National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Deceased Member Listings At 8/1/99
This is one of 17 pages which list over 5,000 deceased Members of the National
Society Magna Charta Dames and Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons. Please refer to the
Deceased Members Listing Home Page for the other pages.
We hope that potential members might find their ancestors or relatives on one of these
lists. Generally for a descendant of a member to satisfy the lineage requirement for
membership it will be necessary to establish the descent with references or documentation,
including copies of the referenced material or documentation. In the case of relatives
generally the descent would be established from a common ancestor.
By way of explanation, the Society has listed a member as deceased when actual notice
has been received or who was listed on the Society records as deceased in 1989. We
apologize for any errors which might have inadvertently been made. Please inform us of any
individuals on this list who might be alive. We hope that the information will be
submitted for each person on a separate note card or a separate sheet of paper. It should
be mailed to the Society's office at the address on the home page. Thank you for your
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- Kain, Mrs. John George (Lena Lyle Barton)
- Kainer, Mrs. Armond (Lula Catherine Weyman)
- Kalas, Mrs. Franklin Thomas (Ella Lilliam Reese)
- Kamm, Mrs. Walker Willis (Louise Elizabeth Roberts)
- Kaplanoff, The Princess Irbain Kahn (Vernon Magoffin)
- Kate, Miss Marian Heikes (Marian Heikes Kate)
- Kave, Mrs. Albert Jr. (Karen Elaine Dalton Martin)
- Keary, Mrs. Paul Morton (Isabel Smith)
- Keate, Mrs. J. Raybould (Martha Alice Havenor)
- Keefe, Mrs. Edward F. (Harriette Miller Hamilton Malley)
- Keefer, Mrs. Addison E. (Jessie Vinton Farwell)
- Keefer, Mrs. James William (Carrie Davis)
- Keen, Mrs. Marshall Garfield (Edith Garner)
- Kees, Mrs. John Anton (Sarah Lucy Green)
- Keesling, Mrs. James Clarence Sr. (Nelle Fiske)
- Keim, Mrs. George De B. (Elizabeth Archer Thomas)
- Keith, Mrs. George E. (Irene Hendricks)
- Keith, Mrs. Guy Harold (Kimbrough Swift)
- Keith, Mrs. John Slack (Fay Miller Campbell)
- Keith, Mrs. Miller Ellis (Minerva Marie White)
- Kellam, Mrs. Samuel C. (Ida Brooks)
- Keller, Mrs. Carl F. (Eleanora McGehee)
- Keller, Mrs. Jack (Thelma Parker)
- Kelley, Mrs. (Erma Carlton)
- Kelley, Mrs. Don Lyman (Mary Evangela Brown)
- Kellogg, Mrs. J. Gordon (Dorothy Paige)
- Kelly, Miss Maud McLure (Maud McLure Kelly)
- Kelly, Mrs. Daniel Wade (Sarah Ethel Campbell)
- Kelly, Mrs. Thomas William (Margaret McLaurin Ricaud)
- Kelly, Mrs. William Franklin (Sara McAshan)
- Kemmerly, Mrs. Carl Edward Jr. (Edith May Wright)
- Kemper, Mrs. Clarence Whitfield (Lorna Owen)
- Kemper, Mrs. William Lee Jr. (Sarah Elizabeth Barrow)
- Kempton, Mrs. Augustus F. (Caroline Nixon Morris)
- Kendrick, Mrs. Frederick William (Elizabeth Pendleton Slattery)
- Kennard, Mrs. William Calvin (Priscilla Wildes)
- Kennedy, Mrs. Bernays (Elizabeth Marie New)
- Kennedy, Mrs. Gordon (Lou Williams Jackson)
- Kennedy, Mrs. John W. (Ella Amelia Clark)
- Kenneke, Mrs. Clarence H. (Helen Sell)
- Kennerly, Mrs. Irl F. (Billie Wyrick)
- Kennon, Mrs. Ashby Randolph (Mildred Tarleton Burgess)
- Kent, Mrs. Charles I. (Meta Gilpin)
- Kent, Mrs. Chester Chaffee (Josephine Pearl Powers)
- Kent, Mrs. Frederick Heber (Norma Cleveland Futch)
- Kernoul, Mrs. James (Helen Trafton Ware)
- Kerr, Mrs. Lecil A. (Cary Winfrey)
- Kerr, Mrs. S. Duff Jr. (Joan Sue Snoddy)
- Kerr, Mrs. William Graham (Fannie Payne Halley)
- Kessler, Mrs. Lewis Hanford (Elizabeth Macasalyn Hill)
- Kessler, Mrs. William Howard (Berdie Mary Brumfield)
- Key, Mrs. Arthur Raymond (Elsie Eloise Rice)
- Keyler, Mrs. Fay (Jennie Fay McCoy)
- Kickliter, Mrs. Evelyn Stowe (Evelyn Alice Stowe)
- Kidney, Mrs. John Henry (Minnie May Shoemaker)
- Killam, Mrs. Allison L. (Priscilla Shute)
- Killmer, Mrs. Murray T. (Alice Mary Atkinson)
- Kimball, Miss Sarah Louise (Sarah Louise Kimball)
- Kimball, Mrs. J. Wendall (Susan Abigail Johnson)
- Kimbrough, Mrs. Joseph William (Margaret Eleanor Schaale)
- Kimzey, Mrs. Paul W. (Amelia Sparks Douglas)
- Kindig, Mrs. Bruce Alvin (Hyacinth Alta Matney)
- King, Dr. Helen Dean (Helen Dean King)
- King, Miss Mary Dorothy (Mary Dorothy King)
- King, Mrs. C. Dudley (Emily Jane Culver)
- King, Mrs. Douglass Wheeler (Jennie Farris Railey)
- King, Mrs. Ethelbert French (Mable Edith Baker)
- King, Mrs. Gerald Raymond Jr. (Annie Hall)
- King, Mrs. Herbert Thorn (Edith Royal Tyler)
- King, Mrs. J. Robert Jr. (Virginia Smither)
- King, Mrs. Janet S. (Janet Lee Scarborough)
- King, Mrs. John Snyder (Harriet Stella Stonesifer)
- King, Mrs. Moscow H. (Margaret Deuchars Gay)
- King, Mrs. Robert (Marion Patterson Reynolds)
- King, Mrs. Sidney Scott Jr. (Sarah Celeste Burnett)
- King, Mrs. William Floyd (Blanche Leora Hill)
- Kingdon, Mrs. Floyd Jay (Hazel Adeline Hammond)
- Kingery, Mrs. O. E. Sr. (Janey Ann Bristow)
- Kinne, Mrs. Erwin Newton (Mary Waring Lewis)
- Kinney, Mrs. William Oscar Jr. (Lillian Loretta Birdsey)
- Kinsey, Mrs. Lester L. (Mary Marston)
- Kinslow, Mrs. Marvin Woodrow (Hazel Sylverne Fein)
- Kip, Mrs. Frederic Ellsworth (Charlotte Bishop Williams)
- Kirberger, Mrs. Harold F. (Lillian B. Hertzel)
- Kirby, Mrs. G. T. (Mildred Ray)
- Kirby, Mrs. Grady (Josephine Meyler Coombs)
- Kirby, Mrs. Gustavus Town (Wilhelmine Stewart Dunn Claflin)
- Kirby, Mrs. Robert Harper (Annie Elizabeth McAshan)
- Kirk, Miss Hazel (Hazel Kirk)
- Kirkham, Mrs. Charles Dee Sr. (Mary Ellen Payne)
- Kirkhuff, Mrs. William Isaac (Eldora Mindwell Poole)
- Kirkland, Mrs. Henry Burnham (Helen Mays)
- Kirkwood, Mrs. Robert Grant (Caroline May Neal)
- Kitchell, Mrs. Edna Pearl (Edna Pearl Kitchell)
- Klaren, Mrs. Robert Lee (Wiletta DeLong Tucker)
- Kleeman, Mrs. William G. (Blanche Sherman)
- Klein, Mrs. Ebbe R. C. (Margery Dunbas Wescott)
- Klein, Mrs. George (Catherine E. Taylor)
- Klingelhofer, Mrs. Carroll S. Jr. (Judith Beverley Taylor)
- Klingman, Mrs. Charles Lewis (Frances Eloise Clark)
- Klipsch, Mrs. Paul Wilbur (Eva Belle Huling)
- Knaphurst, Mrs. Harry (Eleanor Edith Dodge)
- Knight, Miss Bessie Place (Bessie Place Knight)
- Knight, Miss Jocelyn Winthrop (Jocelyn Winthrop Knight)
- Knight, Mrs. A. Wilkes (St. Lo Earle Brunson)
- Knight, Mrs. Harry S. (Mary Bessie Martin)
- Knight, Mrs. I. D. S. (Caroline Bohannon)
- Knight, Mrs. John Shivley Jr. (Dorothy Wells)
- Knight, Mrs. Reuben E. (Florence McKean)
- Knight, Mrs. Roger (Mary Louise Griffin)
- Knight, Mrs. William Peyton (Emma Lee)
- Knoepp, Mrs. Louis F. (Ruth Mc Alpine Driscoll)
- Knott, Mrs. W. V. (Luella Pugh)
- Knowles, Mrs. Cloyce (Ella Mary Gattis)
- Knowlton, Mrs. Samuel Dove (Susie Gilbert)
- Knox, Mrs. Oscar Andrew (Harrie Hardwick)
- Knutson, Mrs. Earl M. (Beulah Robinson)
- Koch, Mrs. George Henry (Roberta Cuddy)
- Koch, Mrs. Virginia Terrett (Virginia Terrett)
- Koehler, Mrs. Albert Franklin (Sara Morton)
- Koenig, Mrs. Mallory Griffith (Mallory Griffith)
- Koester, Mrs. Sterling F. (Mary Anna Seiwald)
- Kohen, Mrs. David H. (Nila May Walker)
- Koonce, Mrs. Hammond (Lucy Athalia Thompson)
- Koonce, Mrs. Lonnie (Thelma Thompson)
- Koonce, Mrs. Stanley Everett (Olive Mildred Murrill)
- Koontz, Mrs. Howard Dunham (Ahava Harriet Hicks)
- Kopisch, Mrs. E. W. (Manilla E. Walton)
- Kopperl, Mrs. Moritz Osterman (Waldine Zimpleman)
- Koree, Mrs. Jean Ulyxes (Helen Moycah Brandow)
- Korn, Mrs. Anna Brosius (Anna Lee Brosius)
- Kotsrean, Mrs. Chester W. (Beatrice Jennings)
- Kountz, Mrs. Denman (Mary Mallory Harris)
- Kouwenbergh, Miss Ella Christina (Ella Christina Kouwenbergh)
- Kraft, Mrs. Kenneth H. (Elizabeth Preston)
- Kramer, Mrs. J. F. (Mabel George Cross)
- Kranz, Mrs. Martin Emile (Ysabelita Helen Hamilton)
- Krell, Mrs. Bennie W. (Julia Antho Crosland)
- Kring, Mrs. H. E. (Marian Imogene Still)
- Kuehn, Mrs. Charles A. (Mary Tom Boston)
- Kuhn, Mrs. Albert Henry (Ida Fensley Soule)
- Kyes, Mrs. Lafayette M. (Myra Eunice)
- Kysor, Mrs. Willis Earl (Ruth Carey Albright)
- L'Engle, Miss Gertrude Nelson (Gertrude Nelson L'Engle)
- La Cour, Mrs. O. E. (Elizabeth Gilmer)
- LaBorde, Mrs. Joseph Gaston (Mary Purcell)
- LaFleur, Mrs. Fred Benjamin (Mattie Eugenia Harper)
- LaFrancis, Mrs. G. R. (Grace Woodworth)
- LaVielle, Mrs. William R. (Marion Nuttall)
- Lacewell, Mrs. Joseph Franklin (Nancy Mary Colquitt)
- Lacy, Mrs. Beri Lynn (Willie Swafford)
- Lacy, Mrs. Rogers (Lawson Keener)
- Laing, Mrs. John (Corinne Crawford)
- Laird, Mrs. Horace E. (Ruth Emery)
- Laird, Mrs. Joseph Packard (Eleanor Blackford Smith)
- Lake, Miss Emma (Emma Lake)
- Lamb, Mrs. Gideon (Helen Mitchell Tull)
- Lamb, Mrs. Hugh B. (Kate Walker)
- Lamb, Mrs. Hugh Lawrence (Adelaide Elizabeth Hinton)
- Lamb, Mrs. James G. (Anne Hibberd Bunting)
- Lamb, Mrs. Robert Lloyd (Marjorie Mabry)
- Lambert, Mrs. George Anthony (Ethel Homes)
- Lambert, Mrs. Isaac E. (Millison Slayton Cutler)
- Lambert, Mrs. Marshall Ewing (Katherine Belle Marshall)
- Lambert, Mrs. Otto M. (Mary Lela Young)
- Lambrecht, Mrs. John Osgood (Elizabeth Wheeler Allen)
- Lammers, Mrs. Arthur William (Belle Risdon Hinman)
- Lamson, Mrs. Everett C. Jr. (Karleene Nason Stimson)
- Land, Mrs. Carey James (Regina Quaile Rudelius)
- Landman, Mrs. Bonner Royal (Margaret Lipscomb Smith)
- Lane, Mrs. Andrew J. (Mary England)
- Lane, Mrs. George W. (Merdyth McCullers)
- Lane, Mrs. Julian C. (Janie Warren Hollingsworth)
- Lanehart, Mrs. James Palmer (Clara Adelaide Clemons)
- Lang, Mrs. Archie E. (Catharine Howard)
- Lange, Mrs. Frederick Matthew (Blanche Swanzy)
- Langford, Mrs. John Roger (Margorie Marie Fisher)
- Langford, Mrs. Lela Early (Lela Early)
- Lanham, Mrs. Baxter B. (Leah Gray Holmes)
- Lanier, Miss Mary Caroline (Mary Caroline Lanier)
- Lanier, Miss Roberta Martha (Roberta Martha Lanier)
- Laningham, Mrs. James E. (Anne Wynn)
- Lankford, Mrs. Jack (Ima Jewel Hedgecoke)
- Lansing, Mrs. Arthur King (Amy Elizabeth Mason)
- Large, Mrs. James (Ethel Nelson Page)
- Larke, Mrs. Thomas Harriss Jr. (Virginia Robbins)
- Larkin, Mrs. William J. II (Emily Willetts Wayne)
- Larmoyeux, Mrs. Victor Francis (Pearl Duncan)
- Larson, Mrs. Louis Leon (Florence Alden Clisby)
- Lathrop, Miss Julia (Julia Lathrop)
- Lathrope, Miss Eunice (Eunice Lathrope)
- Latsch, Mrs. Robert (Hattie Ogden)
- Latta, Mrs. Bessie Winfrey (Bessie Winfrey)
- Lattin, Mrs. Marie Robertson (Marie Compton Robertson)
- Laubach, Mrs. Howard Lewis (Katherine Hague)
- Laubenthal, Mrs. Gerald Jacob (Geraldine Sherman Mahone)
- Laughlin, Miss Alice Denniston (Alice Denniston Laughlin)
- Launius, Miss Peggy (Peggy Launius)
- Laurie, Mrs. Douglas C. M. (Mary Scott Taylor-Williston)
- Law, Mrs. Hubert (Myra Steagall)
- Law, Mrs. Jarrett (Nita Vivian Stewart)
- Lawlor, Miss Joy Adele (Joy Adele Lawlor)
- Lawrie, Mrs. Hamilton J. (Sylvia Jane Hinkle)
- Lawson, Miss Edith (Edith Lawson)
- Lawson, Mrs. Eugene B. (Roberta Emma Campbell)
- Lawson, Mrs. Francis Xavier (Anita Marjory Hardwick)
- Lawson, Mrs. Marjorie Barker (Majorie Carothers Barker)
- Lay, Mrs. Merwin Watson (Minnie Rosina Tarbox)
- Layton, Miss Margaret Elizabeth (Margaret Elizabeth Layton)
- Layton, Mrs. Fred Corman (Nancy Edith McCoy)
- Layton, Mrs. L. Lee Jr. (Marianne Skelton Gibbs)
- Layton, Mrs. Landreth Lee (Ann H. Patterson)
- LeBleu, Mrs. Bennie (Francis Tate)
- LeBrun, Mrs. Michael Moracin (Maria Olivia Steele)
- LeLaurion, Mrs. Victor G. (Louise Seawell)
- Lea, Miss Eliza Mabel (Eliza Mabel Lea)
- Lea, Miss Wilhelmina Shirley (Wilhelmina Shirley Lea)
- Lea, Mrs. Robert James (Georgia Passmore)
- LeaLea, Mrs. charles M. (Charlotte Augusta Brown)
- Leavell, Mrs. William Hadley (Elizabeth Littlejohn)
- Leavitt, Mrs. Edward T. (Gladys Emergene Stewart)
- Lednum, Mrs. Lelon Emory (Clara Gladys Leonard)
- Lee, Miss Mildred Washington (Mildred Washington Lee)
- Lee, Mrs. E. Gordon (Sara Blanchard Smith)
- Lee, Mrs. Early Gaither (Alice May Harrold)
- Lee, Mrs. Henry Neill (Katherine MacLaurin MacKinnon)
- Lee, Mrs. Lawrence (Marion Edith Edwards)
- Leet, Mrs. Frank Wiard (Orah Burgess)
- Leffler, Miss Cornelia (Cornelia Leffler)
- Legendre, Mrs. Henry Joseph Jr. (Marie McDowell Campbell)
- Legerton, Mrs. Clarence William (Winnie Davis McMaster)
- Legg, Mrs. Harriett Atkins (Harriett Alford Atkins)
- Lehmer, Mrs. Theodore J. (Zilpha Riggs)
- Leidel, Mrs. Oscar Sr. (Mary Davidson Bradford)
- Leigh, Mrs. William Edmund (Cynthia Powell Fuller)
- Leitschuck, Mrs. Theodore R. (Ellen Josephine Cox)
- Lennig, Miss Catherine Mumford (Catherine Mumford Lennig)
- Lennig, Miss Lucretia Christopher (Lucretia Christopher Lennig)
- Lennig, Miss Margaret Antoinette (Margaret Antoinette Lennig)
- Lennig, Mrs. Charles King Jr. (Annette Brogden Cheston)
- Leonard, Miss Nannie Sue (Nannie Sue Leonard)
- Leonard, Mrs. Benny (Susan Ann Foster)
- Leonard, Mrs. Paul Holland (Eunice Harper)
- Leonard, Mrs. Samuel Leeson (Olive Lucile Rees)
- Leopold, Mrs. Harold Eliel (Louise Margaret Karcher)
- Lesher, Mrs. John Charles (Grace Weatherly Taylor)
- Lesley, Mrs. Robert Whitman (Eulalie Willcox)
- Lester, Miss Minnie Jemima (Minnie Jemima Lester)
- Lester, Mrs. Anne Jopling (Annie Vane Jopling)
- Lester, Mrs. George William (Erie Willie Buatt)
- Letcher, Mrs. Greenlee D. (Katherine Seymour Paul)
- Letterman, Mrs. (Lydia Champlin)
- Leupold, Mrs. Richard James (Elizabeth Cunningham)
- Levey, Miss Margaret Bispham (Margaret Bispham Levey)
- Levis, Mrs. Norman Van Pelt (Grace Royal Tyng)
- Levy, Mrs. Fred Lilienthal (Sadie Clark Connell)
- Lewis, Miss Elizabeth Vass (Elizabeth Vass Lewis)
- Lewis, Miss Mary B. (Mary B. Lewis)
- Lewis, Miss Nancy Ellyson (Nancy Ellyson Lewis)
- Lewis, Mrs David Frazer (Maurine Stroberg)
- Lewis, Mrs. Bruce Lochman (Alberta Sherron)
- Lewis, Mrs. Charles A. (Dorothy Richards)
- Lewis, Mrs. Daniel Clark (Florence Davis)
- Lewis, Mrs. Earl R. (Clara Wentworth Mix)
- Lewis, Mrs. Forest E. (Lena Barbour)
- Lewis, Mrs. Gaston Glaze (Libbie White Vass)
- Lewis, Mrs. George A. (Harriet Rossiter)
- Lewis, Mrs. George Spencer (Ruth Ahlert)
- Lewis, Mrs. James Hamilton (Rose Lawton Douglas)
- Lewis, Mrs. Jesse E. (Sara Ethelyn White)
- Lewis, Mrs. Joe D. (Julia Gray)
- Lewis, Mrs. Lawrence (Dora Browning Stewart)
- Lewis, Mrs. Leroy Ramey (Mary Katharine Curtius)
- Lewis, Mrs. Llywellyn Williams (Violet Odell)
- Lewis, Mrs. Oscar Reuben (Marion Emerson Grisham)
- Lewis, Mrs. Robert Ernest (Addie Lucile Applegate)
- Lewis, Mrs. Russell A. (Della Mae Cooner)
- Liddell, Mrs. Frank Broughton (Rebecca Turner Lott)
- Light, Mrs. S. Rudolph (Florence Webber Howard)
- Likins, Mrs. George Halfin (Mary Ruth Norwood)
- Lilie, Miss Mary Rose (Mary Rose Lilie)
- Lillard, Mrs. Ephraim Stout (Evea Gladys Kidd)
- Lilly, Mrs. Henry Walter (Hester Virginia Calvert)
- Lindley, Mrs. Pansy McGehee (Pansy Mattyld McGehee)
- Lindly, Mrs. John Milton (Claudia Yewell)
- Lindsay, Mrs. Joseph (Julia Willsie Wingate)
- Lindsay, Mrs. Smythe Hendrix (Jean Mitchell)
- Lindsey, Mrs. Lucien Nelson (Bessie McDonald)
- Lindsey, Mrs. Zachary T. (Elizabeth Jones Evans)
- Lindstedt, Mrs. Carl Hadar (Louise Anderson)
- Lindveit, Mrs. Gustav Magnus (Frances Maroa Elliott)
- Lingamfelter, Mrs. Paul (Laila Ruth Myers)
- Lingamfetter, Mrs. Walter Buffy (Katie Myers Kilmer)
- Link, Mrs. John Alexander (Jessie May Tillson)
- Linton, Mrs. Thomas Densmore (Sallie Ruth Price)
- Lipford, Mrs. Henry Francis (Jennie Taylor Rucks)
- Lipp, Mrs. Jerome Francis (Elizabeth Miller)
- Lippincott, Mrs. Leslie Curtis (Helen Waln)
- Lippitt, Miss Fanny Beulah (Fanny Beulah Lippitt)
- Lipscomb, Miss Helen Porter (Helen Porter Lipscomb)
- Little, Mrs. Joseph Lenheardt (Margaret Flanary Kelly)
- Little, Mrs. Joseph Prescott (Beulah Manning)
- Little, Mrs. Percy Trice (Mary Ann Carnathan)
- Little, Mrs. Yates Webb (Araminta Whitehurst)
- Littlejohn, Miss Mildred (Mildred Littlejohn)
- Littlepage, Mrs. Stewart G. (Jeannette Patterson)
- Littleton, Mrs. Harrison William (Leona Moina Eames)
- Lively, Mrs. Roger Talmadge (Louise May Hall)
- Livingston, Mrs. Louis E. Jr. (Edette Calla Joseph)
- Lloyd, Miss Bertha Elizabeth (Bertha Elizabeth Lloyd)
- Lloyd, Miss Ethel Spencer (Ethel Spencer Lloyd)
- Lobit, Mrs. Paul (Essie Mae McCorkle)
- Lockey, Miss Grace Adele (Grace Adele Lockey)
- Lockey, Mrs. Dan Oliver (Iris Irene Maples)
- Lockwood, Mrs. Lee W. (Desmona Ervin)
- Lockwood, Mrs. William Edwin Jr. (Helen Harriet Hodge)
- Loe, Mrs. D. Eugene (Mae Abercrombie)
- Lofland, Miss Buna Elizabeth (Buna Elizabeth Lofland)
- Loflin, Mrs. Carry Fulson (Kate Erwin Brittain)
- Loggins, Miss Sarah Willis (Sarah Willis Loggins)
- Lohman, Mrs. J. Frederick Jr. (Genevieve Remsen Frantz)
- Lombard, Mrs. George Simpson (Alice May Clark)
- London, Mrs. George Abraham (Mildred Elaine Haworth)
- Lones, Mrs. William Franklin (Leslie Capitola Sothwick)
- Long, Mrs. Edward Paul (Rosemary Deming Fitch)
- Long, Mrs. Henry Clay (Annette Steele)
- Long, Mrs. Joseph C. (Mary Ruth Keltner)
- Long, Mrs. Louis Harold (Eunice Lipscomb)
- Long, Mrs. Salome Gay (Salome Irene Gay)
- Long, Mrs. Virgil (Sarah Louise Irwin)
- Longley, Mrs. Ralph L. (Julia Lee Livingston)
- Longley, Mrs. Selden (Helene Broadhurst)
- Longman, Mrs. Edward George (Florence Harris)
- Looker, Mrs. Earl Strunk (Ethel Sells)
- Loomis, Mrs. Henry P. (Julia Josephine Stimson)
- Loomis, Mrs. M. Lloyd (Helen Edna Menke)
- Loomis, Mrs. R. A. (Lula May Gales)
- Looney, Mrs. Quenten Sheridan (Dorothea Seaton)
- Lord, Mrs. Alvin William (Roxana Jane Lyons)
- Lorimer, Miss Belle Burford (Belle Burford Lorimer)
- Lorimer, Mrs. George Horace (Alma Viola Ennis)
- Loring, Mrs. Caleb (Suzanne Grantland Bailey)
- Lorton, Mrs. James C. (Harriett Mae Thompson)
- Lott, Mrs. Leo B. (Katherine L'Engle)
- Lovelace, Miss Sallie Saunders (Sallie Saunders Lovelace)
- Loveland, Mrs. Samuel Crowley (Gertrude Smith)
- Loving, Mrs. Roy E. (Ruth McKee)
- Low, Miss Elizabeth Stewart Claflin (Elizabeth Stewart Claflin Low)
- Lowd, Mrs. Russell Holmes (Arline Frances Dow)
- Lowe, Mrs. Robert Witherspoon (Mary Alice Whitson)
- Lowe, Mrs. Thomas Jackson (Rosa Walker Mayne)
- Lowe, Mrs. William Lewis (Hester Luce Rabb)
- Lowell, Miss Amy (Amy Lowell)
- Lowry, Mrs. William C. Jr. (Natalie Lowthorp)
- Loyd, Mrs. Dale C. (Frances Elizabeth Pearson)
- Loyles, Miss Forestyne M. (Forestyne M. Loyles)
- Lubbe, Mrs. George Anthony (Augusta Vermardine Kimball)
- Lucas, Miss Georgia Briggs (Georgia Briggs Lucas)
- Lucas, Mrs. Simons Ravenel (Anna Natalie Bettis)
- Ludeman, Mrs. Ben E. (Annette Martin)
- Ludwig, Mrs. Leroy McIntyre (Bessie Hancox)
- Luebben, Mrs. Thomas Eilbert Sr. (Elizabeth Hazel Hinshaw)
- Luhring, Mrs. E. D. (Helen Lant)
- Luke, Mrs. William A. Jr. (Helen Davis)
- Luker, Mrs. Norman Paul (Ellen Lewis Williams)
- Lumsden, Mrs. Clement Clay Jr. (Juanita Goodwin)
- Lusk, Miss Elizabeth Lee (Elizabeth Lee Lusk)
- Lusk, Mrs. John Alexander (Elizabeth Lee Fearn)
- Luttrell, Mrs. Everett S. (Margaret Muse)
- Luttrell, Mrs. James Edmond (Florence Hatcher Board)
- Lyle, Mrs. Lee H. (Doris Walker)
- Lyles, Mrs. Albert Rufus (Stella Lee Pendeton)
- Lynch, Mrs. Ralph D. (Portia LaFuze)
- Lynde, Mrs. Charles Emery (Geraldine Daggett)
- Lyne, Miss Mary Nelle (Mary Nelle Lyne)
- Lyne, Miss Ruth Kendel (Ruth Kendel Lyne)
- Lyon, Mrs. Aaron Richard (Shirley Peck)
- Lyons, Miss Mary Fulton (Mary Fulton Lyons)
- Lyons, Mrs. Joseph D. (Margaret Dennis)
- Lyons, Mrs. William Lee (Belle Clay)
- MaWhinney, Mrs. William Thomas (Frances Eva Burton)
- Maasdam, Mrs. Jacob G. (Anne Taylor)
- Mac Mullan, Miss Mary Frances (Mary Frances Mac Mullan)
- Mac Mullan, Mrs. James J. (Mary Frances Cooper)
- MacCain, Mrs. Christian Sheetz (Agnes Irene Richardson)
- MacFadyen, Miss Miriam (Miriam MacFadyen)
- MacNabb, Mrs. William Henry (Helen Artensia Hoffmann)
- MacQueen, Mrs. Peter Jr. (Margaret Sue Adams)
- MacRae, Miss Monimia Fairfax (Monimia Fairfax MacRae)
- MacWhorter, Miss Rella Louise (Rella Louise MacWhorter)
- MacWithey, Mrs. Harold Stanley Jr. (Eileen Wright)
- Mackenzie, Mrs. Gilbert Anderson (Luella Wood)
- Mackinlay, Miss Cherrill Nadine (Cherrill Nadine Mackinlay)
- Mackinlay, Mrs. R. M. (Mabel Janet Rich)
- Macklin, Mrs. William (Anna Jane Anderson)
- Macon, Miss Alethea Jane (Alethea Jane Macon)
- Macqueen, Mrs. Mary Rosson (Mary Emma Rosson)
- Madden, Mrs. Paul H. (Jewell Westmoreland)
- Madding, Mrs. James Eugene (Eleanor Mast)
- Maddock, Miss Anna Baugh (Anna Baugh Maddock)
- Maddox, Mrs. James Franklin (Julia Perkins Yellowley)
- Maddox, Mrs. Robert D. (Grace Holloway)
- Maddox, Mrs. William Hedrick (Ada Florence Spring)
- Madill, Miss Elizabeth Dora (Elizabeth Dora Madill)
- Madison, Mrs. Charles J. (Katherine Ann Irons)
- Madsen, Mrs. Alonzo F. (Leona Terrell)
- Magee, Mrs. John Alexander III (Marie Regina Cannon)
- Mahan, Mrs. John (Leila Maude Ivins)
- Mahoney, Miss Beulah Lee (Beulah Lee Mahoney)
- Mahoney, Mrs. William James Jr. (Esther Jones Reynolds)
- Maine, Miss Bernice E. (Bernice E. Maine)
- Mallett, Mrs. James Reginald (Lucy Atkinson Murchison)
- Malley, Mrs. Arthur Wellington (Harriette Miller Hamilton)
- Mallini, Mrs. Thomas M. (Elizabeth Durr Terrell)
- Mallory, Mrs. Arthur E. Sr. (Cecile Alice Moore)
- Malone, Mrs. Rosser Adams (Elisabeth Speer)
- Maltby, Mrs. Monroe (Marion Drake-Smith)
- Manchester, Mrs. Ward B. Jr. (Virginia Annette Hadley)
- Mangam, Mrs. Samauel Alfred (Jennie Marie Webster)
- Mangas, Mrs. Lyman Samuel (Amelia Harding)
- Mann, Miss Caroline Alston (Caroline Alston Mann)
- Mann, Mrs. Arthur W. (Carrie Foote)
- Mann, Mrs. Gordon Lee (Ruth Kirkpatrick)
- Mann, Mrs. P. L. (Nancy Banks)
- Mann, Mrs. William Marion (Teressa Hope Dickens)
- Manning, Mrs. Ira Eugene (Frances Margaret Tucker Cody)
- Manning, Mrs. Richard I. (Leila Bernard)
- Mansell, Miss Bernice (Bernice Mansell)
- Manship, Mrs. Charles Aaron Jr. (Louise Beasley)
- Mapother, Mrs. Wible Lawrence (Amelia Finnie Porter)
- Marble, Mrs. Henry Dow (Elizabeth Rogers Woodworth)
- March, Miss Arabelle (Arabelle March)
- March, Mrs. Jonathan George (Luella Wheeler)
- Maris, Mrs. Harold Wayne (Edith Lucinda Records)
- Markoe, Mrs. Francis Hartman (Rebecca Lamb Bolling)
- Marks, Mrs. Daniel (Lillian Jeanette Walker)
- Marsh, Miss Alice Seaton (Alice Seaton Marsh)
- Marsh, Mrs. David N. (Joyce Hoke)
- Marsh, Mrs. Eugene (Susan Louise Cotton)
- Marsh, Mrs. Eugene Fowler (Anna Nyce Kaler)
- Marsh, Mrs. Harry Cory (Olitipa Barbour Ewing)
- Marsh, Mrs. Robert H. (Dorothy Beeley)
- Marsh, Mrs. Ronald A. (Silvia Jean Wilson)
- Marshall, Mrs. Edward Carrington (Elizabeth Leiper Breed)
- Marshall, Mrs. Frank (Ada Isabel Marshall)
- Marshall, Mrs. James Casper (Cecila Althere McKnight)
- Marshall, Mrs. Rembert (Harriet Smiley McDaniel)
- Marston, Mrs. Carroll Parker (Helen Meta Eaton)
- Martin, Miss Tommie Carolyn (Tommie Carolyn Martin)
- Martin, Mrs. Cyrus Griffin (Rosalind Ewing)
- Martin, Mrs. Donald Fraser Sr. (Corrie McDowell)
- Martin, Mrs. Edmund Howard (Caroline Waldo Harriss)
- Martin, Mrs. George Elmer (Mildred Cromwell)
- Martin, Mrs. Hildreth Farnham (Georgia Palmer)
- Martin, Mrs. James Alfred Jr. (Ann Torian Bradsher)
- Martin, Mrs. James Harold (Reba Keesee)
- Martin, Mrs. John (Mildred Harlow Carroll)
- Martin, Mrs. Jonathan Willis (Elizabeth Cornelius Price)
- Martin, Mrs. Marion Fleming Jr. (Kate Caroline Jones)
- Martin, Mrs. Thomas Wesley (Mary Evelyn Tyson)
- Martin, Mrs. Virginia Cameron (Virginia Cameron)
- Martin, Mrs. Wallace F. Sr. (Ethel Davis Hack)
- Martin, Mrs. William Newton (Elizabeth Katherine Innis)
- Martoccia, Mrs. Lionel Joseph (Frances Davidson Brower)
- Mason, Miss Betty Blair (Betty Blair Mason)
- Mason, Mrs. Cora Delano (Cora Virginia Delano)
- Mason, Mrs. David Pierce (Nancy Allen Higgins)
- Mason, Mrs. Frederick Thurston (Rebecca Phillips Stevenson)
- Mason, Mrs. George W. (Alta LaMent Williams)
- Mason, Mrs. Hope (Susan J. Traynham)
- Mason, Mrs. John T. (Elizabeth Smith)
- Mason, Mrs. William C. (Nell Graves)
- Massengale, Miss Alice May (Alice May Massengale)
- Massengill, Mrs. Roy Edward (Cornelia Ann Holmes)
- Massey, Mrs. James Alan (Bessie Darling)
- Massey, Mrs. William Everett Jr. (Grace Darling Sherrerd)
- Mather, Miss Katherine Livingston (Katherine Livingston Mather)
- Mathie, Mrs. Kark (Caroline Briggs)
- Mathis, Mrs. Addis (Minnie Ruth Brown)
- Mathis, Mrs. John Dewey (Albert Lee Hubbard)
- Mathis, Mrs. Marion Hood (Rosa Aileen Williamson)
- Matkins, Mrs. Cleo Clark Sr. (Mabel Clair Carter)
- Matthews, Mrs. Darrell Dwight (Ann Nelson)
- Matthews, Mrs. Ira Claverin (Bonlyn Buda Bryant)
- Matthews, Mrs. Karl Kenneth (Darilla Utts)
- Mauer, Mrs. Milton George (Frances Hoyt)
- Maurer, Mrs. Frank Hazen (Audrey Belmont Cynthia Baker)
- Maxwell, Mrs. Stephens E. (Rosa Moore Macaulay)
- May, Mrs. Albert Lee (Nancy Bedford Williams)
- May, Mrs. Fred E. (Lucy Beatrice Morgan)
- Mayfield, Mrs. John B. Sr. (Hattie Belle Patterson)
- Mayhall, Mrs. Temple Bland (Mary Mildred Pickle)
- Maynard, Mrs. Edward Robert Horace (Florence Vanuxem)
- Mayne, Mrs. George Stovall (Rosa Montgomery Walker)
- Mays, Miss Catherine Toombs (Catherine Toombs Mays)
- Mays, Mrs. Jamie Deauoux (Harriet Hornor)
- Mays, Mrs. Robert Meade (Sara Jordan)
- Maywood, Mrs. Charles Gay (Margaret Crane Currie)
- Mc Ghee, Mrs. Allan Hill (Allan Frazer Hill)
- Mc Intyre, Mrs. Cecil E. (Glennie Gorton)
- Mc Larty, Miss Edith Wiggans (Edith Wiggans Mc Larty)
- McAdams, Mrs. Charles Coombs (Lucretia Wiley)
- McAllister, Mrs. Edward Neville (Annabelle Cox)
- McAllister, Mrs. Thomas F. (Dorothy Wonderly Smith)
- McAtee, Mrs. Jesse W. (Mary Frances Bradsmaw)
- McAtee, Mrs. Norman (Martha Callaway)
- McAuliffe, Mrs. William Stephen (Julia Cook)
- McBride, Mrs. Asa Myron (Rosemary Smith)
- McBride, Mrs. Myrtle Kennedy (Myrtle Claire Kennedy)
- McBride, Mrs. Robert Bascom (Olive Lewis Martin)
- McCabe, Mrs. Henry F. (Julia Radcliffe Wells)
- McCahan, Mrs. William J. Jr. (Rena Shull)
- McCain, Mrs. James Ansel (Sarah Ruth Sammons)
- McCain, Mrs. William Alexander (Mary Louise Earle)
- McCaleb, Miss Catherine (Catherine McCaleb)
- McCall, Mrs. Albert Christopher (Lucile Florence Whitney)
- McCall, Mrs. Daniel Thompson (Caroline Winston Bush)
- McCallen, Mrs. Robert Seth (Mildred Lenoir Burroughs)
- McCampbell, Mrs. Herbert Hooke (Edna White)
- McCartney, Mrs. Charles Edwin Sr. (Ruth McBride)
- McCary, Mrs. Robert Dudley (Mary Josephine Brickell)
- McCaslin, Mrs. William Young (Dorothy Estelle Griffin)
- McCauley, Mrs. Edwin Douglas (Marie Wingfield)
- McClanahan, Mrs. Curtis A. (Mary Eleanor Jones)
- McClaugherty, Mrs. William W. (Mary Ann Johnson)
- McCleery, Mrs. Walter Lyde Sr. (Maybelle White)
- McClelland, Mrs. Clarence (Mary Alice Corbett)
- McClenahan, Mrs. Frank Clifton Sr. (Lucile Blanche Cary)
- McCleskey, Mrs. Charles S. (Ruth Scrimshire)
- McClimans, Mrs. Glenn (Ressie Brown)
- McClure, Miss Gertrude Laura (Gertrude Laura McClure)
- McCollom, Mrs. Robert Noel (Rubertina Davis Hill)
- McCollough, Mrs. William (Eva Pearl James)
- McConnell, Mrs. David Franklin (Hattie Laura Holton)
- McConnell, Mrs. Max R. (Judith Reed)
- McConnell, Mrs. Owen Coello (Maude King West)
- McConnell, Mrs. Thomas Franklin (Ethel Bullock)
- McCord, Mrs. Jerry Louis (Sarah Baskette)
- McCord, Mrs. John Lawrence (Laura Katherine Pate)
- McCord, Mrs. Ollie Hagan (Pansy Lanford)
- McCormick, Mrs. Angus Alverson (Katherine Currie Lee)
- McCormick, Mrs. Daniel Archibald (Sara Gray)
- McCornack, Mrs. Fletcher A. (Edith May Clark)
- McCoy, Mrs. George Washington (Elizabeth Collins)
- McCoy, Mrs. Ross (Eleanor Milton Bonham)
- McCrary, Mrs. Alva P. (Elizabeth McArdle)
- McCrary, Mrs. Joseph Boyd (Mary Neel Walker)
- McCrea, Mrs. Bernie Chesley (Bernie Chesley)
- McCuddy, Mrs. Ross (Margaret Meriwether)
- McCuistion, Mrs. Noah Wesley (Elizabeth Jordan)
- McCullough, Mrs. Frank (Edith Pierce)
- McCullough, Mrs. J. T. (Mary Carolyn Logan)
- McCullough, Mrs. M. F. (Helen Van Laningham)
- McCully, Mrs. Donna Rose (Donna Noel Rose)
- McCurdy, Mrs. J. Aulrey (Idella Gribbel)
- McCutchen, Mrs. J. E. Sr. (Ethel Claire Flow)
- McCutchen, Mrs. John Nathaniel (Elizabeth Morgan)
- McDaniel, Mrs. Edgar Rosland (Maude Jefferson)
- McDaniel, Mrs. John Preuit Sr. (Isabel Richardson Murphy)
- McDermott, Mrs. Harley Thomas (Alice May Brown)
- McDole, Miss Eitel K. (Eitel K. McDole)
- McDole, Miss Elizabeth Forestine (Elizabeth Forestine McDole)
- McDonald, Mrs. John Campbell (Julia Helen Hutchins)
- McDonald, Mrs. Kenneth Madison (Lucille Virginia Meredith)
- McDonald, Ms. Ellen Crawford (Ellen Crawford Dunlop)
- McDowell, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Olive Ball Way)
- McElheny, Miss Violet (Violet McElheny)
- McElroy, Mrs. Clayton (Margaret Jolliffe Crenshaw)
- McFadin, Miss Maude Agnes (Maude Agnes McFadin)
- McFall, Mrs. Frank Bell (Madge Vass)
- McGarity, Mrs. Joseph Hugh (Lucile May Meader)
- McGee, Mrs. Boyd L. (Lou Allen Dale)
- McGee, Mrs. Ralph Edward (Marian Elizabeth Jump)
- McGee, Mrs. Ralph Waldo (Mildred Humphrey)
- McGee, Mrs. Thomas (Barbara Emma Bullard)
- McGill, Mrs. Alonzo Leslie (Elsie Fitzhugh McPherson)
- McGill, Mrs. Edylene Cackler (Edylene Maxine Cackler)
- McGill, Mrs. John Donald Jr. (Frances Elizabeth Walker)
- McGillicuddy, Mrs. Cornelius Jr. (Susan Sheppard)
- McGilton, Mrs. Edmund G. (Lina Williams)
- McGinnis, Miss Ruth Camilla (Ruth Camilla McGinnis)
- McGlaun, Mrs. Jasper E. (Jewette Greene)
- McGovern, Mrs. James Michael (Marian Brainard)
- McGrath, Mrs. John P. (Anne Walker Morse)
- McHugh, Mrs. Joseph Daniel (Marie Lee Tylee)
- McIlwaine, Mrs. William Baird (Sarah Joseph Alston Claiborne)
- McIntyre, Miss Edith Irene (Edith Irene McIntyre)
- McIntyre, Mrs. James Brower (Mildred Bigelow)
- McKay, Mrs. Albert Walters (Martha West Griffin)
- McKee, Mrs. Charles F. (Mary Anna Hamilton)
- McKeige, Mrs. Harry Douglas (Elsie May Jenkins)
- McKemie, Mrs. William Joel (Isabelle McKenzie)
- McKenzie, Mrs. J. M. (Mary Isabelle Dixon)
- McKeown, Mrs. William J. (Pauline Eugena Lyon)
- McKinney, Mrs. Carlton (Marjorie Doris Cowan)
- McKinney, Mrs. John Franklin (Cleo Margaret Hopkins)
- McKinney, Mrs. Sidney Sims (Clarice Faye Mullins)
- McKinney, Mrs. William Edmund (Martha Lang)
- McKinney, Mrs. William Neel (Catherine Berry)
- McKinstry, Mrs. William B. (Mary Thomas)
- McKittrick, Mrs. Lafe E. (Mary Wood)
- McKnight, Mrs. George Howard (Virginia Moore)
- McKown, Mrs. Samuel Campbell Jr. (Louise Story)
- McLafferty, Mrs. Joel E. (Margaret Keifer)
- McLain, Mrs. William Harvey (Claire Cornelia Shaw)
- McLanahan, Mrs. John King Jr. (Ella Amsbry Spendley)
- McLaren, Mrs. Charles Gent (Lucille Frye)
- McLaughlin, Mrs. Charles B. (Olga B. Glazer)
- McLaughlin, Mrs. Ericsson F. (Elinor Foster)
- McLean, Mrs. George Hite (Lenore Hardy Kimbrough)
- McLemore, Mrs. A. J. (Mary Ledyard Oliver)
- McMackin, Miss Helen May (Helen May McMackin)
- McManness, Mrs. Robert L. (Justine King Bailey)
- McMaster, Mrs. Hugh Buchanan (Rosa Moore)
- McMeekin, Mrs. Samuel H. (Isabel McLennan)
- McMillen, Mrs. Frank O. (Frances Burnett)
- McMurray, Mrs. Carl W. (Helen Johnson)
- McNair, Mrs. Stephen Bertram (Katie Ruth French)
- McNamee, Mrs. Clifton O. (Olga Mayberry)
- McNeely, Mrs. George H. Jr. (Alice Katherine Scroggin Anderson)
- McNeilly, Mrs. Harry (Florence Miller)
- McNulty, Mrs. Walter Eugene Jr. (Irene Kendrick McPherson)
- McPeck, Mrs. Edwin Keyle (Dorothy Ellis Mooney)
- McPheeters, Miss Bess O'Dell (Bess O'Dell McPheeters)
- McPheeters, Miss Emma Marion (Emma Marion McPheeters)
- McPheeters, Mrs. J. D. L. (Margaret Read)
- McPherson, Mrs. William (Sophia Gwynne Coleman)
- McShane, Mrs. Joseph Bailey (Ruth Neville Turner)
- McSwain, Mrs. Charles H. (Pratt Covington)
- McVicker, Mrs. William J. (Ada Jeanette Bemis)
- McVitty, Mrs. Albert Elliott (Ruth Dwight)
- McWatters, Mrs. Frank (Marie Aull Wilson)
- McWhirter, Mrs. Dewey Young Jr. (Cary Durfey Kropp)
- McWhirter, Mrs. Dewey Young Sr. (Clare Patterson)
- McWhorter, Mrs. Fonville (Willie Belle Jackson)
- McWilliam, Mrs. Adam James (Millicent Leone Seavey)
- Mea, Mrs. George Victor (Edna J. Pollay)
- Meadows, Mrs. William Holmes Jr. (Elizabeth Young Pearson)
- Means, Mrs. Ola Lee (Ola Lee Powell)
- Mears, Mrs. Adelbert Warren (Ellen Emmerich)
- Meech, Miss Anne (Anne Meech)
- Meech, Miss Susan Billings (Susan Billings Meech)
- Meech, Mrs. Sanford (Clara Louise Brown)
- Meek, Mrs. William (Adelaide Dess Newell)
- Meeker, Mrs. Sidney (Lillian Pearl Alexander)
- Megee, Mrs. William Henry (Emily Pleasants Johnson)
- Meis, Mrs. Peter B. (Nora O'Neil)
- Mellick, Mrs. Lloyd V. (Hannah Alta Lank)
- Melson, Mrs. Hayes (Martha Williams)
- Meneeley, Mrs. Vivian Plue (Vivian Plue)
- Mengel, Mrs. Charles Christopher (Emily Mason Tryon)
- Mennell, Mrs. Charles Hamblin (Carmen Ercell Moulder)
- Mercer, Mrs. Alan (Grace Elizabeth Abbott)
- Meredith, Miss Eunice (Eunice Meredith)
- Meredith, Mrs. Malon Clifton (Sybil Evans)
- Merinville, Com. Maurice M. (Frances Gallatin Stevens)
- Merril, Mrs. David Mead (Jane Lincoln)
- Merritt, Miss Eleanor (Eleanor Merritt)
- Merritt, Miss Margaret Curtis (Margaret Curtis Merritt)
- Merryman, Mrs. Charles H. (Margaret Stuart Roller)
- Merwin, Mrs. Edward Payson (Vipont de Riviere Doane)
- Merz, Mrs. Frank (Lena Crissey)
- Messall, Mrs. Gordon (Anna Bess Slater)
- Metcalf, Mrs. Helen McDonald (Helen True McDonald)
- Mettlach, Mrs. Frank Robert (Elsie Lenora Shurman)
- Metzger, Mrs. Lewis (Martha Jane Thornton)
- Meyers, Mrs. William Henry (Blanche Ula Boyce)
- Michie, Mrs. James Newton (Jonnie McCrery)
- Michie, Mrs. Sallie Markham (Sallie Markham)
- Miegel, Mrs. Richard Evans (Sophia Anne Smith)
- Milam, Mrs. Hinman Stuart (Katherine Ida Burris)
- Milham, Mrs. Willis Isbister (Betsey Morgan Fairweather)
- Millard, Mrs. William Catlin (Cora Sprague)
- Miller, Miss Emma Morrison (Emma Morrison Miller)
- Miller, Miss Lotta Irene (Lotta Irene Miller)
- Miller, Mrs. Aven Patterson (Ella Lucile Glenn)
- Miller, Mrs. Benjamin G. (Florence Lenora Hazen)
- Miller, Mrs. C. R. (Grace Whitaker)
- Miller, Mrs. Charles Robert (Mary Catharine Buck)
- Miller, Mrs. Clement Harvey (Alice Davis)
- Miller, Mrs. Florence Cooley (Florence Cooley)
- Miller, Mrs. Frank Seward (Clara Gardner)
- Miller, Mrs. Frederick Amsler Jr. (Kay Dyal)
- Miller, Mrs. George Edward (Louise Holland McNeill)
- Miller, Mrs. Glen Earle (Anne Moseley Mays)
- Miller, Mrs. Henry Ammons (Betty Jane Nash)
- Miller, Mrs. James F. (Helen Edith Reynolds)
- Miller, Mrs. John Wesley (Lorna Mary Simcox)
- Miller, Mrs. Omar (Grace Elizabeth Stille)
- Miller, Mrs. Peter (Ethel Buckingham Haynes)
- Miller, Mrs. Richard Franklin (Nathalie Tucker Powers)
- Miller, Mrs. Robert Loren (Rdrian Moncure Cather)
- Miller, Mrs. Walter Grady (Rhunelle Thomason)
- Miller, Mrs. Walter Jones Jr. (Clydie Mae Clary)
- Miller, Mrs. Warren Vernon (Bonnibel Doan)
- Miller, Mrs. William Edward (Anna Menetta White)
- Milligan, Mrs. Charles T. (Ida Marie Gordon)
- Milling, Mrs. Charles Whiltfield (Ann Reaves)
- Milloy, Mrs. Joanna Tainter (Joanna Tainter)
- Mills, Miss Mildred Margaret (Mildred Margaret Mills)
- Mills, Mrs. Ernest Merle (Laura Baker Paine)
- Mills, Mrs. Henry Pipes (Frances Preston)
- Milne, Mrs. Alexander A. (Winifred Conwell Murray)
- Milne, Mrs. Caleb Jones Jr. (Lenore Bonwill)
- Milner, Mrs. Frank Moncrieff (Florence Thiot)
- Mimms, Miss Mary Rice (Mary Rice Mimms)
- Minear, Mrs. Harold D. Sr. (Mildred Robinson)
- Mink, Mrs. Henry A. (Ruby May Page)
- Minkler, Mrs. Frederick C. (Helen Rhoda Andrews)
- Minnerly, Mrs. Percy Charles (Phernettie Elizabeth Miller)
- Minor, Mrs. John B. (Mary Ellen Scott)
- Minot, Miss Grace Ella (Grace Ella Minot)
- Minton, Mrs. John W. (Milly Wes Sutton)
- Mitchell, Miss Ann Robinson (Ann Robinson Mitchell)
- Mitchell, Miss Clare Downing (Clare Downing Mitchell)
- Mitchell, Miss Laura Landon (Laura Landon Mitchell)
- Mitchell, Miss Mary Burnet (Mary Burnet Mitchell)
- Mitchell, Mrs. J. Douglas (Minnie Octavia Lewis)
- Mitchell, Mrs. James S. (Thelma Elaine Meredith)
- Mitchell, Mrs. John Benjamin (Mary Jane Jordan)
- Mitchell, Mrs. John P. (Gertrude Johnson)
- Mitchell, Mrs. Mason E. (Dora Otis)
- Mitchell, Mrs. Mitchel Livesey (Emma Kenderdine Boehmer)
- Mitchell, Mrs. W. Curtis (Gwenneth Aemone Marshall)
- Mitchner, Mrs. J. Samuel (Bessie Williams)
- Mithoff, Mrs. Margaret Dolores (Margaret Dolores)
- Mize, Mrs. William Pope (Mary Anna Bush)
- Mizell, Mrs. William (Nana Mae Richter)
- Moen, Mrs. Edward Caston (Isabella Ross)
- Moise, Mrs. Robert B. (Ethel Claire McCutchen)
- Molique, Mrs. Frank Joseph (Thelma E. Danforth)
- Moll, Mrs. Albert (Robbie Amaret Wilkins)
- Molyneaux, Mrs. Glenn Ingersoll (Helen Celestia Watson)
- Monaghan, Mrs. John C. (Georgia Eva Leadbetter)
- Monfort, Mrs. Clarence Eugene (Rebecca Winn)
- Mong, Mrs. Clifford E. (Elizabeth Ward)
- Monroe, Mrs. Jules Blanc (Mabel Overton Logan)
- Monter, Mrs. Edward William Sr. (Florence Cecelia Stoecklin)
- Montgomery, Mrs. George Robert (Mary Lee)
- Montgomery, Mrs. Kyle Jackson (Martha Leone Grigsby)
- Montgomery, Mrs. Oreal Edward (Ernie C. Carpenter)
- Montgomery, Mrs. Stewart Magruder (Elizabeth Flanagan)
- Montgomery, Mrs. Thomas Lynch (Susan Douglass Keim)
- Moody, Mrs. A. Ralph (Amy Leah Crosby)
- Moody, Mrs. Carroll Jefferson (Helen Patchell)
- Moody, Mrs. William Lewis Jr. (Libbie Rice Shearn)
- Mook, Mrs. Leomard C. (Hazel Dean)
- Moore, Miss Mary Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth Moore)
- Moore, Miss Mary Reed (Mary Reed Moore)
- Moore, Mrs. Andrew Cleveland (Willie Brown Darracott)
- Moore, Mrs. Anita Mitchum (Anita Mitchum)
- Moore, Mrs. Benjamin F. (Gela Katherine Suddarth)
- Moore, Mrs. Charles Franklin (Alice Rae Lawson)
- Moore, Mrs. Garnett Taylor (Doris Elena Lauchly)
- Moore, Mrs. Gedie Clarence (Camille Wilkinson Christmas)
- Moore, Mrs. Harris Paxton (Izora Wilkes Johnson)
- Moore, Mrs. Henry Dyer (Mary Jones Smith)
- Moore, Mrs. Hiram Duncan (Margaret Dowlen)
- Moore, Mrs. Hoyt A. (Lora Parsons)
- Moore, Mrs. John I. (Mary Pauline George)
- Moore, Mrs. Meredith Sargent (Mary Stacy)
- Moore, Mrs. Oren Getchell (Louise Evans)
- Moore, Mrs. Samuel Wilcoxson (Vera Blanche Idol)
- Moore, Mrs. Warner (Marie Ariadne Dunlop)
- Moorehead, Mrs. Hunter Lamar (Jessie Mabel Womack)
- Mooty, Mrs. Ross H. (Anna Taylor Williston)
- Moreck, Mrs. Wenzel Vincent (Edith Snipes)
- Morel, Miss Vera Walker (Vera Walker Morel)
- Moreland, Mrs. James (Lucile Tappan)
- Morell, Mrs. William Nelson (Blanche Louise Cox)
- Morgan, Mrs. Arthur James Jr. (Mary Elizabeth Sadler)
- Morgan, Mrs. Charles Donahue (Isabel Virginia Sadler)
- Morgan, Mrs. Elonzo T. (Leota Morgan)
- Morgan, Mrs. Henry Williams Jr. (Theodora Polk Pyle)
- Morgan, Mrs. J. Pierpont (Frances Louise Tracy)
- Morgan, Mrs. J. W. (Faynette Edwards)
- Morgan, Mrs. Morris G. (Gladys Eleanor Holland)
- Moring, Mrs. George Franklin (Frances Gibney)
- Morison, Mrs. Charles Sorber (Henritta Foster)
- Morningstar, Mrs. Roy Ballenger (Margaret Jane Hines)
- Morr, Mrs. George Lehman (Mary Eleanor Vaughan)
- Morrel, Mrs. John Smylie (Martha Caroline McBride)
- Morris, Miss Mary Winder (Mary Winder Morris)
- Morris, Mrs. Bennett V. (Rosemary Lois Brown)
- Morris, Mrs. Ellingham Bucjley (Ellen Douglas Burroughs)
- Morris, Mrs. George Cooper (Mary Trent Terrell)
- Morris, Mrs. Harry Joseph (Louise Elizabeth Burton)
- Morris, Mrs. John S. (Elizabeth Cobey)
- Morris, Mrs. John Vedder (Marvia Lydia Bennett)
- Morris, Mrs. Robert Melvin (Adelia Ball)
- Morris, Mrs. William E. (Ada Dorothy Arwood)
- Morris, Mrs. William J. (Mary Dean Smith)
- Morrison, Miss Ruth (Ruth Morrison)
- Morrison, Mrs. Thomas Sylvanus (Madelain England Wheeler)
- Morrow, Mrs. Lorena Williams (Lorena Williams)
- Morrow, Mrs. Paul Feeney (Emma Goodloe Gregory)
- Morse, Mrs. Edwin A. (Maude Dudley)
- Morse, Mrs. Ellen Walker (Ellen Constance Walker)
- Morse, Mrs. Thomas Aubrey (Cora Winn Smith)
- Morse, Mrs. Warren Harrington (Vivian Van Higgins)
- Morton, Miss Mary Isabel (Mary Isabel Morton)
- Morton, Mrs. Frederick Nash (Ellen Harwood Rich)
- Morton, Mrs. Herbert Peterson (Allene Elizabeth Taylor)
- Morton, Mrs. Perry Wilkes (Dagma Mott Dent)
- Moseley, Mrs. Andrew Robinson Jr. (Charlotte Smith)
- Moseley, Mrs. Owen W. (Mildred Wilson)
- Moseley, Mrs. Willard Wesley (Gertrude Joplin)
- Moses, Mrs. James (Mary White MacDonald)
- Moses, Mrs. John (Olivia Gardner Forman)
- Moss, Mrs. Alvin A. (Elizabeth Lois Luck)
- Moss, Mrs. P. B. Sr. (Margaret Handy)
- Mott, Mrs. George Ernest (Eveleen Tucker)
- Mott, Mrs. W. C. (Charlotte Hull De Forest)
- Moulton, Mrs. Edward Stephen (Elizabeth Edge Armington)
- Mountjoy, Mrs. Garrard (Mary Sills Kimball)
- Moye, Mrs. Andrew Jeckson (Florence M. Tharp)
- Moyer, Mrs. John Wesley (Harriet Wheeler)
- Moyer, Mrs. Lawson Auburn (Eula Bernice Satcher)
- Mozley, Mrs. Hiram (Ethel Hudson)
- Mueller, Mrs. Louis Albert (Nelle Poole)
- Mulford, Mrs. Spencer K. Jr. (Fayelle Dodge)
- Mulford, Mrs. William C. (Alice Gertrude Probasco)
- Mulick, Miss Margaret Lee Willis (Margaret Lee Willis Mulick)
- Mullan, Miss Belva Helen (Belva Helen Mullan)
- Mullin, Mrs. James Herbert (Mary Anna Mendinhall)
- Munger, Mrs. Robert Cushway (Elizabeth Mack)
- Munroe, Mrs. Mark W. (Mary Frances Gray)
- Munson, Mrs. Lewis Storm (Sybil Gale)
- Murlless, Mrs. Charles Soules (Edith Grace Brown)
- Murphy, Miss Annie Lou (Annie Lou Murphy)
- Murphy, Mrs. Charles S. (Mabelle Fellows)
- Murray, Miss Mary Ruth (Mary Ruth Murray)
- Murray, Mrs. C. Edward (Jennie Scudder)
- Murray, Mrs. Harrell Charles (Ernestine Wimbish)
- Murray, Mrs. John F. (Bessie Dutton)
- Murray, Mrs. William Bennett (Nancy Carlisle Womack)
- Murray-Jacoby, Mrs. Herman (Catherine Fairbanks)
- Myers, Mrs. Clark Shull (Lora Shelly)
- Myers, Mrs. John Lee (Helen Robbins Bibb)
- Myers, Mrs. Sam M. (Nellie Berry)
- Myers, Mrs. Thomas M. (Nellie Penrose Vass)
- Myers, Mrs. Verne Steele (Edna Baker Cottle)
- Myers, Mrs. William Raymond (Harriet Goodhue Williams)
- Mylin, Miss Barbara Kendig (Barbara Kendig Mylin)
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Last modified:
March 01, 2014