National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
Deceased Member Listings At 8/1/99
This is one of 17 pages which list over 5,000 deceased Members of the National
Society Magna Charta Dames and Somerset Chapter Magna Charta Barons. Please refer to the
Deceased Members Listing Home Page for the other pages.
We hope that potential members might find their ancestors or relatives on one of these
lists. Generally for a descendant of a member to satisfy the lineage requirement for
membership it will be necessary to establish the descent with references or documentation,
including copies of the referenced material or documentation. In the case of relatives
generally the descent would be established from a common ancestor.
By way of explanation, the Society has listed a member as deceased when actual notice
has been received or who was listed on the Society records as deceased in 1989. We
apologize for any errors which might have inadvertently been made. Please inform us of any
individuals on this list who might be alive. We hope that the information will be
submitted for each person on a separate note card or a separate sheet of paper. It should
be mailed to the Society's office at the address on the home page. Thank you for your
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- Abbey, Mrs. Nathan (Lorena Mae Abbey)
- Abbott, Miss Dorothy May (Dorothy May Abbott)
- Abbott, Mrs. Arthur W. (Helen Amanda Hood)
- Abel, Mrs. Maurice (Martha Schumacher)
- Abels, Mrs. Edwin F. (Marie Robinson)
- Abernathy, Mrs. Jack Harvey (Virginia Ruth Watson)
- Acker, Miss Marion Prescott (Marion Prescott Acker)
- Acker, Mrs. William David (Lucile Maples Ligon)
- Ackerson, Mrs. Edwards (Rhodita Ellen Edwards)
- Adams, Miss Opal Tislow (Opal Tislow Adams)
- Adams, Mrs. Alva (Ella Charlotte Nye)
- Adams, Mrs. Charles Cleveland (Madge Campbell)
- Adams, Mrs. Crittenden Hull (Agnes Sanger Claflin)
- Adams, Mrs. Francis Chilton (Maidee Collier DeLoach)
- Adams, Mrs. George Matthew (Jo Ellen Maxson)
- Adams, Mrs. Hearsey Bryant (Doris Hasty)
- Adams, Mrs. Herbert Matthews (Annie Lee Steele)
- Adams, Mrs. Horatio M. (Mary Hartwell)
- Adams, Mrs. John Quincy (Jean Cabot Emerson)
- Adams, Mrs. Mark Washington (Mary Lillian Rader)
- Adams, Mrs. O. F. (Grace Moyers)
- Adams, Mrs. Robert Leslie (Ruby Frances Brintle)
- Adams, Mrs. Samuel I. (Caroline Howell Jessop)
- Adams, Mrs. Wade Hill (Jane Cockrell)
- Adams, Mrs. Walter Wayne (Olive Josephine Hill)
- Adams, Mrs. William H. (Marjory Bath)
- Adams, Mrs. William Hubert (Lillie Beall McGehee)
- Adams, Mrs. William Michael (Susan Holmes Potter)
- Adams, Mrs. Winfield Caney (Clara Thurmond)
- Adamson, Mrs. Henry Kinmond Jr. (Virginia Estelle Berry)
- Adolph, Mrs. Leonard A. (Evelyn Lois Mathews)
- Adrian, Mrs. Horace Fraser (Lucile Winters)
- Agerton, Mrs. Edward Thompson (Zillah Lee Bostick)
- Ainscow, Mrs. James Sexton (Elizabeth Adelaide Smith)
- Alband, Mrs. William Carleton (Jo Della Pennington)
- Albright, Mrs. Ruth Tibbits (Ruth Athalia Tibbits)
- Alburn, Mrs. Edgar Stewart (Margaret Courtland Sanborn)
- Alderman, Mrs. John Daniel (Carlotta Latise Townsend)
- Alderson, Mrs. John William (Anna Katherine Rollwage)
- Aldrich, Mrs. W. R. (Sara PIerce)
- Aldridge, Mrs. Joseph Holliday (Helen Royall Frazier)
- Alen, Mrs. Silas Marsh (Frances Isabell Strong)
- Alexander, Mrs. Donald Howard (Virginia Morrison Campbell)
- Alexander, Mrs. James Willard (Sue Jett Paxton)
- Alexander, Mrs. Norman Smith (Katherine Harrison Battle)
- Alfano, Mrs. Michele Joseph (Velma Bell McMurray)
- Alfriend, Miss Margaret Daingerfield (Margaret Daingerfield Alfriend)
- Alison, Mrs. James Calhoun (Elizabeth McDonald Russell)
- Allen, Mrs. Arthur Dwight (Jane Potter Mengel)
- Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith (Elizabeth Lucas Smith)
- Allen, Mrs. George Garland (Mary Burwell)
- Allen, Mrs. James C. (Cora Lou Beale)
- Allen, Mrs. Jerome Walter (Louise Mae Radescich)
- Allen, Mrs. Vickers Reeves (Caroline Rutherford Young)
- Allen, Mrs. Williams Belknap (Frances Malvina Pierce)
- Allensworth, Miss Jennie Lillian (Jennie Lillian Allensworth)
- Allensworth, Miss Josephine Fauntelroy (Josephine Fauntelroy Allensworth)
- Alley, Mrs. John Stitson (Stella Marion Newton)
- Allin, Mrs. Benjamin C. (Dorothy Newell)
- Allison, Mrs. James L. (Susan Howe Roberts)
- Allman, Mrs. Margaret West (Margaret J. West)
- Allyn, Mrs. Paul Richard (Lena Loraine Turner)
- Altorfer, Miss Frances Amelia (Frances Amelia Altorfer)
- Alvis, Mrs. William Olin (Jane McGuire)
- Alvord, Mrs. Clarence Walworth (Idress Adaline Head)
- Alvrus, Mrs. Mack (Mary Leitner)
- Aman, Mrs. Frank George (Marion Huguenin Screven)
- Amerise, Mrs. A. Daniel (Dorothy Moon)
- Ames, Mrs. Thaddeus Hoyt (Elizabeth Copley)
- Amidon, Mrs. Charles Stacey (Vivien Miller)
- Ammons, Mrs. Charles Alfonzo (Sibyl Grace Cate)
- Amsler, Mrs. Neill F. (Mary Edith Wood)
- Anable, Miss Anna Maria Stafford (Anna Maria Stafford Anable)
- Anable, Miss Harriet Isabel Low (Harriet Isabel Low Anable)
- Anable, Miss Sarah Alma (Sarah Alma Anable)
- Anders, Mrs. John Adam (Quintilla Morgan)
- Anderson, Miss Caroline Taliaferro (Caroline Taliaferro Anderson)
- Anderson, Mrs. Andrew Logan (Edna Katharine Scroggin)
- Anderson, Mrs. Arnold B. (Rubye Vernon Akins)
- Anderson, Mrs. David Forgham (Alma B. Chamberlain)
- Anderson, Mrs. Edward Hope (Carrie Gertrude Corwin)
- Anderson, Mrs. Frederick (Rebecca Mitchell Hart)
- Anderson, Mrs. Hamilton Phelphs (Elsie Marion Parkerson)
- Anderson, Mrs. James Blythe (Alice Simms)
- Anderson, Mrs. Leonhardt W. (Susie Brickell)
- Anderson, Mrs. Paul Hash (Edith Hathaway)
- Anderson, Mrs. William Simpson (Elizabeth Hollingsworth)
- Anderson, Mrs. William T. (Percie Catherine Landram)
- Andrews, Mrs. Carl Bowers (Laura Ann Merrill)
- Andrews, Mrs. Dorothy Craighead (Dorothy Craighead)
- Ankeney, Mrs. Karl W. (Ruth Elizabeth Harrison)
- Anzick, Mrs. Adolph Marcus (Wynnogene Welker)
- Appelbaum, Mrs. Albert John (Velma Benedict)
- Appleman, Mrs. Leighton Francis (Anna Hough Parsons)
- Appleton, Miss Lilla Estelle (Lilla Estelle Appleton)
- Appleton, Mrs. Henry Lewis (Marie d'Arcy Logan Todd)
- Arbuthnot, Mrs. William Barron (Elizabeth Castero Webb)
- Archer, Mrs. Frank Mather (Mary Taylor Williams)
- Archer, Mrs. George F. (Ninna Spencer)
- Armstrong, Dr. Alice Catt (Alice Catt)
- Armstrong, Miss Buelah Ellis (Buelah Ellis Armstrong)
- Armstrong, Mrs. George W. (Mary Cozby)
- Arndt, Mrs. Charles Henry (Helen Moore Falkner)
- Arnold, Miss Allie (Allie Arnold)
- Arnold, Miss Mary Ann (Mary Ann Arnold)
- Arnold, Mrs. Fred T. (Gradie Mizzelle)
- Arnold, Mrs. John Randall (Eugenia Ridgely)
- Arnold, Mrs. Paul Jackson (Sarah Eugenia Hubbard)
- Arnold, Mrs. Reuben Sr. (Isabella Rogers Hape)
- Arnold, Mrs. Robert Beggs (Florence Elizabeth Holland)
- Arnold, Mrs. W. A. (Lucie Gregory)
- Arrington, Mrs. James Hugh (Veneta Corene Berry)
- Arrington, Mrs. Peter (Katherine Clark Pendleton)
- Arrison, Miss Ida Dorothy (Ida Dorothy Arrison)
- Artz, Mrs. Frank Sr. (Irene Conway)
- Asbill, Mrs. C. B. (Mary Rebecca Still)
- Ashdill, Mrs. Earl DeWitt (Mary Myrtle Baker)
- Ashworth, Mrs. Robert Fraser (Mattie Sue McClendon)
- Askling, Mrs. Gustof A. (Aimee Peirce Blessing)
- Aston, Miss Ruth Bain (Ruth Bain Aston)
- Atherton, Mrs. Lucius Howard (Mary Davis)
- Atherton, Mrs. Wallace Irwing (Ann Eliza Agee)
- Atkins, Miss Jane (Jane Atkins)
- Atkins, Mrs. Edward (Caroline Rebecca Prentis)
- Atkins, Mrs. Ernest G. (Doreen Amelia Cornwall)
- Atkinson, Miss Elizabeth Allen (Elizabeth Allen Atkinson)
- Atkinson, Miss Gertrude (Gertrude Atkinson)
- Audenried, Mrs. Lewis (Sarah Ward Brinton)
- Aul, Mrs. Clyde (Betty Jean DeVane)
- Auld, Miss Lulu Gray (Lulu Gray Auld)
- Aultman, Mrs. (Mattie Kate Vinson)
- Austin, Mrs. Clarence Coruelius (Martha Catherine Dulany)
- Austin, Mrs. Edward Perkins (Leila Perone Austin)
- Austin, Mrs. Hal Carnes (Betty Gerald McCutchen)
- Averitt, Mrs. James Barney (Jessie Olliff)
- Avery, Mrs. Horace Waters (Alethea Burroughs)
- Avis, Mrs. Sanford Broadhead (Beulah Botefuhr Rackerby)
- Ayres, Mrs. Clasence Morton (Mary Orene Shelton)
- Babcock, Mrs. Guilford Carlile (Alida May Kelsey)
- Bachman, Mrs. Robert (Elizabeth Cody Ellis)
- Back, Mrs. William A. (Mary Grace Linthicum)
- Bacon, Mrs. Nathianel P. (Nannie Belle Peck)
- Badger, Mrs. Augustine Pennington (Matilda Phillips Jones)
- Baer, Miss Martha Lynn (Martha Lynn Baer)
- Baer, Mrs. William (Berta Sprinkmann)
- Baggs, Mrs. Linton D. Jr. (Leah L. Bates)
- Bagley, Mrs. John Newbury (Esther Pomeroy Cutler)
- Bagwell, Mrs. John Judson (Charleen Elder)
- Bailey, Miss Mary Ethel (Mary Ethel Bailey)
- Bailey, Mrs. Charles Russell (Catherine Virginia Hargrave)
- Bailey, Mrs. James Henry (Wilda Hurless)
- Bailey, Mrs. Theodore Layton (William Webster Barr)
- Bailie, Mrs. John (Cornelia Frudy Conklin)
- Bain, Miss Brodie Ann (Brodie Ann Bain)
- Bain, Mrs. William James (Mildred Worline Clark)
- Baird, Miss Delila Mildred (Delila Mildred Baird)
- Baird, Mrs. John (Edith Lewis Waln)
- Baker, Miss Vivan Grey (Vivan Grey Baker)
- Baker, Mrs. Alfred Thornton (Laura Page Butcher)
- Baker, Mrs. Austin Alexander Sr. (Annie Lea McAnulty)
- Baker, Mrs. Charles William Jr. (Elizabeth Holladay Swift)
- Baker, Mrs. Emma Alsup (Emma Jane Alsup)
- Baker, Mrs. Gibbs L. (Caroline Banister Pryor)
- Baker, Mrs. H. H. (Mamie Garvin)
- Baker, Mrs. L. Warren (Gladys Halstead)
- Baker, Mrs. William Ewing (Marjorie Elizabeth Broussard)
- Baker, Mrs. Wilson L. (Bertha Hill)
- Baldwin, Miss Anna G. (Anna G. Baldwin)
- Baldwin, Mrs. William Caleb (Aline Elizabeth LaRochelle)
- Ball, Mrs. Edmund Burke (Bertha Crosby)
- Ball, Mrs. Fred (Ivanilla Dunham)
- Ball, Mrs. Raymond Eugene (Marilyn Stewart)
- Ball, Mrs. Richard Arledge (Mortimer Hart Tuttle)
- Ballard, Mrs. Claude Marcellus Sr. (Elsie May Miner)
- Ballow, Mrs. Charles Floyd (Minnie Blake Stephens)
- Balls, Mrs. Herman O. (Martha Marie Redding)
- Banks, Miss Irene (Irene Banks)
- Banks, Mrs. Elbert White (Lucile Zellner)
- Banks, Mrs. Hartley Garrard Sr. (Eugenia Owen)
- Barbash, Mrs. Samuel (Anna May Tomlinson)
- Barber, Miss Josephine King (Josephine King Barber)
- Barclift, Mrs. Scott Cobb (Lucie Walker)
- Barekman, Miss June Beverly (June Beverly Barekman)
- Barfield, Miss Kitty Lou (Kitty Lou Barfield)
- Barfield, Miss Sophie Margaret (Sophie Margaret Barfield)
- Barfield, Mrs. Lionel LeRoy (Doris Imogene Leitner)
- Barger, Mrs. David Harvey (Daisy Caldwell)
- Barker, Mrs. Russell F. (Elizabeth Van Derveer Jones)
- Barmann, Mrs. Francis L. (Weber La Mar)
- Barnard, Mrs. Bascom Weaver (Jess Hattemer)
- Barnes, Mrs. Clarence Ross (Fleda Virginia Roush)
- Barnes, Mrs. Clyde E. (May Long)
- Barnes, Mrs. Harry Olan (Vida Killian)
- Barnes, Mrs. Robert M. (Elizabeth Gore)
- Barnes, Mrs. Robert Matthews (Bessie Corder)
- Barnett, Mrs. Asbury Gillespie (Eva Brown Downey)
- Barnett, Mrs. Ernest H. (Louise Glenn Lila)
- Barnett, Mrs. Ira Nelson (Lockie Ball)
- Barnett, Mrs. Lawrence M. (Ethel Victoria Fortescue King)
- Barnett, Mrs. Martha McPherson (Martha Jane McPherson)
- Barnett, Mrs. William Alton (Mary Cornelia Cole)
- Barr, Mrs. Dixon A. (Charlotte VanDeren)
- Barrere, Mrs. Harold Beard (Mable Prather)
- Barret, Mrs. Mason Brown (Rosa Robinson)
- Barrett, Mrs. Alton Russell (Helen Gibson Jones)
- Barrett, Mrs. Arthur Eames (Linnie Alice Wright)
- Barrett, Mrs. Arthur Eames (Willurina Grenshaw)
- Barrett, Mrs. Frederick Richard (Elizabeth May Hicks)
- Barron, Mrs. Clarendon Witherspoon (Marion Brayton)
- Barrow, Mrs. Edward Roland (Jane Ewing)
- Barrow, Mrs. Erwin Sterling (Mary Lucile Chenault)
- Barrows, Mrs. E. Duke (Ethel Irene Duke)
- Barstow, Mrs. William Henry III (Marybelle Moles)
- Bartheld, Miss Alice M. (Alice M. Bartheld)
- Bartholomew, Miss Florence (Florence Bartholomew)
- Bartholomew, Miss Frances Ritter (Frances Ritter Bartholomew)
- Bartlett, Miss Marjorie (Marjorie Bartlett)
- Bartlett, Mrs. Bradford (Leah Clagett Ford)
- Bartlett, Mrs. Harry Royal (Belle Bolcom)
- Barton, Miss Dixie Ann (Dixie Ann Barton)
- Barton, Mrs. Earl Graeff (Elizabeth Virginia Cowan)
- Barton, Mrs. Thomas William (Melba Jane Buck)
- Bashore, Mrs. Eugene Herman (Mildred Ruth Stamm)
- Baskett, Mrs. Oscar Ragan (Katheryn Christine Howe)
- Baskin, Mrs. Eldridge (Rosa Jenkins Dowling Harper)
- Basore, Mrs. Cleburne Ammen (Annie Elizabeth Terrell)
- Batcheller, Mrs. Francis (Tryphosa Bates)
- Batchelor, Mrs. Frank Augustus (Marie Douglas)
- Bates, Mrs. Curtis Coles (Marion Gilbert Warner)
- Bates, Mrs. Robert S. (Mary Eugenia Fittz)
- Bates-Nisbet, Mrs. E. Bates (Clara Elisabeth Bates)
- Battle, Mrs. Samuel Westray (Jane Hyde Hall)
- Batty, Mrs. William Ernest (Ina May Newton)
- Baucom, Mrs. Carson DeVane (Eliza Lindsey)
- Bauer, Mrs. Frederic Gilbert (Charlotte Carryl Aycrigg)
- Baumann, Mrs. Emmanuel P. (Ella Lucille Woods)
- Baumann, Mrs. William Henry (Myrtis Biddle Courts)
- Baumgartner, Mrs. Otto F. (Hattie Gertrude Lank)
- Bayer, Mrs. Bruce (Nancy Tucker)
- Baylies, Miss Grace Dutton (Grace Dutton Baylies)
- Baylies, Miss Jennie Howard (Jennie Howard Baylies)
- Baylies, Miss Sara Stone (Sara Stone Baylies)
- Baylor, Mrs. Robert Garnett (Anne Madison Wright)
- Baymiller, Mrs. Ronald Oliver (Marian Elizabeth Doern)
- Bazemore, Dr. Mary Knott (Mary Knott Bazemore)
- Beall, Mrs. James Eric (Arabella Harrel)
- Beaman, Mrs. Nathaniel (Katherine Lewis Prentis)
- Bean, Mrs. Ferrel M. (Irene Battaile)
- Bean, Mrs. Hugh M. (Nora Luttrell)
- Beard, Mrs. Isham Bass (Norvelle Adams)
- Beardsley, Mrs. Edward John Gillespie (M. Louise Post)
- Beardsley, Mrs. William H. (Ann Jackson Hartness)
- Beaser, Mrs. William (Mary Southworth Lancaster)
- Beasley, Miss Nell (Nell Beasley)
- Beasley, Mrs. Clarence Fletcher (Mildred Overton Bagwell)
- Beasley, Mrs. Peter Raymond (Ida Lee Hancock)
- Beatty, Mrs. Ben (Mildred Payson Lambe)
- Beatty, Mrs. John William (Cordelia Lunceford)
- Beaty, Miss Elizabeth Smith (Elizabeth Smith Beaty)
- Bechtel, Mrs. Lloyd A. (Ceclia Mabel Thurman)
- Beck, Mrs. Frank A. (Martha Murray)
- Beck, Mrs. Julius Edward (Charlie May Randlette)
- Becker, Mrs. Louis Henry (Shirley Mae Steers)
- Becker, Mrs. Martin G. (Ruth Hoyer)
- Becker, Mrs. Pierre Johnson (Ida May Crawford)
- Beckett, Mrs. Frederick Arthur (Frances Mason Bowen)
- Beckham, Mrs. J. H. (Florence Watkins)
- Beckley, Mrs. Roland Jacob (Dorothy Chapman)
- Beckom, Mrs. William (Helen Louise Cedars)
- Beckwich, Miss Mary Lincoln (Mary Lincoln Beckwich)
- Beckwith, Mrs. Edmund Ruffin (Susan Brown Foster)
- Beebe, Mrs. Charles Francis (Emma Browne)
- Beebe, Mrs. Clyde Albert (Louise Tice Palmer)
- Beeland, Mrs. Robert Alpheus III (Jane Worth Lowery)
- Beeson, Miss Margaret Ailene (Margaret Ailene Beeson)
- Behlow, Mrs. Herbert F. (Gladys Massie)
- Beilharz, Mrs. Clarence E. (G. Virginia Wagoner)
- Bekas, Mrs. Mildred Higgins (Mildred Opal Higgins)
- Belk, Mrs. William Henry (Mary Leonora Irwin)
- Bell, Miss Antoinette Dwyer (Antoinette Dwyer Bell)
- Bell, Mrs. Edward Louis Sr. (Nettie Hazel Dwyer)
- Bell, Mrs. Ernest Fonville (Doris Fleet Gibson)
- Bell, Mrs. Harry Michler (Jane Lukens Roberts)
- Bell, Mrs. James Adam (Cornelia Mathie)
- Bell, Mrs. John J. (Lena Mae Bell)
- Bell, Mrs. Orrie Adolphus (Martha Lee Miller)
- Bell, Mrs. Richard (Fannie Garland Hedgecoke)
- Bell, Mrs. Walter Herman (Florence Willis Cralle)
- Bellamy, Mrs. James Simpson (Mary Alice French)
- Bellis, Mrs. Horace D. (Cora Stevenson)
- Bellows, Mrs. Walter C. (Dorothy Silence Buck)
- Below, Mrs. Frank H. (Helen Bryant)
- Belser, Miss Kathrine Eugenia (Kathrine Eugenia Belser)
- Bement, Mrs. Russell (Mary Bartram Sloan)
- Bemis, Mrs. Robert Edson (Angela Brown)
- Benedict, Mrs. Henry Harper (Katherine Geddes)
- Benedict, Mrs. Walter Lewis (Mary Daniel)
- Benedum, Mrs. Darwin M. (Eugenia Hubbard Bailey)
- Benenson, Mrs. James (Mary Watkins Camp)
- Benjamin, Mrs. Helen Hooe (Helen Hooe)
- Benner, Mrs. Henry Lewis (Frances Alice Vanderslice)
- Bennett, Miss Lucille Miller (Lucille Miller Bennett)
- Bennett, Mrs. John H. (Celia Ellen Doane)
- Bennett, Mrs. Theodore (Jennie Mae Belt)
- Bennett, Mrs. Winchester (Susan Sulliman Wright)
- Benoist, Mrs. Percy Anderson (Rebecca Branch Fauntleroy)
- Benson, Mrs. Ryland E. (Anna Farley Wishek)
- Bent, Mrs. George Payne (Clara Ames Wingate)
- Bentley, Mrs. Benjamin Franklin (Gladys Bennett)
- Benton, Mrs. Edward Milton (Hazel Stallings)
- Benton, Mrs. Stanley Howard (Dorothy Estelle Gilchrist)
- Benz, Mrs. Arthur Leonard (Marie Louise Carter)
- Beretta, Mrs. John King (Sallie Ward)
- Berg, Mrs. Royal Howard (Lucille Marguerite Peck)
- Bergen, Mrs. Russell James (Christine Nelson Blackwell)
- Bergholm, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Iris McKinnon)
- Berkeley, Mrs. Alfred R. (Sarah Bernard Manning)
- Berridge, Mrs. Richard (M. Eulalia Willcox Lesley)
- Berry, Mrs. Arthur (Mide Clare)
- Berry, Mrs. George Franklin (Mary Stone Bush)
- Berry, Mrs. George Madison (Ellen Davis)
- Berry, Mrs. Gordon Lockwood (Katharine Wolcott Dwight)
- Berry, Mrs. Henry J. (Lucille Virginia Miller)
- Berry, Mrs. Loudelle Newton (Loudelle Newton)
- Berry, Mrs. Thomas Edward (Cynthalice Diggs)
- Berryman, Mrs. Wallace Andrew (Allie Williams)
- Best, Mrs. Ellis J. (Nellie Carol Murphy)
- Best, Mrs. Robert Doyle (Myra Frances Yates)
- Bester, Mrs. W. A. (Jane Penn Crispin)
- Bethea, Mrs. Charles E. (Mary Belle Manning)
- Bethell, Mrs. Union Noble (Donna Isabel Brink)
- Bethune, Miss Augusta Marion (Augusta Marion Bethune)
- Betts, Mrs. Egbert Middleton (Averytt Dargan)
- Beutel, Mrs. Frederick (Lydia Corrie Austin)
- Beverly, Mrs. John J. (Catharine Elizabeth Lowe)
- Beyers, Mrs. Robert Arthur (Bernice Delmar West)
- Bickel, Mrs. George Robert (Matalea Caldwell Mourning)
- Biddle, Mrs. Craig (Laura Whelen)
- Bidez, Mrs. Earle Felton (Thelma Calhoun)
- Bien, Mrs. Ethel Vera Swick (Ethel Vera Swick)
- Bierly, Mrs. Al (Dorothy Acelia Boal)
- Biggers, Mrs. Ross Anthony (Beatrice Virginia Yundt)
- Biggs, Miss Grace Marie (Grace Marie Biggs)
- Biggs, Mrs. Furman Kenneth (Helen Catherine Isley Britt)
- Bill, Mrs. Arominius Wesley (Harriet Augusta Woodford)
- Bingham, Mrs. William Oakley (Margaret Summerfield Fox)
- Bird, Miss Annie Lewis (Annie Lewis Bird)
- Bird, Mrs. Joseph Elmer (Annie Dudley Bedford)
- Bird, Mrs. Joseph Irving II (Florence Elise Israel)
- Birt, Mrs. Charles Leslie (Gladys Myrtella Dodge)
- Bisanar, Mrs. George Edgar (Mayme Rebecca Maxey)
- Bishop, Miss Dorothy Herndon (Dorothy Herndon Bishop)
- Bishop, Miss Mary Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth Bishop)
- Bishop, Mrs. J. Brooks Jr. (Anna Mae Wiley)
- Bishop, Mrs. James Barco (Gladys Mae Haggard)
- Bissett, Mrs. Lawrence Saunders Jr. (Rebecca Adelle Gray)
- Bittick, Mrs. Lawson Cary Sr. (Ruth Thompson)
- Bivins, Mrs. Joseph Owen (Ohna Kathleen Poindexter)
- Bivins, Mrs. Lee (Mary Elizabeth Gilbert)
- Black, Miss Virginia Catherine (Virginia Catherine Black)
- Black, Mrs. George Gore (Sarah Dorsey Brown)
- Blackledge, Mrs. James Franklin (Martha Allen)
- Blackmer, Mrs. H. Kerr (Helen May Kerr)
- Blackner, Miss Sarah Helen (Sarah Helen Blackner)
- Blackstock, Mrs. Hal Weaver (Evelyn Harris Jackson)
- Blaise, Mrs. Francis Joseph (Ruth Harvey)
- Blake, Mrs. Daniel Bigelow Jr. (Elizabeth Nelson Atkinson)
- Bland, Miss Bertha Boyd (Bertha Boyd Bland)
- Bland, Miss Eunice Cora (Eunice Cora Bland)
- Bland, Mrs. Pascal Brooke (Susan Lukens Montgomery)
- Bland, Mrs. William Percy (Nan Rushing)
- Blank, Mrs. Freeman Byron (Frances McFadin)
- Blanton, Miss Gussie Frieda (Gussie Frieda Blanton)
- Blanton, Mrs. Lewis Vaughan (Geraldine Stocks Hannah)
- Blanzy, Mrs. Clarance (Violet Garrigues Hedley)
- Blatchley, Mrs. Gibert L. (Annie Stanley)
- Blatherwick, Mrs. Norman Robert (Barbara Stowe)
- Bleck, Mrs. Alvin Edgar (Mabel Almary Mitchell)
- Bleckley, Mrs. Barnett W. (Arline McArdle)
- Blinn, Mrs. George Richard (Clara Augusta Pollard)
- Blitch, Mrs. Henry Smets (Josie Helen Mathews)
- Blood, Miss Nellie Howe (Nellie Howe Blood)
- Blood, Mrs. John W. (Iva Cornelia Cole)
- Blouch, Mrs. Lesher T. (Julia Rogers)
- Blount, Mrs. E. R. (Marion Garnett Evans)
- Blount, Mrs. George Steward (Jane Porter Glover)
- Blount, Mrs. Guy Arthur (Lois Fitzhugh Foster)
- Blundon, Mrs. Montague (Elizabeth Gallaher)
- Bluntzer, Mrs. Robert D. (Naomi Tom)
- Boden, Mrs. Harry Clark (Marguerite Du Pont Ortiz)
- Boeck, Mrs. George (Charlotte Henry Groesbuck)
- Boenning, Mrs. Henry Dorr (Clara Smith)
- Boesch, Mrs. William (Ina Amelia Chase)
- Boggess, Mrs. James E. (Betty Ann Wilson)
- Boggs, Mrs. Henry P. (Dorothy Barrington Vaughan)
- Boggs, Mrs. William Rulon (Maude Eliza Matlack)
- Bohannon, Mrs. David D. (Ophelia Kroeger)
- Boldt, Mrs. Edward William (Evelyn Byrd Beebe)
- Bole, Mrs. James Leland (Catherine Newlin)
- Bolender, Mrs. T. J. (Emma Snyder)
- Bolling, Mrs. Nasley Webster (Lola Margaret Herndon)
- Bolton, Mrs. R. Ray (Minnie May King)
- Bonbright, Mrs. Irving Wayland Jr. (Mary Eleanor Chamberlain)
- Bond, Mrs. Perry Ethan (Blanche Byrd)
- Bond, Mrs. William Newton (Maree Braselton)
- Bondurant, Mrs. W. W. (Idabelle Fox Tindall)
- Boney, Mrs. Paisley III (Sheldon Smith Baldwin)
- Bonham, Miss Elizabeth Stayman (Elizabeth Stayman Bonham)
- Boniface, Mrs. George S. (Loraua Antrum Hathaway)
- Bonnyman, Mrs. Alexander (Frances Rhea Berry)
- Boocock, Mrs. Murray (Miriam Dike)
- Booker, Mrs. Lowry Sheffield (Sue Brown Cook)
- Boone, Mrs. W. Kennedy (Anne Gordon Herbert)
- Booth, Miss Acena May (Acena May Booth)
- Booth, Miss Jennie Moss (Jennie Moss Booth)
- Booth, Mrs. Arthur (Alberta Stovall)
- Booth, Mrs. Edwin Wood (Dorothy Georgia Phillips)
- Booth, Mrs. George Adin (Hannah Sophia Nickel)
- Bordwell, Mrs. Joseph Shipp (Anna Alden Rice)
- Boren, Mrs. Samuel Hampson (Ella Chilton)
- Boring, Mrs. J. Ward (Naomi Harrold)
- Borland, Mrs. James D. (Lenore Edwards)
- Bornman, Mrs. Frederick L. (Dura Maye Haynes)
- Borrowes, Mrs. Anthony R. (Elizabeth Whaley)
- Bosman, Mrs. Sarah Williams (Sarah McFall Williams)
- Bostick, Miss Alma E. (Alma E. Bostick)
- Bott, Mrs. Anthony E. (Ethlyn Wisegarver)
- Botts, Mrs. Bryan (Frances Bush)
- Boucher, Mrs. Avery Neal (Nellie Blanche Ashcraft)
- Boucher, Mrs. Francis Henry (Maude Virginia Rosalie Nichols)
- Boulden, Mrs. Patrick John (Carolyn Virginia Thomason)
- Bowen, Mrs. Charles Corbin (Mildred Virginia Moore)
- Bowen, Mrs. Charles William Jr. (Alice Clark Lombard)
- Bowen, Mrs. Edwin LeRoy (Ellon Brooke Culver)
- Bowen, Mrs. F. Everett (Edith Lee Hardesty)
- Bowen, Mrs. James Leonard Sr. (Mary Christine Johnson)
- Bowen, Mrs. Jerome H. (Margaret Ula Purefoy)
- Bowers, Miss Sarah Bell (Sarah Bell Bowers)
- Bowers, Mrs. William H. Jr. (Ann Clay)
- Bowie, Miss Cornelia Magruder (Cornelia Magruder Bowie)
- Bowles, Mrs. Edgar Wood (Elizabeth Hawes)
- Bowling, Mrs. Edgar Simeon (Joseph Alston Claiborne McIlwaine)
- Bowman, Mrs. Frank Josiah (Anna May Trow)
- Bowman, Mrs. Johnnie (Amanda Irene Brown)
- Bowman, Mrs. Mitchell M. (Frances Vanlandigham Williams)
- Boyce, Mrs. Fred Grayson Jr. (Sophie Rose Meredith)
- Boyd, Mrs. Emory F. (Rosa Lee Wright)
- Boyer, Mrs. Charles Leroy (Ruth Shearer)
- Boyle, Mrs. Bella Lipscomb (Bella Lipscomb)
- Boyle, Mrs. Bernard Samuel (Maudie Marie Collins)
- Boyle, Mrs. E. Glenn (Thelma Benham)
- Boyle, Mrs. James Luke (Catherine Mary Thomson)
- Boyles, Mrs. Jerome G. (Mary Margaret Hayes)
- Boynton, Mrs. John W. (Dora Estelle Carter)
- Bracher, Mrs. Walter Ernest (Beatrice Tylee McHugh)
- Brackett, Mrs. William Ernest (Lydia Sherard)
- Bradbury, Mrs. Abraham Thomas (Janette Lane)
- Bradfield, Mrs. James Dale (Isabell Pamelia Stamp)
- Bradford, Mrs. Wesley H. (Mabel Cleora Hale)
- Bradley, Mrs. Robert H. (Ida Nail)
- Bragdon, Mrs. Jane Johnston (Jane Johnston)
- Bragg, Mrs. Joe Dorrell (Mary Carolyn Reeves)
- Bragg, Mrs. Robert Waller (Virginia Litton)
- Branch, Mrs. William Thomas (Mary Seibels Lanier)
- Brand, Mrs. Kenneth Rudolph (Gladys Brown)
- Brandenburgh, Mrs. Winfield Scott (Nancy Blaine Ingram)
- Brandreth, Mrs. Ralph L. (Margaret Stuyvesant Gibson)
- Brannan, Mrs. William Beauford (Beulah Fox Tindall)
- Brannen, Mrs. Irvin A. (Carrie Mae Brinson)
- Brannen, Mrs. William Lawton (Zada Watson Bird)
- Brasfield, Mrs. Thomas C. (Ada Bardwell)
- Bray, Mrs. Lawrence W. (Margaret Hammond Booze)
- Brazil, Mrs. Bernard M. (Alma Moseley)
- Breckner, Mrs. Kenneth D. (Jane McMillin)
- Breckur, Mrs. Robert Charles (Mary Jane Crow)
- Breed, Mrs. Charles Henry (Frances De Forest Martin)
- Breen, Mrs. Glenn H. (Virginia Wise)
- Breffeith, Mrs. George A. (Melva Jean Kinch)
- Breidenbach, Mrs. Oscar Holder (Eula Ball Powell)
- Brenneman, Mrs. Christian Solomon (Yvonne Neimeister)
- Brenzel, Mrs. Gerard S. (Genevieve Sheldon Cooper)
- Brereton, Miss Estelle Jane (Estelle Jane Brereton)
- Brewbaker, Mrs. William Styne (Cassie Leta Garrett)
- Brewer, Miss Helen Walpole (Helen Walpole)
- Brewer, Mrs. Allen Lee (Fannie Farmer)
- Brewer, Mrs. Clifton Lewis (Helen MacDonald James)
- Brewer, Mrs. Edward Cage (Ione Brown)
- Brewer, Mrs. W. Chester (Elizabeth Lyons)
- Brewster, Mrs. Benjamin Harris Jr. (Elizabeth Wills Baugh)
- Brewster, Mrs. Samuel Dwight (Isabel Erskine Parks)
- Brey, Mrs. R. Newton (Jane Watson Taylor)
- Brian, Mrs. Floyd B. (Edith Cole)
- Brice, Mrs. Charles R. (Mary Evelyn Pruitt)
- Bridges, Mrs. Margaret Crenshaw (Margaret Chastaine Crenshaw)
- Bridges, Mrs. Milton Orlanden (Marie Cecelia Troutwine)
- Bridgforth, Mrs. Stewart H. (Carolyn Watkins)
- Briggs, Mrs. Clarence Robert (Grace Olive Peck)
- Brightwell, Mrs. William P. (Mary Virginia McFarlane)
- Brillard, Mrs. Lawrence Townsend (Mary Halle)
- Brinkley, Mrs. Robert Lloyd Sr. (Dorothy Herin)
- Brintle, Mrs. S. Jesse (Mary Ada McPherson)
- Briscoe, Miss Alexina McLane (Alexina McLane Briscoe)
- Briscoe, Miss Henrietta Elizabeth (Henrietta Elizabeth Briscoe)
- Briscoe, Mrs. Albert Walker (Susan Virginia Shackelford)
- Briscoe, Mrs. Benjamin Humphreys (Lucile McGehee Marsalis)
- Britigan, Mrs. William Henry (Mary Payton Sibley)
- Britton, Mrs. Benjamin Lee (Mary Chesnut Phillips)
- Britton, Mrs. Curtis Harlan Sr. (Arlene Jeannette Stubbs)
- Britton, Mrs. Winchester (Edyth Clements Shipley)
- Broadfoot, Miss Margaret Strange (Margaret Strange Broadfoot)
- Broadwell, Miss Irma Fauntelroy (Irma Fauntelroy Broadwell)
- Brock, Mrs. Lofton Lewis (Mossie Rutherford)
- Brooks, Miss Virginia Walton (Virginia Walton Brooks)
- Brooks, Mrs. Berry Boswell Jr. (Virginia Field Walton)
- Brooks, Mrs. Charles (Adelaide Masters)
- Brooks, Mrs. Charles William (Mary McMurtry Quisenberry)
- Brooks, Mrs. Clifton Rowland (Agnes Joan McVeigh)
- Brooks, Mrs. Donald Fred (Nina Abigail Short)
- Brooks, Mrs. Robert Faust (Gladys Crawford)
- Brower, Mrs. Clarence A. (Nellie Frances Munroe)
- Brown, Miss Clara (Clara Brown)
- Brown, Miss Hattie May (Hattie May Brown)
- Brown, Miss Ruth Gladys (Ruth Gladys Brown)
- Brown, Mrs. A. Watson (Ettroile La Mar Kent)
- Brown, Mrs. Addison (Helen Carpenter Gaskin)
- Brown, Mrs. Albert LeRoy (Florence Broughton Morey)
- Brown, Mrs. Alva Earl (Mary Berniece Nelson)
- Brown, Mrs. Arthur D. (Louise Briscoe Brooks)
- Brown, Mrs. Bill Jackson (Billie Jean Moore)
- Brown, Mrs. Byron Baker (LaDean H. Foley)
- Brown, Mrs. Charles F. (Edna Honeywell)
- Brown, Mrs. Charles Miller (Fausta Horton McCain)
- Brown, Mrs. Charles Osborne (Lettie Lena Chase)
- Brown, Mrs. Eli Huston Jr. (Rpse Crittenden)
- Brown, Mrs. Elon R. (Estella K. )
- Brown, Mrs. Ephraim T. (Lida Otts)
- Brown, Mrs. George Herbert (Jane Hobart)
- Brown, Mrs. Herbert Stanton Jr. (Louise Wilcox)
- Brown, Mrs. Holcombe J. (Marian Prescott)
- Brown, Mrs. Jack Swett (Doree Dorothy Nunnemaker)
- Brown, Mrs. James Edward (Virginia Dent van Swearingen Thacher)
- Brown, Mrs. Joe Frazier (Mary Jane Turner)
- Brown, Mrs. John W. (Minerva Stoakes)
- Brown, Mrs. Lawrence Forsyth (Alexandra Tait Endsley)
- Brown, Mrs. LeRoy E. (Midred Orr)
- Brown, Mrs. LeRoy K. (Virginia King)
- Brown, Mrs. Mahlon (Elizabeth Lucas Shearer)
- Brown, Mrs. Nathan Justus (Reba Holmes)
- Brown, Mrs. Paul (Inez Hereford)
- Brown, Mrs. Robert Allen (Mary Wallace Blanchard)
- Brown, Mrs. Robert Gerard (Lucy Martha Brown)
- Brown, Mrs. Roy Earl (Mary Baker)
- Brown, Mrs. Stephen Toof (Ida Harrison Moore)
- Brown, Mrs. Thomas Arthur (Katherine Lee Hudson)
- Brown, Mrs. Werner C. (Maude Bulluck)
- Browne, Miss Ruth Ella (Ruth Ella Browne)
- Browne, Mrs. Virgil (Diane Wilkinson)
- Browne, Mrs. Virgil (Maimee Lee Robinson)
- Browning, Mrs. Albert Sidney (Sara Crooke Gregory)
- Browning, Mrs. Owen E. (Rufetta Patterson)
- Bruce, Mrs. John Hancock (Ruth Daniel Hannah)
- Bruce, Mrs. Wilfred E. (Carolyn Lilian Goodenough)
- Brugge, Mrs. Frederick Peter (Nellie Elizabeth French)
- Brumley, Mrs. S. Vernon (Hannah Sikes)
- Brummer, Mrs. George Charles (Marie Elaine Griffith)
- Brunck, Mrs. Arthur Ernest (Martha Louise Farmer)
- Brunda, Mrs. Nicholas A. (Jeanne Shortt)
- Brunson, Mrs. Fox Henderson (Mary Gertrude Bailey)
- Brunson, Mrs. Peter Braddock (Jessie Alma Mellichamp)
- Brusse, Mrs. Joseph Cleveland (Frances Lamar Williams)
- Bruun, Mrs. James Anaultus (Olive May Winship)
- Bryan, Mrs. Foster Paul (Evelyn June Whetsel)
- Bryan, Mrs. James Willis (Mary Rose)
- Bryan, Mrs. Morris (Mildred Southworth)
- Bryan, Mrs. William Jennings (Mary Elizabeth Baird)
- Bryan, Mrs. William L. (Thelma Eunice Smith)
- Bryant, Mrs. Joseph Allen (Florence Morford Rogers)
- Bryant, Mrs. Percy Ausphere (laire Howzel Kimbrough)
- Bryant, Mrs. William Cullen (Katherine Potter)
- Bryson, Mrs. Richard Alexander Jr. (Vivian Stanley Garrett)
- Buchan, Mrs. Michael Arnob (Elizabeth Irene Winslow)
- Buchanan, Mrs. E. Tate (Evelyn Mallory Tate)
- Buchanan, Mrs. Geroge M. Jr. (Ann Ferris)
- Buchanan, Mrs. R. J. (Elizabeth Rebecca Shelton)
- Buchey, Mrs. Edward L. (Mary Mendenhall Webster)
- Buenger, Mrs. Louis (Dorothy Needles)
- Buford, Mrs. R. A. (Christine Littlefield)
- Bugbee, Mrs. C. S. (Jessie Noble Hull)
- Bull, Mrs. Curtis O'Neal (Ida May Haynsworth)
- Bullard, Mrs. Bernice Frost (Elizabeth Millar)
- Bulley, Mrs. Charles Reginald (Rebecca Cecilia Duhring)
- Bullock, Mrs. Arthur Raymond (Mata Vivian King)
- Bullock, Mrs. Arthur Vaughn (Lillian McKee)
- Bullock, Mrs. Sarah Boyd (Sarah May Boyd)
- Bulluck, Mrs. Ernest Southerland (Mary Bell Heyer)
- Bumpass, Mrs. David Everett Jr. (Kate Helsabeck)
- Bumpass, Mrs. Thomas Scott (Ruth Allene Young)
- Bunn, Mrs. Ernest (Virginia May Williams)
- Bunnell, Miss Fannie Lydia (Fannie Lydia Bunnell)
- Burbank, Miss Mary Taylor (Mary Taylor Burbank)
- Burchett, Mrs. Thomas (Olive Jones)
- Burckhalter, Mrs. Thomas Churchill (Louise Clinkscales)
- Burden, Mrs. Henry (Julia Radcliffe Hart)
- Burke, Mrs. Harold Earl (Ramona Nunnemaker)
- Burke, Mrs. James Henry (Marianne Redford Turpin)
- Burkett, Mrs. Charles William Jr. (Helen Mary Rose)
- Burleigh, Mrs. Robert (Ruth Jackson)
- Burnham, Mrs. Walter Clinton (May Cooper)
- Burnley, Mrs. Edwin Ratcliffe (Eddie Rutherford)
- Burns, Mrs. Henry Knox (Ruth Parker)
- Burns, Mrs. Howard Lamar (Elizabeth Simons Lucas)
- Burr, Mrs. Winthrop (Frances Page)
- Burress, Mrs. Walter March (Phillis Evalynn Williams)
- Burroughs, Mrs. Purcell William (Marion Munger)
- Burrus, Mrs. Burton M. (Elizabeth Clemintine Parris)
- Burt, Mrs. Roland Willard (Aline Morton)
- Burton, Mrs. Floyd R. (Angela Morgan)
- Busby, Miss Rosa Lee (Rosa Lee Busby)
- Busch, Mrs. Harvey L. (Nancy A. Pierce)
- Bush, Mrs. Charles Coston (Geraldine Gerald)
- Bush, Mrs. Ralph Royal Jr. (Dorothy Jean Bohn)
- Bushey, Mrs. Arthur C. Jr. (Marjorie Lloyd Merrick)
- Bussey, Mrs. Earl W. (Eva Drucilla Harris)
- Butcher, Mrs. Henry C. (Ellen A. Page)
- Butler, Miss Vera I. (Vera I. Butler)
- Butler, Mrs. Samuel Lawrason (Mary Elizabeth Tarleton)
- Butterfield, Mrs. Charles Larrabee (Frances Ann Rolston)
- Butterfield, Mrs. Leon C. (Lillian Soule)
- Butterworth, Miss Elsie Walker (Elsie Walker Butterworth)
- Butterworth, Miss Olga (Olga Butterworth)
- Butterworth, Mrs. John S. (Elsie Shaw Walker)
- Butterworth, Mrs. Robert H. (Muriel Edna Pell)
- Butterworth, Mrs. Samuel Fowler (Elizabeth Pearce Rockwell)
- Butterworth, Mrs. William (Katherine Mary Deere)
- Buttolph, Mrs. Henry Wright (Alice Higgins)
- Button, Mrs. Evelyn True (Evelyn True)
- Buttrill, Mrs. Thomas Harkness (Ruby Durden)
- Byers, Mrs. Horace Wellington (Sallie Smith)
- Byers, Mrs. James F. (Harvie Johnson)
- Byers, Mrs. Wendell Gleffer (Marie Gleason)
- Bynum, Mrs. Quincy Webb (Paulina Rachel Crowell)
- Bynum, Mrs. Spurgeon Orlando (Fannie Rickie Hodges)
- Byrd, Mrs. Charles W. (Sallie Johnston)
- Byrd, Mrs. Daniel Bryan (Florence Cazort)
- Byrd, Mrs. David Harold (Martha Caruth)
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