National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Deceased Member Listings At 8/1/99
This is one of 17 pages which list over 5,000 deceased Members of the National
Society Magna Charta Dames and Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons. Please refer to the
Deceased Members Listing Home Page for the other pages.
We hope that potential members might find their ancestors or relatives on one of these
lists. Generally for a descendant of a member to satisfy the lineage requirement for
membership it will be necessary to establish the descent with references or documentation,
including copies of the referenced material or documentation. In the case of relatives
generally the descent would be established from a common ancestor.
By way of explanation, the Society has listed a member as deceased when actual notice
has been received or who was listed on the Society records as deceased in 1989. We
apologize for any errors which might have inadvertently been made. Please inform us of any
individuals on this list who might be alive. We hope that the information will be
submitted for each person on a separate note card or a separate sheet of paper. It should
be mailed to the Society's office at the address on the home page. Thank you for your
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- Sack, Mrs. Francis M. (Blossom Thrasher)
- Sackett, Mrs. Frederic Mosely (Olive Speed)
- Sadler, Miss Sara Farnsworth (Sara Farnsworth Sadler)
- Sadler, Mrs. Joseph Nolton (Victoria Lois Whittington)
- Salisbury, Mrs. Euguene Franklin (Amanda Herndeon Painter)
- Sallee, Mrs. Adelia (Adelia Isabelle Stewart)
- Sallee, Mrs. Wat Hardin (Helen Herr Hite)
- Saltford, Mrs. W. Arthur (Belle Benton Wetherbee)
- Salvino, Mrs. Anthony William (Frances Elizabeth Bogue)
- Sames, Mrs. Charles MacCaughey (Lida Oliphant Falkinburgh)
- Sampson, Mrs. Henry (Sarah Spotswood Fontaine)
- Samuel, Mrs. Emma L. Gatewood (Emmaline Gatewood)
- Sanders, Mrs. Albert Covington (Mary Alice Larche)
- Sanders, Mrs. Andrew Frank (Sadie Florence Ballard)
- Sanders, Mrs. Charles Atlas (Nora Dees)
- Sanders, Mrs. Julian (Frances McDaniel)
- Sanford, Mrs. Arthur E. (Marjorie Nickel)
- Sanford, Mrs. Sterling Skillman (Hixie Boykin)
- Sapp, Miss Eugenia Lovelace (Eugenia Lovelace Sapp)
- Sapp, Mrs. William Martin (Ethel May Snow)
- Sargent, Miss Margaret Winthrop (Margaret Winthrop Sargent)
- Sargent, Mrs. James Gordon (Lucia Ballard)
- Sargent, Mrs. Wintrop (Emma Worcester)
- Sarrazin, Mrs. Charles L. (Jean Mary Fairly)
- Satterfield, Mrs. Henry Clement (Carlotta Angier)
- Satterlee, Mrs. Herbert Livingston (Louisa Pierpont Morgan)
- Saucier, Miss Sarah Elizabeth (Sarah Elizabeth Saucier)
- Saucier, Mrs. Loren R. (Sara Elizabeth Wolcott)
- Sauers, Mrs. Geroge W. (Grace Harrison)
- Saunders, Mrs. Charles Frederick (Mary Reynolds)
- Saunders, Mrs. Charles Loren (Mary Camilla Roberts)
- Saunders, Mrs. Lawrence (Dorothy Love)
- Saunders, Mrs. Wallace Coleman (Julia Edwards Woodson)
- Savage, Mrs. J. C. (Evelyn Proctor Ward)
- Savage, Mrs. Jewel (Genevieve Holman)
- Savage, Mrs. Philip Ulmer (Ina Guillebeau)
- Sawtelle, Mrs. George (Marybelle Dorwoth Black)
- Sawyer, Mrs. Fred A. (Mary Stone Moore)
- Scales, Mrs. Robert Martin (Susan Margaret Malone)
- Scanlan, Mrs. Victor Murphy (Katherine Selby)
- Scarbrough, Mrs. Linda Treadway (Linda Eugenia Treadway)
- Schaejbe, Mrs. Frederick William (Mary Lou Jenkins)
- Schaff, Mrs. Peter R. Sr. (Elvira Taylor)
- Schalhirt, Mrs. Jesse Bernard (Minerva Whitney Norris)
- Schauffler, Mrs. Henry Albert (Marguerita Carol Williams)
- Scheffel, Miss Iva (Iva Scheffel)
- Scheffler, Mrs. Lester John (Velma Hollis)
- Scherholz, Mrs. Charles E. (Dorothy Westervelt Taylor)
- Schermerhorn, Miss Ella May (Ella May Schermerhorn)
- Schillig, Miss Josephine (Josephine Schillig)
- Schlotfeldt, Mrs. Fred J. (Lila Mabel Riddle)
- Schmich, Mrs. Edward J. (Erma Whitehead)
- Schmidt, Mrs. Carl Louis August (Esther Skolfield)
- Schmidt, Mrs. Ludwig Marion (Annie Rosalie Atwood)
- Schnebly, Mrs. Charles Henry (Margaret Tura Martin)
- Schober, Mrs. J. Laird (May Wyatt Gillam)
- Schoff, Mrs. Leonard (Suzanne Levick)
- Scholz, Mrs. Ethel Peake (Ethel Elaine Peake)
- Schonewis, Mrs. Arthur (Fannie May Endora Fenstermaker)
- Schooler, Mrs. James Dudley (Alice Corinne Hudson)
- Schuhmann, Mrs. Ewala W. (Nellie Victorine Houston)
- Schulze, Mrs. Frederick W. (Hilda Blanche Ellis)
- Schumpert, Mrs. Elinor Crenshaw (Elinor Sims Crenshaw)
- Schwab, Mrs. Lloyd B. (Anna Lucretia King)
- Schwartz, Mrs. Murray Vance (Dorothy Eleanor Bailey)
- Schwinbeck, Mrs. Joseph Carl (Elizabeth West)
- Scott, Miss Emma Julia (Emma Julia Scott)
- Scott, Miss Rachel M. (Rachel M. Scott)
- Scott, Mrs. Alfred George (Mary Cole Hollingsworth)
- Scott, Mrs. Carl McDonald (Margaret Keagy Robinson)
- Scott, Mrs. George Grant (Lucy Lavinia Crane)
- Scott, Mrs. Henry Pepper (Mary Wonderly Brown)
- Scott, Mrs. James Fawrot (Jennie A'Delphine Simpson)
- Scott, Mrs. John Jr. (Mary Lane Landis)
- Scott, Mrs. Marvin (Eva Clyde Stovall)
- Scott, Mrs. Milton Candler (Annie Pope Bryan)
- Scott, Mrs. Robert A. (Jane Hyde)
- Scott, Mrs. Robert P. (Mary Rogers)
- Scribner, Mrs. William D. (Elizabeth Church Dake Wilson)
- Scudder, Miss Antoinette Quinby (Antoinette Quinby Scudder)
- Scully, Mrs. William Augustine (Genevieve Hall)
- Seal, Mrs. Welton Ollie (Bettye Ruth McCleskey)
- Sealy, Mrs. Thomas Richard (Mary Velma McCord)
- Sears, Miss Beth Hamilton (Beth Hamilton Sears)
- Sears, Miss Eleonora Randolph (Eleonora Randolph Sears)
- Sears, Mrs. Horace Harpster (Mary Belle Hedges)
- Sears, Mrs. Robert (Ella Jane Benjamin)
- Sears, Mrs. William Goff (Stella Bigelow)
- Seaton, Mrs. Ethel (Clara Ethel Ward)
- Secor, Miss Florence Romola (Florence Romola Secor)
- Seely, Mrs. Eddy L. (Luella Russell)
- Segars, Mrs. Ray Virgene Sr. (Margaret Louise Snow)
- Segrest, Mrs. Henry Neill (Florida Douglass Broward)
- Seiz, Mrs. Emil Charles (Willie Louise Stocks)
- Selby, Mrs. George Messick (Mary Griswold Hall)
- Selby, Mrs. Molly Jackson (Molly Jackson)
- Selden, Mrs. Robert Canfield (Harriet Letitia Valentine)
- Seldonridge, Mrs. Jean Gelnett (Jean Gelnett)
- Self, Mrs. Ferrell Ervin (Mary Anna Mallory)
- Selleck, Mrs. Herbert H. (Helen Evelyn Cotton)
- Sellers, Mrs. Delbert U. (Enid Elizabeth Stevens)
- Semmes, Mrs. George Wingfield (Eunice Porter Pitt)
- Semones, Mrs. Harry (Hattie Jane Pierce Anderson)
- Semones, Mrs. James (Evelyn Gilliam Traylor)
- Semple, Miss Helen (Helen Semple)
- Semple, Mrs. Russell Bowman (Gertrude Wilson)
- Service, Mrs. William Roscoe (Estella Updike)
- Serviss, Mrs. A. H. (Helen Wooster Banker)
- Sewell, Mrs. Frank Asa (Lelia Mae Yates)
- Sewell, Mrs. James P. (Rosa Estelle Ezzell)
- Sewell, Mrs. Lee B. (Mary Lou Lester)
- Seydel, Mrs. Herman (Sarah Billings Smith)
- Seymour, Mrs. Charles Milne (Flora Nell Gloster)
- Shackelford, Mrs. James Barnes (Gladys Marguerite Parks)
- Shackelford, Mrs. James William (Frances Adele Bergholm)
- Shadoin, Mrs. Robert Allen Jr. (Anita Lewis Frazer)
- Shaffer, Mrs. Paul Clair (Dorothy Rollette)
- Shaggs, Mrs. Marvine L. (Alma Stone)
- Shaner, Miss Katheryn Virginia (Katheryn Virginia Shaner)
- Shank, Mrs. Isaac Detwiler (Dorothy Vaughan Ratcliffe)
- Shanklin, Mrs. Richard Vair Jr. (Sue Hall Morfit)
- Shannon, Dr. Anne Lardner Moore (Anne Lardner Moore)
- Sharp, Mrs. Reuben Thomas (Elizabeth Jane Taliaferro)
- Shaw, Mrs. Burgess Gaither (Elizabeth Susan Burns)
- Shaw, Mrs. Ernest William (Alice Harroun)
- Shaw, Mrs. Henry Overstreet (Vivian Izona Riggs)
- Shaw, Mrs. John Balcom (Allena Bassett)
- Sheble, Mrs. Warren (Ruth Dalton Leeds)
- Sheets, Miss Goldie Dale (Goldie Dale Sheets)
- Sheffield, Mrs. Ernest Henry (Eileen Berthe)
- Sheils, Mrs. Harold J. (Catharine Robertson)
- Shelburne, Mrs. Mary Willis (Mary Willis)
- Sheldrup, Miss Nan B. (Nan B. Sheldrup)
- Shelp, Mrs. Willis B. (Emma Amelia Blood)
- Shelton, Miss Mary Winn (Mary Winn Shelton)
- Shelton, Miss Minnie Catherine (Minnie Catherine Shelton)
- Shelton, Mrs. Walter Lee (Marian Gordon)
- Shepard, Mrs. Finley Johnson (Helen Gould)
- Shepard, Mrs. Gracie Booher (Gracie Lou Booher)
- Shepherd, Mrs. Coleman DeTroy (Alberta Lee Lacy)
- Sheppard, Mrs. Harper Donelson (Henrietta Dawson Ayres)
- Sherard, Mrs. William McDowell (Grace Greenwood Cochran)
- Sheridan, Mrs. Christopher Robert (Eleanor Katherine Harrison)
- Sherman, Mrs. George W. (Edith Lloyd-Jones Chetham)
- Sherman, Mrs. Kenneth Willard (Helen Elizabeth Gaylord)
- Sherrerd, Mrs. William Dusenbery (Mary Eva Moore)
- Sherrieb, Mrs. Harry Wentz (Mattie Lillian Gamble)
- Sherrod, Mrs. B. (Ezzie Robinson)
- Sherrod, Mrs. Floyd (Effie Poole)
- Sherron, Mrs. William Thomson (Gertrude Gill)
- Shields, Mrs. Mark Ohren (Marceline Dodge FitzGerald)
- Shields, Mrs. Robert Frederick (Marianna Herring)
- Shinville, Mrs. Herbert E. (Marie Dunbar)
- Shipley, Mrs. Walter Penn Jr. (Mary Dawson Strawbridge)
- Shipp, Mrs. Connie Halliburton (Ada Cates)
- Shipp, Mrs. Loring Matthew (Polly Anne Powell)
- Shires, Mrs. Percy (Marguerite Munroe)
- Shirley, Mrs. Fred Wilson Jr. (Mary Gilchrist Powell)
- Shobe, Mrs. William Merritt (Margaret Butler)
- Shock, Mrs. James William (Martha Frances Robinson)
- Shoemaker, Miss Joan (Joan Shoemaker)
- Shoemaker, Miss Mary Williams (Mary Williams Shoemaker)
- Shoemaker, Mrs. Edwin (Martha Reed)
- Shore, Miss Leo Jane (Leo Jane Shore)
- Shretter, Mrs. Ruby Smith (Ruby Marie Smith)
- Shrewder, Mrs. Roy Valentine (Dorothy Berryman)
- Shriver, Mrs. George Howard (Eleanor Eyre Bowdle)
- Shull, Mrs. L. H. (Nina Mae Smith)
- Shultice, Mrs. Robert W. (Alice Lee Stringfellow)
- Shumate, Mrs. Otis Lee (Lorene Virginia Vernon)
- Shumway, Mrs. Noble Clemons (Grace Elizabeth McFarland)
- Sibley, Miss Florence (Florence Sibley)
- Sibley, Mrs. Robert Mitchell (Mary Lou Richardson)
- Siddell, Mrs. Robert P. (Effie Maude McAlpine)
- Sillers, Mrs. Walter (Florence Warfield)
- Silva, Mrs. Jack V. (Lorraine Evelyn Barrow)
- Silvester, Mrs. Richard Lee (Josephine Miles Slingluff)
- Simmerman, Mrs. Winifred (Miss Simmerman)
- Simmons, Mrs. Ernest Addison (Fannie Vann)
- Simmons, Mrs. Joseph Ferris (Mabel Louise Storm)
- Simmons, Mrs. Myron Fesher (Cornelia Chevalier Ralph)
- Simmons, Mrs. Robert Woodrow (Helen June Pitts)
- Simonatis, Mrs. Alexander G. (Ruth Lucile Bennett)
- Simpson, Mrs. Alfred (Fannie Lawn Ligon)
- Simpson, Mrs. H. H. (Maggie Carnathan)
- Simpson, Mrs. Hugh Lewis (Mabel Morris)
- Sims, Miss Ursell LaVon (Ursell LaVon Sims)
- Sims, Mrs. Henry McCoy (Olivia Jenkins Kerby)
- Sims, Mrs. John Ernest (Helen Ross Moore)
- Sims, Mrs. Joseph Paul (Beulah Blanche Speck)
- Sims, Mrs. Thomas Currie (Sarah Pauline Johnson)
- Sinclaire, Mrs. Francis S. (Phyllis Elizabeth Bullard)
- Singletary, Mrs. Raymond Cooke (Emma Ophelia Quillian)
- Sippell, Mrs. W. D. (Emma Fitch)
- Sirmones, Mrs. Walter Eustice (Edith Nolan Thiot)
- Sisk, Mrs. Morgan E. Jr. (Jane Scott)
- Skaggs, Mrs. Lorenzo Lem (Mary Elizabeth Stallworth McClelland)
- Skeel, Mrs. Roswell Jr. (Emily Ellsworth Ford)
- Skilling, Mrs. Joseph Kennard (Anne Mary Reed)
- Skinner, Mrs. Bertram Eugene (Alida Helen Moss)
- Slagle, Mrs. Charles W. (Mary Russell)
- Slaughter, Mrs. William Herbert (Elizabeth Vanuxem Kennedy)
- Sliney, Mrs. George Wesley (Eleanor Deering Mathews)
- Sloan, Mrs. Clarence Reuben (Helen Cornwill Hill)
- Slocum, Mrs. Chester D. (Lucille Irons)
- Slocum, Mrs. Ray Emerson (Marion Agnes Williams)
- Small, Mrs. Howard Anderson (Dee Edna Foley)
- Small, Mrs. John H. (Isabella Carter Wharton)
- Smallwood, Mrs. Robert Fleet (Ann Cameron Graham)
- Smarb, Mrs. Amox Wilbar (Alice Lou Brown)
- Smead, Mrs. Burton A. (Lola Lewis)
- Smick, Mrs. Caroline Bruner (Caroline Clark Bruner)
- Smith, Miss Anna Tangier (Anna Tangier Smith)
- Smith, Miss Daisy Frances Daves (Daisy Frances Daves Smith)
- Smith, Miss Frances Eu Jean (Frances Eu Jean Smith)
- Smith, Miss Gertrude (Gertrude Smith)
- Smith, Miss Maude (Maude Smith)
- Smith, Miss May Lillian (May Lillian Smith)
- Smith, Miss Ruby Cumby (Ruby Cumby Smith)
- Smith, Miss Victoria (Victoria Smith)
- Smith, Mrs. Alexander Halliday (Claire Dashiell Ellegood)
- Smith, Mrs. Avi Ira (Martha Hall Dew)
- Smith, Mrs. Boyd M. (Ann Marie Smith)
- Smith, Mrs. Carl Monroe (Mary Elizabeth Walker)
- Smith, Mrs. Charles Frelinghuysen (Helen King)
- Smith, Mrs. Charles H. (Flora Pearl Mitchell)
- Smith, Mrs. Charles Herbert (Florence Ruth Mittnacht)
- Smith, Mrs. Charles Russell (Jennie Grace Price)
- Smith, Mrs. Charles Shillard (Georgine Northrop Wetherill)
- Smith, Mrs. Chester Franklin (Mary Lucille Morris)
- Smith, Mrs. Daniel Morgan (Mary Mildred McKinstry)
- Smith, Mrs. Duncan McLaurin (Louise Josephine Davies)
- Smith, Mrs. Edward T. (Mellcene Thurman)
- Smith, Mrs. Frank Ridgewood (Helen Martha Deane)
- Smith, Mrs. Frederick Ellis (Amy Estelle Howell)
- Smith, Mrs. George Flowers (Lenora Elizabeth Weathersby)
- Smith, Mrs. George Milward (Fannie Brownell Brown)
- Smith, Mrs. Harold A. (Mildred Weeks Elliott)
- Smith, Mrs. Harradon Hollister (Helen Albertina Rickard)
- Smith, Mrs. Harvey M. (Florence Davis)
- Smith, Mrs. Henry C. (Ruth Bevil Hickman)
- Smith, Mrs. Ivy H. (Caroline Wooten)
- Smith, Mrs. James William (Mary Julia Martin)
- Smith, Mrs. James Woodrow (Inez Runyan)
- Smith, Mrs. Jasper Eugene (Elizabeth Ann Morrison)
- Smith, Mrs. Joe D. Sr. (Louise Lindsay)
- Smith, Mrs. Julien Jr. (Fredrica Reese Wheeler)
- Smith, Mrs. Lyle Hamilton (Christine Nicolson)
- Smith, Mrs. Marvin (Don Ikard)
- Smith, Mrs. May Montgomery (May Forbush Montgomery)
- Smith, Mrs. Nathaniel Bert (Willie E. Williams)
- Smith, Mrs. Norma Scarborough (Norma Jean Scarborough)
- Smith, Mrs. Norman Mayhew (Virginia Bell Neely)
- Smith, Mrs. Philip (Mary Cartwright Sharp)
- Smith, Mrs. R. Eugene Jr. (Cora Taylor Younger)
- Smith, Mrs. Ray Lester (Sarah Louise Hooper)
- Smith, Mrs. Robert E. (Evelyn S. Stark)
- Smith, Mrs. Stephen Fahs (Lucy Neville Mitchell)
- Smith, Mrs. Therne V. (Louise Headley Keeler)
- Smith, Mrs. Tunstall (Josephine Fairfax)
- Smith, Mrs. Turner E. (Leila Bunce)
- Smith, Mrs. Vincent (Frances Elizabeth Carter)
- Smith, Mrs. W. Embry (Margaret Allen)
- Smith, Mrs. W. Hinkle (Jacqueline Harrison)
- Smith, Mrs. W. O. (Marye Jo Green)
- Smith, Mrs. W. Reece (Gladys Moody)
- Smith, Mrs. Wakelee Rawson (Jane Farwell)
- Smith, Mrs. Wallace M. (Irene Elizabeth Blanton)
- Smith, Mrs. Wiley J. (Martha Fortson)
- Smith, Mrs. William Henry (Mary Delia Gregory)
- Smith, Mrs. Zell (Sarah Herndon Holmes)
- Smither, Mrs. Alexander Campbell (Gertrude Clough)
- Smithey, Mrs. Doris Adams (Doris Patterson Adams)
- Smithson, Mrs. B. L. (Margaret Glover)
- Smoot, Mrs. J. Thomas (Rebecca Forrest Covington)
- Smothers, Mrs. Thomas Bouldin (Leila Helen Knight)
- Smuck, Mrs. Jerry L. (Abby Harvey)
- Smyth, Mrs. Cornelius Joseph (Roberta Ernestine Anderson)
- Snevely, Mrs. Thomas Browne (Lucy Tunstall Crichton)
- Snook, Mrs. Charles J. Jr. (Eula Martin)
- Snow, Miss Emmie (Emmie Snow)
- Snow, Mrs. Benjamin Bigelow (Edith Abercrombie)
- Snow, Mrs. Helmer (Elizabeth Thorne)
- Snowden, Miss Louise Hortense (Louise Hortense Snowden)
- Snowden, Mrs. George Grant (Pearl Pinkerton McClelland)
- Snyder, Mrs. Albert Homer (Martha Kathleen Powell)
- Snyder, Mrs. Reginald Clare (Alice Ritchart Mack)
- Soles, Mrs. Logan Edward (Gertrude Cordelia Madill)
- Solins, Mrs. Samuel (Bertha Kathleen Ballard)
- Solms, Mrs. Anton Francis Sr. (Annie Lee Woods)
- Solomons, Mrs. J. Theodore (Ida Frances Atwell)
- Somervell, Mrs. George Anderson (Jo Somervell Nash)
- Somerville, Mrs. R. N. (Keith Frazier)
- Soresi, Mrs Lillian Moore (Lillian Mae Moore)
- Soukup, Mrs. George R. (Janine Georgette Cheely)
- Southard, Mrs. Dallas (Lillie Swafford)
- Southwick, Miss Carrie Adelle (Carrie Adelle Southwick)
- Sowards, Mrs. Everett Hugh (Ruth Davidson)
- Spain, Mrs. William Waddington (Martha Ann Miller)
- Spangler, Mrs. Ethel Tretheway (Ethel Ruth Tretheway)
- Sparhawk, Miss Hatty Vanuxem (Hatty Vanuxem Sparhawk)
- Sparkman, Mrs. Ward F. (Margaret Fraser)
- Sparks, Mrs. Edwin Erle (Katharine Bullard Cotton)
- Spear, Mrs. Franklin Bennett Jr. (Rachel Cooper Reeve)
- Spears, Mrs. Oscar (Clarena Gerry)
- Speed, Mrs. Philip (Mary Mason)
- Speer, Miss Maud Emory (Maud Emory Speer)
- Speer, Miss Virginia (Virginia Speer)
- Speer, Mrs. Charles Arthur (Myrtle Ellis Morton)
- Spelman, Mrs. Julia Beale (Julia M. Beale)
- Spencer, Mrs. Curtis Wayne (Augusta Bowden Boykin)
- Spencer, Mrs. Virgil Monroe Jr. (Mary Edna Stewart)
- Spicer, Mrs. Donald (Eleanor Washington Sullivan)
- Spillers, Mrs. Grover Cleveland (Lorena Martin)
- Spires, Mrs. Joseph Blanchard (Marie Ellen Henry)
- Spivey, Mrs. Cloise Dean (Eileen Jones Sanders)
- Spofford, Miss Florence Morrison (Florence Morrison Spofford)
- Sprague, Miss Elizabeth Doan (Elizabeth Doan Sprague)
- Sprague, Miss Mary Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth Sprague)
- Sprigg, Mrs. James Cresap (Grace Elizabeth Duryea)
- Spring, Mrs. William Arthur (Blanche Powell)
- Springfield, Mrs. John Frank (Myrna Esther Colglazier)
- Squire, Mrs. Aldis Bela (Emma Breckinridge)
- Squires, Mrs. Robert Wilson (Florence Manning Bethea)
- St. John, Mrs. Sterling (Adele Lois Hollister)
- Stacliff, Mrs. Thomas Herman (Mary Virginia Harrel)
- Stacy, Mrs. Harlan Buell (Mary Glover)
- Stafford, Mrs. John M. (Marie Rice)
- Stafford, Mrs. Leroy (Mable Margaret Collins)
- Stafford, Mrs. Robert Anderson (Emily Clara Faulk)
- Stafford, Mrs. Russell Horton (Anna Taylor Peirce)
- Stailey, Mrs. Claude E. (Olive Noble)
- Staley, Mrs. Walter G. (Martha McHenry Green)
- Stalfort, Mrs. Edwin D. (Frances Polk Pyle)
- Stallings, Mrs. Harry Coburn (Ruly Isabell Berry)
- Stallings, Mrs. James Henry (Pearl Louise Drummond)
- Stallworth, Mrs. William F. (Irene Marguerite Sutton)
- Standish, Mrs. Miles (Mary Alexander Gilmer)
- Stanley, Mrs. Dempsey McDuffie (Gladys Woods)
- Stansfield, Mrs. William (Mary Thompson Snowden)
- Staples, Mrs. Roy Harvard (Sara Virginia Tune)
- Stapleton, Mrs. Cleo Philip (Harriet Haynor Lawrence)
- Stark, Mrs. Eugene J. (Rosalie Yount)
- Starr, Miss Charlotte Churchill (Charlotte Churchill Starr)
- Starr, Miss Sara Logan (Sara Logan Starr)
- Starr, Mrs. James (Sarah Logan Wister)
- Staton, Mrs. James Grist (Fannie Beeler Chase)
- Stead, Mrs. Robert (Helen Louise Coates)
- Stearns, Mrs. Edward Balch (Marguerite Drew Hall)
- Stebbins, Mrs. Lester D. (Theodora Halcomb)
- Stedman, Mrs. John (Ardath Tolson)
- Steed, Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod (Elizabeth McLeod)
- Steele, Mrs. Frederick Morgan (Ella Amanda Pratt)
- Steele, Mrs. Henderson (Rachel Glover)
- Steele, Mrs. James K. (Mary Ann Shelton)
- Steelman, Mrs. Mathias (Fannie Merritt Lawrence)
- Steinman, Mrs. James Hale (Louise McClure Tinsley)
- Stembler, Mrs. John H. (Katherine Boothe Jenkins)
- Stephens, Mrs. Claude Palmer (Elizabeth Ives Leete)
- Stephens, Mrs. Frances C. (Frances Cabaniss)
- Stephens, Mrs. Uel (Hattie Miller)
- Stephenson, Miss Mary Augusta (Mary Augusta Stephenson)
- Stephenson, Mrs. Henson Knowlen (Maude Etta Steele)
- Stepp, Mrs. Broadus Hamilton (Olga Lee Goforth)
- Stern, Mrs. Milton J. (Eugenia Fishback)
- Stevens, Mrs. J. D. (Nelle Berenice Dark)
- Stevens, Mrs. John Porter (Martha Jefferson Randolph)
- Stevens, Mrs. Orin A. (Julia Anna Monroe)
- Stevenson, Mrs. Everett Randolph (Lorena Grace Wood)
- Stevenson, Mrs. Oliver W. (Imogene Cobb)
- Steward, Miss Mary Bogert (Mary Bogert Steward)
- Stewart, Miss Clare (Clare Stewart)
- Stewart, Miss Reba (Reba Stewart)
- Stewart, Miss Ruth Holman (Ruth Holman Stewart)
- Stewart, Mrs. Earl I. (Lillie Kelly Harrold)
- Stewart, Mrs. James B. (Willia McLemore)
- Stewart, Mrs. Maude Massey (Maude Massey)
- Stewart, Mrs. Rodgers (Dorothy Browning Rodgers)
- Stewart, Mrs. William S. II (Mattie Hotchkiss)
- Stickley, Mrs. Joseph Erasmus Houston (Edith Rhorer)
- Still, Mrs. Edward Rhodes (Helen Martha Bennett)
- Still, Mrs. Joseph Le Grand (Daisy Gibson)
- Stillman, Miss Charlotte Rogers (Charlotte Rogers Stillman)
- Stillwell, Mrs. Harry Scott (Elizabeth Elder)
- Stilson, Mrs. Clarence (Leila Anderson)
- Stites, Miss Mary Henry (Mary Henry Stites)
- Stivers, Mrs. Edith Barker (Edith Barker)
- Stoecker, Mrs. William (Frances Van Dover Clayton)
- Stone, Mrs. Early R. (Goldia Rebecca Hinkle)
- Stone, Mrs. Fenton L. (Nell Harral)
- Stone, Mrs. Guy Orlando (Katheryn Dee Robinson)
- Stone, Mrs. Lester V. (Daisy Graham)
- Stone, Mrs. Thomas Stirling (Mary Carolyn Sherman)
- Stonecipher, Mrs. Joseph M. (Sallie Margaret Haskins)
- Stoneham, Miss Lois Lavinia (Lois Lavinia Stoneham)
- Stoner, Mrs. Albert F. (Madge Parsons)
- Stoner, Mrs. Othor W. (Mildred Burnett)
- Stoolman, Mrs. Almon Winfield (Lois Gertrude Franklin)
- Storey, Mrs. Arthur Erle (Mary Alice Lipscomb)
- Stormont, Mrs. James Creswell (Edith Elizabeth Foster)
- Stoudt, Mrs. Sylvia Shepard (Sylvia Olive Shepard)
- Stout, Mrs. Frederick Sturgis (Elisabeth Jolliffe McElroy)
- Stowe, Mrs. Horace E. (Jessie Bartlett Bryant)
- Strang, Mrs. Charles Jennings (Henrietta Wallis Oliphant)
- Strater, Mrs. Leonard Godfrey (Helen Mapother)
- Stratton, Mrs. Joseph Paul (Frances Mims)
- Straughn, Mrs. Richard B. (Marlene Bishop)
- Strawbridge, Mrs. Francis R. (Anna Estes Hacker)
- Strawbridge, Mrs. George (Alice Welsh)
- Stribling, Mrs. Thomas Earle (Lenamae French)
- Strickland, Mrs. Albert (Constance Oauline Huntington)
- Strickland, Mrs. Alexander Hamilton (Eugenia Sexta Eavenson)
- Strickland, Mrs. Myrtie Carter (Myrtie Carter)
- Strong, Mrs. George Joseph (Olivia Le Brun)
- Strong, Mrs. George Wallace (Elizabeth Bailey)
- Strosky, Mrs. John Carl (Ethe; Irene Bush)
- Strother, Mrs. John Carl (Vera Rountree)
- Stroud, Mrs. Kosciusko George (Agnes Blanding)
- Strout, Mrs. Bernard L. (Lillian Hutchinson)
- Stuart, Miss Elizabeth Barnes (Elizabeth Barnes Stuart)
- Stuart, Miss Harriet Frances Barnes (Harriet Frances Barnes Stuart)
- Stuart, Mrs. Joe (Joe Hardwick Corn)
- Stuart, Mrs. Matthew Hugh (Julia de Alva Whitaker)
- Stuart, Mrs. Moses Wadsworth Sr. (Maude Hope Winter)
- Stubbs, Mrs. Herbert White (Lilah Mary Shaw)
- Stubbs, Mrs. William Gordon Sr. (Jane Elizabeth Ingram)
- Stulb, Mrs. Edwin Hutter Jr. (Eleanor Jeannette Harrar)
- Stutts, Mrs. Charles B. (Mary Katherine Ervin)
- Suermondt, Miss Margaretha Pauline (Margaretha Pauline Suermondt)
- Sullivan, Miss Eleanor (Eleanor Sullivan)
- Sullivan, Mrs. Charles Scott (Jane Merritt Watkins)
- Sullivan, Mrs. Elton E. (Hannah Florence Lamb)
- Sullivan, Mrs. Frank A. (Margaret Fisher)
- Sullivan, Mrs. James Francis (Lulue Romaine Nichols)
- Sullivan, Mrs. Joseph M. (Louise Kingsbury)
- Summers, Mrs. Lewis Preston (Florence Gertrude Goshert)
- Sumner, Mrs. George William (Ruth Allerton Berry)
- Supinger, Mrs. William Joseph (Mary Louise Bradley)
- Sutherland, Mrs. Arthur E. (Eleanor Reed)
- Sutherland, Mrs. Hugh Lewis (Ethel Cosby Burrus)
- Sutton, Mrs. J. M. (Ethel McKinzie)
- Sutton, Mrs. W. Gregg (Edith Adams)
- Swackhamer, Mrs. Chester Ray (Daisy Nichols)
- Swann, Mrs. Maurice Edward (Mary Ursula Murphree)
- Swanson, Mrs. Harold R. (Gertrude C. Van Laningham)
- Swartz, Mrs. Aaron S. JR. (Jean Buchanan)
- Swedman, Mrs. Gustav Martin (Bettie Mae Willis)
- Sweeny, Mrs. Robert Powell (Jennie Hellams)
- Sweets, Mrs. Martin (Amelia Brown Payne)
- Swezey, Mrs. Charles Miller (Dorotha Mey Daniels)
- Swicegood, Mrs. Cordell Herbert (Edith Ethel Farmer)
- Swift, Mrs. Herbert Dyer (Maude Fellows)
- Swindle, Mrs. Frank Gregg Sr. (Ellen Partlow)
- Swint, Mrs. William Ennis (Frances Oliver Snipes)
- Switzer, Mrs. E. Clair (Opal Risdon)
- Swope, Mrs. King (Mary Margaret Richards)
- Sydenham, Mrs. Humphrey (Elma Lynwood Browning)
- Sylvester, Mrs. Leon Sr. (Mary Hardy Murrill)
- Symns, Mrs. Charles (Nellie Sarah Forrester)
- Tabor, Miss Ava Rogers (Ava Rogers Tabor)
- Taft, Mrs. William Howard (Helen Herron)
- Taggert, Miss Lucy Martha (Lucy Martha Taggert)
- Talbot, Mrs. Charles Francis Adams (Amy Norton Bowen)
- Talbot, Mrs. Howard Hewes (Theo Adelaide Nettleton)
- Tallman, Mrs. Charles (Cletis Olive Westall)
- Tally, Mrs. Emmitt M. (Lucile Cottrell)
- Tankersley, Mrs. Felix Marcus Tully (Corrie Melton Hill)
- Tankersley, Mrs. Samuel Jones (Eva Bussell)
- Tapp, Mrs. Aubrey Lee (Grace Peeler)
- Tarpy, Mrs. Robert Jewell Jr. (Martha Graham)
- Tassencourt, Mme. Beatrice (Beatrice Tassencourt)
- Tate, Mrs. Claude Bretherick (Emma Harrison Carter)
- Tatem, Mrs. Joseph Fithian (Minnie Antoinette Moore)
- Taylor, Miss Mary Jane (Mary Jane Taylor)
- Taylor, Mrs. Andrew J. (Carrie Mae Huntington)
- Taylor, Mrs. Charles G. Jr. (Kate James Christian)
- Taylor, Mrs. Frank Lile (Ann Carrington Brown)
- Taylor, Mrs. Frank William (Louise Getaz)
- Taylor, Mrs. Harry D. (Mabel Pettit)
- Taylor, Mrs. Harry Sargent (Eliza Potter Day)
- Taylor, Mrs. Harvey Birchard (Clarice Emilie Paterson)
- Taylor, Mrs. Jacqueline Plummer (Katharine Wall)
- Taylor, Mrs. James Lawrence (Mary Alice Drane)
- Taylor, Mrs. John William (Laura Garnett)
- Taylor, Mrs. Joseph Feamster (Norma Elisabeth Walker)
- Taylor, Mrs. Lewis Frederick (Margaret Campbell)
- Taylor, Mrs. Robert R. (Elizabeth Crawford Crymes)
- Taylor, Mrs. Roland L. (Anita Marjory Steinmetz)
- Taylor, Mrs. Wiley Higgins Jr. (Ruth Elizabeth Ives)
- Taylor, Mrs. William J. (Frankie Weileman)
- Teague, Mrs. Edgar (Merza Ellen May)
- Teal, Mrs. Isaac K. (Luella Hartley)
- Temples, Mrs. Jasper Lewis (Ovella Louise Wood)
- TerHeun, Mrs. DeWitt McLaughlin (Clare Harding)
- Terrell, Mrs. James Frederick Jr. (Jane Elizabeth Pritchett)
- Terrell, Mrs. Phillip Avary Jr. (Cicely Bowmar McMurtry)
- Terry, Mrs. James W. (Sterrett Mc Alpine)
- Terry, Mrs. Milton (Nola Willette Galloway)
- Terry, Mrs. Whitelaw (Julia Wells)
- Tew, Mrs. John H. (Virginia Hill)
- Texada, Mrs. Palmer James (Nancy Jo Theroit)
- Thacher, Mrs. Thomas D. (Eleanor Burroughs Morris)
- Thacker, Mrs. Jack Hugh (Mary Sue Singleton)
- Tharp, Mrs. Thomas Cobb (Pauline Page)
- Thayer, Mrs. Benjamin Single (Ella Gertrude Holthoff)
- Theband, Mrs. Louis A. (Gertrude Lee McCurdy)
- Theis, Mrs. Walter Francis (Ella Mae Young)
- Theriot, Mrs. Charles O. Jr. (William Allen Meredith)
- Thigpen, Mrs. Monroe Tate (Janet Louise Chrestman)
- Thigpen, Mrs. W. G. (Frances Wilkey)
- Thiot, Mrs. Rd. Wylly (Mary Virginia Jackson)
- Thixton, Mrs. Harry Ellynn (Lilliam Walker)
- Thixton, Mrs. William Richard (Pauline Edmunds Young)
- Thomas, Miss Ina Merle (Ina Merle Thomas)
- Thomas, Miss Mary Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth Thomas)
- Thomas, Miss Nancy Scott (Nancy Scott Thomas)
- Thomas, Miss Susan Spencer (Susan Spencer Thomas)
- Thomas, Mrs. Albert Foy (Irene Finley Hughston)
- Thomas, Mrs. Benjamin F. (Carrie Frances Benjamin)
- Thomas, Mrs. Edwin Llewellyn (Margaret Lowther Tappan)
- Thomas, Mrs. Hugh Marshall (Rose Mabel Crouch)
- Thomas, Mrs. Joseph Burghard (Josephine Bogie)
- Thomas, Mrs. Roy Leonidas (Leva Lee Hull)
- Thomas, Mrs. William (Emma Adelia Gay)
- Thomas, Mrs. William H. (Genevieve Celia Williams)
- Thompson, Miss Libbie Moody (Libbie Moody Thompson)
- Thompson, Mrs. Charles Lear (Mary Celestia Slaughter)
- Thompson, Mrs. Charles N. (Martha Packer)
- Thompson, Mrs. Cleveland (Eileen Lanier)
- Thompson, Mrs. John Bascom (Alice Peyton Jamison)
- Thompson, Mrs. John Neil (Helen Burnham Vlerebome)
- Thompson, Mrs. Joseph McClellan (Elizabeth Mae King)
- Thompson, Mrs. Lesba Lewis (Lesba Lewis)
- Thompson, Mrs. Norman Frederick (Adaline Eliza Emerson)
- Thompson, Mrs. Richard H. Jr. (Laura Catherine Jones)
- Thompson, Mrs. Warren Dunham (Ruth Fuller Adams)
- Thomson, Mrs. Henry Davies (Anna Laura Driscoll)
- Thomson, Mrs. James Clark (Helen Fowler Shaw)
- Thomson, Mrs. Julius Faison (Mary Louise Davis)
- Thomson, Mrs. Logan D. (Rosalie Scott)
- Thorne, Mrs. Margaret Robertson (Margaret Robertson)
- Thorne, Mrs. Perley L. (Kathryn Mallard)
- Thornton, Miss Gratia Inez (Gratia Inez Thornton)
- Thornton, Miss Sue Bonner (Sue Bonner Thornton)
- Thornton, Mrs. Francis E. (Eva Hanson)
- Thornton, Mrs. Henry Wilton (Leila Corinne Adams)
- Thornton, Mrs. John William (Julia Forbes)
- Thorp, Miss Marion A. (Marion A. Thorp)
- Thorp, Mrs. John A. (Beatrice Leola Bridge Tassie)
- Thorpe, Mrs. Harold B. (Elizabeth Pendleton Robinson)
- Thropp, Mrs. Joseph Earlston (Miriam Douglass Scott)
- Thurtle, Miss Virginia Grace (Virginia Grace Thurtle)
- Thysell, Mrs. Elmer A. (Phyllis Martha Brown)
- Tierney, Mrs. James Aloysius Jr. (Dorothy Murphy)
- Tierney, Mrs. Lawrence E. (Mary Leanora Clark)
- Tilden, Miss Minnie Packwood (Minnie Packwood Tilden)
- Tilson, Mrs. Phineas Shield (Frances Parker)
- Tilton, Mrs. Benjamin Thomas (Harriette Bailey Norton)
- Tims, Mrs. Lowry Lamar (Marjorie Bess Hollingsworth)
- Tippetts, Mrs. William Bell (Jessie Belle O'Neal)
- Tittle, Mrs. John Clark (Liliam Ware)
- Tobias, Mrs. Clayton H. (Lorene Sargent)
- Todd, Mrs. Arthur Percy (Mabel Sellers)
- Todd, Mrs. James Ross (Margaret Menefee)
- Todd, Mrs. Judson Scott Jr. (Marion Carol Rungee)
- Todd, Mrs. Robert Barr III (Ernestine Katherene Spear)
- Tolan, Mrs. Clarence (Louise Jamort Levick)
- Tolbert, Miss Ruth Ann (Ruth Ann Tolbert)
- Tolbert, Mrs. Thomas Lyle (Bettie Sue Hill)
- Tomkins, Mrs. Erwing C. (Agnes Gray Dexter)
- Tomkins, Mrs. Floy Williams (Ann M. G. Cutter)
- Tomlin, Mrs. Daniel (Marie Ora Echols)
- Tomlinson, Miss Verne (Verne Tomlinson)
- Tomlinson, Mrs. Everett T. (Anna Grace)
- Tomlinson, Mrs. Homer E. (Monette Whaley)
- Tomlinson, Mrs. Louella Bean (Louella Bean)
- Tomlinson, Mrs. Roy Everett (Eleanor Ray Parsons)
- Tomlinson, Mrs. William Neeld (Fanny Pomery)
- Torbert, Mrs. Roy Carter (Sally Kate Banks)
- Torrance, Miss Josephine Mason (Josephine Mason Torrance)
- Torrance, Mrs. Herbert Eugene (Sara Elizabeth Pond)
- Torrence, Miss Katherine Rogers (Katherine Rogers Torrence)
- Torreyson, Mrs. Andrew Duke (Blanche Emily Schutt)
- Toth, Mrs. Audrey P. (Audrey Cockrill Price Callis)
- Towles, Miss Lillia (Lillia Towles)
- Towles, Miss Mary S. (Mary S. Towles)
- Towles, Miss Susan Starling (Susan Starling Towles)
- Townsend, Miss Ida Carver (Ida Carver Townsend)
- Townsend, Miss Rebecca Mae (Rebecca Mae Townsend)
- Townsend, Mrs. Mary Helsabeck (Mary Helsabeck)
- Townshend, Mrs. Raynham (Juliet Stanton Adee)
- Townsley, Mrs. Everitt Elwood (Floye Adele Jessee)
- Tozier, Mrs. Elmer (Ethel Almira McWithey)
- Trabue, Miss Alice Elizabeth (Alice Elizabeth Trabue)
- Trabue, Mrs. James E. (Elma Duvall)
- Tranter, Mrs. Ira E. (Vera Reese)
- Trau, Mrs. Frank Garland (Imogene Guion)
- Trausch, Mrs. Edward Peter (Wilma Marie McMurray)
- Traussig, Mrs. L. T. (Lula May Trautwine)
- Travis, Mrs. Anderson H. (Emma Ryder Reynolds)
- Travis, Mrs. Cecil F. (Mae Council McCullen)
- Travis, Mrs. Harry Curtis (Edna Maye Morgan)
- Travis, Mrs. Robert J. (Rena Falligant)
- Travis, Mrs. William Lee III (Susanne Samuel)
- Treadwell, Miss Shirley (Shirley Treadwell)
- Trevathan, Mrs. William A. (Martha Miller)
- Trigg, Mrs. James Knox (Sara Annie Love)
- Trimble, Mrs. Malvin F. (Lucille Wright)
- Triplett, Mrs. Grady (Jimmie Mae Bryan)
- Tripp, Mrs. Joseph Martin (Jeanette Landrum)
- Trostel, Mrs. Fred B. (Helen Cogswell)
- Troth, Mrs. Edward Osborne (Celeste Heckscher)
- Trotti, Mrs. Hugh Hubbard (Mary Louise Haygood)
- Troubetzkoy, Mrs. Pierre (Amelie Louise Rives)
- Troutman, Mrs. Marcus Lloyd (Sudie Julia Steele)
- Troxler, Mrs. William Finch (Marion Lillian Pittman)
- Troyer, Mrs. Joseph Elmer (Audra Genevieve Welch)
- Trube, Mrs. Mattie Brown (Mattie Ellen Brown)
- True, Miss Augusta Belle (Augusta Belle True)
- True, Miss Hilma Adah (Hilma Adah True)
- True, Mrs. Sterling Price (Harriet Weatherbee)
- Trull, Mrs. W. Everett (Mabel Holland)
- Tschudi, Mrs. Harold (Evelyn Rouse Mills)
- Tucker, Mrs. Adelbert Judson (Jessie Spofford)
- Tuemler, Mrs. Robert (Mary Elizabeth Chipley)
- Tull, Miss Marion Cooper (Marion Cooper Tull)
- Turnbull, Mrs. Alan James (Olive Skinner)
- Turner, Miss Jessie E. (Jessie E. Turner)
- Turner, Mrs. Clair (Naomi Cocke)
- Turner, Mrs. Ellwood J. (Elizabeth Addis Downing)
- Turner, Mrs. Fred W. Jr. (Juliette Baker Miller)
- Turner, Mrs. Henry Powell (Beatrice Brougham)
- Turnipseed, Mrs. Wilson (Florence Moore)
- Twitchelle, Mrs. Edward Channcey (Catherine Margaret Christian)
- Tychsen, Mrs. Andrew Christian (Lucile Conway)
- Tyler, Miss Jane Coleman Quisenberry (Jane Coleman Quisenberry Tyler)
- Tyler, Mrs. George F. (Stella Van Tuyl Elkins)
- Tyler, Mrs. William Ellett (Sally Garland Bumley Redd)
- Tyndall, Mrs. Theodore Bruce (Martha Aylma Youngblood)
- Tyson, Mrs. John C. Jr. (Virginia Bragg Smith)
- Udell, Mrs. Clayton E. (Alberta Stevens)
- Uhl, Mrs. Adolph (Ernestine S. Haskell)
- Uhl, Mrs. Earl William (Rubey Mary Breeding)
- Uhl, Mrs. Joseph Andrew III (Ella Adams)
- Ulmer, Mrs. C. Raymond (Mary Florence Lewis)
- Underwood, Mrs. Charles T. (Delia Covington)
- Underwood, Mrs. Edward C. (Florence Shearman)
- Unger, Mrs. H. Wayne (Keith Jefferies)
- Upchurch, Mrs. Fred (Alice Brown Gray)
- Upchurch, Mrs. Thomas Jewell Jr. (Judith Ann Hanner)
- Upshaw, Mrs. Preston Carl (Sophie Daves Wright)
- Urband, Mrs. David T. (Lora Harriett Henry)
- Ussery, Mrs. Gordon Clopton Sr. (Annie Lydia Wright)
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