National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Deceased Member Listings At 8/1/99
This is one of 17 pages which list over 5,000 deceased Members of the National
Society Magna Charta Dames and Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons. Please refer to the
Deceased Members Listing Home Page for the other pages.
We hope that potential members might find their ancestors or relatives on one of these
lists. Generally for a descendant of a member to satisfy the lineage requirement for
membership it will be necessary to establish the descent with references or documentation,
including copies of the referenced material or documentation. In the case of relatives
generally the descent would be established from a common ancestor.
By way of explanation, the Society has listed a member as deceased when actual notice
has been received or who was listed on the Society records as deceased in 1989. We
apologize for any errors which might have inadvertently been made. Please inform us of any
individuals on this list who might be alive. We hope that the information will be
submitted for each person on a separate note card or a separate sheet of paper. It should
be mailed to the Society's office at the address on the home page. Thank you for your
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- Vail, Helen (Mrs. James G. Wikoff)
- Vail, Susan (Mrs. Harrie Baylor Cloud)
- Valentine, Harriet Letitia (Mrs. Robert Canfield Selden)
- Van Laningham, Gertrude C. (Mrs. Harold R. Swanson)
- Van Laningham, Helen (Mrs. M. F. McCullough)
- Van Ness, Alice Fern (Mrs. Lawrence E. Freeman)
- Van Rensselaer, Catherine Glen (Miss Catherine Glen Van Rensselaer)
- Van Wagenen, Elizabeth Vass (Miss Elizabeth Vass Van Wagenen)
- VanCulin, Lillian DuPuy (Mrs. Thomas Roberts Harper)
- VanDeren, Charlotte (Mrs. Dixon A. Barr)
- Vance, Camille (Mrs. Leon Wood Huckins)
- Vanderslice, Frances Alice (Mrs. Henry Lewis Benner)
- Vann, Fannie (Mrs. Ernest Addison Simmons)
- Vanuxem, Florence (Mrs. Edward Robert Horace Maynard)
- Vass, Libbie White (Mrs. Gaston Glaze Lewis)
- Vass, Madge (Mrs. Frank Bell McFall)
- Vass, Nellie Penrose (Mrs. Thomas M. Myers)
- Vass, Theresa Lee (Mrs. Theresa Vass Hale)
- Vaughan, Dorothy Barrington (Mrs. Henry P. Boggs)
- Vaughan, Mary Eleanor (Mrs. George Lehman Morr)
- Vaughan, May Constance (Mrs. Edward Joseph Filbey)
- Vaux, Susan Morris (Miss Susan Morris Vaux)
- Veling, Lerna Diez (Miss Lerna Diez Veling)
- Vernon, Lorene Virginia (Mrs. Otis Lee Shumate)
- Vick, Willa (Mrs. Samuel Savier Griffin)
- Videtto, Roberta (Mrs. Henry A. Robinson)
- Vincent, Louise (Mrs. E. Latane Flanagan)
- Vinson, Mattie Kate (Mrs. Aultman)
- Vlerebome, Helen Burnham (Mrs. John Neil Thompson)
- Vollnogle, Grace Edna (Mrs. John Howard Phillips)
- Voorhees, Lenore Milne (Mrs. John A. Jefferson)
- Wagoner, G. Virginia (Mrs. Clarence E. Beilharz)
- Walbridge, Alice Lenore (Miss Alice Lenore Walbridge)
- Waldo, Clemie (Mrs. Horace F. Pirtle)
- Waldo, Lucy (Mrs. William Dozier Partlow)
- Wales, Albertine (Miss Albertine Wales)
- Wales, Marion Porter (Miss Marion Porter Wales)
- Walker, Doris (Mrs. Lee H. Lyle)
- Walker, Dorothy Knox (Mrs. Jackson Francis Palmer)
- Walker, Elizabeth Hazel (Mrs. James Strode Elston)
- Walker, Ellen Constance (Mrs. Ellen Walker Morse)
- Walker, Elsie Shaw (Mrs. John S. Butterworth)
- Walker, Emily Bailey (Mrs. William Baynard Harper)
- Walker, Florence M. (Miss Florence M. Walker)
- Walker, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs. John Donald McGill Jr.)
- Walker, Kate (Mrs. Hugh B. Lamb)
- Walker, Kate Neel Johnston (Mrs. Vernon Peters)
- Walker, Lenore (Mrs. Thomas Scanlan Ross)
- Walker, Lilliam (Mrs. Harry Ellynn Thixton)
- Walker, Lillian Jeanette (Mrs. Daniel Marks)
- Walker, Lucie (Mrs. Scott Cobb Barclift)
- Walker, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Carl Monroe Smith)
- Walker, Mary Neel (Mrs. Joseph Boyd McCrary)
- Walker, Nila May (Mrs. David H. Kohen)
- Walker, Norma Elisabeth (Mrs. Joseph Feamster Taylor)
- Walker, Rhoda Janet (Mrs. Edmund Baker Edwards)
- Walker, Rosa Montgomery (Mrs. George Stovall Mayne)
- Walker, Sara Shaw (Mrs. Henry Lewis Carter Jr.)
- Walker, Sarah Eleanor (Mrs. Harry Wybourg Conarro)
- Walker, Vaneta (Mrs. Stanley Rosenberger)
- Wall, Katharine (Mrs. Jacqueline Plummer Taylor)
- Wallace, Linda Lee (Mrs. Henry Auchincloss Colgate)
- Wallace, Willie May (Mrs. Willie Wallace Dunlop)
- Waller, Frances (Miss Frances Waller)
- Waller, Frances Amelia (Miss Frances Amelia Waller)
- Waller, Kathryn (Mrs. Parks Hollis)
- Walling, Ida G. (Mrs. Alonzo Nelson Walling)
- Waln, Edith Lewis (Mrs. John Baird)
- Waln, Helen (Mrs. Leslie Curtis Lippincott)
- Walpole, Helen (Miss Helen Walpole Brewer)
- Walsh, Joan Beatrice (Mrs. Peter Michael Waltz)
- Walsh, Marie Louise (Mrs. Robert Sommerville Hill Jr.)
- Walter, Gladys Darlington (Miss Gladys Darlington Walter)
- Walter, Mary Ethyl (Miss Mary Ethyl Walter)
- Walters, Louise Agnes (Miss Louise Agnes Walters)
- Walters, Mabel (Mrs. Otwell T. Curry)
- Walton, Kathy Cassell (Miss Kathy Cassell Walton)
- Walton, Lexa Mae (Mrs. Owen N. Conerlyi)
- Walton, Manilla E. (Mrs. E. W. Kopisch)
- Walton, Virginia Field (Mrs. Berry Boswell Brooks Jr.)
- Ward, Bess (Mrs. Thomas Lester Vann)
- Ward, Clara Ethel (Mrs. Ethel Seaton)
- Ward, Doris (Mrs. Raymond Vickerstaff)
- Ward, Elizabeth (Mrs. Clifford E. Mong)
- Ward, Ethel Winnifred (Mrs. Ray L. Johnston)
- Ward, Eva Garce (Mrs. Raymond Charles Goss)
- Ward, Evelyn Proctor (Mrs. J. C. Savage)
- Ward, Louise (Mrs. Edward Francis Watkins)
- Ward, Phelinda Ann (Mrs. Charles Ward)
- Ward, Sallie (Mrs. John King Beretta)
- Warden, LaReine Alberta (Mrs. Claud Franklin Clayton)
- Ware, Bonnie Bess (Miss Bonnie Bess Ware)
- Ware, Eula Myrle (Mrs. Tom Weatherly)
- Ware, Eunice Letitia (Dr. Eunice Letitia Ware)
- Ware, Helen Trafton (Mrs. James Kernoul)
- Ware, Leslie Hinton (Miss Leslie Hinton Ware)
- Ware, Liliam (Mrs. John Clark Tittle)
- Ware, Lois Philip (Miss Lois Philip Ware)
- Warfield, Florence (Mrs. Walter Sillers)
- Warner, Greta (Mrs. H. Clyde Filley)
- Warner, Louise (Dr. Louise Warner)
- Warner, Marion Gilbert (Mrs. Curtis Coles Bates)
- Warren, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs. Walter Alfred Holt)
- Warren, Letha (Mrs. Norman L. Welborn)
- Warren, Marcia Shallcross (Mrs. Allen Rose Hite)
- Warren, Mary Lee (Miss Mary Lee Warren)
- Warren, Merle Eleanor (Mrs. Paul Rees Ratliffe)
- Warren, Minnie (Mrs. Malcolm McBride Panton)
- Warren, Nell Duncan (Mrs. William Simpson Elkin)
- Warren, Violet E. (Mrs. Violet Warren Campos)
- Warslow, Helen (Miss Helen Warslow)
- Washbourne, Gladys (Mrs. Ivan Howard)
- Washington, Eleanor Jane (Mrs. Thomas J. Dyer)
- Washington, Elizabeth Fisher (Miss Elizabeth Fisher Washington)
- Washington, Jane (Mrs. Felix Grundy Ewing)
- Washington, Nancy Naulty (Mrs. Lawrence Jones Fuller)
- Waters, Florence Hester (Miss Florence Hester Waters)
- Waters, Pauline Virginia (Miss Pauline Virginia Waters)
- Watkins, Anne (Miss Anne Watkins)
- Watkins, Carolyn (Mrs. Stewart H. Bridgforth)
- Watkins, Florence (Mrs. J. H. Beckham)
- Watkins, Jane Merritt (Mrs. Charles Scott Sullivan)
- Watkins, Louise Taurman (Miss Louise Taurman Watkins)
- Watkins, Mary Kate (Mrs. Oscar Wollfarth)
- Watson, Frances Maxine (Mrs. Louis G. Wilke)
- Watson, Helen Celestia (Mrs. Glenn Ingersoll Molyneaux)
- Watson, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Lewis Latham Clarke)
- Watson, Phila Jane (Mrs. Alpha Eugene Rockey)
- Watson, Virginia Ruth (Mrs. Jack Harvey Abernathy)
- Watts, Edith Earl (Miss Edith Earl Watts)
- Watts, Leta (Mrs. William Wayt Gibbs III)
- Watts, Myrtle (Mrs. Joseph Patrick Haggerty)
- Watts, Nancy Moores (Mrs. Arthur L. Jennings)
- Way, Olive Ball (Mrs. Thomas Henry McDowell)
- Wayne, Emily Willetts (Mrs. William J. Larkin II)
- Wayne, Harriett (Mrs. Wayne Foster)
- Weatherbee, Harriet (Mrs. Sterling Price True)
- Weatherby, Berthania Elizabeth (Mrs. Albert Edward Flick)
- Weatherly, Edith Hunt (Mrs. James Robert Fereno)
- Weathersby, Lenora Elizabeth (Mrs. George Flowers Smith)
- Weaver, Annie K. (Mrs. Annie Weaver Walker)
- Weaver, Margaret Ann (Mrs. Roland Bell Holt)
- Weaver, Mary Ready (Mrs. W. H. Williamson)
- Weaver, Rose (Miss Rose Weaver)
- Weaver, Rose Pettus (Miss Rose Pettus Weaver)
- Webb, Elizabeth Castero (Mrs. William Barron Arbuthnot)
- Webb, Helen (Mrs. William Wallace Chatterton)
- Webb, Rebecca Beatrice (Mrs. Roderick B. Davis)
- Weber, Hallie Ruth (Miss Hallie Ruth Weber)
- Weber, Penelope Leo (Mrs. J. H. Clark)
- Webster, Evelyn (Mrs. George Hollis Dyar)
- Webster, Florence (Mrs. Frederick B. Rollinson)
- Webster, Jennie Marie (Mrs. Samauel Alfred Mangam)
- Webster, Lois (Mrs. Richard A. Welch)
- Webster, Lydia Lucelia (Mrs. James Lee Gillogly)
- Webster, Mary Mendenhall (Mrs. Edward L. Buchey)
- Wedd, Ruby Annette (Miss Ruby Annette Wedd)
- Weed, Luell Alberta (Mrs. Frank Donald Guthrie)
- Weems, Mary Catherine (Mrs. H. A. Nesbitt)
- Weems, Rachel Fletcher (Dr. Rachel Fletcher Weems)
- Weesner, Margaret (Mrs. Benjamin Lewis Haram)
- Weidman, Hortense Edna (Mrs. Francis Eugene Roumillot II)
- Weileman, Frankie (Mrs. William J. Taylor)
- Weir, Margaret L. (Mrs. Margaret L. Fergus)
- Weir, Mary Wingate (Mrs. Louis Jenkins)
- Weisgerber, Neva Elizabeth (Miss Neva Elizabeth Weisgerber)
- Weisgerber, Virginia Edna (Miss Virginia Edna Weisgerber)
- Welch, Audra Genevieve (Mrs. Joseph Elmer Troyer)
- Welch, Katherine (Mrs. Ford)
- Welch, Margaret Mills (Miss Margaret Mills Welch)
- Welch, Mildred (Mrs. Clifton Wolfe)
- Welker, Wynnogene (Mrs. Adolph Marcus Anzick)
- Wellborn, Bessie Lee (Mrs. Edwin Duncan)
- Weller, May Lucinda (Mrs. William M. Curtner)
- Wells, Dorothy (Mrs. John Shivley Knight Jr.)
- Wells, Dorothy Robyn (Mrs. Joe Terrell Ward)
- Wells, Irene Kaiulani (Mrs. Harry DeLong)
- Wells, Julia (Mrs. Whitelaw Terry)
- Wells, Julia Radcliffe (Mrs. Henry F. McCabe)
- Wells, Vinnetta Maude (Mrs. Fred A. Ranke)
- Welsh, Alice (Mrs. George Strawbridge)
- Welsh, Emilie Benson (Mrs. Paul Felton Wiggin)
- Wentworth, Laura B. (Mrs. Byron V. Richards)
- Wentworth, Vera (Mrs. John Edward Webster)
- Wentz, Williamina Wemyss (Mrs. Rodolphe M. DeSchauensee)
- Wersebe, Irma Baylis (Mrs. T. Mickell Field)
- Werst, Jennie Rogers (Mrs. Frederick Weaver Clarke)
- Wescott, Margery Dunbas (Mrs. Ebbe R. C. Klein)
- Wesley, Lucy (Miss Lucy Wesley)
- West, Bernice Delmar (Mrs. Robert Arthur Beyers)
- West, Edith Woodfin (Miss Edith Woodfin West)
- West, Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph Carl Schwinbeck)
- West, Florence (Mrs Homer Day Rankin)
- West, Grace Hughitt (Mrs. John Stephen Wilson)
- West, Margaret J. (Mrs. Margaret West Allman)
- West, Maude King (Mrs. Owen Coello McConnell)
- West, Octavia Lee (Mrs. James Otis Jones)
- West, Ruth (Mrs. Ruth West Danaho)
- Westall, Cletis Olive (Mrs. Charles Tallman)
- Westbrook, Annie Sue (Mrs. Carl Franklin Walters)
- Westbrook, Mary Elizabeth (Miss Mary Elizabeth Westbrook)
- Westmoreland, Jewell (Mrs. Paul H. Madden)
- Westover, Vesta Miller (Mrs. Westover Channon)
- Wetherbee, Belle Benton (Mrs. W. Arthur Saltford)
- Wetherill, Florence (Mrs. Grahame Wood)
- Wetherill, Georgine Northrop (Mrs. Charles Shillard Smith)
- Weyman, Lula Catherine (Mrs. Armond Kainer)
- Whaley, Elizabeth (Mrs. Anthony R. Borrowes)
- Whaley, Monette (Mrs. Homer E. Tomlinson)
- Whall, Ethel Lytle (Mrs. Richard George Woodbridge)
- Wharton, Isabella Carter (Mrs. John H. Small)
- Wharton-Bickley, Anna Scott (Mrs. Henry Whipple Farnum)
- Wheaton, Jocelyn Willard (Mrs. Jocelyn Wheaton Elkes)
- Wheeler, Annie Early (Miss Annie Early Wheeler)
- Wheeler, Fredrica Reese (Mrs. Julien Smith Jr.)
- Wheeler, Harriet (Mrs. John Wesley Moyer)
- Wheeler, Luella (Mrs. Jonathan George March)
- Wheeler, Madelain England (Mrs. Thomas Sylvanus Morrison)
- Wheeler, Margaret Chase (Mrs. Ernest Henegar Sr.)
- Whelen, Laura (Mrs. Craig Biddle)
- Whetmath, Maude W. (Miss Maude W. Whetmath)
- Whetsel, Evelyn June (Mrs. Foster Paul Bryan)
- Whetstone, Celeste (Mrs. Charles E. White)
- Whilden, Mary Virginia (Mrs. Donald Podewell)
- Whipple, Isabella Carolyn (Mrs. Paul Maxon Phillips)
- Whitaker, Elizabeth Ruffin (Mrs. James Harvol Cobb)
- Whitaker, Grace (Mrs. C. R. Miller)
- Whitaker, Ida May (Mrs. Burnt Cedars)
- Whitaker, Julia de Alva (Mrs. Matthew Hugh Stuart)
- Whitaker, Rachel (Mrs. Joe Persinger)
- Whitby, Phyllis (Mrs. Harold Glenn Richardson)
- Whitcomb, Addie R. (Miss Addie R. Whitcomb)
- Whitcomb, Nema Maria (Mrs. Harry Cyrus Holloway)
- White, Alma Carroll (Miss Alma Carroll White)
- White, Ann Heron (Miss Ann Heron White)
- White, Anna Menetta (Mrs. William Edward Miller)
- White, Augusta Emma (Miss Augusta Emma White)
- White, Della (Mrs. James E. Roys)
- White, Edna (Mrs. Herbert Hooke McCampbell)
- White, Ella Alman (Mrs. Horatio Ford)
- White, Frederica Bremer (Miss Frederica Bremer White)
- White, Hazel Alice (Mrs. Clifton Reed Hall Sr.)
- White, Louise Madeline (Mrs. Donald Shaeffer Wilson)
- White, Lucille (Mrs. Dougles Harry Homes)
- White, Margaret Julia (Miss Margaret Julia White)
- White, Maybelle (Mrs. Walter Lyde McCleery Sr.)
- White, Minerva Marie (Mrs. Miller Ellis Keith)
- White, Pattie Brown (Mrs. Thomas David Coopwood)
- White, Sara Ethelyn (Mrs. Jesse E. Lewis)
- Whitehead, Elizabeth Clay (Mrs. Granville Giltz Croley)
- Whitehead, Erma (Mrs. Edward J. Schmich)
- Whitehead, Florence Stansbury (Miss Florence Stansbury Whitehead)
- Whitehead, Genevieve Wolcott (Mrs. Rial Newland Denison)
- Whitehurst, Araminta (Mrs. Yates Webb Little)
- Whitfield, Katherine (Mrs. Katherine Whitfield Wolf)
- Whitney, Lucile Florence (Mrs. Albert Christopher McCall)
- Whitson, Mary Alice (Mrs. Robert Witherspoon Lowe)
- Whittington, Victoria Lois (Mrs. Joseph Nolton Sadler)
- Whittle, Marie Wooten (Mrs. Marie Whittle Wellslager)
- Whyte, Eliza Credilla (Mrs. Laurence Roberts Carton)
- Wicker, Mary Watkins (Mrs. Francis Deane Irving IV)
- Wiggins, Mabel (Mrs. James G. Cochrane)
- Wightman, Julia Parker (Miss Julia Parker Wightman)
- Wilburn, Mildred (Mrs. Gideon Wilson Campbell)
- Wilcox, Edna (Mrs. William H. Coleman)
- Wilcox, Louise (Mrs. Herbert Stanton Brown Jr.)
- Wilder, Nellie Hite (Mrs. Charles Ewell Craik)
- Wildes, Priscilla (Mrs. William Calvin Kennard)
- Wiley, Anna Mae (Mrs. J. Brooks Bishop Jr.)
- Wiley, Lucretia (Mrs. Charles Coombs McAdams)
- Wilkey, Frances (Mrs. W. G. Thigpen)
- Wilkins, Josephine (Miss Josephine Wilkins)
- Wilkins, Robbie Amaret (Mrs. Albert Moll)
- Wilkinson, Diane (Mrs. Virgil Browne)
- Willard, Ella (Mrs. John Axford Higgons)
- Willcox, Eulalie (Mrs. Robert Whitman Lesley)
- Willeta, Julia (Mrs. David T. Williams)
- Willets, Esther M. (Mrs. E. Lawrence Fell)
- Willett, Ellen Virginia (Mrs. Harrol C. Wheatley)
- Willett, Grace Williamson (Mrs. Richard Randolph Chamberlain)
- Williams, Allie (Mrs. Wallace Andrew Berryman)
- Williams, Almira Chandler (Mrs. Thaddeus Rich)
- Williams, Alta LaMent (Mrs. George W. Mason)
- Williams, Anna (Mrs. Kenneth Jack Gleason)
- Williams, Anne Sutton (Mrs. Nehemiah Hannibal Pierce)
- Williams, Bessie (Mrs. J. Samuel Mitchner)
- Williams, Charlotte Bishop (Mrs. Frederic Ellsworth Kip)
- Williams, Dorothy Barrett (Mrs. John S. Wurts)
- Williams, Elizabeth (Mrs. John Claude Estes)
- Williams, Ellen Lewis (Mrs. Norman Paul Luker)
- Williams, Emilie (Mrs. Johns Hopkins)
- Williams, Frances Lamar (Mrs. Joseph Cleveland Brusse)
- Williams, Frances Vanlandigham (Mrs. Mitchell M. Bowman)
- Williams, Genevieve Celia (Mrs. William H. Thomas)
- Williams, Harriet Goodhue (Mrs. William Raymond Myers)
- Williams, Helen Reid (Mrs. Thomas Auld Coxon)
- Williams, Jessie (Mrs. Clyde Edwards Hamilton)
- Williams, Lena Mae (Miss Lena Mae Williams)
- Williams, Lina (Mrs. Edmund G. McGilton)
- Williams, Lorena (Mrs. Lorena Williams Morrow)
- Williams, Margaret (Mrs. Clifford Maull Elwell)
- Williams, Marguerita Carol (Mrs. Henry Albert Schauffler)
- Williams, Maria Aurelia (Mrs. John Herndon James)
- Williams, Marion Agnes (Mrs. Ray Emerson Slocum)
- Williams, Martha (Mrs. Hayes Melson)
- Williams, Martha Jane (Mrs. Hugh Edwin Hulen)
- Williams, Mary Clay (Dr. Mary Clay Williams)
- Williams, Mary De Solms (Mrs. Baltzar E. L. DeMare)
- Williams, Mary Fairfax (Mrs. David Starr Owen)
- Williams, Mary Taylor (Mrs. Frank Mather Archer)
- Williams, Maxie Chloe (Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Elder)
- Williams, Nancy Bedford (Mrs. Albert Lee May)
- Williams, Phillis Evalynn (Mrs. Walter March Burress)
- Williams, Sara Louise (Mrs. James Monroe Clark)
- Williams, Sarah McFall (Mrs. Sarah Williams Bosman)
- Williams, Virginia May (Mrs. Ernest Bunn)
- Williams, Will Gary (Miss Will Gary Williams)
- Williams, Willie E. (Mrs. Nathaniel Bert Smith)
- Williamson, Emily (Mrs. Walter Alexander Harris)
- Williamson, Helen Lorraine (Miss Helen Lorraine Williamson)
- Williamson, Julia Bulkeley (Miss Julia Bulkeley Williamson)
- Williamson, Martha Ann (Mrs. Edmund Percy Davis)
- Williamson, Rosa Aileen (Mrs. Marion Hood Mathis)
- Willis, Bettie Mae (Mrs. Gustav Martin Swedman)
- Willis, Helen Dustin (Miss Helen Dustin Willis)
- Willis, Mary (Mrs. Mary Willis Shelburne)
- Williston, Anna Taylor (Mrs. Ross H. Mooty)
- Willoughby, Minnie May (Mrs. Doctor Frank Elder)
- Willoughby, Olga (Mrs. Henry Clyde Ellis)
- Wills, Elsie Beattie (Miss Elsie Beattie Wills)
- Wiloth, Margaret Lillian (Mrs. Graham Torrance Flint)
- Wilson, Annie Laurie (Mrs. Clarence Calhoun Jeter)
- Wilson, Betty Ann (Mrs. James E. Boggess)
- Wilson, Dorothy (Mrs. Kirke Hamilton Green)
- Wilson, Eleanor (Mrs. Wesley W. Washburn)
- Wilson, Elizabeth Church Dake (Mrs. William D. Scribner)
- Wilson, Floy (Mrs. Eugene W. Poindexter)
- Wilson, Gertrude (Mrs. Russell Bowman Semple)
- Wilson, Helen Anderson (Mrs. Caleb Cresson Jr.)
- Wilson, Henrietta Eleanor Wallis (Mrs. Elton Howard Perry)
- Wilson, Janice Bertrand (Mrs. Charles Percy Campbell)
- Wilson, Lessie Gertrude (Mrs. Richard C. Hearon)
- Wilson, Lora Winifred (Mrs. Erwin Lauren Dow)
- Wilson, Louisa Carolyn (Mrs. James Bernard Johnson)
- Wilson, Marie Aull (Mrs. Frank McWatters)
- Wilson, Mary Louise (Mrs. Charlis Doughty Gardner)
- Wilson, Mildred (Mrs. Owen W. Moseley)
- Wilson, Myra Carolyn (Mrs. James Burton Cummings)
- Wilson, Nancy Gertrude (Mrs. Jonathan D. Dunn)
- Wilson, Sally Imogene (Mrs. Charles John Cole)
- Wilson, Silvia Jean (Mrs. Ronald A. Marsh)
- Wilson, Virginia Tate (Mrs. Jean Esseger Neuberger)
- Wimbish, Ernestine (Mrs. Harrell Charles Murray)
- Winfrey, Bessie (Mrs. Bessie Winfrey Latta)
- Winfrey, Cary (Mrs. Lecil A. Kerr)
- Wingate, Clara Ames (Mrs. George Payne Bent)
- Wingate, Elsie Charity (Mrs. William E. Inglis)
- Wingate, Julia Willsie (Mrs. Joseph Lindsay)
- Wingfield, Marie (Mrs. Edwin Douglas McCauley)
- Winks, Elma Genevra (Mrs. Harry D. Fugate)
- Winn, Rebecca (Mrs. Clarence Eugene Monfort)
- Winship, Olive May (Mrs. James Anaultus Bruun)
- Winslow, Anna (Mrs. John Clark Jones)
- Winslow, Elizabeth Irene (Mrs. Michael Arnob Buchan)
- Winter, Maude Hope (Mrs. Moses Wadsworth Stuart Sr.)
- Winters, Lucile (Mrs. Horace Fraser Adrian)
- Wise, Elizabeth K. (Mrs. Elizabeth Wise Drees)
- Wise, Margery (Mrs. Margery Wise Gibbs)
- Wise, Virginia (Mrs. Glenn H. Breen)
- Wisegarver, Ethlyn (Mrs. Anthony E. Bott)
- Wiser, Nancy Charlotte (Mrs. Archibald J. Clower)
- Wishek, Anna Farley (Mrs. Ryland E. Benson)
- Wister, Ella Eustia (Mrs. Diedrich Jansen Haines)
- Wister, Sarah Logan (Mrs. James Starr)
- Witherspoon, Alice Ruth (Mrs. George Washington Puryear)
- Wolcott, Martha Adele (Mrs. Courtney N. Woolslair)
- Wolcott, Sara Elizabeth (Mrs. Loren R. Saucier)
- Womack, Jessie Mabel (Mrs. Hunter Lamar Moorehead)
- Womack, Julia (Mrs. Caleb C. Dula)
- Womack, Mary Macon (Mrs. Humbert Fariss Crisler)
- Womack, Nancy Carlisle (Mrs. William Bennett Murray)
- Wood, Alice R. (Miss Alice R. Wood)
- Wood, Annabel (Miss Annabel Wood)
- Wood, Elizabeth Bancker (Mrs. John Gribbel)
- Wood, Ellen Persis (Miss Ellen Persis Wood)
- Wood, Fannie Lillian (Mrs. George Nicholas Detchen)
- Wood, Fay (Mrs. Thomas Kelly Dickson)
- Wood, Jo (Mrs. John Martin Frazier)
- Wood, Leona (Miss Leona Wood)
- Wood, Lorena Grace (Mrs. Everett Randolph Stevenson)
- Wood, Luella (Mrs. Gilbert Anderson Mackenzie)
- Wood, Mariane (Mrs. M. Wood Diaz)
- Wood, Marnette (Mrs. James Hollings Chesnutt)
- Wood, Mary (Mrs. Lafe E. McKittrick)
- Wood, Mary Edith (Mrs. Neill F. Amsler)
- Wood, Maryetta (Miss Maryetta Wood)
- Wood, Ora May (Mrs. John Mettener Griffin)
- Wood, Ovella Louise (Mrs. Jasper Lewis Temples)
- Wood, Valerie Faith (Miss Valerie Faith Wood)
- Wood, Virginia (Mrs. Charles Pettyjohn Walker)
- Woodburn, Ethel (Mrs. Carl Conley Galbraith)
- Woodfin, Lois (Mrs. Lois Woodfin Prichard)
- Woodford, Harriet Augusta (Mrs. Arominius Wesley Bill)
- Woodis, Ruth Grosvenor (Miss Ruth Grosvenor Woodis)
- Woodruff, Ethel E. (Mrs. Philip H. Draper)
- Woodruff, Lillian Bell (Mrs. John M. Ellis)
- Woods, Annie Lee (Mrs. Anton Francis Solms Sr.)
- Woods, Ella Lucille (Mrs. Emmanuel P. Baumann)
- Woods, Gladys (Mrs. Dempsey McDuffie Stanley)
- Woods, Janet (Miss Janet Woods)
- Woodson, Alice Richardson (Mrs. John E. Forester)
- Woodson, Geneva Nelle (Mrs. Glen Lanier Dark)
- Woodson, Julia Edwards (Mrs. Wallace Coleman Saunders)
- Woodson, Lillian Page (Mrs. Beverly Preston Coleman)
- Woodward, Mary Eva (Mrs. Frederick Searle Woodward)
- Woodworth, Elizabeth Rogers (Mrs. Henry Dow Marble)
- Woodworth, Grace (Mrs. G. R. LaFrancis)
- Woodworth, Pearl (Mrs. Guy F. Carlton)
- Woolman, Josephine Townsend (Miss Josephine Townsend Woolman)
- Wooten, Annie Louise (Mrs. John Thomas Whittle Sr.)
- Wooten, Caroline (Mrs. Ivy H. Smith)
- Worcester, Emma (Mrs. Wintrop Sargent)
- Wornell, Nauty Byrd (Mrs. Lasco Wheeler Pelphrey)
- Worthington, Gertrude (Mrs. Frank Mauzy Jeffries)
- Worthington, Mary Helen (Mrs. Bryan M. Watson)
- Wright, Ada (Mrs. Garland P. Van Sickle)
- Wright, Anne Madison (Mrs. Robert Garnett Baylor)
- Wright, Annie Lydia (Mrs. Gordon Clopton Ussery Sr.)
- Wright, Clara (Miss Clara Wright)
- Wright, Edith May (Mrs. Carl Edward Kemmerly Jr.)
- Wright, Eileen (Mrs. Harold Stanley MacWithey Jr.)
- Wright, Helen Martha (Miss Helen Martha Wright)
- Wright, Laura Lillian (Mrs. Thomas Augustus Warner)
- Wright, Linnie Alice (Mrs. Arthur Eames Barrett)
- Wright, Lucille (Mrs. Malvin F. Trimble)
- Wright, Mary Elizabeth Lawton (Mrs. Walden C. Cummins)
- Wright, Mary Ella (Mrs. Otis H. Cafky)
- Wright, Rosa Lee (Mrs. Emory F. Boyd)
- Wright, Sophie Daves (Mrs. Preston Carl Upshaw)
- Wright, Susan Sulliman (Mrs. Winchester Bennett)
- Wright, Wimbreth (Mrs. Wimbreth Wright Daniel)
- Wurts, Dorothy Williams (Miss Dorothy Williams Wurts)
- Wurts, Elizabeth Reed (Mrs. Paul Carruth Washburn)
- Wurts, Jeanette Lathrop (Miss Jeannette Lathrop Wurts)
- Wurts, Louisa Vanuxem (Miss Louisa Vanuxem Wurts)
- Wyatt, Gertrude May (Mrs. Leon Frederick Hammond)
- Wygal, Sue (Miss Sue Wygal)
- Wylie, Dallas (Mrs. David Vogt Prugh)
- Wyman, Mary Wells Haskell (Mrs. Marshall Newton Goold)
- Wynn, Anne (Mrs. James E. Laningham)
- Wyrick, Billie (Mrs. Irl F. Kennerly)
- Yancy, Martha Bedford (Mrs. Berryman Green)
- Yancy, Olive (Mrs. C. E. Vassar)
- Yarbrough, Allie Tucker (Mrs. Cecil Derwent Jones)
- Yarbrough, Mary Alva (Mrs. Elmer Talmage Clark)
- Yarbrough, Minnie Wilson (Mrs. Hubbard Holloway Reynolds)
- Yates, Dorothy (Mrs. Frank D. Ferguson)
- Yates, Lelia Mae (Mrs. Frank Asa Sewell)
- Yates, Myra Frances (Mrs. Robert Doyle Best)
- Yawkey, Leigh (Mrs. Aytchmonde Perrin Woodson)
- Yellowley, Jesside Fontaine (Mrs. William A. Wilkinson)
- Yellowley, Julia Perkins (Mrs. James Franklin Maddox)
- Yewell, Claudia (Mrs. John Milton Lindly)
- Yorke, Gertrude Cushing (Dr. Gertrude Cushing Yorke)
- Young, Caroline Rutherford (Mrs. Vickers Reeves Allen)
- Young, Ella Mae (Mrs. Walter Francis Theis)
- Young, Hoylande Denune (Mrs. Crawford Fairlanks Failey)
- Young, Jewell (Mrs. Lowell Wallace Wimbish)
- Young, Mabel Tillou (Mrs. Cleland Davis)
- Young, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Hugh John West)
- Young, Mary Lela (Mrs. Otto M. Lambert)
- Young, Pauline Edmunds (Mrs. William Richard Thixton)
- Young, Ruth Allene (Mrs. Thomas Scott Bumpass)
- Youngblood, Martha Aylma (Mrs. Theodore Bruce Tyndall)
- Younger, Cora Taylor (Mrs. R. Eugene Smith Jr.)
- Yount, Rosalie (Mrs. Eugene J. Stark)
- Yundt, Beatrice Virginia (Mrs. Ross Anthony Biggers)
- Zaiser, Edith May (Mrs. Milo Charles Roberts)
- Zeller, Margaret Louise (Mrs. Clarence Jasper Garrett)
- Zellner, Lucile (Mrs. Elbert White Banks)
- Zimpleman, Waldine (Mrs. Moritz Osterman Kopperl)
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