National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Deceased Member Listings At 8/1/99
This is one of 17 pages which list over 5,000 deceased Members of the National
Society Magna Charta Dames and Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons. Please refer to the
Deceased Members Listing Home Page for the other pages.
We hope that potential members might find their ancestors or relatives on one of these
lists. Generally for a descendant of a member to satisfy the lineage requirement for
membership it will be necessary to establish the descent with references or documentation,
including copies of the referenced material or documentation. In the case of relatives
generally the descent would be established from a common ancestor.
By way of explanation, the Society has listed a member as deceased when actual notice
has been received or who was listed on the Society records as deceased in 1989. We
apologize for any errors which might have inadvertently been made. Please inform us of any
individuals on this list who might be alive. We hope that the information will be
submitted for each person on a separate note card or a separate sheet of paper. It should
be mailed to the Society's office at the address on the home page. Thank you for your
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- Kaler, Anna Nyce (Mrs. Eugene Fowler Marsh)
- Kaniper, Alice (Mrs. LeRoy Jones)
- Karcher, Louise Margaret (Mrs. Harold Eliel Leopold)
- Karrick, Vella (Mrs. Harry L. Wise)
- Kate, Marian Heikes (Miss Marian Heikes Kate)
- Kaye, Virginia (Mrs. J. Colgan Norman)
- Keables, Frances (Mrs. Leonard John Eilers)
- Keator, Rosalie Lucile (Mrs. J. Alphonse Prud'homme)
- Keech, Mary Oliver (Mrs. Mary Keech Edelen)
- Keefer, Erma Eleanor (Mrs. Alton Boone Farris)
- Keeler, Louise Headley (Mrs. Therne V. Smith)
- Keen, Corinne (Mrs. Walter Jackson Freeman)
- Keene, Mamie Luella (Mrs. Melvin Albert Weed)
- Keener, Lawson (Mrs. Rogers Lacy)
- Keesee, Reba (Mrs. James Harold Martin)
- Keever, Nell Frances (Mrs. Alfred T. Jolly)
- Keifer, Margaret (Mrs. Joel E. McLafferty)
- Keim, Susan Douglass (Mrs. Thomas Lynch Montgomery)
- Keith, Elaine (Mrs. William Horne Doom)
- Keith, Fay Devereux Zook (Mrs. Fay Keith Haggarty)
- Keithley, Madeline Tinker (Mrs. Robert Fitz)
- Kelly, Alice Louise (Mrs. James Wylie Crowder)
- Kelly, La Merle L. (Mrs. Lawrence C. Hunt)
- Kelly, Margaret Flanary (Mrs. Joseph Lenheardt Little)
- Kelly, Maud McLure (Miss Maud McLure Kelly)
- Kelsey, Alida May (Mrs. Guilford Carlile Babcock)
- Keltner, Mary Ruth (Mrs. Joseph C. Long)
- Kemper, Edna Mintzer (Mrs. Daniel Dorsey Wolf)
- Kempton, Eleanor Butler (Mrs. Frederick Hussey)
- Kennedy, Edna Letitia (Mrs. Jesse G. Haydock)
- Kennedy, Elizabeth Vanuxem (Mrs. William Herbert Slaughter)
- Kennedy, Katherine Yelverton (Mrs. John Baxton Flowers Jr.)
- Kennedy, Myrtle Claire (Mrs. Myrtle Kennedy McBride)
- Kenney, Lillie Vance (Mrs. Robert Farnsworth Hallock)
- Kenniston, Vivian Inez (Mrs. Edwin Solon Conner)
- Kennon, Elizabeth Winslow (Mrs. Henry Daspit)
- Kennon, Ethel Josephine (Mrs. Charles Edwin Gilbert Jr.)
- Kennon, Madge Martha (Mrs. Thomas Ayer Hatcher)
- Kenny, Nancy Louise (Mrs. E. F. Naramore Jr.)
- Kent, Ettroile La Mar (Mrs. A. Watson Brown)
- Kerby, Olivia Jenkins (Mrs. Henry McCoy Sims)
- Kerly, Clara Carroll (Mrs. Adrian Posey Fisher)
- Kern, Josephine (Mrs. James Mapes Dodge)
- Kerner, Beatrice (Mrs. C. B. Reavis)
- Kerr, Alice Leala (Mrs. Thomas Pinkney Price)
- Kerr, Helen May (Mrs. H. Kerr Blackmer)
- Kershaw, Myrtle (Mrs. Sidney M. Pelayo)
- Key, Anna Thornton (Mrs. David Washington Pipes)
- Kibler, Camille Gertrude (Mrs. Camille Kibler Craig)
- Kidd, Evea Gladys (Mrs. Ephraim Stout Lillard)
- Killian, Vida (Mrs. Harry Olan Barnes)
- Kilmer, Katie Myers (Mrs. Walter Buffy Lingamfetter)
- Kimball, Augusta Vermardine (Mrs. George Anthony Lubbe)
- Kimball, Mary Sills (Mrs. Garrard Mountjoy)
- Kimball, Sarah Louise (Miss Sarah Louise Kimball)
- Kimbrough, Berta Falconer (Mrs. William Herbert Johnson)
- Kimbrough, Lenore Hardy (Mrs. George Hite McLean)
- Kimbrough, laire Howzel (Mrs. Percy Ausphere Bryant)
- Kincaid, Ethel (Mrs. Regan Houston)
- Kinch, Melva Jean (Mrs. George A. Breffeith)
- Kindig, Elizabeth Ellen (Mrs. S. G. Neis)
- Kindig, Miriam Louise (Mrs. Walter Clifton Nyberg)
- King, Anna Lucretia (Mrs. Lloyd B. Schwab)
- King, Edith (Mrs. Malcolm Sands Wilson)
- King, Elizabeth (Mrs. Fort Pipes)
- King, Elizabeth Mae (Mrs. Joseph McClellan Thompson)
- King, Ethel Victoria Fortescue (Mrs. Lawrence M. Barnett)
- King, Helen (Mrs. Charles Frelinghuysen Smith)
- King, Helen Dean (Dr. Helen Dean King)
- King, Jessie Mae (Mrs. Alvin Rockwood)
- King, Maria Dennining (Mrs. John King Rensselaer)
- King, Mary Dorothy (Miss Mary Dorothy King)
- King, Mata Vivian (Mrs. Arthur Raymond Bullock)
- King, Minnie May (Mrs. R. Ray Bolton)
- King, Rubye Lucille (Mrs. George Fielding Jones)
- King, Ruth Gertrude (Mrs. Harvey Stith Northington Sr.)
- King, Strobie (Mrs. Ernest Lelon Oulla)
- King, Virginia (Mrs. LeRoy K. Brown)
- King, Winifred Hilary (Mrs. Eugene Young Weakley)
- Kingery, Betty Jane (Mrs. Harvey J. Hales)
- Kingsbury, Louise (Mrs. Joseph M. Sullivan)
- Kinnaird, Harriet Beard (Mrs. John Blevis Privett)
- Kinney, Marie Antoinette (Mrs. Edward Valentine Harman)
- Kinsworthy, Mary Ann (Mrs. Leslie Wilson)
- Kirby, May (Mrs. Henry Bradford Williamson)
- Kirk, Hazel (Miss Hazel Kirk)
- Kirkbride, Elizabeth Lamb (Mrs. Charles Edgar Pearson)
- Kirkpatrick, Ruth (Mrs. Gordon Lee Mann)
- Kitchell, Edna Pearl (Mrs. Edna Pearl Kitchell)
- Kittrell, Laura Henderson (Mrs. George Rankin Pace)
- Klutts, Opal Cleora (Mrs. George Forrest Hollis)
- Knight, Bessie Place (Miss Bessie Place Knight)
- Knight, Florence (Mrs. J. Richard Fruth)
- Knight, Gracelyn Hale (Mrs. William Lenard Dahl)
- Knight, Jocelyn Winthrop (Miss Jocelyn Winthrop Knight)
- Knight, Leila Helen (Mrs. Thomas Bouldin Smothers)
- Knight, Mary Taylor (Mrs. Henry Crawford Parry)
- Knous, Carrie Isabel (Mrs. Lewis Darling Parker)
- Knowles, Florence McLean (Mrs. Herbert H. Harris)
- Knowlton, Grace (Mrs. William James Parker)
- Koehler, Betty Ehs (Mrs. Melvin J. Jolly)
- Koonce, Effie Davis (Mrs. John A. Clayton)
- Kough, Nell (Mrs. Amos Long Gelnett)
- Kouwenbergh, Annie (Mrs. Ben Johnson)
- Kouwenbergh, Ella Christina (Miss Ella Christina Kouwenbergh)
- Krepps, Ada Officer (Mrs. Joseph J. Poland)
- Kroeger, Ophelia (Mrs. David D. Bohannon)
- Kropp, Cary Durfey (Mrs. Dewey Young McWhirter Jr.)
- Kyle, Edith (Mrs. Henry Benning Crawford)
- L'Engle, Gertrude Nelson (Miss Gertrude Nelson L'Engle)
- L'Engle, Katherine (Mrs. Leo B. Lott)
- La Mar, Weber (Mrs. Francis L. Barmann)
- LaFuze, Portia (Mrs. Ralph D. Lynch)
- LaKenan, Ruth Napier (Mrs. Walter Smith Chancellor Hay)
- LaRochelle, Aline Elizabeth (Mrs. William Caleb Baldwin)
- Lacey, Olive Louise (Mrs. Frank Allen Davis)
- Lacy, Alberta Lee (Mrs. Coleman DeTroy Shepherd)
- Lacy, Alma Hayes (Mrs. Albert Clifton Herzberg)
- Lake, Emma (Miss Emma Lake)
- Lakey, Bertha (Mrs. Zalpheus Aaron Rochelle)
- Lamb, Hannah Florence (Mrs. Elton E. Sullivan)
- Lambe, Mildred Payson (Mrs. Ben Beatty)
- Lambert, Elizabeth Sprague (Mrs. Thomas T. Richards)
- Lamborn, Anne Beatrice (Mrs. William Dingee Polk)
- Lamoreaux, Evangeline (Mrs. Richard Thomas Hazlett)
- Lancaster, Mary Southworth (Mrs. William Beaser)
- Landis, Mary Lane (Mrs. John Scott Jr.)
- Landram, Percie Catherine (Mrs. William T. Anderson)
- Landrum, Jeanette (Mrs. Joseph Martin Tripp)
- Landry, Charlotte Gayle (Mrs. John Wylie Harris Sr.)
- Lane, Janette (Mrs. Abraham Thomas Bradbury)
- Lane, Lucy (Mrs. Bonner Hayes Wilkinson)
- Lane, Lucy (Mrs. William Whitehead Erwin)
- Lane, Mary Jane (Mrs. J. Halbert Fall)
- Lane, Roberta Stratton (Mrs. Lyle Harper Jr.)
- Lanford, Pansy (Mrs. Ollie Hagan McCord)
- Lang, Martha (Mrs. William Edmund McKinney)
- Langham, Virginia (Mrs. Julian Olmsted)
- Langley, Edna Colleen (Mrs. Robert M. Wagoner)
- Lanier, Eileen (Mrs. Cleveland Thompson)
- Lanier, Mary Caroline (Miss Mary Caroline Lanier)
- Lanier, Mary Seibels (Mrs. William Thomas Branch)
- Lanier, Roberta Martha (Miss Roberta Martha Lanier)
- Lank, Hannah Alta (Mrs. Lloyd V. Mellick)
- Lank, Hattie Gertrude (Mrs. Otto F. Baumgartner)
- Lanneau, Susie Cameron (Mrs. William Royall Powell)
- Lant, Helen (Mrs. E. D. Luhring)
- Lant, Marvel (Mrs. Marvel Lant Ridgway)
- Larche, Mary Alice (Mrs. Albert Covington Sanders)
- Large, Mary (Mrs. Charles Pemberton Fox)
- Latham, Frances (Mrs. William N. Harriss)
- Lathrop, Julia (Miss Julia Lathrop)
- Lathrope, Eunice (Miss Eunice Lathrope)
- Lauchly, Doris Elena (Mrs. Garnett Taylor Moore)
- Laughlin, Alice Denniston (Miss Alice Denniston Laughlin)
- Launius, Peggy (Miss Peggy Launius)
- Law, Naomi (Mrs. W. C. Youngblood)
- Lawler, Clyde (Mrs. H. L. Pearce Jr.)
- Lawler, Mary Louise (Mrs. Charles James Crook)
- Lawlor, Joy Adele (Miss Joy Adele Lawlor)
- Lawrence, Fannie Merritt (Mrs. Mathias Steelman)
- Lawrence, Harriet Haynor (Mrs. Cleo Philip Stapleton)
- Lawrence, Montez (Mrs. Robert T. Russ)
- Laws, Clara (Mrs. Frederic William Wersebe)
- Lawson, Alice Rae (Mrs. Charles Franklin Moore)
- Lawson, Edith (Miss Edith Lawson)
- Lawson, Hilda (Mrs. George Phillip Jecklin)
- Layton, Margaret Elizabeth (Miss Margaret Elizabeth Layton)
- Layton, Mary Josephine (Mrs. Elmo P. Hester)
- Lazenby, Helen (Mrs. Joseph Neil Poole)
- Le Brun, Olivia (Mrs. George Joseph Strong)
- Le Roy, Margaret Mary (Mrs. Donald Ray Chipman)
- Lea, Eliza Mabel (Miss Eliza Mabel Lea)
- Lea, Katherina C. (Mrs. F. Woodson Hancock)
- Lea, Wilhelmina Shirley (Miss Wilhelmina Shirley Lea)
- Leach, Elizabeth May (Mrs. Oscar Herbert Rixford)
- Leadbetter, Georgia Eva (Mrs. John C. Monaghan)
- Leathers, Annie (Mrs. Stuart E. Duncan)
- Lee, Aline (Mrs. Fletcher Whitfield Fischer)
- Lee, Elizabeth (Mrs. Sherman Reynolds Petty)
- Lee, Emma (Mrs. William Peyton Knight)
- Lee, Inez (Mrs. Henry Gilford Eppler)
- Lee, Jouett (Mrs. William Wallace)
- Lee, Katherine Currie (Mrs. Angus Alverson McCormick)
- Lee, Mary (Mrs. George Robert Montgomery)
- Lee, Mary (Mrs. Oliver Benton Campbell)
- Lee, Mildred Washington (Miss Mildred Washington Lee)
- Lee, Virginia Jennings (Mrs. Thomas T. Phelps)
- Leeds, Ruth Dalton (Mrs. Warren Sheble)
- Leer, Matilda (Mrs. John Will Denton)
- Leet, Helen Willard (Mrs. E. R. Prenshaw)
- Leete, Elizabeth Ives (Mrs. Claude Palmer Stephens)
- Leffler, Cornelia (Miss Cornelia Leffler)
- Lehman, Rachel Healy (Mrs. Ferdinand Brauns Focke)
- Lehmer, Alice Sherman (Mrs. Alice Lehmer Coffee)
- Lehmer, Helen Mitchell (Mrs. Ralph M. Watkins)
- Leitner, Doris Imogene (Mrs. Lionel LeRoy Barfield)
- Leitner, Mary (Mrs. Mack Alvrus)
- Lennig, Catherine Mumford (Miss Catherine Mumford Lennig)
- Lennig, Lucretia Christopher (Miss Lucretia Christopher Lennig)
- Lennig, Margaret Antoinette (Miss Margaret Antoinette Lennig)
- Leonard, Caroline Louisa (Mrs. Herbert Delos Goodenough)
- Leonard, Clara Gladys (Mrs. Lelon Emory Lednum)
- Leonard, Jessie (Mrs. Walter H. Whittier)
- Leonard, Nannie Sue (Miss Nannie Sue Leonard)
- Lesley, M. Eulalia Willcox (Mrs. Richard Berridge)
- Lessinger, Edith Eloise (Mrs. James A. Gill)
- Lester, Bessie (Mrs. J. Freeman Hart Jr.)
- Lester, Bettie (Mrs. Walter Oliver Page)
- Lester, Mary Lou (Mrs. Lee B. Sewell)
- Lester, Minerva (Mrs. E. Barnum Power)
- Lester, Minnie Jemima (Miss Minnie Jemima Lester)
- Levey, Margaret Bispham (Miss Margaret Bispham Levey)
- Levick, Louise Jamort (Mrs. Clarence Tolan)
- Levick, Mary Sabina (Mrs. Winthrop Cunningham Neilson)
- Levick, Suzanne (Mrs. Leonard Schoff)
- Lewis, Anita (Mrs. James Stokes Frazer)
- Lewis, Barbara (Mrs. James Steptoe Robinson)
- Lewis, Edith (Mrs. Edward B. Flack)
- Lewis, Elizabeth Vass (Miss Elizabeth Vass Lewis)
- Lewis, Esther Maria (Mrs. Charles Merrill Chapin)
- Lewis, Gracia (Mrs. Gracia Lewis Hantelle)
- Lewis, Helen Matthews (Mrs. Earl S. Grigsby)
- Lewis, Lesba (Mrs. Lesba Lewis Thompson)
- Lewis, Lola (Mrs. Burton A. Smead)
- Lewis, Margaret Lapham (Mrs. Erskine Howard Courtenay)
- Lewis, Mary B. (Miss Mary B. Lewis)
- Lewis, Mary Ellen (Mrs. Richard Skinner Whitney)
- Lewis, Mary Florence (Mrs. C. Raymond Ulmer)
- Lewis, Mary Waring (Mrs. Erwin Newton Kinne)
- Lewis, Minnie Alice (Mrs. Sherman Ira Pool)
- Lewis, Minnie Octavia (Mrs. J. Douglas Mitchell)
- Lewis, Nancy Ellyson (Miss Nancy Ellyson Lewis)
- Lewis, Rebecca Leigh (Mrs. Louis Victor Carlson)
- Lewis, Sarah Margaret (Mrs. Walter Ralph Durrance)
- Lewis, Virginia Jane (Mrs. Harrison Algyer Epperson)
- Lide, Mildred Caroline (Mrs. Samuel Clyde Fair)
- Lightfoot, Olga (Mrs. John T. Gano)
- Ligon, Fannie Lawn (Mrs. Alfred Simpson)
- Ligon, Lucile Maples (Mrs. William David Acker)
- Ligon, Willis Elizabeth (Mrs. Otha S. Johnson Sr.)
- Lila, Louise Glenn (Mrs. Ernest H. Barnett)
- Lilie, Mary Rose (Miss Mary Rose Lilie)
- Lilly, Eleanor Mackubin (Mrs. Robert L. Huffines Jr.)
- Lilly, Hannah Pickett (Mrs. William De Rosse Holt)
- Lincoln, Fannie Esther (Mrs. H. H. Howell)
- Lincoln, Jane (Mrs. David Mead Merril)
- Lincoln, Jessie (Mrs. Robert J. Randolph)
- Linder, Aileen (Mrs. N. D. Crutchfield)
- Lindsay, Berta (Mrs. Bruce Hilliard Carraway)
- Lindsay, Louise (Mrs. Joe D. Smith Sr.)
- Lindsey, Eliza (Mrs. Carson DeVane Baucom)
- Lindsey, Elizabeth (Mrs. John Reed Williams)
- Lindsey, Marie C. (Mrs. Joseph M. Rogers)
- Linthicum, Mary Grace (Mrs. William A. Back)
- Lippincott, Emily Darlington (Mrs. Robert S. Webster)
- Lippitt, Fanny Beulah (Miss Fanny Beulah Lippitt)
- Lipscomb, Bella (Mrs. Bella Lipscomb Boyle)
- Lipscomb, Eunice (Mrs. Louis Harold Long)
- Lipscomb, Helen Porter (Miss Helen Porter Lipscomb)
- Lipscomb, Mary Alice (Mrs. Arthur Erle Storey)
- Little, Ethel May (Mrs. Robert Willingham Perdue)
- Little, Marion Edwards (Mrs. Homer S. Durden Jr.)
- Littlefield, Christine (Mrs. R. A. Buford)
- Littlejohn, Elizabeth (Mrs. William Hadley Leavell)
- Littlejohn, Mildred (Miss Mildred Littlejohn)
- Litton, Virginia (Mrs. Robert Waller Bragg)
- Livingston, Julia Lee (Mrs. Ralph L. Longley)
- Livingston, Mary (Mrs. Theodore Wright Griggs)
- Lloyd, Bertha Elizabeth (Miss Bertha Elizabeth Lloyd)
- Lloyd, Ethel Spencer (Miss Ethel Spencer Lloyd)
- Lloyd, Laura (Mrs. Joseph R. Wainwright)
- Lockey, Grace Adele (Miss Grace Adele Lockey)
- Lockwood, Maria Dunbar (Mrs. Clarence Lincoln Westcott)
- Lofland, Buna Elizabeth (Miss Buna Elizabeth Lofland)
- Lofland, Jewell Fannie (Mrs. Edmon Lewis Crow)
- Logan, Lena Crain (Mrs. Joseph Bunyan Regan)
- Logan, Mabel Overton (Mrs. Jules Blanc Monroe)
- Logan, Mary Carolyn (Mrs. J. T. McCullough)
- Loggins, Elinor Montgomery (Mrs. Elinor Loggins Fiore)
- Loggins, Sarah Willis (Miss Sarah Willis Loggins)
- Loggins, Teresa Camp (Mrs. Ernest Harvey Oden)
- Logie, Jane Merritt (Mrs. Charles F. Webster)
- Lombard, Alice Clark (Mrs. Charles William Bowen Jr.)
- Lombard, Alice Etta (Mrs. Samuel Anthony Fortson)
- Lombard, Lorraine (Mrs. Thomas Graham Crider)
- Long, Berenice C. (Mrs. John Leonard Eckel)
- Long, Fanie (Mrs. Edward Perry Walsh)
- Long, Hazel Fay (Mrs. Hazel Long Ross)
- Long, May (Mrs. Clyde E. Barnes)
- Loomis, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Douwe Bauke Yntema)
- Lord, Olivia Anderson (Mrs. Lawson N. Dick)
- Lorimer, Belle Burford (Miss Belle Burford Lorimer)
- Lott, Rebecca Turner (Mrs. Frank Broughton Liddell)
- Loud, Cary Smith (Mrs. Guy Vaughan)
- Lounsberry, Helen Adele (Mrs. Harold Richard Hennessy)
- Love, Dorothy (Mrs. Lawrence Saunders)
- Love, Sara Annie (Mrs. James Knox Trigg)
- Lovelace, Martha Ann (Mrs. Louis Claude Haynes)
- Lovelace, Sallie Saunders (Miss Sallie Saunders Lovelace)
- Lovell, Harriette Florence Watts (Mrs. William Allan Parry Jr.)
- Lovering, Anna Tyler (Mrs. John G. Christopher)
- Low, Elizabeth Stewart Claflin (Miss Elizabeth Stewart Claflin Low)
- Low, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. W. N. Weaver Sr.)
- Low, Nelle Edenton (Mrs. John B. Nuckolls)
- Lowd, Dorothy Jean (Mrs. Roger Wood Flint)
- Lowe, Catharine Elizabeth (Mrs. John J. Beverly)
- Lowell, Amy (Miss Amy Lowell)
- Lowery, Jane Worth (Mrs. Robert Alpheus Beeland III)
- Lowry, Mollie Frankey (Mrs. Herbert W. Perkins)
- Lowry, Valley Fern (Mrs. Norman Sedoin D'Olive)
- Lowthorp, Natalie (Mrs. William C. Lowry Jr.)
- Loy, Martha (Mrs. Harry A. Yutzler)
- Loyd, Jane Suzanne (Mrs. James William Chesshir)
- Loyles, Forestyne M. (Miss Forestyne M. Loyles)
- Lucas, Elizabeth Simons (Mrs. Howard Lamar Burns)
- Lucas, Georgia Briggs (Miss Georgia Briggs Lucas)
- Luck, Elizabeth Lois (Mrs. Alvin A. Moss)
- Ludlam, Ellen (Mrs. E. Ludlam Hall)
- Ludlow, Genevieve Sprigg (Mrs. Clement Acton Griscom Jr.)
- Lukens, Evangeline (Mrs. George Booth Harvey)
- Lunceford, Cordelia (Mrs. John William Beatty)
- Lurton, Mary (Mrs. Horace Van Deventer)
- Lusk, Elizabeth Lee (Miss Elizabeth Lee Lusk)
- Luttrell, Nora (Mrs. Hugh M. Bean)
- Lyford, Mary Brigham (Mrs. John J. Hornor)
- Lyford, Wylette Frances (Mrs. Oscar Nathaniel Joyner)
- Lyke, Eleanor (Mrs. George Joseph Donnelly)
- Lyne, Mary Nelle (Miss Mary Nelle Lyne)
- Lyne, Ruth Kendel (Miss Ruth Kendel Lyne)
- Lyon, Mary (Mrs. Paul Joseph Faba)
- Lyon, Pauline Eugena (Mrs. William J. McKeown)
- Lyons, Elizabeth (Mrs. W. Chester Brewer)
- Lyons, Mary Fulton (Miss Mary Fulton Lyons)
- Lyons, Roxana Jane (Mrs. Alvin William Lord)
- M., Lily B. (Mrs. geroge Whitecotton)
- Mabry, Marjorie (Mrs. Robert Lloyd Lamb)
- Mac Mullan, Mary Frances (Miss Mary Frances Mac Mullan)
- MacAhan, Mildred (Mrs. Herschel A. Eckhard)
- MacDonald, Marie B. (Mrs. Elmer Robert Weber)
- MacDonald, Mary White (Mrs. James Moses)
- MacFadyen, Miriam (Miss Miriam MacFadyen)
- MacKinnon, Katherine MacLaurin (Mrs. Henry Neill Lee)
- MacRae, Monimia Fairfax (Miss Monimia Fairfax MacRae)
- MacWhorter, Rella Louise (Miss Rella Louise MacWhorter)
- Macaulay, Rosa Moore (Mrs. Stephens E. Maxwell)
- Mack, Alice Ritchart (Mrs. Reginald Clare Snyder)
- Mack, Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert Cushway Munger)
- Mackall, Isabel Hollingsworth (Mrs. Henry S. Young)
- Mackey, Beatrice (Mrs. Charles Edwin Doughtie Jr.)
- Mackinlay, Cherrill Nadine (Miss Cherrill Nadine Mackinlay)
- Mackubin, Eleanor (Mrs. Charles Baltimore Calvert)
- Macon, Alethea Jane (Miss Alethea Jane Macon)
- Madden, Hattie Florence (Mrs. Charles D. Cork)
- Maddock, Anna Baugh (Miss Anna Baugh Maddock)
- Madill, Elizabeth Dora (Miss Elizabeth Dora Madill)
- Madill, Gertrude Cordelia (Mrs. Logan Edward Soles)
- Madison, Lucy Hiden (Mrs. Chesley Allen Haden)
- Magoffin, Mary (Mrs. Richard Whitney Carter)
- Magoffin, Vernon (The Princess Irbain Kahn Kaplanoff)
- Mahone, Geraldine Sherman (Mrs. Gerald Jacob Laubenthal)
- Mahoney, Beulah Lee (Miss Beulah Lee Mahoney)
- Maine, Bernice E. (Miss Bernice E. Maine)
- Mallard, Kathryn (Mrs. Perley L. Thorne)
- Malley, Harriette Miller Hamilton (Mrs. Edward F. Keefe)
- Mallinckrodt, Ethel (Mrs. John Thompson Dorrance)
- Mallory, Cecile Alice (Mrs. Nolan Fletcher)
- Mallory, Madge (Mrs. Morrison E. Griffith)
- Mallory, Mary Anna (Mrs. Ferrell Ervin Self)
- Malone, Lucile (Mrs. Robert L. Warren)
- Malone, Susan Margaret (Mrs. Robert Martin Scales)
- Malott, Ella Laura (Mrs. Edgar Hanks Evans)
- Maner, Emma Jean (Mrs. Marion Luke Holt)
- Mann, Caroline Alston (Miss Caroline Alston Mann)
- Mann, Grace Elizabeth (Mrs. George Swinnerton Parker)
- Manning, Beulah (Mrs. Joseph Prescott Little)
- Manning, Ellen Clarke (Mrs. David Rogerson Williams)
- Manning, Mary Belle (Mrs. Charles E. Bethea)
- Manning, Sarah Bernard (Mrs. Alfred R. Berkeley)
- Manon, Ruth (Mrs. Harry Forrest Willey)
- Mansell, Bernice (Miss Bernice Mansell)
- Mansfield, Lois Rebecca (Mrs. Earl Robert Plowman)
- Manton, Grace Dyer (Mrs. Bennett Rollin Wheeler)
- Mantooth, Annie Jewel (Mrs. Willie Calvin Royle)
- Mantz, Dorothy (Mrs. Martin Walt III)
- Maples, Iris Irene (Mrs. Dan Oliver Lockey)
- Mapother, Helen (Mrs. Leonard Godfrey Strater)
- March, Arabelle (Miss Arabelle March)
- March, Ida (Mrs. William Lewis Douglass)
- Mark, Julia Anderews (Mrs. Richard Taurica Dozier)
- Markham, Sallie (Mrs. Sallie Markham Michie)
- Marks, Agnes Cary (Mrs. C. Allen Hopkins)
- Marks, Mabel Violet (Mrs. Gage G. Vohland)
- Marriott, Marjorie Adelaide (Mrs. Henry Earle Johnson)
- Marsalis, Lucile McGehee (Mrs. Benjamin Humphreys Briscoe)
- Marsh, Alice Seaton (Miss Alice Seaton Marsh)
- Marsh, Elizabeth Morse (Mrs. John S. Goff)
- Marsh, Katherine Stuart (Mrs. Katherine Stuart Marsh Roberts)
- Marshall, Ada Isabel (Mrs. Frank Marshall)
- Marshall, Gwenneth Aemone (Mrs. W. Curtis Mitchell)
- Marshall, Harlan (Mrs. Geoffrey Clark)
- Marshall, Katherine Belle (Mrs. Marshall Ewing Lambert)
- Marshall, Mary Louise (Mrs. John Henry Hutton)
- Marshall, Nannie Melissa (Mrs. Robert Francis Estes)
- Marshall, Ruby Bannon (Mrs. James Karl Givens)
- Marshall, Virginia (Mrs. Hoggatt Clopton)
- Marston, Mary (Mrs. Lester L. Kinsey)
- Martin, Anna (Mrs. Richard Tevier Daniel Jr.)
- Martin, Anne Carrington (Mrs. Christopher Gadsden Porcher)
- Martin, Annette (Mrs. Ben E. Ludeman)
- Martin, Elnora Lee (Mrs. Joseph Frederick Clark)
- Martin, Eula (Mrs. Charles J. Snook Jr.)
- Martin, Frances De Forest (Mrs. Charles Henry Breed)
- Martin, Karen Elaine Dalton (Mrs. Albert Kave Jr.)
- Martin, Lorena (Mrs. Grover Cleveland Spillers)
- Martin, Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs. Harry Devine Holmes)
- Martin, Margaret Tura (Mrs. Charles Henry Schnebly)
- Martin, Mary Bessie (Mrs. Harry S. Knight)
- Martin, Mary Julia (Mrs. James William Smith)
- Martin, Mary Louise (Mrs. Percy Harold Perkins Jr.)
- Martin, Olive Lewis (Mrs. Robert Bascom McBride)
- Martin, Tommie Carolyn (Miss Tommie Carolyn Martin)
- Martyn, Frances Mellersh (Mrs. Fred R. Horton)
- Mary, Mildred Joseph (Mrs. Joseph Christopher Young)
- Mason, Amy Elizabeth (Mrs. Arthur King Lansing)
- Mason, Betty Blair (Miss Betty Blair Mason)
- Mason, Esther Marye (Mrs. Kenneth Heggs)
- Mason, Helen Elizabeth (Mrs. R. M. Welch)
- Mason, Mary (Mrs. Philip Speed)
- Massengale, Alice May (Miss Alice May Massengale)
- Massey, Maude (Mrs. Maude Massey Stewart)
- Massie, Catherine (Mrs. Knox L. Hamon)
- Massie, Gladys (Mrs. Herbert F. Behlow)
- Mast, Eleanor (Mrs. James Eugene Madding)
- Masters, Adelaide (Mrs. Charles Brooks)
- Mather, Katherine Livingston (Miss Katherine Livingston Mather)
- Mathews, Barbara Dorothy (Mrs. Edmund T. Reilly)
- Mathews, Eleanor Deering (Mrs. George Wesley Sliney)
- Mathews, Evelyn Lois (Mrs. Leonard A. Adolph)
- Mathews, Josie Helen (Mrs. Henry Smets Blitch)
- Mathie, Cornelia (Mrs. James Adam Bell)
- Matlack, Maude Eliza (Mrs. William Rulon Boggs)
- Matney, Hyacinth Alta (Mrs. Bruce Alvin Kindig)
- Matteson, Irene (Mrs. Gilbert Matteson Vaughn)
- Matthews, Julia (Mrs. Herbert Raymond Hagan)
- Mattingly, Winifred Metcalf (Mrs. David Dixon Porter)
- Mattison, Margueritte (Mrs. Loy Augustus Hill)
- Maultsby, Janet (Mrs. Luther Hill Waller)
- Maxey, Mayme Rebecca (Mrs. George Edgar Bisanar)
- Maxson, Jo Ellen (Mrs. George Matthew Adams)
- Maxwell, Ednah Pearl (Mrs. George Sizer Yerger)
- Maxwell, Flora Alma (Mrs. John J. Potts)
- May, Eva Vern Pattie (Mrs. Minor Metcalfe Funderburk)
- May, Harriet (Mrs. Marcus Claude Hammond)
- May, Marjorie Jackson (Mrs. Albert Asa Fredericks)
- May, Merza Ellen (Mrs. Edgar Teague)
- Mayberry, Olga (Mrs. Clifton O. McNamee)
- Maynard, Margaret (Mrs. William Pryor Farley)
- Mayne, Rosa Walker (Mrs. Thomas Jackson Lowe)
- Mayo, Agnes (Mrs. Thomas Nelson Carter)
- Mayo, Katherine (Mrs. Ira Lewis Hull)
- Mayo, Vera (Mrs. Samuel Fine)
- Mays, Anne Moseley (Mrs. Glen Earle Miller)
- Mays, Camilla (Mrs. Camilla Mays Frank)
- Mays, Catherine Toombs (Miss Catherine Toombs Mays)
- Mays, Helen (Mrs. Henry Burnham Kirkland)
- Mays, Maud (Mrs. Daniel Halsey Griswold)
- Mays, Mirian (Mrs. Wynford R. Peterson)
- Mays, Patty (Mrs. Bourke Cartwright)
- Mc Alpine, Sterrett (Mrs. James W. Terry)
- Mc Larty, Edith Wiggans (Miss Edith Wiggans Mc Larty)
- Mc Laughlin, Anna (Mrs. James A. Dupuy)
- McAdams, Lucile (Mrs. John B. Gerber)
- McAllister, Laura (Mrs. John Thomas Hall)
- McAlpin, Kate (Mrs. Charles Crady Jr.)
- McAlpine, Effie Maude (Mrs. Robert P. Siddell)
- McAnulty, Annie Lea (Mrs. Austin Alexander Baker Sr.)
- McArdle, Arline (Mrs. Barnett W. Bleckley)
- McArdle, Elizabeth (Mrs. Alva P. McCrary)
- McAshan, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert Harper Kirby)
- McAshan, Sara (Mrs. William Franklin Kelly)
- McAshan, Virginia Kate (Mrs. Henry Reid Dupree)
- McAuliffe, Lillian (Mrs. Clifton G. Frye)
- McBee, Elizabeth (Mrs. W. L. Darnell)
- McBride, Martha Caroline (Mrs. John Smylie Morrel)
- McBride, Ruth (Mrs. Charles Edwin McCartney Sr.)
- McCain, Fausta Horton (Mrs. Charles Miller Brown)
- McCaleb, Catherine (Miss Catherine McCaleb)
- McCall, Margaret (Mrs. Sterling Robertson Fulmore)
- McCarthy, Anne Hibert (Mrs. Anne McCarthy Frank)
- McCausland, Minnie (Mrs. James L. Perkins)
- McCermott, Mary Borden (Mrs. Walter J. Dueease)
- McClaugherty, Ruth Kelvin (Mrs. George Richardson Jr.)
- McClelland, Mary Elizabeth Stallworth (Mrs. Lorenzo Lem Skaggs)
- McClelland, Pearl Pinkerton (Mrs. George Grant Snowden)
- McClenden, Robertine Knox (Mrs. Arthur M. Philips)
- McClendon, Mattie Sue (Mrs. Robert Fraser Ashworth)
- McCleskey, Bettye Ruth (Mrs. Welton Ollie Seal)
- McClintock, Margaret Dorothy (Mrs. Thomas Richard Jackson)
- McClure, Gertrude Laura (Miss Gertrude Laura McClure)
- McConine, Frances Louise (Mrs. Walter J. Zollinger)
- McCord, Mary Velma (Mrs. Thomas Richard Sealy)
- McCorkle, Essie Mae (Mrs. Paul Lobit)
- McCormick, Florence Neva (Mrs. Ray Edward Hall)
- McCoy, Jennie Fay (Mrs. Fay Keyler)
- McCoy, June Elizabeth (Mrs. Kenneth W. Christenberry)
- McCoy, Margaret (Mrs. John Norman)
- McCoy, Nancy Edith (Mrs. Fred Corman Layton)
- McCrary, Lucile Allen (Mrs. John C. Calhoun)
- McCreary, Margaret Louise (Mrs. John D. Reid)
- McCrery, Jonnie (Mrs. James Newton Michie)
- McCullen, Mae Council (Mrs. Cecil F. Travis)
- McCullers, Merdyth (Mrs. George W. Lane)
- McCullers, Nancy Coston (Mrs. John C. Ferguson)
- McCullough, Oma (Mrs. George E. Nicholson)
- McCurdy, Gertrude Lee (Mrs. Louis A. Theband)
- McCutchen, Betty Gerald (Mrs. Hal Carnes Austin)
- McCutchen, Ethel Claire (Mrs. Robert B. Moise)
- McDaniel, Frances (Mrs. Julian Sanders)
- McDaniel, Harriet Smiley (Mrs. Rembert Marshall)
- McDole, Eitel K. (Miss Eitel K. McDole)
- McDole, Elizabeth Forestine (Miss Elizabeth Forestine McDole)
- McDonald, Bessie (Mrs. Lucien Nelson Lindsey)
- McDonald, Hattie Gladys (Mrs. Walter John Risley Jr.)
- McDonald, Helen True (Mrs. Helen McDonald Metcalf)
- McDonald, Lucille Meredith (Mrs. John Thomas Whetstone Jr.)
- McDonald, Roberta Bacon (Mrs. Benjamin Russell)
- McDonald, Sarah Belle (Mrs. O. L. Fletcher)
- McDonnell, Austine (Mrs. William Randolph Hearst Jr.)
- McDowell, Corrie (Mrs. Donald Fraser Martin Sr.)
- McElheny, Violet (Miss Violet McElheny)
- McElroy, Elisabeth Jolliffe (Mrs. Frederick Sturgis Stout)
- McFadin, Frances (Mrs. Freeman Byron Blank)
- McFadin, Maude Agnes (Miss Maude Agnes McFadin)
- McFadyen, Gertrude (Mrs. John Mason Wallace)
- McFarland, Grace Elizabeth (Mrs. Noble Clemons Shumway)
- McFarland, Jane Ethel (Mrs. Philip Horton Newman)
- McFarlane, Mary Virginia (Mrs. William P. Brightwell)
- McGalliard, Clare Estelle (Mrs. Frank Wolfe)
- McGauhy, Rachel (Mrs. Charles Nuckols)
- McGaw, Evelyn Victoria (Mrs. Ellsworth Harper VanPatten)
- McGehee, Eleanora (Mrs. Carl F. Keller)
- McGehee, Fannie Kate (Mrs. Oliver W. Catchings)
- McGehee, Lillie Beall (Mrs. William Hubert Adams)
- McGehee, Pansy Mattyld (Mrs. Pansy McGehee Lindley)
- McGill, Latona Bruce (Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Watts)
- McGilton, Eleanor (Mrs. Edward J. Connor)
- McGinnis, Ruth Camilla (Miss Ruth Camilla McGinnis)
- McGirt, Mary Ellen (Mrs. William Archibald Foil Jr.)
- McGrew, Ogda (Mrs. Maurice Franklin Clyde)
- McGuire, Jane (Mrs. William Olin Alvis)
- McHugh, Beatrice Tylee (Mrs. Walter Ernest Bracher)
- McIlwaine, Joseph Alston Claiborne (Mrs. Edgar Simeon Bowling)
- McInnes, Barbara Lenoir (Mrs. Arthur William Erkfitz)
- McIntyre, Edith Irene (Miss Edith Irene McIntyre)
- McKean, Florence (Mrs. Reuben E. Knight)
- McKee, Lillian (Mrs. Arthur Vaughn Bullock)
- McKee, Ruth (Mrs. Roy E. Loving)
- McKenzie, Isabelle (Mrs. William Joel McKemie)
- McKenzie, Jacqueline (Mrs. Frank C. Ralls)
- McKinney, Angela Ida (Mrs. Raymond A. Huhn)
- McKinney, Ruth Hill (Mrs. Dick Edward Van Steenbaugh)
- McKinnon, Iris (Mrs. Carl Oscar Bergholm)
- McKinstry, Mary Mildred (Mrs. Daniel Morgan Smith)
- McKinzie, Ethel (Mrs. J. M. Sutton)
- McKnight, Cecila Althere (Mrs. James Casper Marshall)
- McKnight, Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas P. Heard)
- McLemore, Willia (Mrs. James B. Stewart)
- McLennan, Isabel (Mrs. Samuel H. McMeekin)
- McLeod, Elizabeth (Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod Steed)
- McMackin, Helen May (Miss Helen May McMackin)
- McMaster, Elizabeth (Mrs. Porter Wilkins Carswell)
- McMaster, Winnie Davis (Mrs. Clarence William Legerton)
- McMillan, Marie (Mrs. Sherwood Forrest)
- McMillin, Jane (Mrs. Kenneth D. Breckner)
- McMurray, Velma Bell (Mrs. Michele Joseph Alfano)
- McMurray, Wilma Marie (Mrs. Edward Peter Trausch)
- McMurtry, Cicely Bowmar (Mrs. Phillip Avary Terrell Jr.)
- McNeill, Louise Holland (Mrs. George Edward Miller)
- McNeilly, Ruth Janet (Mrs. H. Girvin Cuthbert)
- McPheeters, Bess O'Dell (Miss Bess O'Dell McPheeters)
- McPheeters, Emma Marion (Miss Emma Marion McPheeters)
- McPherson, Elsie Fitzhugh (Mrs. Alonzo Leslie McGill)
- McPherson, Irene Kendrick (Mrs. Walter Eugene McNulty Jr.)
- McPherson, Martha Jane (Mrs. Martha McPherson Barnett)
- McPherson, Mary Ada (Mrs. S. Jesse Brintle)
- McPherson, Nina (Mrs. Edward Rees Williams)
- McPherson, Tessa (Mrs. Arthur Edward Dart)
- McQuade, Beverly Stewart (Mrs. George R. Deaux)
- McQuitty, Betty (Mrs. Leonard Albert Woods)
- McRae, Sadie (Mrs. Vernon Lothaire Richards)
- McVeigh, Agnes Joan (Mrs. Clifton Rowland Brooks)
- McWilliams, Olive (Mrs. Sidney William Hatcher)
- McWithey, Ethel Almira (Mrs. Elmer Tozier)
- Meader, Lucile May (Mrs. Joseph Hugh McGarity)
- Meadows, Elise (Mrs. Egbert Erle Cocke)
- Meadows, Jane Bagwell (Mrs. Carl S. Oliver Jr.)
- Meech, Anne (Miss Anne Meech)
- Meech, Susan Billings (Miss Susan Billings Meech)
- Megraw, Irma Adele (Mrs. Walter Guy Crowther)
- Mehrling, Ella (Mrs. Alfred J. Vick)
- Meikle, Harriet Amelia (Mrs. Albert W. Harris)
- Melcher, Gertrude Townsend (Mrs. Edwin Mason Fuller)
- Mellichamp, Jessie Alma (Mrs. Peter Braddock Brunson)
- Mellick, Catherine Ginna (Mrs. Tyson Gilpin)
- Mendinhall, Mary Anna (Mrs. James Herbert Mullin)
- Menefee, Margaret (Mrs. James Ross Todd)
- Mengel, Jane Potter (Mrs. Arthur Dwight Allen)
- Menke, Helen Edna (Mrs. M. Lloyd Loomis)
- Meredith, Eunice (Miss Eunice Meredith)
- Meredith, Lucille Virginia (Mrs. Kenneth Madison McDonald)
- Meredith, Sophie Rose (Mrs. Fred Grayson Boyce Jr.)
- Meredith, Thelma Elaine (Mrs. James S. Mitchell)
- Meredith, William Allen (Mrs. Charles O. Theriot Jr.)
- Meriwether, Judith Clementine (Mrs. Charles Howard Westbrook)
- Meriwether, Lena Aletha (Mrs. Weldon Keiller Haynie)
- Meriwether, Manson (Mrs. Frank Clemence Pickard Jr.)
- Meriwether, Margaret (Mrs. Ross McCuddy)
- Meriwether, Mary Lou (Mrs. William Marion Elliott)
- Merriam, Margaret Seymour (Mrs. Kendall Swint Ever)
- Merrick, Marjorie Lloyd (Mrs. Arthur C. Bushey Jr.)
- Merrick, Mary Vaughan (Mrs. David Evans Williams)
- Merrill, Laura Ann (Mrs. Carl Bowers Andrews)
- Merrill, Winnifred Mabel (Mrs. Herman F. Robinson)
- Merritt, Eleanor (Miss Eleanor Merritt)
- Merritt, Margaret Curtis (Miss Margaret Curtis Merritt)
- Merry, Edwina May (Mrs. Leroy B. Eubank)
- Mertz, Lucile (Mrs. Henry Chester Warner)
- Meserve, Gladys T. (Mrs. Clark E. Ranney)
- Messick, Eleanor Anne (Mrs. Gerald Desmond)
- Metz, Ruth (Mrs. Hubert Yelton)
- Mick, Nell (Mrs. Ralph Allen Pugh)
- Millar, Elizabeth (Mrs. Bernice Frost Bullard)
- Miller, Ada (Mrs. Rex Ray)
- Miller, Delia Maria (Mrs. Arthur Marcus Proctor)
- Miller, Elizabeth (Mrs. Jerome Francis Lipp)
- Miller, Emma Morrison (Miss Emma Morrison Miller)
- Miller, Florence (Mrs. Harry McNeilly)
- Miller, Frances Marion (Mrs. Nicholas Butler Crenshaw)
- Miller, Genevieve Arnult (Mrs. Richard R. Richardson)
- Miller, Hattie (Mrs. Uel Stephens)
- Miller, Juliette Baker (Mrs. Fred W. Turner Jr.)
- Miller, Lotta Irene (Miss Lotta Irene Miller)
- Miller, Louise (Mrs. Patrick W. Robertson Glover)
- Miller, Lucille Virginia (Mrs. Henry J. Berry)
- Miller, Martha (Mrs. William A. Trevathan)
- Miller, Martha Ann (Mrs. William Waddington Spain)
- Miller, Martha Lee (Mrs. Orrie Adolphus Bell)
- Miller, Phernettie Elizabeth (Mrs. Percy Charles Minnerly)
- Miller, Vivien (Mrs. Charles Stacey Amidon)
- Milliken, Ann May (Mrs. John W. Royall)
- Mills, Evelyn Rouse (Mrs. Harold Tschudi)
- Mills, Mary (Mrs. Eric W. Day Sr.)
- Mills, Mildred Margaret (Miss Mildred Margaret Mills)
- Mills, Minette G. (Mrs. Frank Madison Dick)
- Milne, Marguerite (Mrs. Theodore Coert Voorhees)
- Mimms, Mary Rice (Miss Mary Rice Mimms)
- Mims, Frances (Mrs. Joseph Paul Stratton)
- Miner, Elsie May (Mrs. Claude Marcellus Ballard Sr.)
- Minnerly, Alice Louise (Mrs. James Garfield Runyon)
- Minot, Bessie (Mrs. Andrew G. Hood)
- Minot, Grace Ella (Miss Grace Ella Minot)
- Minter, Minnie (Mrs. John Manson Johnson)
- Mitchell, Ann Robinson (Miss Ann Robinson Mitchell)
- Mitchell, Clare Downing (Miss Clare Downing Mitchell)
- Mitchell, Flora Pearl (Mrs. Charles H. Smith)
- Mitchell, Jean (Mrs. Smythe Hendrix Lindsay)
- Mitchell, Laura Landon (Miss Laura Landon Mitchell)
- Mitchell, Lucy Neville (Mrs. Stephen Fahs Smith)
- Mitchell, Mabel Almary (Mrs. Alvin Edgar Bleck)
- Mitchell, Mary Burnet (Miss Mary Burnet Mitchell)
- Mitchell, Shirley Abigail (Mrs. Clyde Mitchell Duckwall Sr.)
- Mitchell, Winifred (Mrs. Norris Harris)
- Mitchum, Anita (Mrs. Anita Mitchum Moore)
- Mittnacht, Florence Ruth (Mrs. Charles Herbert Smith)
- Mix, Clara Wentworth (Mrs. Earl R. Lewis)
- Mizzelle, Gradie (Mrs. Fred T. Arnold)
- Mobley, Mary (Mrs. George W. Jacobs)
- Moles, Marybelle (Mrs. William Henry Barstow III)
- Molloy, Genevieve (Mrs. Hal Price Headley)
- Monroe, Blanche (Mrs. John A. Rusk)
- Monroe, Julia Anna (Mrs. Orin A. Stevens)
- Montgomery, Maeson (Mrs. Jack E. Painter)
- Montgomery, Margaret Hamilton (Mrs. Charles Carlisle Conrad)
- Montgomery, Martha Gist (Mrs. Frank A. Preuninger)
- Montgomery, May Forbush (Mrs. May Montgomery Smith)
- Montgomery, Shirley (Mrs. Arthur Morris Robinson)
- Montgomery, Susan Lukens (Mrs. Pascal Brooke Bland)
- Montgomery, Winifred (Mrs. Isaac Young East)
- Moody, Florence Edith (Mrs. Maynard Copeland Cole)
- Moody, Gladys (Mrs. W. Reece Smith)
- Moomaugh, Eula Eudora (Mrs. Marion Furse)
- Moomaw, Mayo (Mrs. W. E. Hodges)
- Moon, Dorothy (Mrs. A. Daniel Amerise)
- Mooney, Dorothy Ellis (Mrs. Edwin Keyle McPeck)
- Moore, Adelaide (Mrs. Willard Martin Rice III)
- Moore, Anne Lardner (Dr. Anne Lardner Moore Shannon)
- Moore, Billie Jean (Mrs. Bill Jackson Brown)
- Moore, Cecile Alice (Mrs. Arthur E. Mallory Sr.)
- Moore, Eliza Beth (Mrs. Harry L. Nichols)
- Moore, Florence (Mrs. Wilson Turnipseed)
- Moore, Helen Ross (Mrs. John Ernest Sims)
- Moore, Ida Harrison (Mrs. Stephen Toof Brown)
- Moore, Juanita (Mrs. George L. Caldwell)
- Moore, Lillian Mae (Mrs Lillian Moore Soresi)
- Moore, Lois (Mrs. Howard Merton Reid)
- Moore, Mary Annie (Mrs. George Rudy Washburne)
- Moore, Mary Elizabeth (Miss Mary Elizabeth Moore)
- Moore, Mary Eva (Mrs. William Dusenbery Sherrerd)
- Moore, Mary Reed (Miss Mary Reed Moore)
- Moore, Mary Stone (Mrs. Fred A. Sawyer)
- Moore, Mary Virginia (Mrs. Julian Taliaferro Woodbury)
- Moore, Mildred Virginia (Mrs. Charles Corbin Bowen)
- Moore, Minnie Antoinette (Mrs. Joseph Fithian Tatem)
- Moore, Myrtle (Mrs. Perry Lane Willson)
- Moore, Rosa (Mrs. Hugh Buchanan McMaster)
- Moore, Shirley (Mrs. Myron A. Halle Jr.)
- Moore, Virginia (Mrs. George Howard McKnight)
- Moores, Marvolyn (Mrs. Kernel Hughes)
- Moorhead, Martha Jane (Mrs. Rifat A. Parus)
- Moran, Grace Clare (Mrs. Burrell Bloomer Evans)
- Morel, Vera Walker (Miss Vera Walker Morel)
- Moreland, Caroline Sarilda (Mrs. Thomas Mann Prettyman)
- Morelock, Virginia (Mrs. Martin D. Wolfe)
- Morey, Florence Broughton (Mrs. Albert LeRoy Brown)
- Morfit, Sue Hall (Mrs. Richard Vair Shanklin Jr.)
- Morgan, Angela (Mrs. Floyd R. Burton)
- Morgan, Beryl (Mrs. Ernest Dyer Williams)
- Morgan, Edna Maye (Mrs. Harry Curtis Travis)
- Morgan, Elizabeth (Mrs. John Nathaniel McCutchen)
- Morgan, Epsey Bowdre (Mrs. Robert Percy Cooke Jr.)
- Morgan, Laura (Mrs. Harold B. Rains)
- Morgan, Leota (Mrs. Elonzo T. Morgan)
- Morgan, Louisa Pierpont (Mrs. Herbert Livingston Satterlee)
- Morgan, Lucy Beatrice (Mrs. Fred E. May)
- Morgan, Mary Alice (Mrs. Harry Ritchie Wilson)
- Morgan, Mary Edna (Mrs. Mary Morgan Fishback)
- Morgan, Quintilla (Mrs. John Adam Anders)
- Morley, Maurine Ruth (Mrs. Charles David Cruse)
- Morris, Caroline Nixon (Mrs. Augustus F. Kempton)
- Morris, Eleanor Burroughs (Mrs. Thomas D. Thacher)
- Morris, Helena (Mrs. J. Lloyd Wade)
- Morris, Mabel (Mrs. Hugh Lewis Simpson)
- Morris, Mary Joe (Mrs. Winton Chambers)
- Morris, Mary Lucille (Mrs. Chester Franklin Smith)
- Morris, Mary Winder (Miss Mary Winder Morris)
- Morris, Mildred Lovell (Mrs. Sol Hertzberg)
- Morris, Page (Mrs. Wells Smith Gilbert)
- Morrison, Elizabeth Ann (Mrs. Jasper Eugene Smith)
- Morrison, Frances (Mrs. Herman Elmer Weston)
- Morrison, Ruth (Miss Ruth Morrison)
- Morschheimer, Annette (Mrs. Edwin Dean Gregory)
- Morse, Anne Walker (Mrs. John P. McGrath)
- Morse, Clara (Mrs. Albert Baldwin Johnson)
- Morse, Helen (Mrs. F. Stafford Edwards)
- Mortimer, Elizabeth Hughes (Mrs. Franics Ashley Faught)
- Morton, Aline (Mrs. Roland Willard Burt)
- Morton, Isabel Bogart (Mrs. Thomas O'Hagan DuPree)
- Morton, Mary Isabel (Miss Mary Isabel Morton)
- Morton, Myrtle Ellis (Mrs. Charles Arthur Speer)
- Morton, Sara (Mrs. Albert Franklin Koehler)
- Moseley, Alma (Mrs. Bernard M. Brazil)
- Moseley, Frances Elliott (Mrs. Walter Francis Rauschenberg)
- Moseley, Johnnie Ina (Mrs. Edward S. Horton)
- Moseley, Ruth Olga (Mrs. Richard Sparks Wainwright)
- Moses, Vera MacFarland (Mrs. Edward Matthews Chamberlin)
- Moss, Alida Helen (Mrs. Bertram Eugene Skinner)
- Moulder, Carmen Ercell (Mrs. Charles Hamblin Mennell)
- Moulton, Pruda Armington (Mrs. Frederick Lloyd Young)
- Mourning, Matalea Caldwell (Mrs. George Robert Bickel)
- Moyers, Catherine (Mrs. Charles H. Roberson)
- Moyers, Grace (Mrs. O. F. Adams)
- Mulick, Margaret Lee Willis (Miss Margaret Lee Willis Mulick)
- Mullan, Belva Helen (Miss Belva Helen Mullan)
- Mullins, Clarice Faye (Mrs. Sidney Sims McKinney)
- Munger, Marion (Mrs. Purcell William Burroughs)
- Munnell, Mary Inghram (Mrs. Furman Rinehart)
- Munroe, Marguerite (Mrs. Percy Shires)
- Munroe, Nellie Frances (Mrs. Clarence A. Brower)
- Murchison, Lucy Atkinson (Mrs. James Reginald Mallett)
- Murdock, Jean Louise (Mrs. J. P. Haines)
- Murphree, Mary Ursula (Mrs. Maurice Edward Swann)
- Murphy, Annie Lou (Miss Annie Lou Murphy)
- Murphy, Dorothy (Mrs. James Aloysius Tierney Jr.)
- Murphy, Eleanor Randolph (Mrs. George Moncure Wallace)
- Murphy, Isabel Richardson (Mrs. John Preuit McDaniel Sr.)
- Murphy, Louise Clarkson (Mrs. George W. Carr)
- Murphy, Nellie Carol (Mrs. Ellis J. Best)
- Murphy, Teresa Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph Lee Robertson)
- Murray, Emily (Mrs. Herbert Oscar Vance)
- Murray, Harriette Wells (Nrs, Edgar Pardee Earle)
- Murray, Martha (Mrs. Frank A. Beck)
- Murray, Mary Ruth (Miss Mary Ruth Murray)
- Murray, Winifred Conwell (Mrs. Alexander A. Milne)
- Murrill, Mary Hardy (Mrs. Leon Sylvester Sr.)
- Murrill, Olive Mildred (Mrs. Stanley Everett Koonce)
- Muse, Margaret (Mrs. Everett S. Luttrell)
- Myers, Laila Ruth (Mrs. Paul Lingamfelter)
- Mylin, Barbara Kendig (Miss Barbara Kendig Mylin)
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Last modified:
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