National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Deceased Member Listings At 8/1/99
This is one of 17 pages which list over 5,000 deceased Members of the National
Society Magna Charta Dames and Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons. Please refer to the
Deceased Members Listing Home Page for the other pages.
We hope that potential members might find their ancestors or relatives on one of these
lists. Generally for a descendant of a member to satisfy the lineage requirement for
membership it will be necessary to establish the descent with references or documentation,
including copies of the referenced material or documentation. In the case of relatives
generally the descent would be established from a common ancestor.
By way of explanation, the Society has listed a member as deceased when actual notice
has been received or who was listed on the Society records as deceased in 1989. We
apologize for any errors which might have inadvertently been made. Please inform us of any
individuals on this list who might be alive. We hope that the information will be
submitted for each person on a separate note card or a separate sheet of paper. It should
be mailed to the Society's office at the address on the home page. Thank you for your
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- Naftzger, Mrs. Jesse Blane (Mary Florence Hale)
- Nalty, Mrs. Eugene A. (Lula Mae Campbell)
- Naramore, Mrs. E. F. Jr. (Nancy Louise Kenny)
- Nash, Mrs. Mark Joseph Sr. (Elizabeth Mandana Huling)
- Naylor, Mrs. Lou Blaine (Edith Carr)
- Neal, Mrs. Otto Lindsay (Cordelia Farrer)
- Neasse, Mrs. Myron D. (Coralucille Dunham)
- Neeley, Mrs. Stanley E. (Majorie Ruth Blair)
- Neergaard, Mrs. William Bigelow (Hughberta Thomas)
- Neff, Miss Lucinda B. (Lucinda B. Neff)
- Neil, Mrs. A. J. (Genevieve Copeland)
- Neilson, Mrs. Winthrop Cunningham (Mary Sabina Levick)
- Neis, Mrs. S. G. (Elizabeth Ellen Kindig)
- Nelms, Mrs. Paul Edward (Betty Lovelia Clifton)
- Nelson, Mrs. George W. (Annalene Felder)
- Nelson, Mrs. Gilbert D. (Gertrude Slater)
- Nelson, Mrs. Paul Vine (Florence Dorothea Atchison)
- Nelson, Mrs. Rebecca Thornton (Rebecca Anderson Thornton)
- Nelson, Mrs. Virginia Perkins (Virginia Elizabeth Perkins)
- Nelson, Mrs. William Marbury (Eliza Coates)
- Nesbitt, Mrs. H. A. (Mary Catherine Weems)
- Nettelroth, Mrs. H. H. (Mary Aylett Buckner)
- Nettles, Mrs. Bert Edward (Amanda Gaffney Nance)
- Neuberger, Mrs. Jean Esseger (Virginia Tate Wilson)
- Newborg, Miss Bernice Ottley (Bernice Ottley Newborg)
- Newborg, Miss Evelyn Edith (Evelyn Edith Newborg)
- Newcombe, Mrs. Willis Edwin (Jessie Elvira Bath)
- Newell, Mrs. George McC. (Elizabeth S. Kendall Chorman)
- Newlin, Mrs. John Wood (Sue Persinger)
- Newman, Mrs. Paul Jones (Mina Theresa Purifoy)
- Newman, Mrs. Philip Horton (Jane Ethel McFarland)
- Newman, Mrs. Rhoda E. (Rhoda Estelle Freer)
- Newsome, Mrs. Joe A. (Ida May Hooe)
- Newton, Miss Josephine (Josephine Newton)
- Newton, Miss Kittie Hunter (Kittie Hunter Newton)
- Newton, Mrs. Boswell (Dorothea Anne Phillips)
- Newton, Mrs. Henry Edgar (Maryellen Harvey)
- Newton, Mrs. Walter Russell (Clara Huntington Pease)
- Nicewander, Mrs. Lyman J. (Minnie Lee Eubanks)
- Nichol, Mrs. William Lytle III (Mary Meade Swayze)
- Nichols, Mrs. Franklin Thayer (Louise Booth Arthur)
- Nichols, Mrs. Harry L. (Eliza Beth Moore)
- Nichols, Mrs. Issac Lawson (Virginia Pearl Bullard)
- Nichols, Mrs. Marvin Curtis (Ethel Daveneille Nichols)
- Nicholson, Mrs. George E. (Oma McCullough)
- Nieman, Mrs. Hugh Roberts (Harriett Elizabeth Rex)
- Nikel, Mrs. Otto (Ruth Bayler)
- Nikkel, Mrs. Donald Thomas (Marjorie Elizabeth James)
- Nisbet, Mrs. William L. (Anna Odell)
- Nixon, Mrs. George F. (Mildred Carver)
- Noble, Mrs. John Borders (Vera Lee Henry)
- Nocas, Mrs. John Richard (Muriel Phyllis Harvey)
- Noel, Miss Gladys Leon (Gladys Leon Noel)
- Norfleet, Mrs. Frederick Blum (Ann Maury Pedigo)
- Norgress, Miss Rachel Edna (Rachel Edna Norgress)
- Norman, Mrs. J. Colgan (Virginia Kaye)
- Norman, Mrs. John (Margaret McCoy)
- Norman, Mrs. Paul Bruce (Sarah Virginia Holt)
- Norment, Mrs. Jacquelin Boykin (Lucy Cordelia Davis)
- Norris, Mrs. Garland Coffield (Mary Franklin Boldridge)
- Norris, Mrs. Hardgrove Spofford (Leila Singleton Hatch)
- Norris, Mrs. Hubert Lee (Georgia Irene Parker)
- Norris, Mrs. Ralph Thomas (Leah Post)
- North, Mrs. David Alden (Helen Abbott Douglass)
- Northington, Mrs. Harvey Stith Sr. (Ruth Gertrude King)
- Northington, Mrs. Watkins (Harriett Chloe Cunningham)
- Northrop, Mrs. C. Lazell (Esther Fanny Grey Cahoon)
- Norton, Mrs. Charles F. (Elizabeth Spencer)
- Norton, Mrs. Dwight Fanning (Jessie Gaither)
- Norwood, Mrs. Robert Edward (Mary Elizabeth Tye)
- Nott, Mrs. William S. (Jessie Cory)
- Nuckolls, Mrs. John B. (Nelle Edenton Low)
- Nuckols, Mrs. Charles (Rachel McGauhy)
- Nunn, Mrs. William Henry (Mattie Knight Eubank)
- Nyberg, Mrs. Walter Clifton (Miriam Louise Kindig)
- Nye, Mrs. John Frederick Sr. (Alice Pauline Albin)
- O'Brien, Mrs. John Bayley (Cornelia I. Smith)
- O'Donley, Mrs. William Rann (Billie Jean Chandler)
- O'Donnell, Miss Lillie Belle (Lillie Belle O'Donnell)
- O'Donnell, Mrs. G. J. (Sue Jeanine Trevathan)
- O'Donnell, Mrs. James E. (Lenore Babers)
- O'Gorman, Mrs. Michael Martin (Ella May Foy)
- O'Hara, Mrs. Peter (Anna Peck)
- O'Neall, Mrs. Belton Ragsdale (Erlene Harris Johnston)
- O'Rourke, Mrs. F. L.S. (Evelyn Georgianna Nourse)
- Oberly, Mrs. Eugene Louis (Lorena Grace Phelps)
- Oden, Mrs. Ernest Harvey (Teresa Camp Loggins)
- Ogden, Mrs. George Fenton Sr. (Alice Jessamine Duckwall)
- Ogden, Mrs. James Knox (Mary Phipps)
- Oglesby, Mrs. James Wood Jr. (Juanita Bullard)
- Oglesby, Mrs. Randolph (Mildred Bowden)
- Olcott, Miss Mary Louisa Beatrice (Mary Louisa Beatrice Olcott)
- Oliver, Miss Eleanor (Eleanor Oliver)
- Oliver, Mrs. Carl S. Jr. (Jane Bagwell Meadows)
- Oliver, Mrs. Samuel William (Sarah Pugh Coker)
- Olmsted, Mrs. George Welch (Iva Catharine Groves)
- Olmsted, Mrs. Julian (Virginia Langham)
- Olson, Mrs. Albert Frank (Luella Sinclair)
- Olson, Mrs. Ernest S. (Lillian Edith Olson)
- Olson, Mrs. Wyman E. (Maurice Allen)
- Orndorff, Mrs. John Rosenberry (Verna Skiff Ross)
- Ortiz, Mrs. Julien (Alice Eugenie duPont)
- Osborne, Mrs. Fred (Ruth Collins)
- Osborne, Mrs. George S. (Mary Emily Allen)
- Otis, Mrs. Lamar Joseph (Idamae Louise Cox)
- Otto, Miss Elizabeth Leete (Elizabeth Leete Otto)
- Otwell, Miss Elizabeth (Elizabeth Otwell)
- Ouimette, Mrs. Theodore N. (Julia Shields)
- Oulla, Mrs. Ernest Lelon (Strobie King)
- Overton, Mrs. William Oliver (Louise Croswell Flinn)
- Owen, Mrs. David Starr (Mary Fairfax Williams)
- Owen, Mrs. E. W. (Ima Jeanne Childers)
- Owsley, Mrs. Heaton (Carolyn Dudley Harrison)
- Pabst, Mrs. Walter (Anna Catherine Smith)
- Pace, Mrs. Ernest Milton Jr. (Irene Greene Dwen Andrews)
- Pace, Mrs. George Rankin (Laura Henderson Kittrell)
- Packer, Miss Edith Crozier (Edith Crozier Packer)
- Paddock, Mrs. William Buckley (Mary Ward Harrison)
- Page, Miss Elizabeth (Elizabeth Page)
- Page, Miss Isabel Wurts (Isabel Wurts Page)
- Page, Miss Jessie Allen (Jessie Allen Page)
- Page, Mrs. Robert Lee (Virginia Deal)
- Page, Mrs. Walter Biddle (Helen Emlen Cresson)
- Page, Mrs. Walter Oliver (Bettie Lester)
- Paine, Mrs. Clarence Sumner (Clara Audrea Sibley)
- Painter, Mrs. Jack E. (Maeson Montgomery)
- Painter, Mrs. Ray Dale (Gladys Lorraine Smelser)
- Painter, Mrs. William Rock (Cora Hendon)
- Palmer, Miss Bertha Rachel (Bertha Rachel Palmer)
- Palmer, Mrs. Jackson Francis (Dorothy Knox Walker)
- Palmer, Mrs. Orlando Gray (Anna Gray Bemis)
- Palmros, Mrs. Eric Kelvin (Gladys Lucile Hedley)
- Panton, Mrs. Malcolm McBride (Minnie Warren)
- Papka, Miss Ruth Elenora (Ruth Elenora Papka)
- Paquette, Mrs. Richard Beaumont (Margaret Chamberlain Trefethen)
- Paquin, Mrs. Herman J. (Hazel Strunk)
- Park, Mrs. Joseph William (Mary Boone Curle)
- Parker, Mrs. Alton Brooks (Amelia Day Campbell)
- Parker, Mrs. Alvin Afflick (Annie Catherine Bloodgood)
- Parker, Mrs. Frank Knight (Kate Harding Bates)
- Parker, Mrs. George Swinnerton (Grace Elizabeth Mann)
- Parker, Mrs. Howard C. (Christine Jones)
- Parker, Mrs. James Henry (Julia Augusta Jones)
- Parker, Mrs. James Phillips (Agnes Loretta Clark)
- Parker, Mrs. Jesse Atkinson (Mary French Day)
- Parker, Mrs. Lewis Darling (Carrie Isabel Knous)
- Parker, Mrs. Tompkins (Louise Chapelle Tompkins)
- Parker, Mrs. William James (Grace Knowlton)
- Parker, Mrs. William W. (Lydia Smith)
- Parkin, Mrs. Charles A. (Flo North)
- Parkin, Mrs. Charles M. (Katherine Estelle Parsons)
- Parkinson, Mrs. Robert H. Sr. (Lillian Cotton)
- Parkman, Mrs. William Henry (Stella Johnson)
- Parks, Mrs. Charles O. Sr. (Hazel Van Zandt Cox)
- Parmele, Mrs. Alfred Truman (Elizabeth McBryde Bizzell)
- Parrigin, Mrs. Ora Sloan (Ora Opal Sloan)
- Parry, Mrs. Henry Crawford (Mary Taylor Knight)
- Parry, Mrs. William Allan Jr. (Harriette Florence Watts Lovell)
- Parsons, Mrs. Charles Willis (Geneva Helen Billings)
- Parsons, Mrs. James Graham (Adelaide Douglas Smyth)
- Partanen, Mrs. John E. (Alice Alyne Camp)
- Partlow, Mrs. William Dozier (Lucy Waldo)
- Parus, Mrs. Rifat A. (Martha Jane Moorhead)
- Parvin, Mrs. Joseph Herr (Mary Louise Cornell)
- Passmore, Mrs. Naomi Hett (Naomi Lucile Hett)
- Pastor, Mrs. Leo (Edna Oceola Ernest)
- Patch, Mrs. A. Huntington (Mary Ruth Divine)
- Pate, Miss Lide Guthrie (Lide Guthrie Pate)
- Pate, Miss Zeph Eugenia (Zeph Eugenia Pate)
- Patterson, Miss Pearl (Pearl Patterson)
- Patterson, Mrs. George Elliott (Beatrice Emeline Fair)
- Patterson, Mrs. George Lester (Amelia (Amy) Goodbody)
- Patterson, Mrs. James (Jaquelin Grepe)
- Patterson, Mrs. Nathan Russell (Florence Hemenway Rawson)
- Patton, Mrs. E. E. (Lula Smith)
- Patton, Mrs. Torrance (Abbie Marie Bergen)
- Paul, Miss Alice (Alice Paul)
- Paul, Miss Mary Landell (Mary Landell Paul)
- Paull, Miss Jessie Townsley (Jessie Townsley Paull)
- Paullin, Miss Laura Virginia (Laura Virginia Paullin)
- Pauls, Mrs. Louis E. (Kate Willeen Calder)
- Pauly, Mrs. George A. (Georgia Richards)
- Pavey, Mrs. George M. Sr. (Emma Dot Arnold)
- Payne, Mrs. Ralph Tresige (Emma Eleanor Christian)
- Payne, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Amelia Bella Brown)
- Paynter, Mrs. George J. (Eloy Hamlin)
- Pearce, Mrs. H. L. Jr. (Clyde Lawler)
- Pearce, Mrs. Henry Whitman (Lorna Donalson)
- Pearson, Miss Mary Harris (Mary Harris Pearson)
- Pearson, Mrs. Allen Mobley (Mary Elizabeth Duncan)
- Pearson, Mrs. Charles Edgar (Elizabeth Lamb Kirkbride)
- Pearson, Mrs. Elmer E. (Elsie May Hands)
- Pearson, Mrs. Niles Arthur (Ruth Grant)
- Pearson, Mrs. Norman Holmes (Susan Silliman Bennett)
- Pease, Miss Mary Everett (Mary Everett Pease)
- Pease, Mrs. George Kenneth (Reine Savage Richards)
- Peck, Miss Olive Sara (Olive Sara Peck)
- Peddicord, Miss Virginia Lee (Virginia Lee Peddicord)
- Pedro, Mrs. Nathaniel Paul (Frances Josephine Hightower)
- Peebels, Mrs. William Englis (Mary Elizabeth Browning)
- Peeples, Mrs. Cornelius James (Mary-Florine Thielens)
- Peerson, Miss Ethel (Ethel Peerson)
- Pelayo, Mrs. Sidney M. (Myrtle Kershaw)
- Pellicani, Mrs. Bartholomew John (Pauline Starrett)
- Pelphrey, Mrs. Lasco Wheeler (Nauty Byrd Wornell)
- Penfield, Mrs. (Jean Nelson)
- Penhallow, Miss Sarah Dunlap (Sarah Dunlap Penhallow)
- Penhallow, Mrs. David Pearce (Sarah Almira Dunlap)
- Penn, Mrs. Oscar Taylor (Dorothy Harriett Howard)
- Penniman, Mrs. John G. (Helen Courtneay Ingram)
- Penniston, Mrs. George W. (Eileen Belle Anderson)
- Pepper, Miss Mattie Belle (Mattie Belle Pepper)
- Perdue, Mrs. Robert Willingham (Ethel May Little)
- Perine, Mrs. George Corbin (Tyler Cooke)
- Perkins, Mrs. (Chesley Oliver Elder)
- Perkins, Mrs. Edwin Chouteau (Emma Elizabeth Taylor)
- Perkins, Mrs. Herbert W. (Mollie Frankey Lowry)
- Perkins, Mrs. James I. (Morianne Taylor)
- Perkins, Mrs. James L. (Minnie McCausland)
- Perkins, Mrs. Percy Harold Jr. (Mary Louise Martin)
- Perkins, Mrs. Vinson R. (Eloise Hobson)
- Perrin, Mrs. Charles Gilbert (Geraldine Sexton Hays)
- Perry, Miss Catherine Corinne (Catherine Corinne Perry)
- Perry, Miss Cora Alice (Cora Alice Perry)
- Perry, Mrs. Edwin J. (Mary Celia Davidson)
- Perry, Mrs. Elton Howard (Henrietta Eleanor Wallis Wilson)
- Perry, Mrs. Joe Reddell (Betty Katherine Thomas)
- Perry, Mrs. John Ben Jr. (Lena Webb Catoe)
- Persinger, Mrs. Joe (Rachel Whitaker)
- Peteet, Mrs. John Crane (Maude Stubbs Stanley)
- Peters, Mrs. Albert Grover (Evelyn Percy Cole)
- Peters, Mrs. Alma Potts (Alma Summer Potts)
- Peters, Mrs. Eugenia Hammond (Eugenia Edwards Hammond)
- Peters, Mrs. Robert Rose (Mary Helen Baylies)
- Peters, Mrs. Vernon (Kate Neel Johnston Walker)
- Peters, Mrs. William Anthony (Sue Powell)
- Peterson, Miss Elizabeth Darst (Elizabeth Darst Peterson)
- Peterson, Mrs. Edward Samuel (Jeanne Ogilvie Gray)
- Peterson, Mrs. John Calhoun (Mamie Sue Smith)
- Peterson, Mrs. Lars Oscar (Elizabeth Mortimer Darst)
- Peterson, Mrs. Walter R. (Helen Lozina Reed)
- Peterson, Mrs. Wynford R. (Mirian Mays)
- Petre, Mrs. Elvin Mark (Lottie Helen Seymour)
- Petteway, Mrs. George H. (Bonnie Austin)
- Pettibon, Mrs. Edgar H. (Bessie Zula Sloan)
- Pettigrew, Mrs. Bertrand L. (Charlotte Neal)
- Petty, Mrs. Sherman Reynolds (Elizabeth Lee)
- Petty, Mrs. Van Alvin Jr. (Edna Estelle George)
- Pew, Mrs. Frederick Cline (Lydia Gibson Smith)
- Pfeiffer, Mrs. John (Sarah Frances Shields)
- Pharr, Mrs. Alexander J. (Emma Bell Hubbell)
- Pharr, Mrs. John Newton (Annie Louise Taylor)
- Phelps, Mrs. Thomas T. (Virginia Jennings Lee)
- Philips, Miss Louise Manning (Louise Manning Philips)
- Philips, Mrs. Arthur M. (Robertine Knox McClenden)
- Philips, Mrs. Homer S. (Sarah Essie Edwards)
- Phillip, Mrs. Rachel Sloan (Rachel Victoria Sloan Sandlin)
- Phillips, Dr. Phyllis Josephine (Phyllis Josephine Phillips)
- Phillips, Miss Gladys Elizabeth (Gladys Elizabeth Phillips)
- Phillips, Miss Jean Rachel (Jean Rachel Phillips)
- Phillips, Mrs. Edgar Blondel (Anne Isabel Perry)
- Phillips, Mrs. John Howard (Grace Edna Vollnogle)
- Phillips, Mrs. John M. (Sara Virginia Rash)
- Phillips, Mrs. Paul Maxon (Isabella Carolyn Whipple)
- Phillips, Mrs. Thielens (Jeannette Thielens)
- Pickard, Mrs. Frank Clemence Jr. (Manson Meriwether)
- Pickens, Mrs. William Letcher (Carrie Rankin Read)
- Pierce, Miss Rita Maxine (Rita Maxine Pierce)
- Pierce, Mrs. Albert Edward (Sarah Frances Jarvis)
- Pierce, Mrs. Don Edward (Virginia Oliver)
- Pierce, Mrs. Nehemiah Hannibal (Anne Sutton Williams)
- Pierson, Mrs. Harry Theodore (Louise Lucinda Shaw)
- Pikell, Mrs. Joseph W. (Martha Schubert)
- Pilkinton, Mrs. Claud Asa (Lenora Fogarty)
- Pillar, Mrs. Nina (Nina Appleyard Beach)
- Pilling, Mrs. Frederick (Theresa M. Todd)
- Pillow, Mrs. Permelia Richmond (Permelia Belle Richmond)
- Piper, Mrs. J. W. (Neva Matilda Garretson)
- Pipes, Mrs. David Washington (Anna Thornton Key)
- Pipes, Mrs. Fort (Elizabeth King)
- Pipkin, Mrs. Robert Worth (Irene Babs Cook)
- Pirtle, Mrs. Horace F. (Clemie Waldo)
- Pittman, Mrs. Chalmers V. A. (Margaret Ellen Hallett)
- Pittman, Mrs. Clarence Eugene (Frances Brooks)
- Pittman, Mrs. Crymes (Jennevieve Lucy George)
- Pittman, Mrs. Frank S. (Hazel Gibson)
- Pitts, Mrs. Andrew Williams (Annie Dennis Stewart)
- Pitts, Mrs. J. Leroy (Genora Price)
- Plant, Mrs. Wayne F. (Myrtle Rayfield)
- Plauche, Mrs. Stephen Eugene (Edith Burton)
- Pleasants, Mrs. John S. (Ilda Tibbits)
- Plowman, Mrs. Earl Robert (Lois Rebecca Mansfield)
- Plowman, Mrs. George Taylor (Maude Houston Bell)
- Plue, Miss Hazel Marie (Hazel Marie Plue)
- Podewell, Mrs. Donald (Mary Virginia Whilden)
- Pogue, Mrs. Henry (Mary Isabella Crawford)
- Pogue, Mrs. Stephen H. Sr. (Minnie Gray Atkinson)
- Poindexter, Mrs. Eugene W. (Floy Wilson)
- Poland, Mrs. Joseph J. (Ada Officer Krepps)
- Polk, Miss Lilian Graham (Lilian Graham Polk)
- Polk, Mrs. William Dingee (Anne Beatrice Lamborn)
- Poll, Mrs. Ray Edwin (Dorothy Jennings)
- Pool, Mrs. Sherman Ira (Minnie Alice Lewis)
- Poole, Mrs. Calvin (Mary Eunice Crenshaw)
- Poole, Mrs. Joseph Neil (Helen Lazenby)
- Poor, Mrs. Edward King (Eliza Juliette Richardson)
- Poor, Mrs. Fred Arthur (Nettie Baylies)
- Pope, Mrs. John Hunter (Ruth Patterson)
- Pope, Mrs. Mark Cooper Jr. (Nancy Jaquelin Braxton)
- Pope, Mrs. Thomas Everett (Marie Theresa Stinson)
- Porcher, Miss Margaret Martin (Margaret Martin Porcher)
- Porcher, Mrs. Christopher Gadsden (Anne Carrington Martin)
- Poret, Mrs. Ory G. (Sarah Becker)
- Porotto, Mrs. Fortunato (Susan De Forest Day)
- Porter, Miss Carlile Patterson (Carlile Patterson Porter)
- Porter, Mrs. Benjamin Wilson (Marion Brayton Freeman)
- Porter, Mrs. David Dixon (Winifred Metcalf Mattingly)
- Porter, Mrs. Ethel Thomas (Ethel Thomas)
- Porter, Mrs. Harry Boone (Edith Goldsborough Robinson)
- Posey, Miss Luch Alice (Lucy Alice Posey)
- Posse, Mrs. Ernest W. (Mildred Isbell)
- Post, Mrs. Ancel Bassett (Maud Wilson Barnes)
- Post, Mrs. William Edward (Ruth Boyd Harrison)
- Poteet, Miss Annie Adair (Annie Adair Poteet)
- Poteet, Mrs. Victor Monroe (Willie Mae Stamps)
- Potts, Mrs. Charles Haygood (Welcome Hayhurst)
- Potts, Mrs. John J. (Flora Alma Maxwell)
- Powell, Miss Lola Hunter (Lola Hunter Powell)
- Powell, Mrs. Eugene Vernon (Doris Terrell Daniel)
- Powell, Mrs. Hazael Amesbury (Florence Bayler)
- Powell, Mrs. James Leven (Annie Christine Burnett)
- Powell, Mrs. John Henry (Melvina Elizabeth Groom)
- Powell, Mrs. Leonidas Hudson (Lucy Louise Thomas)
- Powell, Mrs. William Major (Emma Boyd Hatch)
- Powell, Mrs. William Royall (Susie Cameron Lanneau)
- Power, Mrs. E. Barnum (Minerva Lester)
- Powers, Mrs. Thomas Hires (Mabel Hilliard Crispin)
- Powers, Mrs. Worth B. (Mary Nelle Hardeman)
- Prator, Mrs. Ned Terrel (Mary Drayton Nix)
- Pratt, Mrs. Lola Champion (Lola May Champion)
- Prenshaw, Mrs. E. R. (Helen Willard Leet)
- Prettyman, Mrs. Thomas Mann (Caroline Sarilda Moreland)
- Preuit, Mrs. Leonard Sadler (Mildred Armene Fennel)
- Preuninger, Mrs. Frank A. (Martha Gist Montgomery)
- Price, Miss Elizabeth Estelle (Elizabeth Estelle Price)
- Price, Miss Estelle (Estelle Price)
- Price, Mmrs. Paul Buford (Eva Dupuy)
- Price, Mrs. Clarence V. (Jeanne Marie Roe)
- Price, Mrs. Henry E. (Verna Tye)
- Price, Mrs. John Williamson Jr. (Barbara Thruston Atwood)
- Price, Mrs. Thomas Pinkney (Alice Leala Kerr)
- Price, Mrs. Walter Winston (Ysobel Daisy Haskins)
- Prichard, Mrs. Lois Woodfin (Lois Woodfin)
- Prickett, Mrs. William Dewey (Anne Pryor Harris)
- Priddy, Mrs. Frank D. (Helen Foster Hockenhull)
- Pridgen, Mrs. Eugene Edward (Marion Gertrude Roberts)
- Pridgen, Mrs. Walter E. (Elsa Neide Brooke)
- Prince, Mrs. Thomas J. (Anne Dent)
- Pringle, Mrs. Thomas John (Eleanore Cooper Courtenay)
- Pritchard, Mrs. D. Boudinot (Lola Pauline Smith)
- Pritchett, Mrs. William Stanley (Fannie Lou Hewitt)
- Privett, Mrs. John Blevis (Harriet Beard Kinnaird)
- Probert, Mrs. Sidney Chinnock (Martha Bess Hall)
- Proctor, Mrs. Arthur Marcus (Delia Maria Miller)
- Proctor, Mrs. Bush (Richie Lee Bush)
- Proctor, Mrs. Creasy K. (Matilda Culpepper)
- Prud'homme, Mrs. J. Alphonse (Rosalie Lucile Keator)
- Pruett, Mrs. Lloyd Kenneth (Dorothy Delight Diehl)
- Prugh, Mrs. David Vogt (Dallas Wylie)
- Pruitt, Mrs. Henry L. (Pearl Clara Ramsey)
- Pugh, Mrs. Ralph Allen (Nell Mick)
- Pullen, Mrs. Joyce B. (Emma Eilene Hodges)
- Pulley, Mrs. Thomas Nicholson Jr. (Thelma Downing)
- Punchard, Miss Frances Elizabeth (Frances Elizabeth Punchard)
- Purdum, Mrs. Bradley K. (Evelyn S. Darling)
- Purnell, Mrs. Leland Everett (Fleecie Philips)
- Purvis, Mrs. W. T. (Anna Pittman)
- Puryear, Mrs. George Washington (Alice Ruth Witherspoon)
- Pushin, Mrs. Nelle Du Val (Nelle E. Du Val)
- Pye, Mrs. William Satterlee (Anne Briscoe)
- Pyle, Mrs. Thomas Jefferson (Mary Turner Polk)
- Pyles, Mrs. Glen L. (Margaret Eveline Doty)
- Quebedeaux, Mrs. Walter Arnim (Mabel Taylor)
- Querens, Mrs. Percy Lennard (Gillie Shelton Rives)
- Quesenbury, Mrs. Monte Key (Chessie Mary Duncan)
- Quillian, Mrs. Charles Fletcher (Elena Sophia Jackson)
- Quinn, Mrs. William Joseph (Vivian Ammons)
- Raab, Mrs. Helen Hammond (Helen Hammond)
- Rader, Mrs. Archibald Fleming (Alice Burton South)
- Rader, Mrs. Logan Carson (Katherine Griguard Richardson)
- Radescich, Mrs. Andrew Will (Lydia Susan Talton)
- Radice, Mrs. Francis Joseph (Susanne Louise Duy)
- Ragan, Mrs. Charles Ellis (Mary Louise Foy)
- Rahn, Mrs. Normal Hall (Hattie Grace Subers)
- Raidt, Mrs. John W. Jr. (Elizabeth Miller Hamilton)
- Railey, Miss Emma (Emma Railey)
- Raines, Mrs. Thomas B. (Augusta Gussie Griggs)
- Rainey, Mrs. John Faulkner (Caroline Freeman Stringer)
- Rains, Mrs. Harold B. (Laura Morgan)
- Ralls, Mrs. Frank C. (Jacqueline McKenzie)
- Ralph, Mrs. George Frederick (Cornelia Marion Barnes)
- Ralston, Mrs. Andrew Jackson (Clara Williams Selby)
- Ralston, Mrs. Byron Brown (Lucy Virginia Gordon)
- Ralston, Mrs. George Orr (Ruth Franklin Jones)
- Rambaut, Mrs. Thomas D. (Margaret Batchelder)
- Rambo, Mrs. Ormond Jr. (Edna Marie Stead)
- Ramsey, Mrs. James Redding Sr. (Ruth Frances Treadaway)
- Randle, Mrs. Frank W. (Mamie Alston)
- Randolph, Miss Marion Fitz (Marion Fitz Randolph)
- Randolph, Mrs. Benjamin C. F. (Matilda Fontaine Jones)
- Randolph, Mrs. Robert Carter (Isabel Wurts Harrison)
- Randolph, Mrs. Robert J. (Jessie Lincoln)
- Ranke, Mrs. Fred A. (Vinnetta Maude Wells)
- Rankin, Mrs Homer Day (Florence West)
- Rankin, Mrs. Gordon H. (Lillian Elliott Harness)
- Ranney, Mrs. Clark E. (Gladys T. Meserve)
- Ranney, Mrs. Frederick Tappan (Elizabeth Balch)
- Rash, Mrs. Ben C. (Mildred Normont)
- Ratliffe, Mrs. Paul Rees (Merle Eleanor Warren)
- Rauschenberg, Mrs. Walter Francis (Frances Elliott Moseley)
- Rawles, Mrs. Eldred Leslye (Malvina Sherard)
- Ray, Mrs. Rex (Ada Miller)
- Raymond, Mrs. J. Lawrence (Edith Anderson)
- Raynor, Mrs. Harold Jimmerson (Grace Louise Reilly)
- Rea, Mrs. Otto Newton (Alma Baker)
- Read, Miss Mary Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth Read)
- Reavis, Mrs. C. B. (Beatrice Kerner)
- Reck, Mrs. Jacob (Georgie Peyton Thomas)
- Rector, Mrs. Thomas Fredrick Sr. (Agnes Lorene Hobbs)
- Red, Miss Hattie Lee (Hattie Lee Red)
- Reddick, Mrs. John Ellsworth (Ruth Virginia Jenness)
- Reddy, Miss Anne L. (Anne L. Reddy)
- Reddy, Miss Marie Elizabeth (Marie Elizabeth Reddy)
- Redfield, Mrs. john Stown (Maudie Stella Stacy)
- Redmon, Miss Martha Ann (Martha Ann Redmon)
- Redmond, Mrs. Verne William (Laura Freeman)
- Reed, Miss Frances Devereux (Frances Devereux Reed)
- Reed, Mrs. Bogart Scott (Elva Ann Ellison)
- Reed, Mrs. DeWitt Clinton (Alvaretta Devereux)
- Reed, Mrs. Field McLeod Jr. (JoAnna Ball Coleman)
- Reed, Mrs. Prentiss Bishop (Eleanor Frey Cochran)
- Rees, Mrs. Paul Klein (Mary Elizabeth Boone)
- Reese, Mrs. A. Victor (Ida Louise Thatcher)
- Reeve, Mrs. Keith Graham (Minerva Tabitha Smith)
- Reeves, Mrs. T. Earle (Edna Veazey Shaw)
- Regan, Mrs. Joseph Bunyan (Lena Crain Logan)
- Reid, Mrs. Howard Merton (Lois Moore)
- Reid, Mrs. John D. (Margaret Louise McCreary)
- Reida, Mrs. John (Gannette Snyder)
- Reifsnyder, Mrs. Howard (Hannah Gillam)
- Reilly, Mrs. Edmund T. (Barbara Dorothy Mathews)
- Reimers, Mrs. John J. (Nellie May Cady)
- Reinhardt, Mrs. Goyn (Ruth Curtis)
- Reitch, Mrs. Joseph Louis (Martha Evelyn Cochran)
- Renneburg, Mrs. Frederick Philips (Grace Louise Norris)
- Rensselaer, Miss Sarah Warren (Sarah Warren Rensselaer)
- Rensselaer, Mrs. John King (Maria Dennining King)
- Rex, Mrs. John (Clara Elliott Buchanan)
- Rex, Mrs. Loren Edgar (Leda Marie Ferrell)
- Reynolds, Miss Katherine Bell (Katherine Bell Reynolds)
- Reynolds, Mrs. A. W. (Louise Bell Ferguson)
- Reynolds, Mrs. Hubbard Holloway (Minnie Wilson Yarbrough)
- Reynolds, Mrs. Raymond J. (Jessie Austin)
- Reynolds, Mrs. Raymond James (Adeline Caldonia Hyde)
- Reynolds, Mrs. Wellborn Myers (Alice Victoria Cleveland)
- Rhoades, Mrs. William Lawrence (Myrtle Mae Savage)
- Rhoads, Mrs. Daniel (Mary Da Costa Brick)
- Rhodes, Mrs. Harry Willet (Harriet Olive Church)
- Rhodes, Mrs. James Boone (Alice Almeda Blackburn)
- Ribar, Mrs. Fred J. (Georgia Roberta Ogletree)
- Ricaud, Mrs. Robert Barry (Lulu Mowry Crosland)
- Rice, Miss Mabel F. (Mabel F. Rice)
- Rice, Mrs. Bert Gresham (Rebecca LaRuth Peters)
- Rice, Mrs. Loman J. (Mamie Stoneham)
- Rice, Mrs. Willard Martin III (Adelaide Moore)
- Rich, Mrs. Thaddeus (Almira Chandler Williams)
- Richard, Mrs. Earl Albert Sr. (Edvidge Marie Fortier)
- Richards, Miss Sara Lippincott (Sara Lippincott Richards)
- Richards, Mrs. Allan H. Jr. (Helen Grace Priddy)
- Richards, Mrs. Byron V. (Laura B. Wentworth)
- Richards, Mrs. C. Elton (Mauriel Gates)
- Richards, Mrs. Harry Hambleton (Amelia Harrison Rockerly)
- Richards, Mrs. J. DeForest (Gertrude Gilpin Oliver)
- Richards, Mrs. Thomas T. (Elizabeth Sprague Lambert)
- Richards, Mrs. Vernon Lothaire (Sadie McRae)
- Richardson, Miss Dora Elizabeth (Dora Elizabeth Richardson)
- Richardson, Miss Grace Patridge (Grace Patridge Richardson)
- Richardson, Miss Hilda Appleton (Hilda Appleton Richardson)
- Richardson, Miss Lavinia Dandridge (Lavinia Dandridge Richardson)
- Richardson, Miss Ruth (Ruth Richardson)
- Richardson, Mrs. Alden Bradford (Neva Lamb Parvis)
- Richardson, Mrs. Curtis A. (Myrtle Sue Norwood)
- Richardson, Mrs. Earle (Ethel M. Pike)
- Richardson, Mrs. George Jr. (Ruth Kelvin McClaugherty)
- Richardson, Mrs. Harold Glenn (Phyllis Whitby)
- Richardson, Mrs. Hibbard E. (Ruth Ellsworth)
- Richardson, Mrs. Richard R. (Genevieve Arnult Miller)
- Richardson, Mrs. Thomas Felder (Elizabeth Louise Brown)
- Richardson, Mrs. William McReynolds Sr. (Hilda Shelton)
- Richmond, Miss Eleanor (Eleanor Richmond)
- Richmond, Mrs. Laurence Palmer (Minniebelle Porter)
- Richmond, Mrs. Thomas George (Lilliam May Ray)
- Rickard, Miss May Virginia (May Virginia Rickard)
- Riddle, Mrs. Norman William (Althae Spear Ireland)
- Ridgely, Mrs. Neville Rush (Margaret Shirley Bates)
- Ridgway, Mrs. Marvel Lant (Marvel Lant)
- Ridley, Mrs. Joseph L. (Virginia Terrell)
- Rieger, Mrs. Irwin Paul (Lois Taylor)
- Rietheimer, Mrs. Albert R. (Helen Mary Gardner)
- Riley, Mrs. Howard C. (Ruth Marie Copeland)
- Riley, Mrs. Jesse Lafayette Sr. (Pauline Taylor)
- Riley, Mrs. Stewart (Birdie Gill)
- Rincliffe, Mrs. Roy George (Eulalia Carlin Peterson)
- Rinehart, Mrs. Furman (Mary Inghram Munnell)
- Rines, Mrs. Clinton Furber (Marion Haynes Phinney)
- Ringe, Miss Cynthina Kerwin (Cynthina Kerwin Ringe)
- Risley, Mrs. Walter John Jr. (Hattie Gladys McDonald)
- Ritchie, Mrs. Don C. (Mildred Lelia Handy)
- Rivers, Mrs. Dwight Gray (Martha Venable Edmunds)
- Rixford, Mrs. Oscar Herbert (Elizabeth May Leach)
- Robbons, Mrs. N. Vick (Mary Stansbury Gwin)
- Roberson, Mrs. Charles H. (Catherine Moyers)
- Roberts, Miss Vivian Minter (Vivian Minter Roberts)
- Roberts, Mrs. (Katherine Bruen)
- Roberts, Mrs. Archilald Bradshaw (Clara Foy)
- Roberts, Mrs. Arthur Osborne (Edith Duncan Burnham)
- Roberts, Mrs. Brant Edward (Alberta Polk Pyle)
- Roberts, Mrs. David Powell (Emmy Scott Dewey)
- Roberts, Mrs. Edward David (Maud Adams)
- Roberts, Mrs. Edwin Snelling (Eloise Anna May Taylor)
- Roberts, Mrs. George Brinton (Alice Tyson Butcher)
- Roberts, Mrs. James Moran (Sally Lee Christopher)
- Roberts, Mrs. John Williams (Elizabeth Kimball Hyde)
- Roberts, Mrs. Katherine Stuart Marsh (Katherine Stuart Marsh)
- Roberts, Mrs. Milo Charles (Edith May Zaiser)
- Roberts, Mrs. Thomas Paul (Clara Indiana Faulk)
- Robertson, Miss Julis Johnston (Julis Johnston Robertson)
- Robertson, Mrs. Charles D. (Ella Keith Frazier)
- Robertson, Mrs. Harrison (Marion Morgan Richardson)
- Robertson, Mrs. James Buel (Eleanor Ruth Hewitt)
- Robertson, Mrs. Joseph Archibald (Claride Vernon Scott)
- Robertson, Mrs. Joseph Lee (Teresa Elizabeth Murphy)
- Robie, Mrs. John L. (Inez S. Byrn)
- Robinson, Miss Nell Marie (Nell Marie Robinson)
- Robinson, Miss Sallie Broadus (Sallie Broadus Robinson)
- Robinson, Mrs. Arthur Morris (Shirley Montgomery)
- Robinson, Mrs. Frances Alexander (Frances Edna Alexander)
- Robinson, Mrs. Frank L. (Ellen Newman)
- Robinson, Mrs. George Henry (Louise Pendleton)
- Robinson, Mrs. Hardin Benning (Eva Hardin Benning)
- Robinson, Mrs. Henry A. (Roberta Videtto)
- Robinson, Mrs. Herman F. (Winnifred Mabel Merrill)
- Robinson, Mrs. James Steptoe (Barbara Lewis)
- Robinson, Mrs. John Ford (Mary Delia Smith)
- Robinson, Mrs. Leslie S. (Helen Marie Terns)
- Robinson, Mrs. Samuel Read Dunn (Elma Ruby Gray)
- Robinson, Mrs. W. Lewis (Lucy Chenault)
- Robinson, Mrs. Wilbourn Thomas Sr. (Florine Smither)
- Robison, Mrs. Carmen Glen (Margaret Elizabeth Doud)
- Robison, Mrs. Charles Bennett (Katherine Louise Parkins)
- Rochelle, Mrs. Zalpheus Aaron (Bertha Lakey)
- Rockey, Mrs. Alpha Eugene (Phila Jane Watson)
- Rockwood, Mrs. Alvin (Jessie Mae King)
- Rodenberg, Mrs. Elmer J. (Mary Ellis Foote)
- Rodwell, Mrs. Ethel Snell (Ethel Snell)
- Roebken, Mrs. Howard Brandt (Virginia Kirk Eshbaugh)
- Rogers, Miss Ellen Chapin (Ellen Chapin Rogers)
- Rogers, Mrs. Frederick Merchant (Irene Hamilton Harness)
- Rogers, Mrs. Gordon B. (Glenna Fisher)
- Rogers, Mrs. John (Hazel Mallory Beattie)
- Rogers, Mrs. John Just (Estelle Guice Graves)
- Rogers, Mrs. Joseph M. (Marie C. Lindsey)
- Rogers, Mrs. Lowell Glen (Ethel Ione Hurd)
- Rogers, Mrs. Rochester Hart (Lois Elizabeth Smith)
- Rogers, Mrs. Vincent Harry (Mary DuBois Fowler)
- Rollin, Mrs. James David (Elizabeth Ann Thompson)
- Rollins, Mrs. Richard (Catherine Thomas Deal)
- Rollinson, Mrs. Frederick B. (Florence Webster)
- Rooke, Mrs. Frank B. (Roberta Driscoll)
- Root, Mrs. Gad Benjamin (Della Louise Dorr)
- Rose, Miss Blance W. (Blance W. Rose)
- Rose, Miss Jennie (Jennie Rose)
- Rose, Mrs. John Henry (Louisa Chapman)
- Rose, Mrs. Smead (Julia Smead)
- Rosenberger, Mrs. Stanley (Vaneta Walker)
- Ross, Miss Mary Hill (Mary Hill Ross)
- Ross, Mrs. Andrew (Aileen Beryl Notmeyer)
- Ross, Mrs. Frank Pierce (Blanche Axtell Skiff)
- Ross, Mrs. Hazel Long (Hazel Fay Long)
- Ross, Mrs. Thomas Scanlan (Lenore Walker)
- Rosson, Miss Mattie Lowe (Mattie Lowe Rosson)
- Rothe, Mrs. Rhinehart Louis (Martha Aline Thompson)
- Roumillot, Mrs. Francis Eugene II (Hortense Edna Weidman)
- Rouse, Mrs. T. C. (Helen Elizabeth Garvin)
- Rowden, Mrs. F. A. (Thelma Clarissa Colvin)
- Rowe, Mrs. George Hart (Eleanor Stillman Gardner)
- Rowell, Mrs. Margaret Tenney (Margaret Wilson Tenney)
- Rowland, Mrs. Robert M. (Euphrates Major Smith)
- Royall, Mrs. John W. (Ann May Milliken)
- Royals, Mrs. Alonzo David (Linnie Mabel Rush)
- Royle, Mrs. Willie Calvin (Annie Jewel Mantooth)
- Roys, Mrs. James E. (Della White)
- Rubey, Mrs. Harry (Ann McKinney Todd)
- Ruby, Mrs. Thomas Wade (Pauline Ida Greening)
- Rucker, Mrs. James B. Jr. (Sue Dickson Barr)
- Rucker, Mrs. Louis S. D. (Jessie Hough)
- Rucker, Mrs. Tunstall Coates (Lauralee Bush)
- Rudelius, Mrs. Ernest Albert (Regina Quaile)
- Rue, Mrs. Jacob Bergen (Anna Throckmorton Conover)
- Ruess, Mrs. Edwin (Mary Margaret Forst)
- Ruggles, Mrs. Harry Wyndham (Emma Gould Rickard)
- Rule, Mrs. Elmer D. (Fay Shelley)
- Rumble, Mrs. Emory B. (Emily Louise Brown)
- Rumley, Mrs. James Pierson (Anne Hildebrand)
- Rundstrom, Mrs. Leonard Garfield (Olive Conover)
- Runyon, Mrs. James Garfield (Alice Louise Minnerly)
- Rupercht, Mrs. Rudolph W. (Laura Fairbanks Thrasher)
- Ruperti, Mrs. Justus O. (Edith Winifred Donaldson)
- Ruprecht, Miss Barbara Wardwell (Barbara Wardwell Ruprecht)
- Rusk, Mrs. John A. (Blanche Monroe)
- Russ, Mrs. Robert T. (Montez Lawrence)
- Russell, Mrs. Benjamin (Roberta Bacon McDonald)
- Russell, Mrs. Samuel Moorhead (Eleanor Coleman)
- Russell, Mrs. William Crawford (Lucy Adelaide Powell)
- Rust, Mrs. Carl Hammond (Emma Louise Cone)
- Rutledge, Mrs. Paul White (Marion Logan Drown)
- Ruttencutter, Mrs. Brady Green (Mildred Armistead Baker)
- Rymal, Mrs. Grant V. Sr. (Mary Louise Barnard)
- Ryman, Mrs. Ernest Granville (Eleanor Dempsey Bowling)
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