National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Deceased Member Listings At 8/1/99
This is one of 17 pages which list over 5,000 deceased Members of the National
Society Magna Charta Dames and Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons. Please refer to the
Deceased Members Listing Home Page for the other pages.
We hope that potential members might find their ancestors or relatives on one of these
lists. Generally for a descendant of a member to satisfy the lineage requirement for
membership it will be necessary to establish the descent with references or documentation,
including copies of the referenced material or documentation. In the case of relatives
generally the descent would be established from a common ancestor.
By way of explanation, the Society has listed a member as deceased when actual notice
has been received or who was listed on the Society records as deceased in 1989. We
apologize for any errors which might have inadvertently been made. Please inform us of any
individuals on this list who might be alive. We hope that the information will be
submitted for each person on a separate note card or a separate sheet of paper. It should
be mailed to the Society's office at the address on the home page. Thank you for your
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- Vaccaro, Mrs. Charles C. (Florence Thelma Eddie)
- Vail, Mrs. Edgar (Betty Bradbury)
- Van Arsdale, Mrs. Howard Campbell (Ruth Torr)
- Van Deventer, Mrs. Horace (Mary Lurton)
- Van Meter, Mrs. Oather Edward (Minnie Lucile Taylor)
- Van Pelt, Mrs. David (Elizabeth Patterson)
- Van Pelt, Mrs. Joseph K. T. (Katharine Ashhurst Bowie)
- Van Rensselaer, Miss Catherine Glen (Catherine Glen Van Rensselaer)
- Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Robert S. (Edna Eunice Tretheway)
- Van Sickle, Mrs. Garland P. (Ada Wright)
- Van Steenbaugh, Mrs. Dick Edward (Ruth Hill McKinney)
- Van Wagenen, Miss Elizabeth Vass (Elizabeth Vass Van Wagenen)
- Van Wagner, Mrs. William N. (Rose Genevieve Chatterton)
- Van Winkle, Mrs. Julian P. (Kate Smith)
- Van der Slice, Mrs. Austin (Laura Frances Alberta Riley)
- VanAuken, Mrs. Horace Broughton (Emma Catherine Holloway)
- VanBoskerck, Mrs. Thomas Rowe (Lucy Otterson)
- VanDeren, Mrs. Charles Edward (Virginia Amelia Quisenberry)
- VanPatten, Mrs. Ellsworth Harper (Evelyn Victoria McGaw)
- Vance, Mrs. Charles J. (Mildred Thornton)
- Vance, Mrs. Herbert Oscar (Emily Murray)
- Vandercook, Mrs. Francis Ira (Dorothy Isabella Powell)
- Vanderpoel, Mrs. John A. (Emily Carolne Noyes)
- Vanderschoot, Mrs. Rudolph (Beatrice Duryea)
- Vanderwerf, Mrs. Jacob Witzel (Anna Louise Hubbell)
- Vann, Mrs. Homer King (Mary Beall Bridges)
- Vann, Mrs. Thomas Lester (Bess Ward)
- Vannerson, Mrs. John T. (Marie Ebert)
- Vansant, Mrs. Ilvan Larue (Magdalena Beverlin)
- Vardaman, Mrs. Homer Douglass (Fredericka Jones)
- Varn, Mrs. Algernon Smith (Jaynie Birch)
- Varney, Mrs. Donald M. (Katharine Lockhart Smith)
- Vassar, Mrs. C. E. (Olive Yancy)
- Vaughan, Mrs. Ellis Floyd (Sarah Elizabeth Battle)
- Vaughan, Mrs. Guy (Cary Smith Loud)
- Vaughn, Mrs. Charles Joel (Edna Childers)
- Vaughn, Mrs. Gilbert Matteson (Irene Matteson)
- Vaux, Miss Susan Morris (Susan Morris Vaux)
- Vaux, Mrs. Henry Pepper (Frances Alice Cramp)
- Vaux, Mrs. Norris Wister (Honora Allen Dixon)
- Vaux, Mrs. Richard (Ruth Shain)
- Vawter, Mrs. William Arthur II (Dorothy Rothborne Fuller)
- Veasey, Mrs. Daniel Haywood (Eleanor May Epperly)
- Vegyelek, Mrs. Edward Angyal (Leanne Jane Brown)
- Veitch, Mrs. Burwell Saxon (Annie Laurie Sims)
- Veling, Miss Lerna Diez (Lerna Diez Veling)
- Venters, Mrs. Elmer Jerome (Elizabeth Tolson)
- Verner, Mrs. John Claude (Ruth Starke)
- Vernon, Mrs. Paul E. (Louise Tousey)
- Verrill, Mrs. Harry Mighels (Louise Shurtleff Brown)
- Vick, Mrs. Alfred J. (Ella Mehrling)
- Vick, Mrs. J. Wells (Velma Gertrude Brown)
- Vickerstaff, Mrs. Raymond (Doris Ward)
- Vickery, Mrs. Lloyd W. (Zelma Viola Hammond)
- Vint, Mrs. Russell Trout (Idress Elizabeth Beazley)
- Vogellus, Mrs. Clifford Martin (Emily Jane Clark)
- Vohland, Mrs. Gage G. (Mabel Violet Marks)
- Voigt, Mrs. Robert Rockwood (Eleanor Walker Conarro)
- Volkmar, Mrs. Schuyler (Sophie Thomas)
- Vollnogle, Mrs. Peter Firestone (Prudence Sharpless Doyle)
- Voltz, Mrs. Francis J. (Leda Clarissa Coolman)
- Voorhees, Mrs. Theodore Coert (Marguerite Milne)
- Waddell, Mrs. Louis Morton (Leah Abigail Crago)
- Wade, Mrs. J. Lloyd (Helena Morris)
- Wadsworth, Mrs. Arthur Bristol (Adell White Adams)
- Wafer, Mrs. Lois Thompson (Lois Thompson)
- Wagoner, Mrs. Robert M. (Edna Colleen Langley)
- Wainwright, Mrs. Joseph R. (Laura Lloyd)
- Wainwright, Mrs. Richard Sparks (Ruth Olga Moseley)
- Waite, Mrs. Charles Clement (Effie Crouch)
- Walbridge, Miss Alice Lenore (Alice Lenore Walbridge)
- Walchli, Mrs. Otto W. (Marion Judge Chamberlin)
- Waldo, Mrs. George Selden (Myrtelle Fennell)
- Wales, Miss Albertine (Albertine Wales)
- Wales, Miss Marion Porter (Marion Porter Wales)
- Wales, Mrs. Ralph Huntington (Betty Burke)
- Walker, Miss Florence M. (Florence M. Walker)
- Walker, Mrs. Annie Weaver (Annie K. Weaver)
- Walker, Mrs. Billington Sanders IV (Emily Caroline Bailey)
- Walker, Mrs. Cammie Smith (Cammie Smith)
- Walker, Mrs. Charles Aderhold (Josephine Garrett)
- Walker, Mrs. Charles Leopold (Maude May Coleman)
- Walker, Mrs. Charles Pettyjohn (Virginia Wood)
- Walker, Mrs. Claudie Gordon (Zellah Amanda Ballard)
- Walker, Mrs. Fielding Lewis IV (Sarah Wise Turpin)
- Walker, Mrs. Hubert (Jessie Katherine Groesbeeck)
- Walker, Mrs. James Otis (Carolyn Faye Cayton)
- Walker, Mrs. Joseph Marshall (Virginia Helen Brent)
- Walker, Mrs. Orin Marion (Kathryn Hawkins)
- Walker, Mrs. Ralph Linwood (Mabell Marie Clark)
- Walker, Mrs. Silas Ellsworth (Cinderella Dalrymple)
- Wallace, Mrs. George Moncure (Eleanor Randolph Murphy)
- Wallace, Mrs. Harry Abraham (Iva LeVerne Cox)
- Wallace, Mrs. John Mason (Gertrude McFadyen)
- Wallace, Mrs. Samuel Henderson (Eugenia Parnell Johnson)
- Wallace, Mrs. William (Jouett Lee)
- Waller, Miss Frances (Frances Waller)
- Waller, Miss Frances Amelia (Frances Amelia Waller)
- Waller, Mrs. Absalom (Sarah Louise Jones)
- Waller, Mrs. Albert Sidney Jr. (Alma Ruth Eastep)
- Waller, Mrs. Luther Hill (Janet Maultsby)
- Walling, Mrs. Alonzo Nelson (Ida G. Walling)
- Walsh, Mrs. Albert M. (Ruth Thompson)
- Walsh, Mrs. Edward Perry (Fanie Long)
- Walt, Mrs. Martin III (Dorothy Mantz)
- Walter, Miss Gladys Darlington (Gladys Darlington Walter)
- Walter, Miss Mary Ethyl (Mary Ethyl Walter)
- Walters, Miss Louise Agnes (Louise Agnes Walters)
- Walters, Mrs. Carl Franklin (Annie Sue Westbrook)
- Walters, Mrs. Eleanor Jask (Eleanor Jask)
- Walters, Mrs. Perry A. (Mary Elizabeth Dillon)
- Waltman, Mrs. Edwin Guy (Julia Roth Clark)
- Walton, Miss Kathy Cassell (Kathy Cassell Walton)
- Walton, Mrs. Josiah H. (Geraldine Elley Drinkard)
- Waltz, Mrs. Peter Michael (Joan Beatrice Walsh)
- Ward, Mrs. Carlyle Mumford (Catherine Spence)
- Ward, Mrs. Charles (Phelinda Ann Ward)
- Ward, Mrs. Francis X. (Janet Madeline Pettingill)
- Ward, Mrs. Gerald Charles (Sarah Augusta Hardy)
- Ward, Mrs. Joe Terrell (Dorothy Robyn Wells)
- Ward, Mrs. Wallace (Flora Mae Fulbright)
- Ward, Mrs. William Thomas (Margaret Rutherford)
- Warden, Miss James Julius (Elizabeth Power)
- Wardlaw, Mrs. Joseph Powell (Georgia Gaston Dickinson)
- Ware, Dr. Eunice Letitia (Eunice Letitia Ware)
- Ware, Miss Bonnie Bess (Bonnie Bess Ware)
- Ware, Miss Leslie Hinton (Leslie Hinton Ware)
- Ware, Miss Lois Philip (Lois Philip Ware)
- Ware, Mrs. Sadie Lou (Sadie Lou Adams)
- Warfield, Mrs. George Elmon (Nell Hudson)
- Warner, Dr. Louise (Louise Warner)
- Warner, Mrs. Henry Chester (Lucile Mertz)
- Warner, Mrs. John Latimar (Carrie Appleton Tenney)
- Warner, Mrs. Thomas Augustus (Laura Lillian Wright)
- Warren, Miss Mary Lee (Mary Lee Warren)
- Warren, Mrs. Eliza Phillip (Hazel Irene Cox)
- Warren, Mrs. Fiske (Gretchen Osgood)
- Warren, Mrs. Robert L. (Lucile Malone)
- Warren, Mrs. Walter Marshall (Carolyn Chase)
- Warrington, Mrs. Chester Henry (Myrtle Daspit)
- Warris, Mrs. John Ford (Marion Clark)
- Warslow, Miss Helen (Helen Warslow)
- Washburn, Mrs. Paul Carruth (Elizabeth Reed Wurts)
- Washburn, Mrs. Wesley W. (Eleanor Wilson)
- Washburne, Mrs. George Rudy (Mary Annie Moore)
- Washington, Miss Elizabeth Fisher (Elizabeth Fisher Washington)
- Waterman, Mrs. Arthur Judson (Madelyn Eve Jackson)
- Waterman, Mrs. George S. (Helen Lucelia Gillogly)
- Waters, Miss Florence Hester (Florence Hester Waters)
- Waters, Miss Pauline Virginia (Pauline Virginia Waters)
- Waters, Mrs. Dora Steynen (Dora Baldwin Steynen)
- Waters, Mrs. Hinton W. Sr. (Mary Lucile Hamby)
- Waters, Mrs. James (Kay Callaway Hoffmeyer)
- Waters, Mrs. Loy Anthony (Ruth Ennise Coleman)
- Waters, Mrs. Randy (Mary Charla Pollard)
- Watkins, Miss Anne (Anne Watkins)
- Watkins, Miss Louise Taurman (Louise Taurman Watkins)
- Watkins, Mrs. Edward Francis (Louise Ward)
- Watkins, Mrs. Ralph M. (Helen Mitchell Lehmer)
- Watres, Mrs. Louis Arthur (Effie Julia Hawley)
- Watson, Mrs. Bret Bonnell (Bess Mona Palmer)
- Watson, Mrs. Bryan M. (Mary Helen Worthington)
- Watson, Mrs. William Henry (Mary Frances Baker)
- Watt, Mrs. John (Edna Bartlett Conner)
- Watterson, Mrs. Gerald Treslar (Iona Mae Brandenburgh)
- Watts, Miss Edith Earl (Edith Earl Watts)
- Watts, Mrs. Thomas Jefferson (Latona Bruce McGill)
- Weakley, Mrs. Eugene W. Jr. (Eugenia Carter Hall)
- Weakley, Mrs. Eugene Young (Winifred Hilary King)
- Weaseman, Mrs. Chester Harry (Agnes Margaret Alaxson)
- Weatherby, Mrs. Joseph Norman (Lois Maxine Fletcher)
- Weatherly, Mrs. John Quinlan (Jean Vistula Etzel)
- Weatherly, Mrs. Tom (Eula Myrle Ware)
- Weaver, Miss Rose (Rose Weaver)
- Weaver, Miss Rose Pettus (Rose Pettus Weaver)
- Weaver, Mrs. Frederick A. (Estelle Wilkinson Tompkins)
- Weaver, Mrs. James Drake (Comer Carver)
- Weaver, Mrs. N. Terrell (Mary Elizabeth Smith)
- Weaver, Mrs. W. N. Sr. (Mary Elizabeth Low)
- Webb, Mrs. Donald Frederick (Blanche Elizabeth Doolittle)
- Webb, Mrs. Joseph Howard (Lucille Meredith Boyd)
- Webb, Mrs. Raymond H. (Jamesina Beatrice Payne)
- Weber, Miss Hallie Ruth (Hallie Ruth Weber)
- Weber, Mrs. Elmer Robert (Marie B. MacDonald)
- Weber, Mrs. Robert M. (Elizabeth Ogden)
- Webster, Mrs. Charles F. (Jane Merritt Logie)
- Webster, Mrs. John Edward (Vera Wentworth)
- Webster, Mrs. John Robinson (Gertrude Margaret Potter)
- Webster, Mrs. Robert S. (Emily Darlington Lippincott)
- Webster, Mrs. William Brennan (Caroline Conwell Murray Deming)
- Wedd, Miss Ruby Annette (Ruby Annette Wedd)
- Weed, Mrs. Melvin Albert (Mamie Luella Keene)
- Weede, Mrs. Garfield Wilson (Ethyle Porter)
- Weems, Dr. Rachel Fletcher (Rachel Fletcher Weems)
- Weimer, Mrs. Norman K. (Helen Schlafly)
- Weingetz, Mrs. Gregory (Madeline Bettinger)
- Weisgerber, Miss Neva Elizabeth (Neva Elizabeth Weisgerber)
- Weisgerber, Miss Virginia Edna (Virginia Edna Weisgerber)
- Welborn, Mrs. Norman L. (Letha Warren)
- Welch, Miss Margaret Mills (Margaret Mills Welch)
- Welch, Mrs. R. M. (Helen Elizabeth Mason)
- Welch, Mrs. Richard A. (Lois Webster)
- Welch, Mrs. Walter Scott (Alice Emeline Tracy)
- Welden, Mrs. John F. (Edna Lucy Smith)
- Wells, Mrs. Harry Trainer (Cornelia Adelaide Atwell)
- Wells, Mrs. Ralph E. (Edith Prescott Hodgdon)
- Wellslager, Mrs. Marie Whittle (Marie Wooten Whittle)
- Welsh, Mrs. Blanton Charles (Emilie Benson)
- Welton, Mrs. Clifford Joseph (Mary Ellis Stone)
- Wenck, Mrs. William Aristee (Esther Hardy Hawthorne Bragg)
- Werner, Mrs. Stanley M. (Elizabeth Coleman)
- Wersebe, Mrs. Frederic William (Clara Laws)
- Wesley, Miss Lucy (Lucy Wesley)
- Wessels, Mrs. Frederick Jr. (Rosalie Franklin Childress)
- Wessels, Mrs. John C. (Norma Serviss)
- Wessendorff, Mrs. Joseph Antone (Jane Johnson)
- Wessling, Mrs. Daniel Raymond (Cora Elizabeth Thomson)
- West, Miss Edith Woodfin (Edith Woodfin West)
- West, Mrs. Benjamin Terry (Helen May Brown)
- West, Mrs. Hugh John (Mary Elizabeth Young)
- Westbrook, Miss Mary Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth Westbrook)
- Westbrook, Mrs. Charles Howard (Judith Clementine Meriwether)
- Westbrook, Mrs. Trent R. (Anne Jones Perkins)
- Westcott, Mrs. Baldwin (Pattie Gilmer)
- Westcott, Mrs. Clarence Lincoln (Maria Dunbar Lockwood)
- Weston, Mrs. Edward Faraday (Edith Ross Parker)
- Weston, Mrs. Herman Elmer (Frances Morrison)
- Wetherill, Mrs. Edith Bucknell (Edith Bucknell)
- Wetten, Mrs. Albert H. (Marion Batten)
- Wetzel, Mrs. Fred J. (Martha Grace Coker)
- Wetzel, Mrs. Guy M. Sr. (Sarah Elizabeth Biggs)
- Whaley, Mrs. W. W. (Mary Jeffress)
- Wheatley, Mrs. Harrol C. (Ellen Virginia Willett)
- Wheatley, Mrs. William Harris Crawford (Helen Wyatt Huntington)
- Wheeler, Miss Annie Early (Annie Early Wheeler)
- Wheeler, Mrs. Arthur De Forest (Carrie May Dunbar)
- Wheeler, Mrs. Bennett Rollin (Grace Dyer Manton)
- Wheeler, Mrs. Edwin (Lou Chauncey)
- Wheeler, Mrs. Walter Hall (Eva Maud Blasdell)
- Whelan, Mrs. Hoyt E. (Florence Spencer)
- Whetmath, Miss Maude W. (Maude W. Whetmath)
- Whetstone, Mrs. John Thomas Jr. (Lucille Meredith McDonald)
- Whitaker, Mrs. Alexander Edward (Mildred Genevieve Campbell)
- Whitaker, Mrs. Ralph Oral (F. Edythe Horney)
- Whitcomb, Miss Addie R. (Addie R. Whitcomb)
- White, Miss Alma Carroll (Alma Carroll White)
- White, Miss Ann Heron (Ann Heron White)
- White, Miss Augusta Emma (Augusta Emma White)
- White, Miss Frederica Bremer (Frederica Bremer White)
- White, Miss Margaret Julia (Margaret Julia White)
- White, Mrs. Charles E. (Celeste Whetstone)
- White, Mrs. Edmund Alden (Rena Travis)
- White, Mrs. George L. H. (Mary Louise Riggsbee)
- White, Mrs. Harry Keith (Elizabeth Blossom Fitz Randolph)
- White, Mrs. Josephine Franklin (Josephine Franklin)
- White, Mrs. M. Hall (Mary F. Penn-Gaskill Hall)
- White, Mrs. Marian Smith (Marian Smith)
- White, Mrs. Robert (Ada Bransford Dean)
- White, Mrs. Robert Martin (Rose Ellen Flynn)
- White, Mrs. Thomas Roberts Sr. (Alice Sebold)
- White, Mrs. Walter Charles (Mary Virginia Saunders)
- White, Mrs. William Whitney (Helen Thompson Rex)
- Whitecotton, Mrs. geroge (Lily B. M.)
- Whitehead, Miss Florence Stansbury (Florence Stansbury Whitehead)
- Whitehead, Mrs. Robert Henley (Susan Thurston)
- Whitehouse, Mrs. Edgar (Lucile Dawes)
- Whitescarver, Mrs. Mabel Carter (Mabel Bena Carter)
- Whitham, Mrs. Jay Manuel (Rebecca Emmet Dashiell)
- Whitman, Mrs. Victor Sargent (Helen Elizabeth Ingalls)
- Whitmore, Mrs. Samuel Paxton (Bertha Lorena Speck)
- Whitney, Mrs. Richard Skinner (Mary Ellen Lewis)
- Whittekin, Mrs. William H. (Edna Coggeshall)
- Whitten, Mrs. Walter Wood (Mary Lillian Peters)
- Whittier, Mrs. Walter H. (Jessie Leonard)
- Whittle, Mrs. John Thomas Sr. (Annie Louise Wooten)
- Whitworth, Mrs. James Morton (Pauline Cozby)
- Wickersham, Mrs. Charles A. (Katie Brown)
- Wickliffe, Mrs. William Benson (Frances Louse Cruthfield)
- Wiggin, Mrs. Paul Felton (Emilie Benson Welsh)
- Wightman, Miss Julia Parker (Julia Parker Wightman)
- Wightman, Mrs. Orrin S. (Pearl Parker)
- Wikoff, Mrs. James G. (Helen Vail)
- Wilcox, Mrs. Earley Vernon (Mabel Ruth Owens)
- Wilcox, Mrs. Elias Bunn (Vardaman Allen Cockrell)
- Wilcox, Mrs. Frank Pentz (Ruth Elizabeth Davis)
- Wilcoxen, Mrs. Max William (Lucille Hays)
- Wilder, Mrs. Edward Franklin (Carrie Alberta Newton)
- Wilke, Mrs. Louis G. (Frances Maxine Watson)
- Wilkes, Mrs. Charles Ophir (Isabel Rebecca Abbott)
- Wilkey, Mrs. Hugh Kendrick (Geraldine May Cozby Henderson)
- Wilkins, Miss Josephine (Josephine Wilkins)
- Wilkins, Mrs. Ada Cates (Ada Cates)
- Wilkinson, Mrs. Bonner Hayes (Lucy Lane)
- Wilkinson, Mrs. Ralph Allen (Lillie Merrett Richards)
- Wilkinson, Mrs. Robert A. (Winifred Carlton)
- Wilkinson, Mrs. William A. (Jesside Fontaine Yellowley)
- Willard, Mrs. Oliver Harvey (Frances Burdick)
- Willey, Mrs. Harry Forrest (Ruth Manon)
- Williams, Dr. Mary Clay (Mary Clay Williams)
- Williams, Miss Lena Mae (Lena Mae Williams)
- Williams, Miss Will Gary (Will Gary Williams)
- Williams, Mrs. Charles Warren (Jane Cranston)
- Williams, Mrs. David Evans (Mary Vaughan Merrick)
- Williams, Mrs. David Rogerson (Ellen Clarke Manning)
- Williams, Mrs. David T. (Julia Willeta)
- Williams, Mrs. Edward Rees (Nina McPherson)
- Williams, Mrs. Ernest Dyer (Beryl Morgan)
- Williams, Mrs. Herberton Field (Charlotte Elaine Groves)
- Williams, Mrs. Howard J. (Dawn Mabel Buck)
- Williams, Mrs. Hubert Pow (Gladys Bagwell)
- Williams, Mrs. James Doyle (Jane Olivia Acker)
- Williams, Mrs. James Malichi (Lena May Stone)
- Williams, Mrs. John Carmichael (Josephine Alexander Cottrell)
- Williams, Mrs. John Reed (Elizabeth Lindsey)
- Williams, Mrs. Marshall McDiarmid (Mary Lyde Hicks)
- Williams, Mrs. Martin George Sr. (Marguerite Ulmer Haile)
- Williams, Mrs. Ralph Dwight (Mary Jane Funkhouser)
- Williams, Mrs. Raymond L. (Dorothy Urquhart)
- Williams, Mrs. S. B. (Hazel Arrington)
- Williams, Mrs. Stephen Miller (Annie Caroline Randolph)
- Williams, Mrs. Thomas Calloway (Shirley Faye Aaron)
- Williams, Mrs. Wallace Coates (Maria Louise Chandler)
- Williams, Mrs. Wesley Craig Sr. (Lucile Dent)
- Williams, Mrs. Woodruff Irvine (Margaret Jennings)
- Williams, Mrs. Wyman (Natalie Buffum)
- Williamson, Miss Helen Lorraine (Helen Lorraine Williamson)
- Williamson, Miss Julia Bulkeley (Julia Bulkeley Williamson)
- Williamson, Mrs. Edward Ervin (Marian Nichols Shaw)
- Williamson, Mrs. Henry Bradford (May Kirby)
- Williamson, Mrs. Joel Benjamin (Elizabeth Deming)
- Williamson, Mrs. Lea Rosborough (Mildred Hinton)
- Williamson, Mrs. Richard Bruce (Jean Eloise Sloan)
- Williamson, Mrs. W. H. (Mary Ready Weaver)
- Willis, Miss Helen Dustin (Helen Dustin Willis)
- Willis, Mrs. Clarence Dewitte (Evelyn Johnson)
- Willis, Mrs. Cornelius Grinnell (Mildred Hoover)
- Willis, Mrs. Johnnie Tucker (Johnnie Tucker)
- Wills, Miss Elsie Beattie (Elsie Beattie Wills)
- Willson, Mrs. Perry Lane (Myrtle Moore)
- Wilmore, Mrs. Louis Dempsey (Hazelmary Strother)
- Wilson, Mrs. Albion B. (Lavinia Sophia Rose)
- Wilson, Mrs. Charles Frederic (Amylita Talbot)
- Wilson, Mrs. Charles Maxon (Ruth Brian)
- Wilson, Mrs. Donald Shaeffer (Louise Madeline White)
- Wilson, Mrs. Francis Cushman (Charlotte Lansing Parker)
- Wilson, Mrs. George Thomas (Linnie Smith)
- Wilson, Mrs. Harry Ritchie (Mary Alice Morgan)
- Wilson, Mrs. James (Florence Ella Hazzard)
- Wilson, Mrs. John Hart (Watt Ella Nevils)
- Wilson, Mrs. John Stephen (Grace Hughitt West)
- Wilson, Mrs. Leslie (Mary Ann Kinsworthy)
- Wilson, Mrs. Malcolm Sands (Edith King)
- Wilson, Mrs. Robert Campbell Morris (Elizabeth Church Dake)
- Wilson, Mrs. Samuel Henry (Delphine Elizabeth Dawson)
- Wilson, Mrs. T. C. (Anna Salyer)
- Wimbish, Mrs. Lowell Wallace (Jewell Young)
- Wimbrow, Mrs. David H. (Nellie Toadvine)
- Winebrenner, Mrs. Kenneth B. (Willie Pearl Dockray)
- Winn, Mrs. Columbus Marion (Mary Elizabeth Cooper)
- Winter, Mrs. Joseph W. (Edna Haley)
- Winters, Mrs. Kurt (Catherine Louise Norwood)
- Winthrop, Mrs. John (Frances Trumbull)
- Wintle, Mrs. Mary Newman (Mary Clyde Newman)
- Wise, Mrs. Harry L. (Vella Karrick)
- Witcher, Mrs. John Tandy (Mary Jeanette Smith)
- Withers, Mrs. Guy (Emily Theresa Harrold)
- Witt, Mrs. Wilbur Earle (Nelle Cranford)
- Wittman, Mrs. Paul Brown (Ima Culbertson)
- Wofford, Mrs. John W. (Dorothea Brown)
- Wohlford, Mrs. Arthur Theodore (Emma Atwell)
- Wolf, Mrs. Daniel Dorsey (Edna Mintzer Kemper)
- Wolf, Mrs. Katherine Whitfield (Katherine Whitfield)
- Wolf, Mrs. Louis (Helen Dorcas Below)
- Wolfe, Mrs. Clifton (Mildred Welch)
- Wolfe, Mrs. Frank (Clare Estelle McGalliard)
- Wolfe, Mrs. Martin D. (Virginia Morelock)
- Wollfarth, Mrs. Oscar (Mary Kate Watkins)
- Wolverton, Mrs. James N. (Ruth Marie Nixon)
- Womack, Mrs. Grover Keneth (Betty Jo Hockaday)
- Womack, Mrs. Harry Glenn (Mildred Clark)
- Wood, Miss Alice R. (Alice R. Wood)
- Wood, Miss Annabel (Annabel Wood)
- Wood, Miss Ellen Persis (Ellen Persis Wood)
- Wood, Miss Leona (Leona Wood)
- Wood, Miss Maryetta (Maryetta Wood)
- Wood, Miss Valerie Faith (Valerie Faith Wood)
- Wood, Mrs. Charles Hiran (Pearl Cox)
- Wood, Mrs. Edward George (Mildred M. Patten)
- Wood, Mrs. George Mark (Mattie Pegues)
- Wood, Mrs. Grahame (Florence Wetherill)
- Wood, Mrs. John Fleet (Mary Hartshorn)
- Wood, Mrs. Mary Sewell (Mary Lester Sewell)
- Wood, Mrs. Neal Shackleford (Josephine Green)
- Wood, Mrs. Ocie Lee Jr. (Barbara Ann Sheffield)
- Wood, Mrs. Stacy Budd Campion (Mary Le Baron Ritter)
- Wood, Mrs. Thomas Farrar (Mary Dunn)
- Wood, Mrs. William Basil (Coralie Gregory)
- Wood, Mrs. William Thomas II (Marie Stevens)
- Woodall, Mrs. Herman Roscoe (Blanche Allison Darst)
- Woodard, Mrs. George Columbus Sr. (Jewell Gerron)
- Woodbridge, Mrs. Richard George (Ethel Lytle Whall)
- Woodbury, Mrs. Julian Taliaferro (Mary Virginia Moore)
- Woodfin, Mrs. Marion M. (Mittie Elizabeth Sprott)
- Woodfin, Mrs. Walton Chunn (Laura Kittrell Coop)
- Woodham, Mrs. John William (Wilma Baisden)
- Woodhouse, Mrs. Joseph Stuyvesant (Lydia Anne Davison)
- Woodis, Miss Ruth Grosvenor (Ruth Grosvenor Woodis)
- Woodruff, Mrs. G. G. (Flora Campbell)
- Woodruff, Mrs. James Parsons (Lillian Bell)
- Woods, Miss Janet (Janet Woods)
- Woods, Mrs. Andrew H. (Elizabeth Faries)
- Woods, Mrs. Leonard Albert (Betty McQuitty)
- Woodson, Mrs. Aytchmonde Perrin (Leigh Yawkey)
- Woodward, Mrs. C. Harry (Lilly Belle Johnston)
- Woodward, Mrs. Frederick Searle (Mary Eva Woodward)
- Woodward, Mrs. Roland (Eleanor Gause Spear)
- Woolman, Miss Josephine Townsend (Josephine Townsend Woolman)
- Woolslair, Mrs. Courtney N. (Martha Adele Wolcott)
- Wootten, Mrs. Walter Irvin (Hazel Powell)
- Woznuck, Mrs. John (Mildred Lorraine Dowell)
- Wray, Mrs. Alfred B. (Sarah Eliza Dean)
- Wray, Mrs. Claude Jefferson (Catherine James)
- Wright, Miss Clara (Clara Wright)
- Wright, Miss Helen Martha (Helen Martha Wright)
- Wright, Mrs. Albert Hazen (Anna Allen)
- Wright, Mrs. Chester J. (Lois Baker)
- Wright, Mrs. David Hudson (Carrie Newton)
- Wright, Mrs. E. O. (Eunice Irene Owsley)
- Wright, Mrs. Harold Walgrove (Ella Barberie Throckmorton)
- Wright, Mrs. J. Merrill (Laura A. Pearce)
- Wright, Mrs. John Pilling (Elizabeth Johnson)
- Wright, Mrs. Leland Young (Ora Lee Ferris)
- Wright, Mrs. Norman Earle (Hazel Sproul)
- Wright, Mrs. R. Lee (Sarah Oakes)
- Wright, Mrs. William Coxe (Charlotte Kelsey Dorrance)
- Wrightsman, Mrs. John Earl (Bertha Crouch)
- Wunder, Mrs. Darrah (Darrah Dunham)
- Wurts, Miss Dorothy Williams (Dorothy Williams Wurts)
- Wurts, Miss Jeannette Lathrop (Jeanette Lathrop Wurts)
- Wurts, Miss Louisa Vanuxem (Louisa Vanuxem Wurts)
- Wurts, Mrs. John S. (Dorothy Barrett Williams)
- Wyant, Mrs. Edgar Roy (Katherine Pierson Spining)
- Wygal, Miss Sue (Sue Wygal)
- Wylie, Mrs. Painter Colquitt (Myrtle Ruth Davis)
- Wylly, Mrs. Thomas Cook (Ida Carithers Shelnutt)
- Wynne, Mrs. Thomas Richard (Birdie Farrar)
- Yancey, Mrs. Price (Pamela Brown Henry)
- Yando, Mrs. William Wesley Jr. (Betsy Buckman)
- Yarborough, Mrs. Wylie Moore (Sudie Christine Troutman)
- Yardley, Mrs. Farnham (Harriet Mullet Jenkins)
- Yarnall, Mrs. Charleton (Anna Brinton Coxe)
- Yates, Mrs. W. W. (Ollie Robertson)
- Yawkey, Mrs. Cyrus Carpenter (Alice Maud Richardson)
- Yelton, Mrs. Hubert (Ruth Metz)
- Yelvington, Mrs. Eleanor Thompson (Eleanor Lamb Thompson)
- Yeomans, Mrs. N. Tracy (Edna Perry)
- Yerger, Mrs. George Sizer (Ednah Pearl Maxwell)
- Yntema, Mrs. Douwe Bauke (Mary Elizabeth Loomis)
- York, Mrs. R. E. (Agnes Magnolia Summy)
- Yorke, Dr. Gertrude Cushing (Gertrude Cushing Yorke)
- Young, Mrs. Arthur L. Jr. (Velma Frances Reaves)
- Young, Mrs. Donald Lehman Carlson (Elise Maxwell Clinard)
- Young, Mrs. Frederick Lloyd (Pruda Armington Moulton)
- Young, Mrs. G. Maurice (Florine Darden)
- Young, Mrs. Henry S. (Isabel Hollingsworth Mackall)
- Young, Mrs. James Sr. (Laura Gill)
- Young, Mrs. Joseph Christopher (Mildred Joseph Mary)
- Young, Mrs. Mason (Winnette Parham)
- Young, Mrs. Norville Finley (Ethel Denune)
- Young, Mrs. Roscoe B. (Katherine Halliwell Steward)
- Young, Mrs. William Jackson (Irene Taggart)
- Youngblood, Mrs. H. M. (Margaret Rudd)
- Youngblood, Mrs. W. C. (Naomi Law)
- Yount, Mrs. Charles William (Elisabeth Ann Smith)
- Yutzler, Mrs. Harry A. (Martha Loy)
- Zachary, Mrs. William Lester (Myrtle Webb Cazort(Ewing))
- Zapfe, Mrs. Emil J. (Mildred DeLano)
- Zeliff, Mrs. Kendall Jerome (Lois Summerall)
- Zelov, Mrs. Victor (Helen Hopkins)
- Zink, Mrs. John S. (Swannie Estelle Smith)
- Zollicoffer, Mrs. Algernon Augustus (Fannier Cooper)
- Zollinger, Mrs. Walter J. (Frances Louise McConine)
- Zwerling, Mrs. Edward (Frances Mae Christiansen)
- von Blucher, Mrs. Carl F. K. (Claudia Caldwell)
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