to our list we welcome you to receive our Electronic Newsletter and hope that you will find our Society and our mission to be interesting. Since a primary mission of our Society is to develop awareness of Magna Charta we wish to expand the circulation of our Electronic Newsletter by increasing our e-mail address list particularly including those who are members of lineage societies and/or those who share our interest in the principles of Constitutional Liberty. I would like to thank those who have shared their email lists since our last Electronic Newsletter.

We encourage you to check our Website regularly for new developments and information. The link to the Newsletter on the Website is: The link to the Website is:

Our E-mail list is made up of those who have sent us e-mail, of members and friends of the Society who have responded to our Newsletter request for E-mail addresses and others who we believe might be interested in our Society or mission. If you would prefer not to receive future Electronic Newsletters, however, please let us know. If you have friends who you believe might be interested in our Society, please forward this e-mail. If you have received this as a forwarded e-mail, please visit our Website at for more information about our Society. You may also contact our Society Office at 215-836-5022.

Do not hesitate to contact me with questions or suggestions.

Lewis L. "Ted" Neilson, Jr.
National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Telephone: 215-836-5022
Fax: 215-836-5056
Mailing Address: PO Box 4222, Phila., PA 19144

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Last modified: March 01, 2014