National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Deceased Member Listings At 8/1/99
This is one of 17 pages which list over 5,000 deceased Members of the National
Society Magna Charta Dames and Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons. Please refer to the
Deceased Members Listing Home Page for the other pages.
We hope that potential members might find their ancestors or relatives on one of these
lists. Generally for a descendant of a member to satisfy the lineage requirement for
membership it will be necessary to establish the descent with references or documentation,
including copies of the referenced material or documentation. In the case of relatives
generally the descent would be established from a common ancestor.
By way of explanation, the Society has listed a member as deceased when actual notice
has been received or who was listed on the Society records as deceased in 1989. We
apologize for any errors which might have inadvertently been made. Please inform us of any
individuals on this list who might be alive. We hope that the information will be
submitted for each person on a separate note card or a separate sheet of paper. It should
be mailed to the Society's office at the address on the home page. Thank you for your
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- Eades, Mrs. Thomas Claude (Evla Mahala Roberts)
- Eagleson, Mrs. Donald (Constance Cline)
- Earle, Nrs, Edgar Pardee (Harriette Wells Murray)
- Early, Mrs. John L. (Maebelle Brooks)
- Earnest, Mrs. Charles A. (Ira Perry)
- East, Mrs. Charles M. Sr. (Mona Corbin)
- East, Mrs. Isaac Young (Winifred Montgomery)
- Easterly, Mrs. Lewis Albert Jr. (Clara Elizabeth Redden)
- Eastland, Mrs. Lady Prichard (Lady Rae Prichard)
- Eastman, Mrs. Edwin Winter (Frances Eagles)
- Eatman, Mrs. George Lowe (Sarah Catherine Ragland Eskridge)
- Eaton, Mrs. Homer (Beatrice Behr)
- Eaton, Mrs. William Wallace (Frances Maria Sweet)
- Ebner, Mrs. George (Florence English)
- Eckel, Mrs. John Leonard (Berenice C. Long)
- Eckert, Mrs. Conrad Lyman (Isabell Sears)
- Eckhard, Mrs. Herschel A. (Mildred MacAhan)
- Edelen, Mrs. Mary Keech (Mary Oliver Keech)
- Edenfield, Mrs. J. R. Jr. (Virginia Jameson)
- Edgerton, Mrs. Frank E. (Mary Nettie Coe)
- Edkins, Mrs. Denis P. (Barbara J. Burr)
- Edmond, Mrs. C. E.R. (Elizabeth H. Feltman)
- Edwards, Miss Edith (Edith Edwards)
- Edwards, Miss Frances Elizabeth (Frances Elizabeth Edwards)
- Edwards, Mrs. Edmund Baker (Rhoda Janet Walker)
- Edwards, Mrs. Elmer Thomas Jr. (Lela L'Amour Haines)
- Edwards, Mrs. F. Stafford (Helen Morse)
- Edwards, Mrs. Isaac McMurphy (Lucile Cassedy)
- Edwards, Mrs. Jesse William (Leora Edith Buckner)
- Edwards, Mrs. Ray Omer (Lucy Mears Ames)
- Egan, Mrs. Thomas Martin (Ethel Edna Scott)
- Egbert, Mrs. Daniel Snell (Helen Copeland Cole)
- Egger, Mrs. Henry J. (Mildred Letitia Dorsey)
- Egger, Mrs. John Fontaine (Harriet May Benjamin)
- Ehlers, Mrs. Henry Rudolph (Lois Leona Pearce)
- Eilers, Mrs. Leonard John (Frances Keables)
- Elder, Mrs. Doctor Frank (Minnie May Willoughby)
- Elder, Mrs. Thomas Jefferson (Maxie Chloe Williams)
- Elkes, Mrs. Jocelyn Wheaton (Jocelyn Willard Wheaton)
- Elkin, Mrs. James L. (Bonnie Dinkle)
- Elkin, Mrs. William Simpson (Nell Duncan Warren)
- Elkins, Mrs. Clyde F. (Eula Hill)
- Ellicott, Miss Mary Carroll (Mary Carroll Ellicott)
- Elliott, Mrs. William Jr. (Elizabeth Dixon)
- Elliott, Mrs. William Marion (Mary Lou Meriwether)
- Ellis, Miss Alverta Bird (Alverta Bird Ellis)
- Ellis, Miss Mary Rebecca (Mary Rebecca Ellis)
- Ellis, Mrs. Henry Clyde (Olga Willoughby)
- Ellis, Mrs. John M. (Lillian Bell Woodruff)
- Ellis, Mrs. Thomas Biddle (Emily Quinby Atkinson)
- Ellis, Mrs. Winnie Bassett (Winnie Bassett Robinson)
- Ellison, Mrs. Herman Theodore (Stella Christine Purefoy)
- Elliston, Mrs. Patrick Dewey (Clara Winfield Rush)
- Elsea, Mrs. Charles Wayne (Pauline Mae Sappington)
- Elston, Mrs. James Strode (Elizabeth Hazel Walker)
- Elwell, Mrs. Clifford Maull (Margaret Williams)
- Ely, Mrs. William Newbold Jr. (Elisabeth Anne Taylor)
- Emerson, Mrs. Isaac E. (Anne Preston)
- Emerson, Mrs. Walter Davis (Fannie May Niles)
- Emery, Mrs. C. W. (Elizabeth Shafer)
- Endsley, Mrs. Gilbert Frey (Sarah Cope Tait)
- Engelhard, Mrs. John Cotten (Margaret Devereux Hinsdale)
- Engle, Mrs. Almer Cabler (Katherine Daniel Jenkins)
- Ennis, Mrs. John Dillard (Florence Edna Dodge)
- Ensworth, Mrs. Clinton B. F. (Sarah Isabelle Bradley)
- Epperson, Mrs. Harrison Algyer (Virginia Jane Lewis)
- Eppler, Mrs. Henry Gilford (Inez Lee)
- Eppner, Miss Ruth Reade (Ruth Reade Eppner)
- Erkfitz, Mrs. Arthur William (Barbara Lenoir McInnes)
- Erskine, Mrs. John Vincent (Edith Lanier Deaderick)
- Erwin, Mrs. William Whitehead (Lucy Lane)
- Estabrook, Mrs. George (Cecelia Love Cook)
- Estergreen, Miss Altha Jane (Altha Jane Estergreen)
- Estes, Mrs. Hubert R. (Queen Eleanor Thomas)
- Estes, Mrs. John Claude (Elizabeth Williams)
- Estes, Mrs. Robert Francis (Nannie Melissa Marshall)
- Estill, Mrs. George Castleman (Alice Dashiell Garth)
- Etter, Mrs. Forrest Slayton (Parrish Elizabeth Geiger)
- Eubank, Miss Jewell (Jewell Eubank)
- Eubank, Miss Mildred Olivia (Mildred Olivia Eubank)
- Eubank, Mrs. Leroy B. (Edwina May Merry)
- Eubank, Mrs. Myron L. (Frances Clark)
- Eubank, Mrs. Porter Baker (Louise Rubie Hicks)
- Eustis, Mrs. Harrison (Dorothy Leib Harrison)
- Evans, Miss Nancy Johnson (Nancy Johnson Evans)
- Evans, Mrs. Arthur Kelly (Lettie Pate)
- Evans, Mrs. Burrell Bloomer (Grace Clare Moran)
- Evans, Mrs. Edgar Hanks (Ella Laura Malott)
- Evans, Mrs. George Elam (Elizabeth Chase)
- Evans, Mrs. Julian McGee (Louise Smith)
- Evans, Mrs. Milton Harvey (Ellen Goode Rawlings)
- Evans, Mrs. Robert Dawson (Evelyn Marie Bergman)
- Evans, Mrs. Robert Warren (Sara Campbell Norwood)
- Evans, Mrs. Therman Ralph (Pauline Main Jones)
- Ever, Mrs. Kendall Swint (Margaret Seymour Merriam)
- Everard, Mrs. Edward (Kate Barbour Vick Robbins)
- Everett, Miss Evelyn Roberson (Evelyn Roberson Everett)
- Everett, Mrs. Bennett Everton (Margery Ray)
- Everett, Mrs. Edward Beaufort (Gladys Huff)
- Evers, Mrs. Roy Willis (Olive Irene Hyde)
- Evershade, Mrs. Paul J. Sr. (Nina Parrish)
- Everton, Mrs. Nora (Nora Eckols)
- Ewing, Mrs. Felix Grundy (Jane Washington)
- Ezzell, Miss Naomi (Naomi Ezzell)
- Ezzell, Mrs. William Lee (Rosa Irene Powlas)
- Faba, Mrs. Paul Joseph (Mary Lyon)
- Failey, Mrs. Crawford Fairlanks (Hoylande Denune Young)
- Fair, Mrs. Samuel Clyde (Mildred Caroline Lide)
- Fairchild, Mrs. Paul Halstead (Georgia Everett Perkins)
- Fairhaven, Lady (Clara L. Rogers)
- Faison, Mrs. Thomas Ellison (Elizabeth Moseley Thomson)
- Faithorn, Miss Herberta Louise (Herberta Louise Faithorn)
- Fakler, Mrs. Paul Conrad (Grace Talmadge Clabough)
- Fales, Mrs. Haliburton (Dorothy Graham Thompson)
- Fall, Mrs. J. Halbert (Mary Jane Lane)
- Fancher, Mrs. H. Wilson (Bernice Dorothy Schaale)
- Fant, Mrs. Rufus Sr. (Pearl Rodgers Cochran)
- Fargason, Mrs. John T. Jr. (Nell Cooke)
- Farguharson, Mrs. Chester Lambert (Julia Bliss Trautwine)
- Farley, Mrs. Jack Wallingford Jr. (Dorothy Virginia Taylor)
- Farley, Mrs. William Pryor (Margaret Maynard)
- Farnam, Miss Lucy A. (Lucy A. Farnam)
- Farney, Mrs. Jacob Pfister (Shirley Ellen Gibson)
- Farnham, Mrs. Nye Harrison (Ethel Ellis Hines)
- Farnum, Mrs. Henry Whipple (Anna Scott Wharton-Bickley)
- Farquhar, Mrs. Raymond R. (Helen Lindsey Holman)
- Farrand, Mrs. William Hoffman (Sue Newton)
- Farrar, Dr. Lilian Keturah Pond (Lilian Keturah Pond Farrar)
- Farrar, Mrs. William Baker (Ethel Martin Sapp)
- Farrell, Mrs. Thomas F. (Jessie Strickland)
- Farris, Mrs. Alton Boone (Erma Eleanor Keefer)
- Faught, Mrs. Franics Ashley (Elizabeth Hughes Mortimer)
- Faulconer, Mrs. Grover Zetelle (Emily Katherine Hood)
- Fauntleroy, Miss Mary Emily (Mary Emily Fauntleroy)
- Fava, Mrs. Frank Joseph (Nettie Mae Simms)
- Fay, Miss Kate Whitney (Kate Whitney Fay)
- Fay, Mrs. Edward N. (Susan Platt Hadsell)
- Fay, Mrs. Stephen Clark (Mabel Julia Parsons)
- Fearey, Mrs. Porter (Mary Virginia Estill)
- Feeks, Mrs. Allyn (Gertrude Ellen Duval)
- Felder, Mrs. Anna Patterson ( Anna Mary Patterson)
- Fell, Mrs. E. Lawrence (Esther M. Willets)
- Felton, Mrs. Sam Scull (Edna Duke Duncan)
- Fennekohl, Mrs. Arthur Charles (Mildred Diane Ross)
- Fennell, Miss Alma Imogene (Alma Imogene Fennell)
- Fereno, Mrs. James Robert (Edith Hunt Weatherly)
- Fergus, Miss Margaret Josephine (Margaret Josephine Fergus)
- Fergus, Mrs. Margaret L. (Margaret L. Weir)
- Ferguson, Mrs. Eugene H. (Elizabeth Louise Burnig)
- Ferguson, Mrs. Frank D. (Dorothy Yates)
- Ferguson, Mrs. Hiram Benson (Carrie Belle Richardson)
- Ferguson, Mrs. James H. Jr. (Blanche Darnall Smith)
- Ferguson, Mrs. John C. (Nancy Coston McCullers)
- Fernald, Dr. Josephine Marshall (Josephine Marshall Fernald)
- Fernald, Mrs. Leon Fitzpatrick (Ellie Lee Hattemer)
- Ferrell, Mrs. Charles Coleman (Rosa Claiborne Freeman)
- Ferry, Mrs. William M. (Emily Park)
- Ferry, Mrs. William Montague (Ednah Truman)
- Few, Mrs. William Preston (Mary Remey Thomas)
- Fiduk, Mrs. Stephen Joseph (Virginia Burdine Brooks)
- Field, Mrs. John Oliver (Nora Deniza Nimmons)
- Field, Mrs. John Wesley (Julia Priddy)
- Field, Mrs. T. Mickell (Irma Baylis Wersebe)
- Field, Mrs. William Hill (Annie Ball)
- Fields, Miss Corrinthie Belle (Corrinthie Belle Fields)
- Figner, Mrs. Andrew Weidener (Mary Elizabeth Hudson)
- Filbey, Mrs. Edward Joseph (May Constance Vaughan)
- Files, Mrs. William Thomas Jr. (Johnnie Caldwell)
- Filley, Mrs. H. Clyde (Greta Warner)
- Findeisen, Mrs. Arthur John (La France Hanks)
- Fine, Mrs. Samuel (Vera Mayo)
- Fink, Mrs. William Nelson (Maribelle Harris)
- Finlay, Mrs. Christopher A. (Lydia Ropes Dow)
- Finley, Mrs. A. Gordon (Annie May Barnes)
- Finley, Mrs. Bert C. (Ora Belding)
- Fiore, Mrs. Elinor Loggins (Elinor Montgomery Loggins)
- Fischer, Mrs. Fletcher Whitfield (Aline Lee)
- Fish, Miss Julia Cornelia (Julia Cornelia Fish)
- Fishback, Mrs. Mary Morgan (Mary Edna Morgan)
- Fishburn, Mrs. Harry Procter (Frances Amanda Butterfield)
- Fisher, Mrs. Adrian Posey (Clara Carroll Kerly)
- Fisher, Mrs. John Kenneth (Victoria Alwilda Bergen)
- Fiske, Miss Alice Charlotte (Alice Charlotte Fiske)
- Fiske, Mrs. Frederic P. (Dorothy Harrison)
- Fitch, Mrs. Morgan Lewis (Marian Louise Ringer)
- Fitz, Mrs. Robert (Madeline Tinker Keithley)
- FitzGiven, Mrs. Edward (Alta Beach)
- Fitzgerald, Mrs. Thomas Edward (Pauline Potter)
- Flack, Mrs. Edward B. (Edith Lewis)
- Flack, Mrs. Frank LeRoy (Jessie Clive Gordon)
- Flack, Mrs. Milton Luther (Lola Margaret Heikes)
- Flanagan, Mrs. E. Latane (Louise Vincent)
- Flather, Mrs. Frederick Arthur (Alice Poor Rogers)
- Fleming, Mrs. Robert Elyah (Rose Ellen Cottrell)
- Fletcher, Mrs. Charles Warren (Mary Geiger)
- Fletcher, Mrs. Leslie S. (Beulah Douglas Fox)
- Fletcher, Mrs. Nolan (Cecile Alice Mallory)
- Fletcher, Mrs. O. L. (Sarah Belle McDonald)
- Fletcher, Mrs. Robert Morris (Ruth Brock)
- Flick, Mrs. Albert Edward (Berthania Elizabeth Weatherby)
- Fling, Mrs. Allan Clements (Maude Hammond)
- Fling, Mrs. Howard W. (Elizabeth Stewart)
- Flinn, Mrs. Henry I. (Mary Louise Croswell)
- Flint, Mrs. Graham Torrance (Margaret Lillian Wiloth)
- Flint, Mrs. Roger Wood (Dorothy Jean Lowd)
- Flippin, Mrs. John C. (Helen Keys Norris)
- Flory, Mrs. William E. S. (Anne Randolph Briscoe Putney)
- Flowers, Mrs. A. R. (Mary Adelaide Ross)
- Flowers, Mrs. Fred B. (Lucile Featherston)
- Flowers, Mrs. John Baxton Jr. (Katherine Yelverton Kennedy)
- Floyd, Miss Willie Maude (Willie Maude Floyd)
- Floyd, Mrs. Don E. (Louise Tellier)
- Focke, Mrs. Ferdinand Brauns (Rachel Healy Lehman)
- Foerderer, Mrs. Perckval E. (Ethel Tillyer Brown)
- Foil, Mrs. William Archibald Jr. (Mary Ellen McGirt)
- Follmer, Mrs. Charles Carroll (Edith May Rogers)
- Folmar, Mrs. James Murphree (Miss Black)
- Fontenot, Miss Bonnie Leslie Williams III (Bonnie Leslie Williams Fontenot)
- Foote, Mrs. Asby Minor (Katherine Selby)
- Foran, Mrs. Joseph William (Nancy Adele Neely)
- Ford, Miss Katherine Frishmuth (Katherine Frishmuth Ford)
- Ford, Mrs. (Katherine Welch)
- Ford, Mrs. Henry T. (Opal Gladys Smith)
- Ford, Mrs. Horatio (Ella Alman White)
- Foreman, Mrs. Grant (Carolyn Thomas)
- Forester, Mrs. John E. (Alice Richardson Woodson)
- Fornof, Mrs. John Renchin (Helen Honeywell)
- Forrest, Mrs. Sherwood (Marie McMillan)
- Forst, Mrs. John M. (Margaret Binkley)
- Forsythe, Mrs. Forrest Fenton (Mildred Esther Pratz)
- Forsythe, Mrs. Frank (Elberta Pierce)
- Fort, Mrs. David I. (Elizabeth Hicks Robinson)
- Fortin, Mrs. Harold (Ruth Elizabeth Elston)
- Fortson, Mrs. Samuel Anthony (Alice Etta Lombard)
- Foster, Mrs. C. Vernan (Helen Marie Colburn)
- Foster, Mrs. Earl (Alta Sawyer)
- Foster, Mrs. Elbert Ellsworth (Carolyn Bolling Peaseley)
- Foster, Mrs. James Elmore (Myrtle Louise Thompson)
- Foster, Mrs. Paul B. (Julia Harris)
- Foster, Mrs. Robert Clark (Elizabeth Irving Scott)
- Foster, Mrs. Wayne (Harriett Wayne)
- Foster, Mrs. William Prescott (Willie Palfrey)
- Fowler, Mrs. Howell Whitfield (Georgiana Kathryn Porter)
- Fowler, Mrs. William Thomas (Ila Earle)
- Fowlkes, Mrs. Abner Winfred (Lula Eve Norton)
- Fownes, Mrs. William Clarke (Jessie Garver Gaither)
- Fox, Miss Effie Afton (Effie Afton Fox)
- Fox, Miss St. Elmo (St. Elmo Fox)
- Fox, Mrs. Charles Pemberton (Mary Large)
- Fox, Mrs. John Thomas (Ruth Marie Treadwell)
- Fox, Mrs. Joseph Mickle (Jean Beverley Chichester)
- Foy, Mrs. Jesse Ponita (Ida Teresa Bird)
- Franey, Mrs. Raymond Gilbert (Margaret Vera Gilbert)
- Frank, Mrs. Anne McCarthy (Anne Hibert McCarthy)
- Frank, Mrs. Camilla Mays (Camilla Mays)
- Franklin, Miss Lurana Zemilee (Lurana Zemilee Franklin)
- Frayser, Miss Mary Elisabeth (Mary Elisabeth Frayser)
- Frazer, Mrs. James Stokes (Anita Lewis)
- Frazier, Mrs. George Harrison (Cornelia Sibley)
- Frazier, Mrs. Harry Stucky (Anelia Owsley Brown)
- Frazier, Mrs. John Martin (Jo Wood)
- Frederick, Mrs. Clarence J. (Grace Maxwell Jarvis)
- Fredericks, Mrs. Albert Asa (Marjorie Jackson May)
- Freeman, Miss Mary Wilkins (Mary Wilkins Freeman)
- Freeman, Miss Pearl Rowena (Pearl Rowena Freeman)
- Freeman, Mrs. Cecil L. (Marjorie Austin)
- Freeman, Mrs. John Hilton (Eva Neville Harnsberger)
- Freeman, Mrs. Lawrence E. (Alice Fern Van Ness)
- Freeman, Mrs. Orange Edward (Jennie May Hall)
- Freeman, Mrs. Philip Ray (Helen I. Brayton)
- Freeman, Mrs. Walter Jackson (Corinne Keen)
- Freeman, Mrs. William McLain (Mary Ann Clement)
- Freeman, Mrs. William Salter (Ethel Bell Goodell)
- Freeman, Mrs. William Washington (Myra Myrtle Rickman)
- Freidinger, Mrs. Arthur William (Virginia Banks)
- Freiot, Mrs. John Kales (J. Winifred Sears)
- French, Mrs. Adam (Izeyl Marie Brown)
- French, Mrs. Charles Clement (Mary Catherine Bronaugh)
- Frey, Mrs. Lucy Elam (Lucy Frances Elam)
- Friedrick, Mrs. Charles Paul (Joanna Campbell Hurff)
- Friend, Mrs. Harold L. (Helen A. Hammond)
- Frierson, Mrs. John Stephenson (Zara Lydia Ruhm)
- Fritts, Miss Martha Jean (Martha Jean Fritts)
- Frost, Mrs. Kenneth Thomas (Sally Catherine Battaile)
- Fruth, Mrs. J. Richard (Florence Knight)
- Fry, Mrs. C. R. (Margaret Rutherford)
- Frye, Mrs. Clifton G. (Lillian McAuliffe)
- Frye, Mrs. Jay Millard (Mae Jewett)
- Fugate, Mrs. Harry D. (Elma Genevra Winks)
- Fulenwider, Mrs. Gladys Noake (Gladys Elizabeth Noake)
- Fulgham, Mrs. Henry Craig (Mary Howell)
- Fuller, Mrs. Edwin Mason (Gertrude Townsend Melcher)
- Fuller, Mrs. Lawrence Jones (Nancy Naulty Washington)
- Fullerton, Mrs. Grace Sheets (Grace Sheets)
- Fullinweider, Mrs. George Clay (Ruth Ballard)
- Fulmore, Mrs. Sterling Robertson (Margaret McCall)
- Fulstow, Mrs. Philip H. (Anne Helene Gardiner)
- Fulton, Miss Eleanor Jane (Eleanor Jane Fulton)
- Fulton, Mrs. Henry Clifford (Gladys Chace)
- Fultz, Mrs. T. Lyston (Juanita Rankin)
- Funderburk, Mrs. Minor Metcalfe (Eva Vern Pattie May)
- Furey, Mrs. Charles Loren (Priscilla King Fancher)
- Furgerson, Mrs. Isham Roscoe (Louise Luttrell Galyon)
- Furniss, Mrs. John Perkins (Beverley Hill)
- Furr, Mrs. James Edward (Jessie May Chestman)
- Furr, Mrs. Woodrow Wilson (Sidney Louise Starr)
- Furse, Mrs. Marion (Eula Eudora Moomaugh)
- Gagnon, Mrs. Ernest C. (Eva Chandler)
- Gagnon, Mrs. Ira D. (Mary Ella Smith)
- Galavin, Mrs. Robert Eugene (Mildred Elizabeth Ellis Parker)
- Galbraith, Mrs. Carl Conley (Ethel Woodburn)
- Gale, Miss Lydia Hammond (Lydia Hammond Gale)
- Galey, Mrs. Thomas Mellon (Henrietta Craig-Dow)
- Gallager, Mrs. Robert J.R. (Alice Elizabeth Utley)
- Gallagher, Mrs. Glenn Louis (Sarah Katherine Jennings)
- Gallagher, Mrs. Thomas F. (Gamble Benedict Sharpe)
- Gallaher, Miss Juliet Hite (Juliet Hite Gallaher)
- Galloway, Mrs. William Clifton (Mildred Eleanor Hale)
- Gamble, Mrs. S. Wayne Sr. (Theresa Register)
- Gammage, Mrs. Cline Maurice (Alethea Jean Clement)
- Gannon, Mrs. Carter Nelson (Marion Auerbach)
- Gannon, Mrs. Edward James Jr. (Mary Ethel Hughes)
- Gano, Mrs. John T. (Olga Lightfoot)
- Garbisch, Mrs. Edgar W. (Bernice Chrysler)
- Gardiner, Miss Nona Loyan (Nona Logan Gardiner)
- Gardner, Mrs. Charlis Doughty (Mary Louise Wilson)
- Gardner, Mrs. James Elias (Edith Howard Bennet)
- Gardner, Mrs. Walter J. (Ruth Rebecca Taylor)
- Garesche, Mrs. Edmond A. B. (Nelle Ambrose)
- Garner, Mrs. John Lake (Ida Janette Adams)
- Garnett, Mrs. Edward Thomas (Elizabeth Stickland)
- Garnett, Mrs. William H. (Worthen Fatherly)
- Garrett, Miss Mary S. (Mary S. Garrett)
- Garrett, Mrs. Clarence Jasper (Margaret Louise Zeller)
- Garrett, Mrs. Edmond Peter (Harriet Elizabeth Hill)
- Garrett, Mrs. Lloyd Fentress (Dorothy Winston Graham)
- Garrett, Mrs. Roy Stuart (Vivian Lee Stanley)
- Garst, Mrs. Jacob Frederick (Martha Cooper Reed)
- Garth, Mrs. Horace Everett (Alice Dashiell Jones)
- Garth, Mrs. Winston Feam (Leora Garth)
- Gaskell, Mrs. Louie (Viola Clason)
- Gatchell, Miss Dana King (Dana King Gatchell)
- Gatchell, Mrs. G. Gordon (Elizabeth K. M. Emory)
- Gates, Miss Barbara Coley (Barbara Coley Gates)
- Gates, Mrs. Frank Pou (Frances Reid)
- Gates, Mrs. Quincy Adams (Florence Alice Jayne)
- Gavin, Mrs. James Lathrop (Florence Gallup Atkins)
- Gaylord, Mrs. Charles W. (Mary Granniss)
- Gaynes, Mrs. Nicholas John (Rosella Ruth Goodwin)
- Geary, Mrs. Frank Glentworth (Anne Vane Jones)
- Gee, Mrs. George Leonard III (Evelyn Elaine Sprague)
- Gee, Mrs. Herbert Caran (Ruth Crew)
- Geer, Mrs. Hobert Livingston (Doris May Anderson)
- Geise, Mrs. John Foster (Martha Eugenia Councill Parker)
- Gelnett, Mrs. Amos Long (Nell Kough)
- Gemberling, Mrs. Joseph B. (Lulu Sarah Thorp)
- George, Mrs. Charles (Virginia Napier Collins)
- Gerber, Mrs. John B. (Lucile McAdams)
- Gerteisen, Mrs. Louis (Martha Garvin)
- Gerth, Mrs. Ralph E. (Maude Olivia Chatfield)
- Geupel, Mrs. Louis Armand (Ruby Tucker)
- Gibbs, Mrs. Margery Wise (Margery Wise)
- Gibbs, Mrs. Platt P. (Laura Alexander)
- Gibbs, Mrs. Quesney Dibbrell (Mary B. Reed)
- Gibbs, Mrs. Wilbourn Smith (Anne Nugent)
- Gibbs, Mrs. William Wayt III (Leta Watts)
- Gibson, Miss Isabel Edith (Isabel Edith Gibson)
- Gibson, Mrs. Charles Finley (Eliza Catharine Tye)
- Gibson, Mrs. John S. (Pattie Willis Braxton)
- Gibson, Mrs. Milby (Elizabeth Page Ricaud)
- Gibson, Mrs. Ralph K. (Virginia Bradford Herbert)
- Gibson, Mrs. Robert Arthur (Nancy Claire Brigham)
- Gibson, Mrs. Robert Clayton (Zilpah Reynolds)
- Gibson, Mrs. Zachary Lewis (Aimee Bigelow Frost)
- Gilbert, Miss Marie Lydia (Marie Lydia Gilbert)
- Gilbert, Mrs. Charles Edwin Jr. (Ethel Josephine Kennon)
- Gilbert, Mrs. Early Lyman (Martha Vera Price)
- Gilbert, Mrs. G. (Margaret Groves)
- Gilbert, Mrs. Jack Hite (Edith Augusta Porter)
- Gilbert, Mrs. John Barton (Mary Clair Norwood)
- Gilbert, Mrs. Wells Smith (Page Morris)
- Gilchrist, Mrs. Joseph T. (Caroline Elizabeth Bulkley)
- Gildea, Mrs. Ray Yeakle (Florence Fownes)
- Giles, Miss Annie Theresa (Annie Theresa Giles)
- Giles, Mrs. Ged W. (Ethel Covington)
- Gilfoy, Mrs. Jack Lewis Warren (Peggy Stoltz)
- Gill, Miss Helen (Helen Gill)
- Gill, Miss Martha K. (Martha K. Gill)
- Gill, Mrs. Harold Bledsoe (Katherine Elizabeth Jayne)
- Gill, Mrs. James A. (Edith Eloise Lessinger)
- Gill, Mrs. Norman T. (Winifred Stone)
- Gillespie, Mrs. Joe M. (Geneva Gay Smith)
- Gillette, Mrs. Vernon G. (Mildred Pauline Hickman)
- Gilley, Mrs. Charles Roy (Henrietta Louise Dessau)
- Gilliam, Mrs. Reuben Lynch (Mamie Bell)
- Gilliland, Mrs. Jones Stephens (Maidhof Bridges)
- Gillogly, Mrs. James Lee (Lydia Lucelia Webster)
- Gilmer, Miss Lena Rosa (Lena Rosa Gilmer)
- Gilmour, Mrs. Andrew (Selma Harvey)
- Gilpin, Mrs. Tyson (Catherine Ginna Mellick)
- Giovanni, Mrs. John Bernard (Julia Bibb Taylor)
- Givens, Mrs. James Karl (Ruby Bannon Marshall)
- Givens, Mrs. Virge Lyle (Mary Gabrielle Hamilton)
- Glass, Mrs. Julian Wood (Eva Dorothy Payne)
- Glauser, Mrs. Edwin D. G. (Emma Pearson Babb)
- Glazebrook, Mrs. James (Ann Ten Broeck Robinson)
- Gleason, Mrs. Kenneth Jack (Anna Williams)
- Glover, Mrs. Hugh Wallace (Frances Ada Reed)
- Glover, Mrs. Patrick W. Robertson (Louise Miller)
- Godbey, Mrs. Maunis Iven (Martha Etta Tinker)
- Godfrey, Miss Mary Emms (Mary Emms Godfrey)
- Godwin, Mrs. A. B. (Tessie Hollingsworth)
- Godwin, Mrs. Cortlandt (Sara Woodbury Sylvester Hedge)
- Goff, Mrs. John S. (Elizabeth Morse Marsh)
- Goldthwaite, Mrs. Stephen G. (Eva Bryant)
- Goode, Mrs. Charles E. (Franklin Moon Chauncey)
- Goodell, Mrs. Horace Robert (LaVone Patrick)
- Goodenough, Mrs. Herbert Delos (Caroline Louisa Leonard)
- Goodman, Mrs. Alex M. (Fielder Barfield)
- Goodman, Mrs. Thomas Francis (May Elizabeth Horsley)
- Goodman, Mrs. William Owen (Erna Malvina Sawyer)
- Goodpasture, Mrs. Frank (Hazelle Frances Pierce Anderson)
- Goodpasture, Mrs. J. Dillard (Julia Flournoy Garrett)
- Goold, Mrs. Marshall Newton (Mary Wells Haskell Wyman)
- Gordon, Miss Isabel Wyman (Isabel Wyman Gordon)
- Gordon, Miss Leonorah Frances (Leonorah Frances Gordon)
- Gordon, Mrs. Alexander (Elizabeth Southall Clarke)
- Gordon, Mrs. James Hugh (Alice Marion Richardson)
- Gorham, Mrs. William Ernest (Mary Allie Tucker)
- Goss, Mrs. Raymond Charles (Eva Garce Ward)
- Goudelock, Mrs. Clyde H. (Frances Elizabeth Cox)
- Gowens, Mrs. James F. (Anna Brooks Dobbin)
- Goza, Mrs. Hugh Shelly (Leila Doris Duke)
- Grace, Mrs. Oscar John (Lillian Davenport)
- Grace, Mrs. Thomas C. (Carolyn Denniston)
- Gracy, Mrs. David Caldwell (Alice Tillar Duggan)
- Grady, Mrs. Jamie Ault (Jamie Ault)
- Graham, Miss Ivey Elizabeth (Ivey Elizabeth Graham)
- Graham, Mrs. Frank A. (Winifred Felder)
- Graham, Mrs. James Hiram (Mary Gloster)
- Graham, Mrs. William D. (Esther Miller Fleming)
- Grandfield, Mrs. Helen Shellabarger (Helen Jean Shellabarger)
- Grandin, Miss Frances Barberie (Frances Barberie Grandin)
- Grandin, Miss Julia Vidal (Julia Vidal Grandin)
- Grant, Mrs. Rufus Cecil (Ruby Celeste Hyde)
- Grant, Mrs. W. Brewer (Eleanor Brewster Davenport)
- Grattan, Mrs. George Gilmer Jr. (Frances Roller)
- Graves, Mrs. Claud Patrick (Helen Robinson)
- Graves, Mrs. Henry Jr. (Florence Isabel Preston)
- Gray, Mrs. Benjamin Howard (Bessie Ogilvie Ratcliff)
- Gray, Mrs. C. M. (Charlotte Elizabeth Head)
- Gray, Mrs. James Edwin (Ada Gordon)
- Gray, Mrs. John L. (Harriet Tyng)
- Greco, Mrs. Edward Carl (Marcia Scott Dudley)
- Green, Mrs. Allen P. (Josephine Brown)
- Green, Mrs. Berryman (Martha Bedford Yancy)
- Green, Mrs. Grover Cleveland (Lena May Gann)
- Green, Mrs. Kirke Hamilton (Dorothy Wilson)
- Green, Mrs. Mary Jane (Mary Jane Perry)
- Green, Mrs. Robert Franklin (Lucy Cornelia Dickinson)
- Green, Mrs. William Wallace (Harriett Claiborne Bland)
- Greene, Miss Harriet Frances (Harriet Frances Greene)
- Greene, Mrs. Daise Davidson (Daise Davidson)
- Greene, Mrs. Edward (Mary Van Arsdale)
- Greenwood, Mrs. Charles L. (Lorena May Conlee)
- Greer, Mrs. Carol Christianberry (Carol Christanberry)
- Gregg, Mrs. Clifford C. (Helen Mabel Slaten)
- Gregg, Mrs. Maurice David (Sue Winder Dabney)
- Gregory, Miss Faye (Faye Gregory)
- Gregory, Miss Helen B. (Helen B. Gregory)
- Gregory, Mrs. Dorsey R. (Lucille Cloud)
- Gregory, Mrs. Edwin Dean (Annette Morschheimer)
- Gregory, Mrs. Samuel S. Sr. (Mary Stone)
- Gribbel, Mrs. John (Elizabeth Bancker Wood)
- Griest, Mrs. Thomas Haines (Mary Cooper Johnson)
- Griffin, Mrs. Eldon (Helen La Monte Ely)
- Griffin, Mrs. John Mettener (Ora May Wood)
- Griffin, Mrs. Samuel Savier (Willa Vick)
- Griffiss, Miss Penelope (Penelope Griffiss)
- Griffith, Mrs. Chester Stevenson (Helen Celoa Pollock)
- Griffith, Mrs. Harry Raymond (Emily Medora Grigsby)
- Griffith, Mrs. James V. (Dorothie Clairville)
- Griffith, Mrs. Morrison E. (Madge Mallory)
- Griffith, Mrs. Vollie Howe (Mary Elizabeth SOule)
- Griggs, Mrs. Theodore Wright (Mary Livingston)
- Grigsby, Mrs. Earl S. (Helen Matthews Lewis)
- Griscom, Mrs. Clement Acton Jr. (Genevieve Sprigg Ludlow)
- Grisham, Mrs. Orin Medicus (Daisy Asenath Stuart Emerson)
- Griswold, Mrs. Daniel Halsey (Maud Mays)
- Griswold, Mrs. Lynn Delanson (Jesher Uriel Gardner)
- Groff, Mrs. Robert D. (Marjorie Sawyer Goodman)
- Groome, Mrs. Daingerfield Moseley (Edna Spotswood Ilyus)
- Grosholz, Mrs. Richard (Katharine Da Costa Rolfe)
- Gross, Miss Edna May (Edna May Gross)
- Gross, Miss Lela Gertrude (Lela Gertrude Gross)
- Gross, Mrs. Edward G. (Helen Edith Amspacher)
- Grossman, Mrs. William E. (Elizabeth Jayne Gill)
- Grove, Mrs. Bert E. (Dorothy Marie Black)
- Grover, Mrs. Lloyd (Sarah Beekman)
- Groves, Mrs. Frederic Stanley Jr. (Ellen Therese Dorrance)
- Grundfest, Mrs. Ike (June Flanagan)
- Grundy, Miss Margaret Ridgway (Margaret Ridgway Grundy)
- Grupe, Mrs. Frederick Christopher (Marjorie Lula Alexander)
- Guenther, Mrs. Rudolph (Sue Cory)
- Gueydan, Mrs. Henri L. (Lena Gardiner)
- Gum, Mrs. Robert Richardson (Nell Marshall Park)
- Gundram, Miss Elizabeth Eloise (Elizabeth Eloise Gundram)
- Gundrum, Mrs. Frederick Fretagoet (Elizabeth Faris Adams)
- Gundrum, Mrs. Frederick N. Jr. (Susanne DeLorenzi)
- Guthrie, Miss Sarah Butler (Sarah Butler Guthrie)
- Guthrie, Mrs. Frank Donald (Luell Alberta Weed)
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